Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Four - Grief
When Eden eventually woke up, she was laying in the back of the Impala. Dean was driving, just pulling up outside of the Bunker.
"What the bloody hell was that?" She asked, blinking a few times to let her eyes adjust.
"Oh, looks who's finally awake. We were getting worried there for a second." Dean briefly glanced back to check on her.
"Are you alright?" Sam turned back, resting his arm on the bench seat to get a better look.
"I'm fine. I've never felt magic like that." She groaned, sitting up.
"Yeah. Seems those Witches knew exactly who they were dealing with and made a sleeping hex specifically for you." The younger brother explained.
"Well, what do you know? They actually finished it." Eden sighed, earning a confused look. "A few hundred years ago, the Ordo Maleficarum managed to get a hold of one of my feathers. They were trying to create a powerful spell to try and put me down. If they'd fully succeeded, that hex bag would've had me in a permanent coma, so long as it was within my immediate proximity. Did you find out what they were after?"
"Uh, yeah. They wanted pretty much everything Rowena had. When they found that spell on me, they were going to use it to bring back their sister." Sam explained.
"The dead girl on the floor." Eden clarified, earning a nod.
"But everything's cool. Between me, Sam and Eileen, we got 'em." Dean looked at her in the rear-view mirror.
"Good. Bunch of no good, hoodoo, hippy goth arseholes..." She mumbled.
In the Bunker's main bathroom, Sam had run a bath. With everything else for the spell set up, that was the final ingredient.
Eden watched over it all from near the doorway as he sprinkled a selection of herbs into the water.
"Okay so... I just... Get in?" Eileen asked.
"Yeah, I guess." Sam shrugged.
"We'll be here. You're perfectly safe." Eden gave her an encouraging smile.
"Then I say the words..." Sam trailed off as he dug into his back pocket for a folded piece of paper.
The couple watched as Eileen stepped up onto the platform surrounding the bath, taking one more look back at them with a small, hopeful smile.
Sam turned round for her modesty and read the spell loud and clearly as the Huntress slipped down under the water, not a ripple to be seen.
As soon as Sam had finished the last word, the waters moved as a nude Eileen came out from under the surface.
Eden grinned, clapping her hands together in excitement.
Eileen gazed at her soaking hands in awe and incredulity before she stood up, the feeling of dripping water and ripples around her knees was music to her skin.
Eden grabbed a light grey towel from the rack behind her, holding it out as she walked towards the woman and offered her a hand, helping her out.
"Sam?" Eileen called out. He turned around exhaling a breathy chuckle of disbelief as she moved towards him. She looked between him and Eden with a bright smile. Slowly she held out her hands, taking one of the pair's each. "Here's what I wanted to do earlier."
Sam and Eden's smiles only grew when they felt her cold, glistening skin dampening theirs. She released the Winchester's first, bringing it up to her mouth to sign and whisper 'thank you'.
Sam pulled both women into a tight and welcomed hug, resting his chin on Eileen's head after placing a kiss on Eden's.
Once Eileen had settled into a room and been given free reign of Eden's closet, Sam met his love in their bedroom, walking in with two huge boxes.
"What are those?" Eden frowned, closing up the book she was reading.
"Rowena's journals." He replied, setting the boxes down on the desk. "I thought you might want to read them. Particularly this one."
He took one of the books from its spot among its sisters and walked over to the bed, sitting to put his feet up like she was.
Handing it to her, Eden noticed the date on the spine. It was the same book she'd briefly looked through in Rowena's apartment.
"I've already seen it." Her frown deepened as she looked between him and it.
"Read the page two days after she took your memories." Sam urged.
Eden sighed, flicking through it until she landed on the right page.
"Tuesday the second of October seventeen eighty-seven. Eden is finally awake. Mister Finley informed her she had become a Vampire. Thinking she had been raised a Hunter, she was understandably distressed, though I hear she is doing well. I shan't join them in the drawing room. I am not sure I can bring myself to. What I did to that poor girl, it was barbaric. If it were not for her unique situation, I would never have even created that spell. I hope someday she finds her way back to Eden again, she deserves better than this. I must move on, though Mister Finley did his best to try and convince me of otherwise for her sake. I cannot even look at her, it breaks my heart. Someday soon, we shall meet again, I know it. I feel it in my bones. R."
As Eden read aloud, a stray tear trickled its way down her right cheek.
"There's more. Every two weeks, she wrote about how heartbroken she felt reading the letters Alexander gave her to update her on your situation. I read ahead, it goes on for at least a decade. Probably more, but I haven't read that far. She thought the world of you and I thought you'd want to see just how much." Sam explained.
Eden dropped the journal in her lap, twisting around to wrap her arms around his neck.
"Thank you, Sam." She whispered as his arms snaked around her waist.
