family (OT6, three)
AN/ Hi, who are you, you may be asking? Well, I am your inconsistent author. You may not remember me as it has been an eternity since I updated. Sorry, but I am here now, yay, bets yalls are happy. *Sarcasm. I was doing stuff ya know the human stuff *binging stranger things in a day, eating too much to be healthy, having Dan and Phil marathons that HiT DifFeREnTly. Let's get on with this shit show. Ohh wait, 10K WHAT THE FUCK THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH I CANNOT BELIVE IT! Right,
*One Year Later
*This is a video
Andy's POV
"Hi, Roadies, I know it has been a minute," I said, "But, I assure you there is a reason for our lack of vlogs."
"So, the past year has been quite a journey," Rye said.
"It kinda all started last year when I lost my parents," Jack said, taking a deep breath.
"So, as you know, Jack has two, now, eight year old brothers, a five year old brother, and a three year old sister," Brook said.
"And when my parents passed they needed a place to settle, so us boys offered," Jack said.
"Yeah, so, we didn't really want them to be in a position where they were all over the internet, and we just wanted them to get settled here at home, and be okay at school/nursery. Also, the adoption and legal things were also quite tough with the situation," I said.
"So that's why we have not being Vlogs," Sonny said.
"And we basically became parents/uncles for the four them," Rye said.
"So, yeah, that's it I guess."
"See ya on the flip side," I said.
Once the camera turned off, we all let out a deep breath.
"That was, uh, t-tough," Jack said.
"Y-yeah," I said.
"I, personally, am glad that is done," Sonny said.
See, legally, Rye and I had adopted Ben and the twins, Lily was adopted by Sonny and Alex. Brook and Jack were okay with being the uncles. So, Ben calls Rye Pops and me, still, Aye Aye. Lily has just started calling Alex and Sonny Papa and Dada. The twins just call us by our first names. It happened quite naturally really because Alex and Sonny always took care of Lily the most, and Ben had been taken care of by Rye and I. It would have been a bit strange if any of the kids had been adopted by their older brother. Ben called all the other boys uncle (besides Jack, obs) and Lily does the same. The twins are the only ones who just call us by our first names. The thing is, we really did not want to force anything upon them, but we wanted them to feel like they had strucker in their life. It was a complicated one, but it kinda fell naturally. The other challenge was school. Us boys had no idea how to enroll in a school, but, with our parents help, we managed to get the twins in to a close primary school, and Lily in a nursery, and Ben into a regular school, and then an after school program. He struggled in the primary school for a while before he found another boy, Connor, who was similarly smart. By luck, became best friends, and the days became easier. Ben stopped crying after school everyday, and it was overall better. That was the other thing, to make it less complex for the kids, we kinda pretended that we were not all in a relationship, and that we were all coupled up. When they were at school we cuddled and kissed each other, but at night and with the kids around we just stayed kinda coupled up. We just knew that was best rather than trying to explain what was going on with us. (AN/ Thank you for letting my arse explain that, I hope you enjoyed the essay)
So, Rye and I were asleep together, and I heard someone come in. I sat up, and I saw it was Harris. I turned on the light, knowing it would not disturb Rye.
"Hey H," I asked, "You okay, bub?"
"Y-yeah, A-andy. Can I just talk for a bit and you listen?"
"All ears," I said patting the spot beside me. He climbed into our bed, and he climbed on my lap.
