Chapter Seventy-Eight - Witch Wasters
"Wow. Okay, for starters," Sam began - his first words in fifteen minutes. "Not a spell. More like an Aramaic curse."
"What?" Eden frowned. "Let me see that."
She moved over to the table, taking the piece of paper Sam held out to her.
"Yes, this is a Kiss of Death. It's specifics, however, are always unique to the Witch who makes it - in this case, your hairdresser." She explained.
"That'll be why I found no lore on it." Sam nodded.
"Yeah, but the result is always the same. It takes the form of whoever you're in love with. One kiss from them doesn't kill the curse, it simply passes it along." Eden continued.
"Alright, so what do we know?" Dean put down the beer bottle in his hand as he sat down at the table. "You kiss someone and then they die."
"But... You didn't kiss Stacey, the babysitter." Sam looked to Melissa, who was sat in a chair half way into the room now.
"No, of course not." Melissa replied.
"No, but, Dan did." Dean interjected.
"So, the kiss is transmittable like Eden said. What she's talking about is definitely what we're talking about, yeah?" Sam nodded.
"Like a magic STD." Dean smirked. "Okay, yeah, that works. Kinda makes you nostalgic for good old fashioned herpes..."
"Gross." Eden scrunched up her nose.
"Oh God..." Melissa breathed. "I killed Dan and Stacey..."
"You didn't kill anyone." Sam told her, putting a hand out in her direction. "This is all on that Witch."
"Riddle me this," Dean frowned in thought. "Why did Stacey die first if she was kissed second?"
"I don't know. Maybe you're safe if you can pass the curse on." Sam replied in a questioning tone.
"That sounds about right, to be honest. These types of Aramaic spells are tricky little buggers." Eden shrugged.
"And then if that person dies, it comes back to you." Dean added, earning a confirming nod from Eden.
"That would make sense. That would explain why this is working its way back to Melissa." Sam pointed a thumb in her direction.
"I'm sorry, I'm confused." Melissa frowned.
"Yeah, 'cause its freaking confusing." Dean retorted. "The long and short, it seems like a game of hot potato - you gotta keep paying it forward. If you don't you die. That sound about right to you, Eden?"
"That's about the jist of it, yes." She nodded.
"Melissa, this curse started with you." Sam told the woman. "I think it wants to end with you."
Melissa's lips parted in shock.
"Don't worry. We're not gunna let that happen." Dean gave her a reassuring smile as something behind her caught his eye.
The window to the motel patio at the back of the room smashed through, revealing Melissa's husband; Dan.
Sam moved to take him on, but he threw his arm up, smacking Sam so hard, it threw him across the room towards the bathroom door.
Dean let off a few gunshots at Dan, making Melissa scream out from behind the older brother.
It did absolutely nothing but knock him back a few paces.
Eden was about to have her turn, but Dean turned and kissed Melissa.
"You bloody idiot, what did you do that for?" Eden snapped.
"I was protecting Melissa. If it makes you feel better, protect me!" Dean retorted as 'Dan' looked to him with murderous eyes.
Before the Angel of Darkness could do anything, Sam grabbed a chair and swung it straight in 'Dan's' face, knocking him to the floor.
"Come on, let's go." Dean instructed, moving Melissa out of the motel room door.
They practically wheel-spun out of the parking lot in the Impala just as the fake Dan got up and changed form.
"Well, I'd say that went pretty well. What do you think?" Dean groaned, getting out of the car.
"I think you're a bloody idiot." Eden growled.
"Yeah, you mentioned." The older brother retorted.
"You think it's a good idea to give yourself a fatal curse?" Sam added as they went to the trunk of the Impala.
"Well, target's off her back, ain't it?" Dean shrugged as he put his jacket on.
"I'm just saying, you don't have to do this - be the Guinea pig." Sam huffed.
"The martyr. Try and carry the weight by yourself. Doing this." Sam raised his voice.
"I'm gunna be fine, okay? And as long as I'm good, she's good and that's the important thing." The older brother said.
"If we were passing it off on anyone, it should've been me. I'm the most invulnerable here." Eden sighed.
"Well, feel free to pucker up, not-so-Vampy Pants." Dean replied as he leaned down to load up their guns.
"Dude..." Sam protested.
"What? If she's offering to be the more durable Guinea pig, then fine by me."
"How long do you think we have?" The younger brother asked.
