buckle up
Watching the hand of the clock move at a speed that could only be described as slothlike was the most frustrating thing in the world to Eddie Kaspbrak, whose ADHD made his brain move impossibly faster than his mouth. Only 30 seconds until it was official. Spring break. Senior year. One car. Seven losers. It all meant one thing; road trip.
They had spent weeks planning, months saving up extra cash. Stan had worked overtime to get in his parent's good graces, and it paid off--in the form of keys to his aunt's RV. That was his contribution. The RV was pretty big, having a curtain that separates the driver from the lounge area. There were two couches that pulled out to attach into one big bed that sleeps four, and another bunk bed in the back. The bunk beds were in a closed off room for more privacy, which was most likely designed for children to sleep in while the adults were still up. A bathroom was also in the back of the RV, across from the bedroom. To top it all off, there was a TV and minifridge in the lounge for entertainment.
Ben's contribution was the entertainment. He had managed to collect a shelves worth of only the best movies: Beetlejuice, The Shining, Heathers, Stand by Me, Back to the Future, a Star Wars collection. Dirty Dancing, The Breakfast Club, Risky Business, Rocky, Beauty and the Beast.. Almost too many for them to watch in the two weeks. He had also brought cards, a few board games, and a radio.
Eddie knew he would not be able to contribute much. His mother was under the impression that he was spending the break with Bill's family at their beach house in Cape Cod. She had barely agreed to that. So, Eddie supplied a bag full of Snacks and a first aid kit that was top notch.
Beverly, Bill, Richie, and Mike brought the money. After months of saving whatever wasn't going towards college funds, they pooled together $640 -- $300 from Beverly and Richie's jobs at the movie theater, $100 from Bill's babysitting business, $190 from pretty much all of Mike's savings, and $50 from Mrs. Kaspbrak (supposedly going to Bill's mom for Eddie's expenses)
And of course, the destination? Well, there were seven. The trip was planned so that each loser got to choose one destination. First, they would be going to Eddie's pick; New York City. Following this would be the long drive to Chicago, where Ben planned an architecture tour, then LA.
Everyone assumed Richie had picked LA because he wanted to move out there some day, to try his big mouth on the big screen and see where the fuck that was going to take him. But, Richard Tozier had a secret... well, he had many secrets, to be clear. There was the one about how his retainer gave him a lisp, so he only wore it at night, as well as the secret about how his gpa is not a prime number, as he claims it to be (although, the losers club were well aware of his 4.0)
Oh yeah, and there was that secret about how he was completely in love with his best friend, Eddie Kaspbrak.
But he was more focused on the one secret he has yet to tell a soul: that he booked an audition in LA.
Okay, sure, the boy isn't daft enough to believe he will actually get the part as an opening act for Dave Chappelle's comedy tour-- but whether or not he succeeds in this audition will help him with an ultimately larger decision.
Whether or not to dorm at UCLA with Eddie Kaspbrak and follow his dreams, or accept his acceptance to MIT's Biological and biomedical science program.
After LA, they would drive to Arizona for Bill's request of the Grand Canyon. Then would follow Beverly's pick, the hot springs of Arkansas, Stan's choice of Disney--he wanted Mike to see Florida-- and last but not least, Mike's choice, Washington, DC.
3... 2...
And just like that, it felt like 8th grade again, flying out of their individual classroom doors, and uniting in a larger group that walked the halls together. Eddie, Beverly and Bill had been exiting their STATS class, Ben, Richie, and Stan leaving AP Calculus. The schedules had been set up purposefully by the group, to time it so that their last block classes would all take place in the same hallway. It made the day feel.. more comfortable maybe? Knowing that when that stupid fucking clock hits 2:20, out they would all be pushed, right towards each other.
"Hal-le-fuckin-lujah," Richie announced, "Spring break couldn't have come at a better time! I swear to god, when Mrs. Sanders bent over to pick up that marker, I could see her ovaries!" He gags, Stan whacking him upside the head due to the boy's obnoxious volume.
"I thought you had eyes for overweight women in their fifties," Stanley points out, smirking a bit in Eddie's direction.
"Nope!" Richie's laugh bounds through the crowded hallway. "Mrs. K is one of a kind, a soul mate situation, you could say. I could never look at the rolls of another women with such--"
"Beep beep, Dickwad!" Eddie cuts in sharply at the tall and lanky boy beside him. "And my mother is in her late forties, fuck off Stan."
Ben walks through the middle of Richie and Eddie, a good call as he observes Richie's hand moving towards Eddie's hair, while Eddie looks like he could bit one of Richie's fingers off.
Eddie's spirit animal was definitely a dog, Richie thought. One minute, his large eyes are cute as buttons, practically whispering 'feed me, pet me. Love me' and then, 10 minutes and some badly timed jokes later, well, Richie wouldn't be surprised if he was foaming at the mouth.
And god, did he love it.
"So, for the last time," Bill says as they all make their way towards the exit of the building. "Since Richie definitely wah-wasn't listening at lunch."
"Okay, could you blame me?" Richie interviens. "This punk was kicking me under the table." Richie laughs, nodding towards Eddie.