"I miss mum and dad a lot, like a lot, I cry a lot, I know you know that. It feels weird without them, and I-" he started to cry, but continued to talk, "Well, let me s-start f-from the begining a-actually. So, w-when I-i found out mum and dad we, g-gone, I guess, I did n-not really believe it. T-Then it's-sunk in, and I f-felt lost. I-i felt c-completely lost, it was l-like t-the dark had e-encaved me c-completely. We came h-here and i-it felt frantic f-for a bit. B-But then, e-eventually, m-my eyes, p-previously dark b-because of their l-lose, cleared a bit.That was d-due to mainly R-Rye and you, really. I kinda f-felt less lost because I-i, people, I guess looking after me as well as three uncles and my older bro. Them, I felt guilty because mum and dad d-d, were gone. I felt like I wasn't a-allowed to be happy. B-but t-then I r-realize mum and dad would w-want me to move on, and t-they would want me t-to move on and adjust to the s-situation. I know somedays I-I still feel lost and w-wish for my mums touch o-one last time or a w-word of advice from my d-dad, or e-even one of his stupid dad jokes. Other days I just c-cry because m-my heart hurts because of them being gone. But on a lot of days, I want a cuddle from, uh, y-you or a word of advice from Rye, or, um, I-I want you to play me a song on t-the guitar, but then I felt g-guilty for that. Would mum and dad be okay with my basically having different parents, cause that's what I feel like you and Rye are now, and I feel like Sonny and Alex and Brook are my uncles. I-i, I-i, I just want some kind of safety or security, and t-this whole thing was me trying t-to say that I wanna call you and Rye dad, but I don't want to disrespect mum and dad, nor do I wanna make it d-different even though you and Rye basically parent me and Ayden and Ben away, and. "He took a deep breath, "Yeah, t-that's it I guess."
I held him tight, "Harris I love you, and I feel like your a parent, and I am completely okay with you calling me Dad, or if that hold a place in your heart for your biological father, than a variation of dad, and I am sure Rye will agree. But, bub, you need to remember that you parents would, as you said, would want you to move on. But, also, don't forget them. I am sure they would be fine with this, and I am even more sure that they would be so proud of you for being able to say all that. I am so proud of you, and I love you so much."
"Thanks, Papa."
"Yeah H, anyday. I love you."
"I love you, too."
"You want me to tuck you in?"
"One last thing, can I call Sonny, Brook, and Alex uncle?"
"Yeah, yeah, they will not care. If anything, Brook will pop one of those streamer things?"
"Like in the Bohemian Rhapsody music video?"
"Yeah, who's showing you them?"
"Jack, I asked him to show me your music and covers. Y-you all look so crazy happy, it makes me laugh. You all are idiots."
"Hey, language, and yes, yes we are."
"I am your number one fan, Papa." He yawned.
"Let's get you to bed, then?"
"Yeah, pick up?"
"Yeah." I picked up the small boy in my arms, and opened the door. I was Ayden standing outside of the door.
"Hey A?" I asked skeptically.
"I-i was gunna go in with H, but then I chickened out, and I just waited out here listening."
I chuckled quietly, "That's fine, A. You heard all of that?"
"Yeah, Papa."
I smiled down at him.
"I love you two."
"Love you, too." I grabbed Ayden's hand.
I walked to Sonny's old bedroom, and there were two rocketship beds that the twins had chosen.
I place Harris in his bed as I gave him a kiss on the forehead. I then walked towards Ayden's bed and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
"Love you two," I said walking toward the door.
"Love you too," I heard from both of them.
I walked back to Rye and I's room.
"Rye," I said.
"Yeah," he replied.
"You heard all that?"
"Yeah," he said.
I climb next to him. I saw tears in his eyes, and I started crying, too. They were a mix of sad and happy tears.
"Rye, I-i can't. Them two are so cute I swear I'm going to die."
"I know."
I could not wait to tell the other boys about this. Contrary to what you may be thinking, we all still love each other equally. I love Rye as much as I love Sonny, Alex, Jack, and Brook. Also, we kinda treat all kids like our own, without the formal label of parent. I am sure that Harris could have told Brook that or Sonny. I think the kids also know that as well. It's kinda perfect, to be honest.
I quickly texted on the group chat:
Hey I just had a chat with Ayden and Harris, and, for various reasons, they are now calling me Papa and Rye Pops, and they would like to call Sonny, Alex, and Brook uncle. Just so you know I told them that was okay.