"You're welcome." He whispered back, burying his face in the crook of her neck, placing a gentle kiss on the skin.
Another week came and went before Eden was fully ready to continue hunting. Sam, Dean, Eileen and Willow had been getting worried. Sam had even started to begin regretting showing her Rowena's notes. Eden seemed to float around the Bunker with a sense of pure emptiness. When she wasn't doing that, she was laying in bed reading the rest of the journals. Every now and then, 'Elizabeth' or 'Eden' would pop up in Rowena's writings – the Witch yearning to track her down and try and remind her of her past self. She'd even gone as far as to try and create her own spell that would return Eden's memories to her. But of course, every attempt had been a failure... Until a few years ago. Rowena had been searching for some extremely rare ingredients, tied together with a spell from the Book of the Damned - she had been searching for it on and off for decades. But she'd never finished it, as Amara had come back into the picture and Eden was returned. That was what hit Eden the hardest – realising that, even after three hundred years, Rowena still cared for her as much as she did back then. Even if she didn't always show it.
Sam approached the piano room, hearing a soft piece playing through the door. He knocked lightly, waiting until Eden said a swift 'come in.'
"Uh, hey." The Winchester scratched at the nape of his neck. "Dean's gone for a drive. Not sure when he'll be back. I was wondering if you wanted to come and join Willow, Eileen and me. We're just brushing up on some books."
"No, it's okay. I'm good here." Eden replied, continuing her piece.
Sam sighed.
"Baby, you can't keep doing this. I know Rowena's death was hard – believe me, I know. Just... Please come out. We're all really worried about you."
The piano piece stopped once again.
"I just need more time to process." Eden replied in a small voice. "Those journals only gave me more questions and more things I wish I'd been able to say to her. Plus with Jack... Just give me time. You'll be the first to know when I'm ready, I promise."
"Okay... Just remember to keep your blood levels up." Sam sighed again, tapping the door with the palm of his hand before leaving and closing it behind him.
"Anything?" Eileen asked as he walked back into the library, signing as she spoke. Sam shook his head. "She'll be okay. She's strong."
"Yeah, I know. That's sort of what I'm worried about. She's so strong that she'll say she's fine even when she's not and I feel powerless to do anything. She does it all the time. She was supposed to be getting better... I guess the weight of the last few years and the continuous hits and losses has made her regress a little." The Bunker door opened then and everyone was expecting Dean to walk through. But instead, it was Castiel. "Cas! What in the world- where the Hell have you been?" Sam threw his arms out in an exaggerated shrug. "I've been calling you and texting you-"
"I know." Cas mumbled, giving Eileen a nodded greeting. "It's- well, it doesn't matter. I'm here now to help."
"Cas! You're back!" Willow squealed, running to engulf him in a tight hug around his waist. He soon returned it, resting his cheek on her head as he glanced towards Eileen.
"Hi." Eileen gave a warm smile.
"Uh, yeah, Cas, this is Eileen Leahy. Eileen, this is Cas." Sam introduced, placing a hand on the woman's shoulder as he spoke.
"I thought you were..."
"Dead?" Eileen finished for the Angel. "Yeah. I... Got better?"
"Yeah. One time thing." Sam added.
"Where's Dean and Eden?" Cas sighed.
"Eden's in the piano room and Dean went for a drive, he needed to clear his head." The Winchester replied. "So, we've been looking for signs of Chuck and Lilith."
"Lilith?" Cas frowned.
"Yeah, uh... She's back." Sam gave a forced smile.
Castiel sighed heavily.
"Have you found them?"
"Not yet." Eileen answered, glancing to Sam.
"It's because you're looking in the wrong places." The Angel looked to the floor.
"What do you mean? Have you heard something on Angel radio, or..?" Sam trailed off.
"No. It's been silent for months." Cas replied. "But your wound. It's still not healed?"
The Winchester looked to his left shoulder.
"Good." The Angel said. "I've been thinking about that gun – the Equaliser. When you shot God, it fired a piece of your soul. So, there may be some of you inside Chuck."
"Ew..." Eileen and Willow both grimaced.
"So, what's your plan?" Eden spoke up, appearing at the top of the library stairs.
"Something pretty risky." The Angel replied. "Follow me."
He led them to the infirmary, where he sat Sam down on the end of one of the beds.
"Cas, are you sure about this?" Sam gave a nervous, breathy chuckle.
"No. But I am sure Eden and I can't heal the wound." The Angel shrugged. "But maybe we can probe it."
"Probe it." The Winchester's brows raised as he nodded in a state of slight disbelief.
"Yeah, you might want to give us a little more info on that one, Pigeon." Eden frowned.
"Study it, see if it can lead us to Chuck." Castiel elaborated.
"Is that dangerous?" Eileen asked.
"Probably." The Angel sighed.
