(Wilson Fisk arc) Part 8
Peter: "James Wesley..."
Y/n: "What's that?"
Peter: "HIs name, it's James Wesley"
Peter and I are now processing every data 'James Wesley' has on his phone.
Y/n: "What else does it say?"
Peter: "Holy crap..."
Y/n: "What, what is...Oh, shiiiit!"
On the screen were dozens of financial records to shady-looking businesses along with dozens of chat logs regarding 'Cleaning Services'. We also found previous expenses regarding the illegal smuggling of firearms along with several dealings for the secret stash of illegal drugs.
Peter: "Y/n...I think you just knocked out the right-hand man of Wilson Fisk"
Y/n: "YOU THINK!!?"
Peter: "With this...we can take Fisk down with all of this!"
Y/n: "But there's just one thing..."
Peter: "Right...the 'how' we got it is not exactly legal per se. The safest bet is probably just to say speculation"
Y/n: "But what if it doesn't have to be? what if there was someone who can testify that this is all true?"
Peter: "I mean that could be enough, but who would stand up to someone like Fisk?"
Y/n: "You know...I think I know someone who could"
Peter looked at me intrigued as I looked out the window to see it still dark out.
Y/n: "If I could get there quick enough I might still catch them still awake"
I went over to my mask and put it on before making my way towards the window.
Peter: "Another restless night for the Spider-man?"
Y/n: "No rest for the Spider"
I pull up the window and perch up by the frame before looking back at Peter.
Y/n: "If May comes looking for me..."
Peter: "I'll tell her you're out in the city"
Y/n: "Thanks again Pete, I mean it"
Peter gave me a thumbs-up as he began focusing on the computer. I scoffed at his action before jumping out the window and thwipping out a web and began swinging to Manhattan.
[3rd POV]
Y/n arrives on a rooftop overlooking a hospital at Hell's kitchen. He uses his visor and scanned the hospital for his targets, he went and scanned each floor from his position until his scanner highlighted two figures in green that are laying on two separate hospital beds two floors down from his position.
Y/n: "That must be them. I should probably call Matt...but how?"
???: "You called?"
Y/n turned around as Matt lands on the roof with Y/n.
Daredevil: "Oh, that reminds me...Here"
Matt went to the pocket of his suit and pull out Y/n's phone before crouching down on the edge and began listening in. Y/n rejoiced after receiving his phone in one piece, sighing in relief as he unlocked his phone.
Y/n: "31%...Battery saver coming in clutch"
After unlocking his phone, Y/n went to his crime system app and began piggybacking on the servers.
Daredevil: "Okay, I'm going to get down there and see if I could get anything out of them"
Y/n: "Or...Hear me out, we go into the system and see what they know?"
Matt looked at Y/n intrigued as he went to work on his phone, plopping down on the edge he began going through the servers. To Matt, however, he only sees Y/n messing around accompanied by the beeps from his phone. This leads him to crouch back next to Y/n to find out more.
Daredevil: "What are you doing?"
Y/n: "Well, as you could-If I do a little bit of this and press a little bit of that and then activate our built-in kernel patch thanks to my trust guy in the chair...There we go!"
Daredevil: "What did you do?"
Y/n: "Well my devil suit-wearing friend, I just discovered Officer Blake and Hoffman's police profile, even stating when and where they were born"
Daredevil: "Okay, as impressive as that is. How does it help us in this situation?"
Y/n: "I'm getting to that. if I did a little bit more pressing *press the screen* Voila! Now I could access their phones, more specifically, their phone data"
Now having access to their data at the palm of his hand, he began scouring through their data apart from their normal day-to-day lives until he reached the ones he was looking for, text messages regarding canceling police patrols from certain areas. Areas that Y/n knew where he fought crime in from before, all of this came from one number, Adam Welsley's.
Y/n: "Would you look at that, incriminating data. All we need now is them to testify against Fisk with this, and we're good to take him down"
While Y/n was talking about his discovery, Matt picked up something clicking along with something metallic being pulled before being pushed forward. He leaned towards the sound confused as he tries to figure out what the sound met, his confusion turned to fear when a loud gunshot rang out a few blocks away.