Then, I feel asleep with Rye cuddled around me.
I was woken up, of course, by Ben. Ben always wakes up at 8:15 in the morning on weekends, on weekdays, he goes to a special math and science camp. We found out those are his favorite classes.
So, I felt Ben on my chest.
"Morning Bear."
"Morning Aye Aye, Pops needs to get up."
"Yes, yes he does."
Ben climbed on Rye's chest, "POPS GET UP!"
"Morning, hi, I am awake."
"It's your morning to ya know," I said.
"Andy, please, my beautiful, loving, and intelige-"
"Shut it, and yes, I will, but only because I love you."
"What?" Ben asks.
"Nothing," Rye and I say together.
"Adult stuff?"
"No your father being lazy stuff," I said, smiling lazily at my boyfriend.
"He is lazy," Ben agreed.
Alex's POV
I love Lily so much, but she is a pain. She is an alarm to Sonny and I at eight in the morning, as in eight AM. This morning was no different, she starts to cry in her bed. We moved into Brook's bedroom as it was slightly larger.
"Morning, buba," I said walking towards her bed.
"Dada," she said.
"Hi, baby."
So, I did not want to put her in pink clothing or whatever stereotypical stuff, so I let her decide. She always chose the black over the pink, and preferred shorts over a skirt, and she refused to wear headbands, all of which I was happy with.
"Sonny, babe, the child has awoken," I said to Sonny as I walked towards him.
"Hi buba, hello." Sonny said to the small child.
I put her on his chest. I have Sonny a quick kiss.
"I'll go make breakfast for everyone."
"Thanks, love you."
I grab my phone off charge, and look at the messages. I read Andy and Rye's message, and I smile down at it.
I walk down the stairs, and see Jack and Brook on the sofa making out. I am surprised as it is eight in the morning.
"Morning babes," I say.
"Hi, Al," Brook says.
"No explanation?"
"Well, we could not sleep, so we've kinda just been watching TV and kissing."
I am not going to lie, I was horney.
"May I join?"
"Would love it," Brook smiled.
Brook sat on my lap as I kissed up his neck while Jack made out with his.
My thoughts flickered back to the other people in this house.
I breathed out, "Guys, cinema room, kids in house."
They both sighed in realization.
We stumbled into the cinema room, and I quickly texted for no one to come into it. Let me just say, I am glad we sound proofed that room.
Sonny's POV
I check my messages while Lily is laying on my chest. I see Andy's message and I smile at it, and then I read Alex's. Great, they were fucking in the cinema room at eight am. I am assuming it is Jack, Brook, and Alex. When was the last time we all got that sorta thing, god, it's been a minute. Could I just give Lily to Rye and Andy.
"Hey Lily, you wanna cuddle with Uncle Andy and Uncle Rye?"
"Yezz, uncle Andy and Rye," she said. I checked the time, 8:23. I lifted Lily into my arms, and I walked into Andy and Rye's room.
"Hey," I said giving Andy and Rye the cover Ben's ears look.
"Bear," Andy said, "You wanna watch some TV on Pop's phone?"
"Sure, just any documentary. I heard there was a good one on a man who-"
"Ben, babe, just what's is called. You can tell Aye Aye and I after."
"Y-yeah. It's called the man who knew infinity."
Andy quickly grabbed Rye's phone, and typed the title in netflix, and it was there. Andy grabbed Ben;s headphones, and gave it to Ben, who climbed into Andy's lap. He contently watched it.
"Morning Suns," Rye said.
"Morning my favorite boyfriends, so I kinda wanna go play around with Brook, Jack, and Alex in the cinema room, and I have a child, soo?"
"Are you giving us a child, so you can go fuck OUR boyfriends, who we totally wanna fuck as well?" Rye asked.
Andy slapped Rye, "Give us the child you horney bastard."
"I love you twooo, I owe you one," I said handing Andy Lily.
"Love you, too,"
"Okay, I wanna fuck all our boyfriends, but we are left with the kids. I feel like we drew the short straw."
