family !four, OT6!
AN/ this is long, 3,000ish words, ENJOY
Ayden's POV
I heard Papa come into my room to wake me for school. It was the second week.
"Hey, Ay, babe, wake up time."
I turned and buried myself into my covers.
"Don't wanna, tired."
"You know you have too."
"No, I really don't."
"But, legally you do, so up," he said, picking me up.
"That was forceful."
He gave me a kiss on the forehead and replied, "I am your father, I can do what I want." Papa smirked at me.
"I hate you," I said, joking.
"And I love you."
"Love you, too."
"Let's get Harris up."
He walked over to Harris' bed, and Papa gave him a tickle. He woke up with a laugh.
I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I quickly used the loo, and then brushed my teeth. Half way through me brushing my teeth, Harris in.
"Morning," he said.
"Morning bro."
He went on with his business beside me. Eventually I made my way downstairs.
"Morning Pops," I said, running to my Pops' arms.
"Morning, love. Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah. You?"
"Who's dropping us off today?" I asked because sometimes Papa and Pops are busy, so uncle Sonny, Alex, or Brook drop off, and Jack tags along.
"I think Papa and Jack will do."
"Why not you?" I asked.
"Well, I got to do some music stuff, love."
"Ohh ok."
"Music stuff?" I heard Harris question from behind.
"Yeah, you two wanna hear?"
"Sure," I said.
"Yeah," Harris said, enthusiastically.
"NO!" Papa yelled from the kitchen, "You two munchins need to eat."
"After?" Pops asked Papa.
"Maybe. Come you two."
I walked to the table with my brother. Ben was already sat, eating.
"Papa, please can we listen?"
"Eat first then maybe." He said sitting down next to Ben.
"You all have packed your bags and done your homework?"
Ben spoke up, "I did not have regular school homework, but I did my after school one. It was easy."
"Do you want it to be harder?" Papa asked Ben.
"Yes," Ben replied, going back to his food.
"Noted. Boys?"
"Done," Harris said.
"Yep," I agreed.
"Good boys, are you okay?"
"I am okay, don't love school. It's just, um, okay."
"What's wrong?" Papa asked, concerned.
"Nothing. I like it fine."
"I love it, Harris and I have a group of friends, and the teachers are nice."
"Okay," Papa said, skeptically.
We all finished breakfast, then we headed to the car. Uncle Jack came down as we were getting our shoes on.
"Hey boys," Jack said.
We all gave him a quick hug.
"Good Dddd," I said, smiling at him.
"You are going out in that, J?" Papa questioned in outfit.
"Yes, I am."
"It is entirely appropriate," Ben agreed.
"To the car," Jack said.
"I agree, I like it bro," I said to my brother.
Harris chuckled.
We all got settled into the car, and on the drive, we put on some music with Jack's phone.
"Song requests?" Jack asked.
"Take this home!" I requested, it being one of my favorites.
"Really?" Papa said.
"Yes," Harris agreed.
"Take this home, then," Jack said, playing the song.
We all sang along zealously.
Jack sang his part.
Once the song had come to a close, Ben requested Eternal.
Papa interjected, "It doesn't have to be our music, loves."
Ben said, "It's my favorite."
"And mine," Harris said.
"Right then, Roadtrip it is."
"Who came up with Roadtrip?" Harris questioned.
"A fan actually, but we agreed on it," Papa said.
We continued to jam out, until we got to school. I got out of the car, backpack and all.
Papa gave me a kiss on the head, and Jack gave me a hug. I said a quick goodbye to Ben, and then Ayden and I headed to the door. Ben went to the steps and he met with his friend Connor, who always waited for him.
"Let's do this bro," Harris said.
Harris' POV
It had been a good bunch of periods leading up to lunch.
Chris, Louise, Sandy, Ayden, and I were sitting at a table together as we always did. .Use five got on very quickly.
"-so, we playing d and d today, as usual?" Louise asked.
We all agreed. That was the one thing we all loved, Dungeons and Dragons.
"I am continuing running campaign today," I said, pulling out the paper I had prepared.
"Okay, I have to admit, you always have the best campaigns," Chris said.
"I honestly think Sandy has the best," Louise said.
"Nah, Chris' are the shit," Ayden said.
"Nah I love your Louise," I said.
Sandy then said, "I think Louise's are the best."
"Right let's all agree we all have great one's for different reasons," Chris said.
"Agreed," we all murmed.
The bell for lunch had rang, and, unlike the other kids, we went towards the classroom rather than the playground. Our amazing teacher, Ms. Krain, had let us set up in her room, and she kept the board intact day to day. The only agreement is that we could not tell anyone.
"Hey Ms. K," Chris said.
"Hi kids, D and D?' She questioned.
"What else?" Louise said.
"I dunno maybe you kids needed a plaster after playing outside?" she said, sarcastically.
"Ayden is the only one of us who do the whole physical exercise thing," I joked.
"It's true" Ayden agreed.