Matt hears the bullet pierce through the air as it spins around until it goes through the hospital's wall and hits Blake in the head.
Daredevil: "Gunshot"
Y/n: "Yeah thanks for the heads up, Alexa *scans the hospital* Shit! They got Blake"
Daredevil: "We need to get those people to safety"
Y/n: *mutter* "Where the hell am I gonna put my phone? *sigh* Desperate times..."
Matt hears something elastic being pulled back, he turns to Y/n and 'see' him pulling on the collar of his suit before slipping in his phone in his suit. Once Y/n's phone is secured, he lets go of his collar as it snaps back to his throat. He rubs around his neck before patting his phone just behind the logo on his chest.
Y/n then jumped up to high ground behind him and shot a web towards the room Hoffman is in before securing it in place and plucking it for Matt to hear.
Y/n: "Alright, I made a zipline for you to cross. Directly below that is Hoffman's room, you get him to safety while I take out the sniper"
Daredevil: "Wait, Spider-man! You don't know who you're up against!"
Y/n ignored Matt's warning and proceeds to jump off the roof before thwipping a web and swinging to the sniper's location. Now being out of earshot, Daredevil sighs as all he could do is pray that Y/n will be unscathed in his pursuit.
'Looking' over to the line Y/n shot out for him, he takes one of his billy clubs and places it over the line before zipping across to Hoffman's hospital room. Once Matt nears the end of the web-line, Matt takes off the billy club and curls into a ball right as he crashes through the window.
Hoffman: *startled* "What the-"
Daredevil: "Get down!"
Matt manages to grab Hoffman and pull him off his bed and down on the ground just as another sniper round punches through the wall and whisk past their heads.
Hoffman: "Wh-what the hell is going on!?"
Daredevil: "Fisk hired a gunman to assassinate you and your partner"
Hoffman: "Fisk? *looks over at Blake's body* Oh God, Blake..."
Daredevil: "We need to move otherwise you'll be next"
Matt went to stand up first before pulling Hoffman to his feet, he begrudgingly got up as Matt leads him out of his hospital room but not before Hoffman took one last teary-eyed look on Blake's body.
The two then ran across the hall, ignoring the eyes of other patients and swatting away the nurses trying to stop them.
Doctor: "Excuse me, I'm afraid you can't exit the facility with my patient just yet-"
Daredevil: "This man is in grave danger!"
Pushing the doctor out of the way, Matt continues to drag Hoffman out of the hospital while keeping his head down to keep him safe.
Matt then picked up something being screwed in place before hearing a charging handle.
Daredevil: "Get down!"
A nurse then pulled out a suppressed pistol and aimed it towards Hoffman, Matt manages to push Hoffman down to the floor just as the nurse fired his weapon. The bullet flew past their heads and struck a wall, and that alone was enough to cause panic in the hospital.
Nurses and doctors began running away as one nurse pressed the emergency button on the wall before making their escape. The alarm soon began blaring across the hospital as well as the lights cut out and was replaced by blaring red lights in the hallway, this caused Matt to wince due to the suddenness of the loud noise as he tries to get a feel for the room.
The nurse aimed his firearm once again, but Matt manages to regain his bearings just in time and chucked his billy club to the nurse's throat, causing the nurse to misfire and hit a wall as he grabbed his throat in pain.
Matt catches his billy club before drop kicking the nurse towards a metal cart, sending it crashing down and knocking out the nurse. After that three more nurses peek into the hallway with their guns.
Matt honed in on the nurse close to him and hits the back of his knee with his billy club before twirling in the air to throw his billy club at another nurse just across the hall. The club bounced off the nurse's forehead, sending him back into the room.
Matt catches the billy club as he exits the twirl before slamming it down on the back of the nurse's head that was close to him.
Once the nurse was knocked out, he then took his attention to the last nurse who was pointing their weapon at Matt, he then threw his billy club at the nurse just as he had fired a bullet. The steel rod along with the bullet collide in the air before ricocheting off of one another deflecting the bullet as the billy club flies back in an off direction towards Matt.
Matt manages to catch the billy club before running over to the nurse and punching him square to the face.