"Ryan, I get it, you are 23 and I am 25 and we are basically kids ourselves, but come on, we kinda gotta be more mature, you know that and I know that. We have been doing that for the past year. Plus, we get all the time we want to chill out once the kids go back to school."
"Except we have to work nonstop on covers and other things."
"I-i know bu-"
"Sorry I am being unreasonable, I get it, and I love these kids more than anything in the world. It's just a lot with the new finances and just stuff like that."
"I get it babe, I get it."
I gave him a quick kiss.
I gestured for Andy to hand Ben to me.
He, very invested in his movie, was happy sitting on my lap rather than Andy's.
"How long do we give them?" Andy asked.
"An hour I suppose," I said, "The twins are going to wake up, soon, plus the kids are going to get hungry."
"Yeah, well we will cross that bridge when it comes to it."
"I was thinking, the kids all have three more weeks of summer break, so let's take them on a trip on the third week. They are at camp for the next two, but after that."
"Yeah, Ands, that sound nice," I said giving him another kiss. Two more little boys ran through the door.
"MORNING," Ayden yelled. Ayden is the louder twin whilst Harris is more calm and sensitive. I've noticed Ayden is more into his sports while Harris is a bookworm.
"Morning, boys," I said.
"What's Ben watching?" Ayden asked.
"A movie about maths."
"He likes that stuff," Andy said.
"C-can I watch with him?" Harris asked.
"Yeah, course," I said taking Ben's headphone out, "Ben, can Harris watch with you?"
"No, mine," he said.
Andy gave him a look, "Fine."
Harris climbed next to me, and took one of Ben's headphones.
Andy tapped the spot next to him, "How did you sleep, Ay?"
"Good, yeah, um,' he said.
"You enjoying camp, love?" I asked.
"Yeah, it's fun, I like it. I get to meet new friends, and we play lots of sports, just I kinda miss Harris and you guys."
"Why? You see Harris after it?" I asked.
"Well, ya know, before this, um, Harris and I did everything together."
"You scared of losing him?" Andy asked.
"Yeah, I don't want him to get a new best friend because we promised that we would be best friends forever."
"He still will be, I promise. You guys like different things, and that is fine. I know both of you will always have each other's back, yeah." I said.
"Yeah, I-i guess so."
Harris turned his attention to Lily.
"Hey Lils, hi."
"Harris," Lily says.
Harris looked down at her lovingly.
"Hey, Pops, can we watch a movie in the cinema room?"
"No," Andy said hastily.
"Why?" Harris asked, battering his eyelids.
"That, sir, is not going to work on me. Also, we need to eat breakfast first, and um, we, can, uh go to the real movie theaters," I said.
Andy shot me a look that said, "Really Ryan, now we gotta take 'em to the movies now."
"Oh, ok," Ayden said.
We laid in bed for a while longer, chatting about things before we got to an, interesting shall we say conversation.
Ayden asked, "You know how mum and dad were together and uh like Pops and you are together, and like, uh, you know you two are two boys and they are a boy and a girl, who does that um like work?" Ayden asked.
Andy took over with ease, "So, when a boys is attracked to another boy they are gay or homosexual, and when a girl is attracked to another girl they are lesbian, a more general term, that includes everyone, is queer. So, Pops and I are gay, and so are your uncles and Jackie. When a boy likes a girl they are straight. It is perfectly awesome to be either one of those."
"Oh, okay, cool, Papa," Ayden said, smiling. He then asked, "How did you know you liked boys and not girls?"
"Well, I-I was never interested in girl, never thought they were particularly attractive, so I knew," Andy replied.
"Oh, okay, I-i I think I am attracted to girls, Papa, cause there is this really kind girl in our class, her name is Sahari, and she is very pretty."
"Aww that's cute, are you going to become friends with her?" I asked.
"I hope so Pops," Ayden said, blushing.
Ben then pulled out his earphones, "I'm hungry."