"Shoot, I forgot the campaign at our table, let me go grab it. You set up," I said.
"Okay," Sandy said.
I quickly ran to the table and, luckily, the white paper still lay upon it. I put the paper in my pocket.
"Hey kid," said a Stanly.
"N-no," I muttered to myself.
"What are you doing? Off sobbing about mum and dad dying or are you sad you have a weirdo family? You dumbass freak."
"My family is perfect t-" he cut me off with a kick to the shin. I fell on the floor.
"Shut up fag."
I just took it, no knowing what the word means.
"Is it you family that messed you up th-"
"HEY," I heard the voice of my brother cut him off,"My brother over here is amazing, and you, bastard, are just jealous of him. He has a loving family, so what if it's different? He also is smart and great at music. If you ever touch him or say a word against him or my family, I will beat you to a pulp, got it?"
"Y-y-yes," he said, running off.
"Thanks bro," I said, using his hand to help me up.
"Course, what a meanie?"
"I know."
"You know what he said isn't true right?"
"I-i know our family is perfect."
"No, that's not what I am no about, the part about you being stupid or a freak?"
"Y-yeah, Ay, I am good. Let's D and D."
Ben's POV
"Hey Connor, you know this right?" I said.
"Course, it is easy. I can not wait for tonight?"
The voice read out another number, and I wrote down a nine as that's what the voice said.
"Nor can I, so let's not wait."
"What are you insinuating?"
"Well, we should do some math on these whiteboards, we could do those addition algorithm we were learning," I suggested.
"Cool, what numbers?"
"Let's go 123 + 45?" I suggested.
"Three, two, one, go," Connor said.
We quickly did the math on our boards.
"DONE, 168!" Connor yelled a bit to loud.
Our teacher noticed us, and she walked up to us.
"What are you doing?"
"N-nothing," I said.
"Show me you boards," she asked.
We both shamefully showed her our maths.
"I think we need to have a chat," she said.
"W-what, we were just doing some maths?" Connor said.
"Go to Mr. M's room," she said, "Ms. Claudie will take you."
We both looked at each other. We knew we were supposed to pretend to be learning this stuff. We exited in the hallway, Ms. Claudie following close behind.
"We messed up again, Ben," Connor said.
"I know, but how are we supposed to sit through that," I said.
"Ben!" he said.
"Right, sorry," I said, holding his hand, "this is the part when you get anxious."
"Um yeah, we are in trouble."
"Connor, we will be fine. We are five, how much can they do to us?"
"Our parents know we should not be treated that way," he said.
I squeezed his hand, "Shush."
"Are you sure you two are five?" Ms. Claudie asked.
"Yes, born five years ago," Connor said.
"We talk like older kids, I know."
We made our way into the office, and we sat on the bean bag, still holding hands.
"Hey, Ms. M, I'll leave these two with you? Parents are coming, yes?"
"Yes, thank you Ms. Claudie."
"Hello, Ben, Hello Connor."
"Hi," I replied. Connor stayed quiet, as he usually does.
"So, what did you two do this time?"
"Nothing, just did not pay attention and did hard maths," I said.
"Ah the usual," she stated, "well you parents are coming in to have a chat. We need to get this to stop, so."
"Okay," I said.
"Still anxious?" I whispered to Connor.
"A little," he said.
"Okay, well it's only our parents."
"Yeah but-"
"But this and but that. Don't go down so many paths, just cross bridgets when you come to them."
"Okay, yeah, can do. Maths?" he suggested.
"Sure, times tables?" I asked.
"Yep, 3x7?"
"21, 6x6?"
"Ah square number 36, 7x8?"
I took a moment to think, "56, 5x4."
"Oh come on you're going to easy," Connor said to me, "20."
"Sorry Mr. Genius."
"You are and I am, so give me some 7 and 8 times tables."
"Right, it's my turn, though."
"2x1," he replied.
"Meanie, 2. 7x7. There seven times table and square number, happy?"
"Yes and 49. 8x9."
"Please, 71. Nine's are easy-"
"Because of the patter, we all know it, show off," Connor said.
"Sorry, 3x8," I said.
"24, I like that one, 6x6?"
"36, 7x4?"
"28-" he was interrupted by our parent entering. They all took chairs in front of the desk.
"Hi Pops, hi Aye Aye," I said walking up to their chairs.
Aye Aye placed me on his lap.
"Hey Bear, what have you done this time?"
"Nothing I swear, well, maybe a breached a few rules."
I noticed Connor was sat on his mum's lap.
"Hi Connor," Pops said.
"Hey Mr. Beaumont," he said, "Hi Mr. Fowler."
"Hey Connor," Aye Aye said.
"How are you?" my Pops asked.
"Good, and yourselves?"
"Fine, other than this one getting into trouble," Pops said.
"Troublesome one, isn't he?" Connor agreed with a smile.
"Shut up," I said to Connor.
"I will if you do, which we all know will never happen.
"Sorry Mr. Fowler, Mr. Beaumont, I think Mr. M had brought us here for a reason other than to chat with my son."