"I don't know, it's not like this thing is exactly following a pattern. I don't even know what I'm looking for, here." The older scoffed, motioning to the trunk.
"Eden, any ideas?" Sam asked.
"I smite it." She shrugged.
"Would that work?" Dean frowned.
"No idea, but wouldn't it be fun to try?" She smirked.
"What... Was that?!" Melissa exclaimed, finally pulling herself together enough to actually exit the car.
"Oh, yes, I forgot you were here." Eden knitted her eyebrows together.
"Empathy, Eden." Sam mumbled.
"Um... We think it was something called a Shapeshifter, but it can't be because I pumped the thing full of silver and it didn't even flinch." Dean explained.
Melissa was barely listening, she was staring in mild horror at what was in the Impala's trunk.
"What kind of FBI Agents are you?" She asked.
"The fake kind." Dean sighed, closing the trunk up as Sam expressed his disapproval of his brother's bluntness.
"We're Hunters." The younger brother told her.
"Hunters?" Melissa's brows raised.
"Look, all you need to know is that we save people like you from things like that." Dean explained.
"Even if it's not a Shapeshifter, it's still shifting shapes." Sam added. "Look, if we figure out what it is, we can find out how to kill it."
"Alright, what do you know about the White Witch?" Dean asked.
"Um... Not much." Melissa shook her head. "Her name is Sonya, she's kind of weird... I don't know, she's only been my hairdresser for a couple of months."
"You know where she lives?" The older brother pressed.
"Not a clue."
"Where did she give you the spell?" Sam frowned.
"In the basement of her salon." Melissa answered.
"Well, that's not sketchy at all..." Eden mumbled, walking back over to the passenger's side back seat of the car.
Dean instantly judged the name of the salon as soon as they pulled up outside.
"'The Art of Dyeing'?" He scoffed, turning back to face the woman with a smirk. "Well, can't say she didn't warn ya."
"Alright, just keep the doors locked and stay put until we get back." Sam instructed her as he leaned towards the dashboard, picking up a dagger. "Unless Sonya shows up, then use this on her."
"It won't kill her, but it'll slow her down." Dean told her.
"Are you serious? I can't stab anyone!" Melissa protested.
"Come on." Sam mumbled, handing the knife to her.
"Listen to me." Dean said. "Sonya's not just anyone. She is a wicked Witch who offed your husband and tried to kill you. So, if she shows up here, you punch her, you stab her, you drop a freakin' house on her if you have to."
"Do you want me to stay here with her?" Eden offered.
"No, we might need you for whatever's inside." Dean replied, getting out of the car.
"We'll be right back." Eden sighed through a smile, following the boys in their exit.
As soon as they entered the salon, Sam drew his revolver, earning a look from Dean.
"Witch-killing bullets." The younger brother informed him, getting a knowing nod in return.
"We gotta come up with a better name than that." Dean commented, turning on his flashlight.
"Witch Wasters." Eden suggested.
"I like it." Dean grinned.
"I don't know why, but it gives me 'Ghost Facer's vibes." Sam scrunched up his nose.
"Ugh. Yeah, okay. We'll put that one on the back burner." Dean replied as they walked through the salon towards the stairs to the basement.
The trio made their way downstairs, at first seeing nothing particularly out of the ordinary for a hair salon.
"Locked cabinet." Sam announced, leaning down over a desk with his flashlight pointed at a drawer he'd failed to get open.
"I got it." Eden said, moving over to him.
She grabbed the handle and used barely any of her enhanced strength before the lock broke and the drawer opened.
"Nice. Thanks, Eden." Sam nodded his approval.
Inside was a couple of hex bags and a couple of glass bottles filled with some sort of purple liquid. Underneath those, was a book with a six pointed star on it and an Aramaic symbol in the middle.
"Eden, might need you for translating." Sam told her as Dean wandered off behind some semi-translucent tarp that separated the room in half.
The younger Winchester flicked through the pages and, indeed, most of them were in Aramaic.
Eden scanned the pages until she came across the right one.
"There. It's a Qareen. It's a slave creature that only half exists on this plane, emitting the likeness of your deepest, darkest desire." She read aloud.
"That explains why the babysitter was killed by the husband and the husband by the sitter." Dean commented, coming out from behind the tarp.
"Yeah, and why Melissa was attacked by Dan." Sam agreed. "She really loved him."
"Looks reasonably easy to kill. Just a stab to the heart." Eden continued.
Dean let out a chuckle.