"Okay, Ben, let's go get some food.
Sonny's POV
As we were all getting changed and washed up, I heard little footsteps coming down the stairs. We hastily threw on our clothes, and went to sit in the living room.
Ben came down first chanting, "FOOD, FOOD, FOOD."
I walked up to him, and I scooped him up in my arms.
"And what food would you like?"
"Cereal, the regular cereal, uncle Sonny," Ben said.
"Right , let's get you some of that then," I said.
After a while, everyone in the household was fed and happy.
"Who wants to go out for ice cream?" Brook asked.
Andy spoke before anyone had the chance, "Brooklyn, everyone just had breakfast."
"We are not going to eat ice cream after lunch, you idiot," Andy said.
"BAD WORD!" Ayden yelled.
Harris had his head stuck in a book, "Ayden, do me a favor, and shut up, I am trying to read."
"You have a room," Ayden replied.
Harris only rolled his eyes in response. Rye jumped in.
"Hey, be nice, Harris don't be so curt, and Ayden respect Harris's wishes."
We all looked at Rye shocked. We all thought he would be the worst at the whole parenting thing, but nope.
"Fine," Harris and Ayden said.
We left Ben and Lily to the TV as we talked in the kitchen.
"So, how's everyone?" I said.
"Tired," Alex said.
"I concur," Jack said.
"You little shits didn't sleep and just fucked, so shut up," Rye said, jokingly.
"Fair enough, babe," Brook said.
"Who misses snuggling up at night?" Andy asked us.
"Me," Brook said hastily.
All of us hummed in agreement.
I went over and hugged Brook from the back as he leaned into me.
Jack stood to the left of me, and I wrapped an arm around him. I saw Rye had his arms around Alex and Andy.
"I love you all," Brook said in a whisper.
"Love you, too," I said.
We all said I love you.
The conversation, as it often does, moved to music.
"What's the next cover?" Rye asked.
"I think a medley would be good, we haven't done one in a while," Jack said.
"Yeah, who, though?" Brook asked.
"I was thinking Ed Sheeran again, he's new album is pretty big right now, and I know we have done tons of him, but they all sound good," Andy said.
"I like that," I said.
Alex agreed.
"We can start planning out everything when the kids go to camp tomorrow," I said.
"We have Lily still," Alex said.
"Yeah, but that's chill, she's a cuddly teddy bear, anyway," Rye said smiling.
"Great," Brook and Jack both said.
I heard Lily yell for me, so I kissed both Jack and Brook on the forehead, whispering a quick I love you all.
I walked over to the sofa, and I picked up lily.
"What's up, Lils?"
"Ben mean," she said.
"What did he do?"
"He take my toys," she said.
"Can you share?"
"He no ask for it."
"Hey Ben," I said to Ben, who was happily watching TV.
"Yeah, Uncle Sonny," he replied.
"Did you take Lily's toys?"
"Maybe," he said.
"Why did you take her toys?"
"Cause I ask to share but she said no," Ben replied, his eyes still glued to the TV.
"Lily, did Ben ask to share?"
"No," Lily said.
"FOVVS," I called, "I NEED HELP."
Andy walked over, "What's up Suns?"
"Ben says he asked to share Lily's toy, but Lily would not share so he took them. Lily says Ben never asked.
"Bear, what did you say to Lily?"
"May I be acquainted to your toys whilst you are not in action with them, Lily?"
"Do you think she understood that?"
"Yes of c-, oh, um, oops, I should have asked more simply?"
"Yeah, Ben, Lily doesn't understand those words," I said.
"Oops, my bad," he said, "Sorry Lily, I love you."
"Iz okay, Ben. Share?" She asked.
"Yeah," Ben replied.
We left them be as we headed back to the kitchen.
"We back," I said, "Any new revelations?"
"Nope, still in the same place except we are thinking open with beautiful people, and then go into something of Balled sorts, then maybe change on of the songs up to make it a bit heavy metal vibed," Rye said, reading off a note card.