Aye Aye blushed and apologized.
Ms. M interjected, "I thought it was fine, even kind of them to chat with Connor, he clearly likes the two, as do I. Charming young men they are."
'Well thank you Ms. M," Pops said.
"But, we do have things to chat about. So, for the kids sake, I don't know how much longer than can be present in class. I understand you want them to experience the social dynamic, but they are clearly board, and we have noticed they talk to no one but each other."
"Please, please, please, don't split us up. I swear we won't make friends. As we have established, I get very anxious in trying to make friends, and we'll Ben is about as social as a potato."
"I would be offended, but I stand by Connor. Connor, you are about as stable as the leaning tower of Piza."
"Touche," he said.
"Um, boys, we do not have any intentions to slit you up."
We both audible sighed.
"I just think the boys should move into another program, they will have different classes in the morning, and then join class for the evening. Then they will do their regular after school."
"That sound lovely," Aye Aye said.
"Agreed sound beneficial for Connor and Ben, still be social yet get more learning.
Connor's mum interjected, "Will that be disturbing for the other kids?"
"No, we will just tell them that you are different, so you just go off for a bit. We have done this before, it's fine."
"Perfect," I said, "Con?"
"Y-yes, sounds good."
"6x6?" I asked. That was my way of asking if he was anxious.
"No, 5x5?" he replied, asking me if I was in any way socially uncomfortable.
"Three, two." I told him three which means I am fine, and two which means I care about you.
"Three, two." He said the same back.
"All good," I voiced to the adults.
"What was then, Benjamin?" Connor's dad asked me.
"Our secret code," Connor said.
"What did you say?" Connor's mum asked, agitated.
"It wouldn't be a secret if we told you," I said.
Aye Aye let out a little chuckle.
"Mr. Fowler, what was that?"
"Sorry, they are little kids, let them be."
"What?" she asked again.
"You were annoyed when they would not tell you their code. It's their secret, let them enjoy it."
She fought back, "No wonder Ben talked back to me like that, he has two children as parents."
"Right," Papa said.
"This is ridiculous, Mark, we need to leave," she said.
"Uh we need to formalize some actions," Ms. M said.
"I do not want my child anywhere near theirs," Connor's dad said.
I knew Connor was getting anxious about this.
"6x6?" I asked, reaching for his hand.
"Yes," he replied.
"Two, two," I said.
"Thanks, two. 5x5?"
"Holding up, got Pops and Aye Aye."
"Good," he said, squeezing my hand.
"Let go of his hand, what are you a couple?" Connor's dad scolded him.
"No," Connor said, "I like it."
After a few minutes of heated signing paper, we left the office. I still held hands with Connor. We were allowed to go home. Pops was holding my other hand.
Andy's POV
I wanted to sort things out with Connor's parents.
"Hello, Mark, Marge?"
"Yes, I really don't want to start on the wrong footing in there. I apologize for laughing. I think our sons really care for each other, so we should try to get to know each other better."
"Ohh, I am sorry. Just when Connor got called in again, I just was upset and confused. It is hard to sort out these kind of kids, and you and you Ryan seem to have sorted it all out."
"Ohh Marge I promise we have not."
"I really do apologize for my behavior, it was beyond immature."
"We all get a little annoyed sometimes, it is fine.'
'Thanks Andrew, would you like to come over for a cup of tea sometime? We could have a chat and they boys could play."
"I would love too, but I am not sure when I could, got a lot going on. Want to come over to ours, it is a bit hectic, but we work."
"Sure, just send me your dates, my email is on the directory."
'Ohh great. Lovely to meet you properly," I said as we parted ways. I saw Rye holding Ben after he had said bye to Connor.
"Hey, Bear, how are you?" I asked him, putting him in his car seat.
"Fine," he said.
We made our way home.
Once we arrived at home, I was shocked to see Ayden and Harris back.
"Why are you two home?"
"We had a half day dads?!" Ayden said, annoyed.
"Sorry, Ben needed-"
'Of course, you forgot about us because you were busy with Ben. Uncle Brook picked us up only half an hour late, lucky he picked up his phone," Ayden said spitefully. Ayden ran up stairs, and Harris only ran over to be and gave me a hug. He started to cry. I wrapped my arms around him.
Rye said, "I'll do get Aye." He handed Ben to me. I placed Bear on my hip. I then went to sit on the sofa. I placed Harris on my lap, and Ben snuggled to my side.
"Harris, what's wrong?"
"Y-you just focus a lot on Ben, and I get it, he needs you, but I need a dad sometimes, specifically you."
I held him tighter, "I love you all equally, you know, and I am sorry if it didn't show. I try really hard to make sure you feel my love because I got plenty for the three of you."
"Thanks Dad, I love you."
"What happened to Papa?"
"I don't like it anymore."
"O-okay, you sure?"
"Yeah dad."
"Perfect then H."
Ayden came downstairs, and everything was alright.
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