"Alright." Sam cleared his throat, already unbuttoning his navy blue flannel shirt to pull it and the grey t-shirt underneath down enough to reveal the gunshot wound. "Let's do it."
"Sam..." Eileen placed a had on his bare shoulder.
"I'll be fine." He reassured her, waving his hand.
"I'm not so sure about this..." Eden uttered, casting everyone's attention to her. "Chuck made this gun. Anything that happens here could be playing right into his hands. For all we know, he could've planned this whole thing."
"You're right." Castiel nodded. "But we need to try."
"Alright. I'm ready." Sam's breathing had become heavier as he pulled his shirts down a little more, revealing a portion of his anti-possession tattoo.
"This is gunna sting." Cas warned him. He placed his hand over the wound. Yellow light cast onto it and Sam looked visibly uncomfortable. "Sam, are you okay?"
"Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah." The Winchester replied, his eyes shutting tight. "Just do it."
The Angel pushed harder until a burst of energy ripped him away and Sam flew back, crashing into the wall behind him before tumbling down onto the bed.
"Sam!" Eileen and Eden's eyes were wide as they rushed to either side of his unconscious form.
Eden quickly adjusted his position, laying him properly on the bed.
"Bloody Hell, I knew this was a bad idea..." She growled, gently brushing the back of her knuckles over Sam's forehead.
"I'll call Dean." Cas sighed, vacating the room.
"Mom, can you heal him?" Willow asked, standing at the foot of the bed.
"I... I don't know." Eden stressed, touching her fingertips to the Winchester's forehead. Nothing happened... "Bloody wound. Anything to do with it renders me bloody useless!"
She spun around, hooking her fingers under the side table next to her, throwing it across the room with a loud crash, roaring out in a rage as she did.
"Throwing things isn't going to help Sam." Eileen pointed out.
"Nope." Eden sighed, shaking her head as she turned back around. "But it makes me feel better."
Castiel walked back into the room the next day with a balding, plump man dressed in a black robe, carrying an apothecary's bag.
"Who the hell is this?" Eden demanded, standing up from Sam's bedside.
"This is Sergei. He's here to help." Castiel replied.
"Help him. Please." Eileen begged.
"Of course, my dear." Sergei spoke with a thick Russian accent, taking the place where Eden was.
He placed his bag beside Sam and opened it up, revealing various bottles, crystals and scriptures.
He took out a large, pointed white crystal and hovered it over Sam's body until it glowed white.
"Hm." He quipped.
"What?" Eden and Cas asked.
"Small thing."
"What is it?" The Light Angel urged, his brows knitted together with concern.
"Sam is... Dying." Sergei told them.
"That's what you call a small thing?" Eden glared.
Sergei said nothing, he simply grabbed his bag and left the room.
He went to the library, where he perched on the edge of the table and began to skim through one of his books.
"What do you mean he's dying?" Cas asked, walking in with Eileen and Eden in tow.
"I would imagine you were trying to ascertain the exact nature of the wound before this, yes?" The man asked.
"Yeah." Eileen nodded.
"Ah, well there you go!" Sergei closed his book as the three in front of him glanced to one another. "Most wounds want to be healed – to be whole. But this? This wound is different. It continues down to his very soul. But also, out into the world. From what I can tell, his soul is connected to something or someone somewhere. Except, as you probed deeper, you forced the soul to stretch from Sam's body to..."
"Where?" Eileen urged.
"I don't know. But now, it's like a rubber band – if it is stretched too far, too long... Pop!" The man snapped his fingers. "It snaps. And Sam dies."
"Can you fix it?" Eileen pressed.
"Of course I can." Sergei nodded, turning to the Dark Angel, who stood a few feet away with her arms crossed, staring into the distance as she chewed nervously on her left thumb knuckle. "Though, I may need your help to do so, dear Eden."
"Sure, random Russian Guru. Whatever you need." She mumbled.
Sergei gathered ingredients from the herbology room and mixed them with some from his own supply, silently insisting that he do it out of Eden's view. Then, he turned, smiling to her as he held out the bowl.
"There." He said. "Done. All you need to do now is apply this paste."
"That's it? That's all you needed me for?" Eden scoffed. "A well trained rat could do that job."
"You're helping. Let that be enough to ease some of your stress." Sergei replied.
Eden rolled her eyes, dipping her fingers into the bowl to grab a generous portion of the greenish grey ick, then gently applied it to Sam's wound.
"Nothing is happening." Castiel observed after a few moments.
"Wait for it." The man instructed, watching the Winchester's form.
A few moments of tense silence, Sam's back arched immensely as he gasped out for breath, his eyes squeezed closed.
Eden and Eileen rushed to either side of the bed keeping him down with their hands on his shoulders.
"Sam?" Eden breathed. "Sam, come on, it's okay."
"What are you doing?" Cas demanded.