"Yeah, and we could have different styles of filming for each," Alex said.
"Sounds good," I said.
"Agreed," Andy said.
Andy's POV
We were all sitting in Rye's room, and we were planning out the medley. Lily was sitting on the sofa in the room as she watched TV.
"-so we got beautiful people going into best part of me as a balled, and then taking the country harmonies in blow and making it rockish." Rye finish.
"Yep, yeah, that sounds perfect. Let's make the track," I said walking over to the computer where Charles was sitting.
"So, we gunna do, that, yep."
A few hours into working, we got a phone call.
"I'll get it," Jack said.
Jack went to get the phone.
"Hello," he said.
"Yep, yes, we will be there in about half an hour."
Jack hung up the phone.
"Harris is sick, so, um, we need to pick him up."
"Shit," Rye said, "He said he wasn't feeling well."
"I'll go get 'em," I said.
"No it's fine, I-"
I interrupted Rye, "Trust me, I'll go get him."
"Are you claiming that Harris favors you," Rye said with a wide smile on his face.
"Shut up, you know that Harris is a Papa's boy and Ayden is Pops' boy."
"True," Rye said giving me a quick kiss.
"I would actually interject that I am Harris' favorite," Sonny said.
"Yeah right, I am," Brook said.
"Hello, I am the brother, I top all of you," Jack threw out.
"I am not going to fight cause I am Lily's favorite, she is a daddy's girl."
"Hello, I am Daddy, too," Sonny said.
"Yeah, to me," Brook said winking.
"Count on Brook to make it sexual," I remark.
"Should you not be picking up our sick son?" Rye said, truthfully.
"I am going, bye I love you all," I said, leaving.
I heard Charles say, "You all are domestic af."
I thought, he is so right.
I quickly parked the car and went into the front reception.
"Hey," I said to the person sitting at the desk.
"Hello, how may I help you?"
"Uh my son is sick, and I need to pick him up."
"Yeah, the nurses' wing is just round the corner," he said pointing in the general direction on the place I was to go.
I walked to the back, and as I entered the room, I saw Harris lying there.
"Hey H," I said.
"Papa," he said, running into my arms. I picked him up.
"Hey, baby, are you sick?"
"Temperature," he replied.
"Okay, do you feel icky?"
:"No," he said.
"Hello, I am Andy, Harris's dad," I said reaching out to shake the nurses hand.
"Hi, so, Harris said he was not feeling well, he has a slight temp, but nothing horrible."
"Okay, that's a relief," I said.
She stopped for a moment. She quickly apologize, "Sorry, you look strikingly familiar, are you from that band Roadtrip?"
"Um, yeah," I said.
"Sorry, my son has a picture of you all on his wall, I took him to one of your concerts," she said.
"Ohh right, yeah," I said slightly awkwardly.
"I didn't know you had kids?"
"Um yeah," I replied.
"Well are you not a bit young I mean Harris is eight isn't he," she said.
"Um well they are adopted."
"Why would you adopt at such a young age?" She asked. This was getting invasive.
Harris whispered in my ear, "Papa can we please please go?"
"Yeah baby," I replied.
"Better get going," I said.
"You need to sign here," she said pointing to a slot.
"Right," I said, picking up a pen and quickly signing.
"Thanks, have a nice day," she said.
"And you," I replied hastily walking out.
I helped Harris strap into his seat.
"What is actually going on Harris?" I asked.
"W-what I am sick," he said, convincing no one.
"You are not convincing me," I said.
"Fine, I just, um, I really could not handle it there. I like quiet and space to be, and everyone there is loud. I love working on the lego robots and all, it is a blast, but I don't like doing it as a team. I like to stick my headphones in, and listen to music, and work on the robot. Today, we had to do a team thing and everyone was yelling and I wanted it to stop."
"Okay, but Harris, you need to learn to deal with that. People are going to be loud, and you need to find away to either help everyone collaborate and stop fighting or block them out."