Actually, he was trying to play footsie, when Richie responded with a whack to his ankle. Then, it was on.
"Yeah, yeah," Beverly speaks. "Just let Bill speak."
"Thank y-you. Now, I will be picking Eddie up first because his mom thinks I'm driving him to my house so we cah-can leave with my parents early in the morning for Cape Cod. We will all meet up at my house at Stan's house at 7:00, lug-lug-luggage and ready to go by 7:15--"
"7:45" Stan cuts in. "My parents are making us all dinner before we go."
"Okay, 7:45." Bill corrects himself. "On the road tonight, I'm duh-doing the first driving turn, we should be parked somewhere in Vermont by half past midnight. Ben's got to be up at 7 to drive so we can be in N-N-NYC by noon."
Eddie tries to contain his excited squeal, but his face gives it away, and its fucking cute Richie thinks. Its really fucking cute.
"Alright." Bill mounts his bike. "See you l-losers tonight." and he rides off.
"What a dork." Stan says affectionately, giggling a bit. And they are all niking their separate ways.
Eddie remembers Bill's words. "Two weeks, one bag. We don't have eno-enough room for more"
He tries to keep this in mind as he packs the same shorts he was wearing years ago. He brings mainly t-shirts, one sweater for the colder days, and a pair of sweatpants he stole once from Richie that still hang low on his waist, despite being too long. His pajamas are simple, fuzzy bottoms and a flannel he stole from Bill. He brought one nice outfit-- moron jeans and a tight fitting white shirt in case they did something fancy. In the top part of his suitcase, Eddie kept his bathroom bag. This has his personal shampoo and conditioner, tooth brush, tooth paste, nightly meds, condoms (which he didn't plan to use, but brought anyways-- even if it was mainly to show off that he actually had seen one before, since the losers didn't believe him last time the topic was brought up), and his backup aspirator. Next to this is some entertainment stuff-- a stack of comics that barely fit, and the gameboy Richie got him for his birthday two years ago.
Finally, hidden in that bag is one thing that Eddie doesn't want the losers to know about. Eddie's teddy...
He knew that he shouldn't need the dumb thing anymore, being freshly seventeen years old, but that didn't change the fact that when he woke up in a cold sweat, remembering the things it did, the faces that clown made, his teddy bear was always there to cry into.
So, with his fanny pack strapped on around Eddie's hips, and his suitcase zipped up, Eddie was ready to embark on the second most important journey of his young life thus far.
He was ready for New York.
After being constantly cramped up in this room in the middle of buttfuck nowhere for the first 17 years of his life. Eddie had finally decided that he was moving out of Maine for college.
This of course terrified Mrs. Kaspbrak, who begged him constantly to give up UCLA for Derry Community College.
But somehow, he had survived a demonic clown from the pits of hell, so he could deal with a forty-eight year old woman who carries benadryl around like a purse.
Despite choosing LA for College, Eddie found himself drawn to the city that never sleeps. Maybe it was because of the bright lights and busy streets, or the fact that it's nicknamed the big apple, and well, an apple a day keeps the doctors away. But Eddie couldn't go to college there. It was too close. His mother would visit monthly, no, biweekly.
So, he chose the other city where dreams came true.
Eddie's watch beeped with an alarm-- it was 6:30. Bill was here.
He picked up his bags, walking out through the hall towards the exit. He thought that maybe he could slip out quietly, and his mother wouldn't even know that he 'forgot' to kiss her goodbye. He made it as far as the porch steps when he heard the squeak of the recliner. Well. shit.
Bill helped Eddie toss his stuff into the back seat of the car his parents bought him for his 16th birthday. It wasn't great, but the old motor had a charm about it that reminded the losers of Bill's bike, Silver. Bill had named his car the winter soldier after the time he and Eddie got it stuck in a snowbank, and all Eddie could do was shout out meaningless comic book references.
Mrs. Kaspbrak wobbled over to the boys, smiling as she called. "Eddie, William, come over here before you leave." Although she did not like the majority of Eddie's friends, there were two exceptions. She had been friends with Bill's mother since the two enrolled in preschool, so naturally, she was fond of the quiet and polite boy. Secondly, she thought that Stanley Uris was a very clean and proper boy scout. If it were up to her, she would have never let Richie join their trio in middle school.
"Yes ma'am" Bill paused, closing the car door. He lined up in front of her with Eddie, letting the woman inspect him like he assumed that she would. For this soul purpose, he had worn nice, clean jeans, a polo shirt, and hand sanitizer that Eddie gave him for Christmas in his pocket, clearly sticking out.
"You boys be safe.." She says, and for a moment, she almost sounds like a real, normal, caring mother. "Don't eat anything that looks weird, and don't go anywhere without the Denbroughs. Eddie will be sleeping in his own bed, correct William?" She asks.
"Yuh-yuh-yes ma'am." Bill reassures her. "The guest room has t-two twin beds fuh-for Eddie and I," he says, not even feeling guilty for his lies. He looks too excited.
"And you gave me the number to call in case I need to get in touch with Eddie?" She asks.