"What?" Sam asked.
"You know the silver lining about being cursed?" The older brother smirked. "I finally get some face-time with Daisy Duke - my deepest, darkest desire."
"Seriously?" Sam cocked a brow.
"Ever since I was seven." Dean looked almost proud.
"Your deepest, darkest conscious desire, maybe." Eden replied as she continued reading from the book. "This taps into your subconscious. Literally anything could be coming at you, something or someone you don't even realise you want... Or it could be Daisy Duke."
"Great..." Dean was less than impressed as he looked over Eden's shoulder to the picture of the Qareen. "You said a stab to the heart, yeah?"
"Well, given that it's got a giant hole in it's chest, does it even have a heart?" Dean asked.
"Apparently, the person who possesses the Qareen's heart is the one who commands it. So Sonya either has it on her or she's keeping it here somewhere." Eden replied.
"I'll check upstairs." Sam said.
"Ah!" Dean stopped him, placing a fist and putting it in his open palm.
"Oh, for crying out loud..." Eden rolled her eyes.
Sam scoffed, handing Eden his gun.
The first round of Rock, Paper Scissors was a draw, with them both playing the rock. Sam frowned to his brother, who notoriously had a habit of picking scissors first. Round two, both brother picked scissors.
"Are you two done faffing about yet? I could've checked up there and down here by now." Eden huffed.
Round three, Sam picked rock and Dean picked paper.
The older brother looked at his win with shock. He never won. Even Sam was surprised.
"Whatever. I'm going upstairs." Sam mumbled, already turning to leave.
"Okay." Dean replied in a pitch half an octave above his usual as he was still in a state of shock over his win to protest.
He punched the air in victory, looked to Eden, who gave him an unamused stare.
"You're both morons." She stated, walking off to the far end of the basement.
There was nothing in the basement. But it seemed Sam had found something of interest.
"Eden!" He hissed from the top of the stairs. "Get up here."
The girl walked upstairs and frowned at what he'd found. It was an antique tin, black, red and gold coloured box with a lock on the front.
"Mind if you..?" Sam trailed off, motioning to the box he'd placed on a desk.
Eden chuckled, picking up the box and opening it with ease.
Inside was a black, almost rotten looking anatomical heart.
From behind them, a woman uttered a single-syllable spell, turning them both around.
"Well, that's a bitch." Eden sighed, but that soon turned to a smirk. "I mean, Witch."
"Really? Now?" Sam protested.
The woman, assumingly Sonya, finished the other half of her spell, shoving Sam and Eden down into salon chairs behind them.
Sonya ripped the box from Eden's hand, placing it down on a work station a couple of feet from her.
"Oh, you are so dead when I get free of this." Eden chuckled. "It won't take me long. I can already feel its effects fading."
The woman ignored her, closing the box's lid.
"I'm guessing you're not really FBI." Sonya said. "You're what? Hunters?"
"You have no idea." Eden hissed.
"And you're a Witch. Hocking death curses as love spells." Sam added.
"Someone has to punish these men." Sonya shrugged, circling the pair. "But, you know, the only thing worse than a cheating man is one who gets away with it."
"Damn, bitch. Who hurt you?" Eden spat, almost able to move her hands from her invisible bonds.
"Yeah, you're practically a feminist." The Winchester said.
"Hey, easy on the feminist, okay? She's easily heading to Feminazi territory." Eden frowned at him.
"True. My bad." Sam shrugged.
"Look at you two." Sonya chuckled. "Such the perfect pair."
"Why hurt Melissa? She only wanted to save her marriage." Sam ignored her comment.
"They all do." The Witch replied as though it were obvious. "Hundreds of heartbroken women come to me. But they never learn. I mean, a month, a year, however long later, they all come back - same story, different man."
"So, you tweaked the curse." Sam confirmed, glancing to Eden's hands, which were almost moving freely out of the spell keeping them there.
"Now, it not only punishes the cheaters, but the foolish women who want them back." Sonya shrugged. "Guess I'm just weeding out the idiots. And you're next."
"But, he's not a cheat." Eden frowned.
"So? He will. All men do in the end." Sonya laughed.
"No. He wouldn't. But I would. I already have." Eden retorted, earning a look of surprise from both of them. "If you don't believe me, check. Take my hand, I'll show you."
"You what?!" Sam whispered.
Sonya frowned.
"Trust is earned, dear." She replied.