"I-i know, but I-i just couldn't t-today," he said as he started to cry. He was just sobbing in the seat beside me.
"Harris, bub, what's wrong?"
"J-just, b-bad day today."
"With everything?"
"Yep," he replied.
Harris told me that bad days were when he really missed his mum and dad and he was feeling very sensitive.
"Okay, that's fine, but bub, your dad and uncles and I need to work, yeah."
"I like listening," he said.
"Yeah, I know."
We settled in to the quiet.
Once we arrived home, I carried him into the home studio.
"Hey bub,' Rye said as I handed Harris over to him.
"Hey Pops," he said.
"You don't look that sick, baby?"
"No," Harris tucked his head into Rye's shoulder, "Bad day."
"Got it," Rye said, "Wanna listen to the new cover?"
"What is it?"
"It's some songs off of Ed Sheeran's new album, remember we listened to it," I said.
"Yeah, I remember. Which ones? Beautiful People?"
"Yeah and Blow and Best Part of Me."
"Nice, three different styles like um popish and then um sad song and then like-"
"We made it rock styles," I said.
"Nice! That is going to sound cool," Harris said, "Have you recorded any?"
"Yeah, some of the lead vocals for beautiful people," Rye said.
"Can I hear?"
"Yes," I said, "Go ask uncle Sonny."
I saw Harris walk up to Sonny and tap his leg. Sonny lifted Harris to his hip, and asked Charles to play the cover from the beginning. Harris closed his eyes, and he hummed along.
I heard Sonny says, "Wanna sing a little bit, maybe you Papa's part?"
"Y-y-yes," he said.
Sonny grabbed the headphones off the desk.
"Pre chorus?" Harris asked.
"Yeah, how did you know?"
"Papa usual sings the pre-chorus and Jacky opens and Uncle Brook sings after the chorus, but lays harmonies throughout, and you follow Uncle Brook and Rye is after Jack and you carries the base throughout and all that stuff," he said.
"Y-you noticed that?"
"Yep," he said as he put the headphones on.
I saw him settle into the beat. He then began to sing.
"Drop top, designer clothes
Front row at fashion shows
"What d'you do?" And, "Who d'you know?"
Inside the world of beautiful people
Champagne and rolled-up notes
Prenups and broken homes
Surrounded, but still alone
Let's leave the party"
He sang until the chorus was over. I was stunned. His little voice carried far, and it was honestly sounded beautiful.
I spoke up, "Harris, do you like to sing?"
'Sing, um, never really tried it I guess. I don't think I'm that good."
Jack spoke, "Harris that was so good, I think Andy has some competition for his spot in the band."
We all chuckled at this.
We still needed to work, so Rye told Harris to come sit.
Rye's POV
"Harris, you wanna go to the front room?"
"Yeah, I'll let you work," he said.
"Sure?" Brook chimed it.
"Yeah, I'll call if I need you," he said.
I took his hand and he made his way to the front room. I gave him my phone.
"You can watch netflix, yeah?" I said.
"Okay, Pops," he replied.
"Love you," I said.
"Love you, too."
I went back to the studio.
I went out of the studio to check on Harris. I saw him and stopped in my tracks. He was sitting at the keyboard we had set up. He was playing a few chords and it sounded like the intro to lost boy by Ruth something. He then began to sing.
" There was a time when I was alone
Nowhere to go and no place to call home
My only friend was the man in the moon
And even sometimes he would go away-"
He then stopped at looked at me.
"Hey Harris, that was, it was really beautiful."
"T-thanks," he replied.
"Did you play the piano before?"
"I had a few lessons."
"Why did you not tell us?"
"I guess I forgot how much I loved it."
"You are really talented Hun," I said.
"Thanks. I just used Youtube to see it and stuff."
"Well, it was amazing, just like you."
AN/ No joke that was 5,000+ words. You all better thank me for that mass.
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