It was late morning when Jenika approached the next venue. Adam had told her to just look for Waldo (their tour bus) and park by it. Adam had been checking his phone and noticed a recent text from Tim.
T- Where are you? You're almost here right?
A- I'm arriving right now.
Tim looked out the window of the bus and saw an RV parking across from them.
Tim let the other guys know that Adam had finally arrived. They had all been worried about him. Adam never took off like that. They look out the windows to see Adam coming out the door of the RV.
"What the hell?" Rob said. "He hitched a ride with some random person?"
"That's no random person guys. LOOK." Chance said with a smile as he saw Jenika get off the RV behind Adam.
"Well hot damn!" Austin shouted. "When Adam see's something he wants he moves fast doesn't he?"
All the guys were laughing and joking about Adam except Tim. He was staring out the window not believing what he was seeing. How could Adam take off with her and not tell him what he was doing. They had been best friends for years. He thought they told each other everything. "I guess he see's our relationship a little different than I do." Tim thought to himself.
Adam told Jenika he was going to go talk to the guys and asked if she would wait there. Adam knew exactly what was going to happen when he stepped on the bus and she didn't need to hear that.
Adam was barely up the stairs when Austin grabbed him and patted him on the back. "Moving fast man. Didn't know you had it in you. Way to go."
Rob, being the most subdued, said "She seems nice but don't move too fast. I don't want to see you hurt."
"I think they already moved fast. Too late for that talk now Rob." said Chance. "You going to be more fun now that your are getting some?" Chance said to Adam.
Adam held up his hands to get the guys to quiet down for a second when he heard Tim mumble "I'm sure he'll be a f*cking ray of sunshine."
Adam looked at Austin, Rob and Chance and said "Two things: Nothing happened between me and Jenika, and can we (gesturing between himself and Tim) have a minute alone. Thanks. Go entertain TJ and Jenika for awhile."
Adam sat down across from Tim once the other guys left. "You want to tell me what's up with you these last two days?" Adam said softly as he layed his hand on Tim's arm. "Be honest with me."
Tim took a deep breath while he gathered his thoughts. "You want honesty? Fine, you'll get honesty....I'm jealous. Okay? We usually hang out after shows and you blew me off to hang out with her. Then you just up and disappeared with her for 24hrs without a word to anyone but Luke. I thought we were best friends. I thought we could tell each other anything. Maybe I was wrong." Tim finished speaking and then hung his head. He couldn't look at Adam or he might start crying.
"Tim, look at me. Please!" Adam pleaded with him. When Tim finally looked up Adam tried to explain, "Tim, you are my best friend and always will be. And we can tell each other any and everything. I'm sorry you feel like I blew you off the other night. My plan was for all of us to hang out after the show. It just didn't end up that way. And I'm sorry I didn't let you know what I was doing yesterday but I was in a hurry. I needed to talk to Jenika and nobody else was awake so I let Luke know and left. I'm sorry I didn't text anyone all day. That's my fault. Can you forgive me?"
Tim nodded his head yes. Adam stood up and pulled Tim into a hug. They just held each other for a few minutes before Adam quietly said "Are we okay now?" Tim nodded again and stepped back out of Adam's arms.
Adam headed for the door while he said "You coming? It's time for sound check."
"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute." Tim replied as Adam stepped out the door. "Shit, that was close." Tim thought as he paced back and forth on the bus for a minute while he got himself under control.
Tim could hear laughter as he approached the stage. Austin was in the middle of the stage pouting while Jenika, Olena, Adam, Rob, and Chance were giggling from the front row of seats. TJ sat there with a blank look on his face. Tim could only guess some adult joke, that TJ couldn't understand, had been leveled at Austin.
Austin saw Tim standing just off stage and begged him for help, "Tim, would you tell Adam's girlfriend..."
"JUST friend" Adam and Jenika yelled together.
"Okay, Tim would you tell Adam's 'JUST friend' to stop being mean to me?" Austin finished.
"You're on your own buddy" Tim chuckled. "Why don't you fire back and see if she can take as well as she gives?" Tim looked at Jenika as she gave him a nod and a smile.
"Oh, she can Timmy." Olena shouted. "She's going to fit in well here."
After the concert that night the group went out for some late night food and drinks. They were all eating and laughing when Jenika noticed that TJ was falling asleep in his chair. "Hey, guys I think it's time for me to go. I need to get someone to bed." She said as she pointed at TJ.
When it was obvious that nobody wanted her to cut out early Luke offered to take TJ back to the bus and put him to bed in one of the extra bunks. TJ thought it would be cool to sleep there and get to ride on the bus so he left with Luke as the rest of the group continued their fun.
The group finally headed back when the bar closed at 2am. Jenika was just about to grab TJ and carry him to her RV when Adam said to just to leave him. Jenika explained that she doesn't have a driver so she was going to have to sleep for awhile before driving and asked if they really wanted to babysit for a few hours before she got there. Olena said that she would love to watch him for a few hours and shooed Jenika out the door.
Everybody was asleep except Tim. He just couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier. He finally climbed out of his bunk and headed toward the living area to grab some water. He didn't see Adam laying on the couch in the dark until it was too late. Tim flopped down on the couch right on top of him. Tim heard a shocked "ooohf" just as he felt himself land on top of something.
"Ow shit" Tim said loudly as he rolled off the couch and onto the floor. "What the hell?"
"Shhhhh, you're going to wake everyone up" said a familiar voice from beside him.
"Adam?" What are you doing out here?" Tim whispered.
"I could ask you the same thing." Adam retorted. "Trouble sleeping. But God knows I can't figure out why. I've got more alcohol in me now than I have in a long time. I should be passed out cold."
Tim knew the alcohol in Adam would act as a truth serum so he asked him if he wanted to talk about his time with Jenika the day before.
Adam was happy to talk about his new friend. He told Tim how he got her phone number from TJ and had texted her in the morning. How he gave his long speech about why he invited her backstage and then came looking for her the next day. Then he told Tim everything he learned about her and TJ that day. That they had stopped in a Walmart parking lot for the night and he slept on the most uncomfortable couch ever. He told Tim that she was a great cook and how much fun he had with TJ while she was driving.
When Adam stopped talking Tim asked "Did you kiss her?" Adam chuckled and said "Of course not silly. We're just friends. She did tell me I was hot but she thinks your hotter. I'm pretty sure she was dreaming about you at one point. I think I heard her say 'Tim, please' while she was sleeping. It sounded like a good dream." Adam chuckled again when he heard Tim gasp at what he'd said.
Adam was finally getting tired. He had angled his body towards Tim and leaned his head over on his shoulder. Tim wasn't very comfortable, physically, but he felt much better emotionally. Tim was still trying to figure out all that had happened between he and Adam the last few days when he finally fell asleep.
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