"Yes, it is. And I broke his. I can prove it. I'm an Angel. I can show you my memories - prove to you that I've done what I say I've done. Then, you can have the pleasure of killing an Angel instead of some measly, Human male." Eden urged, holding out her hand as much as she could against her failing bonds.
Sonya moved closer with a sceptical face, taking the girl's hand.
As soon as she did, Eden stood up, released the Witch's hand and snapped her neck, watching her drop to the floor.
"Tell me that was just a ploy." Sam said blankly as the girl turned around to face him.
"Of course it was. Now, do you want to stab that heart or shall I do that too?" Eden frowned.
Sam nodded, picking up his knife from the floor as Melissa came bursting through the door, the knife Sam had given her held out in front of her.
"Nice of you to join the party." Eden sighed.
"You... You killed her." Melissa gasped, gawking at her hair dresser's corpse on the floor.
"Yes, well, she was going to kill Sam. So 'an eye for an eye' or whatever crap the Bible came out with." The girl shrugged, turning back to Sam. "Are you going to stab that thing or not?"
Sam wasted no more time, plunging his knife into the heart, tearing it's blade downwards to reveal an almost grace-like white light come out of it.
The pair ran downstairs, where Dean was up against a wall, panting.
"Dean!" Sam called out to him.
"Looks like you got there just in time." Eden cocked a brow.
"Yeah." Dean's voice cracked comically.
"I got it." Sam told him. "It's done."
"You good?" The older brother asked.
"Yeah." Sam nodded. "Are you good?"
"M-hm." Dean replied.
"So, who was your deepest-darkest desire?" Eden smirked.
"No one important." He mumbled, quickly making an exit.
They ended up on cleaning duty when the trio got back from dropping Melissa off at her house.
"So, you gunna keep us in suspense here, or what?" Sam asked as Dean shoved a few hundred dollars under a cinder block.
"About what?" Dean asked, walking off.
"Who was it? The deep, dark desire." The younger brother pressed.
"It was Amara..."
Sam and Eden stopped their clean up duties to look at Dean in shock.
"Your deepest, darkest desire is my re-birth mother?" The girl scoffed.
"Does that surprise you?" Sam asked them both, walking passed them.
"That doesn't surprise you?" Dean retorted.
"Honestly?" Sam asked.
"Honestly. What, you seriously think that the sister of God - Eden's 're-birth mother' is my deepest, darkest desire?" Dean scoffed, using air quotes.
"She isn't?" Sam raised his brows.
"No!" Dean protested in a voice far too high pitched to be telling the truth. "She can't be."
"Why not?" Sam and Eden asked in unison.
"Why? Because, if she was, then that means I'm-"
"That means you're what?" Sam pressed. "Complicit? Weak? Evil?"
"For starters, yeah!" Dean nodded. "No offence, Eden."
The girl simply shrugged.
"Dean, do you honestly think you ever had a choice in the matter?" Sam took a seat on the edge of the tiny, circular dining table. "She's the sister of God. I mean, look what she turned Eden into - she started off as a Human child just minding her own business in God's Garden and look where that got her. And, for some reason, she picked you to be her next point of interest, and that sucks, but if you think I'm gunna blame you or judge you, I'm not."
Eden was frowning in thought when Dean looked over to him.
"He's actually got a point. I didn't see it that way, but yes, it's true. You had as much say in her involvement in your life as I did way back when." She said.
"Yeah, but look where that got us - a morally grey, to say the least, Angel of Darkness." Dean countered.
"None taken, first off." Eden scoffed. "Just be thankful this Angel of Darkness is on your side."
Dean paused thinking over his next words.
"You guys know I want her ass dead, right?" He finally said.
"Yes, of course, and I know you've probably beaten yourself up about it a million times over it, but where has that gotten us?" Sam sighed when Dean didn't respond. "Just how bad is it?"
"Standing here right now?" Dean gave a humourless chuckle. "Every bone in my body wants to run her through - send her back to that hole she crawled out of... But when I'm near her, I don't know... Something happens. I can't explain it. But to call it desire or love - it's not that... I'm screwed, guys. Sammy, you and I want to kill the Darkness, we need to kill the Darkness... And I don't think I can. And, I'm sorry to do that to you, you know? But when it comes down to it..."
"I got it, Dean." Sam told him.
There was a mutual silence between the three for a few moments before Eden gave a chuckle, devoid of humour.
The boys looked to her as she stared off into nothingness.