"I made it worse." Sergei stated as if it were the most carefree situation ever.
"You did what?" Eden roared, applying all the pressure she could to keep Sam steady without breaking his shoulder.
"You said he could die!" Cas argued.
"Will die. And soon." Sergei chuckled, shrugging as he looked to the Angel.
"No!" Eileen protested, slapping away at the paste on Sam's wound.
"That won't help. It's already done." The man uttered. "Unless..."
"What?" Cas frowned.
Sam continued to struggle, groaning out through gritted teeth.
"You give me what I want." Sergei smirked.
Castiel turned to watch the Winchester as his body went limp.
Eden used her enhanced speed, grabbing Sergei by his bulging neck to pin him to the wall of the corridor outside.
His eyes widened in horror.
"You fix him or whatever you're blackmailing Castiel with will be the least of your problems." She growled, bearing her fangs and flashing her black and red eyes. "I can promise you that."
"You kill me, he dies." Sergei countered, looking to Castiel, who had the ghost of a smile on his face at the man's current situation. "Or, you give me the Key to Death and he lives."
"Pigeon, what is he talking about?" Eden demanded, not taking her Dark Angel eyes from the man she was threatening, squeezing his throat a little more.
"You really have no idea about the treasures this place holds, do you?" Sergei chuckled as best he could through her grip. "The Men of Letters, some time ago, procured a very important item. A black key. Handle in the shape of a skeleton. It can open a door to Death's library. You will find it and give it to me and-"
"No." Castiel growled, taking a step forward.
"I know every square inch of this Bunker and there is nothing like that here." Eden glared.
"You can't win this." Sergei smirked.
"Yes, I can." Cas shrugged.
He pulled his phone from his pocket and showed the man a picture of a girl with long blonde hair, wearing a red dress. Sergei immediately lost his triumphant expression.
"Anna..." He uttered.
"A friend, Bobby. He's been watching her." The Angel informed him. "One word from me and... Well, you know what happens."
Eden violently released Sergei's neck, cocking a brow at her friend.
"Pigeon... I didn't know you had it in you." She smirked.
"It's been a rough couple of weeks." Cas mumbled, looking back to the man in front of him. "Fix Sam. Now. Or I let Eden loose on you and I give the order on your niece."
Eden put her hand on Sergei's back and shoved him towards the infirmary. She placed said hand right between his spine as he loomed over Sam's unconscious form.
"Do anything to worsen this, I make it hurt and your niece still dies." She told him. "I won't even kill you. You can live with your injuries as well as the fact that you'd be responsible for Anna's death."
Sergei sighed, took another glance to Eileen and Castiel before hovering both hands over Sam's body, uttering a spell.
Sam gasped out, launching upwards into a seated position.
Eden threw Sergei out of the way and sat on the bed, hugging Sam's neck.
"Are you okay?" Eileen asked.
"I think." He panted, tapping his index finger to the side of his head to sign his reply as well.
"What about your wound?" Cas asked as Eden separated from the Winchester.
"It's still there." Sergei informed him as Sam checked. "But, he's back. So, we good?"
"For now." Castiel glared.
The man went to walk away, but paused and turned back to the Angel.
"I like this new you, Castiel. It's very... Russian." He smirked, continuing his exit.
"If I see you again, you're going to wish you were dead." Eden snarled. "You chose the wrong person and the wrong life to threaten me with."
"I like your fire, dear Eden." Sergei uttered, his voice echoing down the hall.
The day after, Dean was back. After a short conversation with Castiel, he made his way to the infirmary, where Eden had instructed Sam to stay until she was sure he was okay.
"Hey, buddy. How you feeling?" The older brother asked, taking a spot at the foot of the bed.
"I feel like... Like I was in his head." Sam replied, sat up with Eden next to him, Eileen and Willow stood on the other side of the bed.
"You were in Chuck's head..." Dean narrowed his eyes as he nodded for clarification.
"I think so." The younger brother stated. "And I think I saw his memories... Dean, Chuck is weak. I think we can beat him. I think we can beat God."
"Do you mind if I have a look?" Eden asked. "I'll be gentle, I swear."
Sam nodded, adjusting his position so that he was fully facing her.
Eden took a deep breath and placed her index and middle fingers on his temples, both closing their eyes.
With a flash of light, Eden was cast into his mind, tracing his memories.
"You're not complete." She saw Amara frown. "You're not at full strength."
"I used to see Sam and Dean in my head." She heard Chuck say. "And now it's just gone."
Eden was thrown out of Sam's head as soon as the visions were over.
"Oh, wow." Eden's eyes were wide for a second before she re-closed them, shaking her head clear of what had just happened.
"Well?" Willow asked. "What happened?"
"Sam's right. Amara sensed his weakness. I don't think he'll be going very far anytime soon."
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