"Yes mummy," Eddie says. It's actually the phone attached to the RV, but at this point, Richie had nailed the Mrs. Denbrough impression to the point of consistently fooling Sonia, with the occasional help of Beverly to laugh out high notes.
"Okay. I love you, Eddie-Bear. Here are the treats I packed for you too," Sonia says, handing him the bag. Then she goes off, "make sure that you are taking all of your meds, morning and night. And use sunblock at the beach, you don't want melanoma, do you? And don't stay in the ocean too long or your skin might get itchy from the salt water. You wouldn't want a rash when I'm not there to fix it. The vitamins are very important for your immune system. Even when you are in the sum you have to take vitamin D pills, Eddie. And stay where the water hits only up to your waist because if you get one of your asthma attacks in the ocean, oh god, the current could drag you right out to sea! Stay close with Bill, he will keep you safe. And don't talk to the girls you meet there, especially the ones in those god awful bikinis that show too much skin. They may be carrying diseases, and you don't want herpes because you decided to go in for one kiss, now do you Eddie?"
And with that, Eddie leans up and kisses her cheek, smiling a little through his embarrassment. "I know. I love you mommy," he responds, quickly getting into the car after that.
If it had been in front of anyone else, Eddie may have passed out, cried even. But he just didn't feel embarrassed around Bill. He was too close with the light haired boy. So, as soon as they drove away, the two shared a triumphant look and cheered instead. "We did it!" Eddie announced.
At ten past seven they were all on the sidewalk, awaiting one glasses-bearing dipshit.
"Where the hell is Richie?" Stanly grumbles, looking up and down the road that Richie was clearly not on.
"Ho-how is this possible? He, he lives closest to you!" Bill says, face palming in sync with Stanley.
"That's it. I'm not waiting," Eddie declares, and opens the door to the minivan. It was a moment that they were all supposed to have together. Walking into the vehicle where they would be sleeping for most of the next two weeks. But, Trashmouth would have to live without that experience.
As Eddie ascended the stairs, he had one thought. Thank god it was Stan. Thank the damn heavens that this RV was under Stanley's watch for the last two weeks. It was spotless. The OCD boy had clearly both only cleaned everything, but decorated a bit too. This place... it had an aesthetic to it.
"I call the back room!" Beverly calls. "And so does Ben!" She giggled, pulling her boyfriend to claim the getaway space. None of them stop her. She is, after all, the only girl, and if she needs a place to get away for a few minutes, they'd give it to her. The losers also knew that if any of them--most likely Stan or Eddie-- needed a place to lay down, she'd let them swap spots for a bit.
"Fine, but no funny business Marsh!" Stanley calls after her and haystack with a smile.
"Why singling me out, not a word to Ben here?" she replied with a giggle.
Mike cackles a small laugh, "Because Ben wouldn't dare initiate anything in the first place," he teases.
"Rude... i think..?" Ben yells back, tossing his stiff on the bottom bunk.
Eddie walks over to the couch, noticing how the it definitely folded out as promised. He puts his suitcase on one couch. "If Richie no-shoes, I call the pullout to myself," he announces with a grin.
Stan and Mike take the other couch. "You realize that when he does show, you just volunteered yourself to share a bed with Trashmouth for the whole trip." Mike says this, with a smile on his face.
Oh, Eddie knows... "Oh-- shit!"
"No taking back!" Stanley calls out, setting his things down as Eddie feigns frustration as his plan goes off without a hitch. "Okay, now, lets go inside and eat. Richie will show up eventually."
They all agreed.
7:30 rolls around, and Eddie is rolling his eyes. He is also stuffing his face with homemade lasagna, so he isn't actually doing that bad. But then, 7:38 hits and he is no longer hungry for one of Mrs. Uris' freshly baked cookies... okay, maybe one...
But seriously, like, where the hell can a lanky teenage boy that lives two blocks away be? He knows that the losers aren't seriously considering leaving without him, but it still freaks Eddie out that Richie is gone to begin with. That morning he had been throwing notes at Eddie in English, the inside bearing little comics about their soon to be adventures all over the USA. He wasn't about to flake out on the losers with no warning...
It's 7:40 and everyone is talking about, 'where is richie' 'what is richie doing' 'since when does richie miss a Uris home cooked meal' when finally-- FINALLY, the boy of the hour arrives, holding a suitcase and looking... vacant.
"Where the fuck were you, you fucking moron--" Eddie starts in, but notices Richie's puffy red eyes and stops himself
"Here now. You save me a cookie, Missus?" Richie calls out to Stanley's mother, who is just happy that Richie is here, because she knows...
"Of course, darling." Hospitality drips from her tone, offering Richie one off the rack.
"Sweet." Richie smiles, the other losers looking at him funny. For a moment he falters. He wants Mike to hug him, Beverly to braid his hair, Ben to tell him it's okay, Bill to just protect him, Stan to rub his back, Eddie to kiss his cheek like that one time, Freshman year. He wants the human connection, the comfort. To be told he was in the right, and that no kid deserves to see what he just did.
But this trip can't start off on a bad note for all of them.
"Well what are you waiting for," Richie announces. "I'm here, big bill, lead the way and get to driving."
Eddie has a thought then.. sometimes, Richie is braver than he knows.
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