"How's this for commitment?" She asked. "I love Amara. I adore her with just about every fibre of my being - since she made me. But you saying that, Dean? All it makes me want to do is help you." She finally looked them in the eyes. "I'll help you kill Amara. You don't 'got it', Sam. We've got it. Hell, if needs be, I've got it. I won't let either of you be in harm's way for a, frankly, God tier fight that's bound to be lost. You two can't lose each other. So, that's final. If it comes down to it, I'll take her down for the both of you. You've been more family to me in five and a half years than she's been in eons, whether she could help it or not."
Dean only nodded. Sam didn't even do that. But there was a sense of mutual understanding as they let the whole thing settle before continuing to pack up the Impala.
"Well, it was nice to see you boys again, but I'd better be off." Eden sighed through a smile after everything was done and they were ready to go.
"You're not coming back to the Bunker with us?" Sam frowned.
"Oh, well, I just figured that we weren't making this a full time thing just yet... You know, getting to know each other again before living with each other - or rather, you two getting to know me again." Eden stumbled over her words.
"You're basically the same with a slightly more questionable moral compass. Now, come on. Get in the car." Dean replied.
Eden looked to Sam, who shrugged.
"I don't mind."
"Well, then... I'll grab the things from my hotel and meet you back there." She gave a small smile and then disappeared.
"And there I was thinking that you'd gone out for the proverbial pack of smokes." Lucifer commented.
He was sat on her bed, legs outstretched with the TV remote in his lap.
"I got side tracked." Eden mumbled, moving over to the dresser to grab its contents.
"Clearly." Lucifer smirked, turning off the TV. "How is my vessel?"
"Back off, Luci." Eden growled, not even bothering to face him.
The Devil watched as she packed her things into an overpriced black leather duffel bag, keeping the clothing items neatly folded and compartmentalised.
"I do hope you're not going to spill our little secret." Lucifer cocked a brow.
"The one where you're actually not in the Cage and are inhabiting their best friend's meat suit?" She asked, finally looking up at him. "Why wouldn't I?"
"Because..." Lucifer started, moving to stand next to her at the foot of the bed. "It would really suck if I had to kill said best friend."
"You'd have to find another vessel before you did that." Eden pointed out.
"What makes you think I don't have a wildly better looking one on the back burner?" Lucifer smirked, leaning in as though he were going to kiss her.
"Because that didn't work out particularly well the last time. The only reason Castiel's vessel has lasted so long is because he's an Angel." The girl replied.
"Think again." Lucifer snapped his fingers, opening the bathroom door a few feet behind him.
Inside was a man who worked for the hotel, strapped to the toilet rather thoroughly. He looked to be in his late twenties, Caucasian, dark hair, chocolate brown eyes, looked like every guy in a Hallmark Christmas movie.
"If you make me, I'll burn out every meat suit on this planet just to kill Castiel." Lucifer continued.
"You bastard." Eden sneered, moving a balled up fist right between them.
Lucifer crumpled down on the floor, letting out a mixture of agonised sounds and laughter.
"Hurt me in this body, you hurt Castiel. He's in here screaming, I can feel him." He groaned.
Eden stopped her spell instantly.
"So, now that we've covered all bases," Lucifer said, getting up from the floor. "We're not going to tell Sam and Dean, are we, my love?"
Eden glared daggers at him.
"No." She reluctantly uttered.
"That's my girl." Lucifer smirked.
"Go to Hell, Luci."
The girl grabbed the duffel bag beside her and got out of there as quickly as she could in a rustle of feathers.
Eden laid in bed that night next to Sam, trying to think of a way she could get around telling the boys about Lucifer without any harm coming to them or Castiel.
Sam began to stir in his sleep and Eden felt the heat radiating off him - more than usual. She looked over, seeing beads of sweat on his brow as he gave heavy, staggered breaths.
Eden sighed, reaching over. She placed her fingertips on his temple and closed her eyes. Images of his nightmare began to fill her mind, like a picture on the backs of her eyelids - broken images of Sam in the Cage screaming in agony. Eden flinched at the sight, the fact that he still had nightmares about this sending shivers along her spine.
"It's okay, Sam. I've got you." She whispered, focusing her energy through her fingertips.
Within seconds, Sam stopped his movements and his breathing began to calm.
Eden slowly drifted off to sleep, her fingertips on his temple falling as she lost consciousness, falling into a nightmare-filled sleep.
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