Once the battle died down and the blaring noises started to drown out, Matt took a good 'look' and noticed the rough-looking men wearing the scrubs and figured that they were Fisk's men disguised as nurses.
Daredevil: "Fisk really wants to keep Hoffman quiet, permanently"
Matt then picked up several heavy footsteps heading towards them, thinking it might be more of Fisk's goons, Matt looked towards Hoofman who was still whimpering on the ground.
Daredevil: "Hoffman, get to the stairs!"
Hoffman looked over at Matt, which accompanied by the blaring red lights caused him to fear for his life. Nodding frantically, Hoffman booked to the staircase access with Matt walking after him.
As soon as he walked back where he stood before the alarm began blaring, he heard the footsteps before slowly coming to a stop. Matt turns around and was faced with seven Fisk goons all grouped up with either wearing brass knuckles or just bare-handed. Matt in turn grabs his second billy club before placing both of them in an X position right in front of him
Daredevil: "So...who's ready to meet the devil?"
The goons rolled their shoulders or pumped up their fists as they began their move, Four goons who were ahead of the formation ran up to Matt first, ready to take a swing at the Devil of Hell's kitchen.
Matt deflects the punches of the two goons in front with his billy club before hitting them each in the side of their head, sending them to the wall before performing a scissor kick towards the two goons behind them, knocking them back.
Another goon went ahead and tried to kick Matt while he was on the ground, but he manages to sweep the Goon's standing leg, tripping him as Matt got to his knees. The goon from behind recovered from Matt's hit and went to kick him from behind.
Matt manages to catch the goon's leg and forces the goon to do splits, the other goon right across from him then recovered and went to slam both of his fists down on Murdock. He intercepts this by kicking him straight in his gut, knocking the wind out of him as he slams his back to the wall. Matt then tosses the billy club in the air to adjust his grip before using it to hit the goon on the crown of his head, knocking him out.
The two goons who Matt scissor kicked groaned and went to sit up to get back in the fight. Matt quickly denies this as he bounces off the wall on the right and sent a kick across the goon on the left, hitting him in the side of the head knocking him out before fixing himself in the air to prepare to drop his elbow down on the goon on the right, knocking the wind out of him and taking him out of the fight.
Matt then sat up, feeling a bit winded but decides to press on. He stood up to his feet just as the final two goons went to help up the fifth goon, when they got him up to his feet they look over to Matt who twirls both of his billy clubs in his hand before beckoning them to come and fight him.
They then charged towards Matt, each of them about to take a swing at them in quick succession. Matt focused on the goon closest to him, grabbing his fist and his outstretched arm, he pushes the goon to the wall causing the goon to ride his momentum down the side of the wall as he wipes his face across until he faceplants to the ground.
Matt then dodged the other goon's hook, planting himself to the wall. Matt uses it to his advantage by bouncing off the wall and shoulder charging the goon into an IV stand that was randomly placed in the hallway.
The final goon went to look around and grabbed a tray that was lying around and went to slam it down on Daredevil. Matt uses his arm to try and block the attack while going for a punch to the gut, knocking the wind out of the goon and causes him to drop the tray to the side as Matt delivers an elbow to the back of the Goon's head, sending him to the floor.
Matt stood up shakily as he leans on the wall to his left to try and catch his breath all the while the goon that he knocked over slowly starts to stand up with the help of the IV stand. The goon then uses the stand as a weapon and thrust it towards Matt.
Letting out a low roar, Matt runs up the wall to dodge the attack before kicking the goon in the face in mid air. The goon then fell to the ground along with Matt, leading him to groan from landing on the IV stand.
He then laid on the ground panting, trying to catch his breath. He shot up once he heard Hoffman frantically running down the stairs, Matt grew worried when he heard two floors below he heard two gunmen piling up on a door.
Standing up from the ground, Matt quickly got to his feet and ran to the staircase access just in time to see two of Fisk's goons point their weapons at Hoffman who raised both of his hands scared.
Seeinng no other way to close the gap, Matt vaults over the railing and drops down towards the set of stairs Hoffman is standing. He then pushes Hoffman to the ground just as the gunmen shot their guns at the two, dodging the bullet just in time.
Matt then uses one of his billy clubs and threw it at one of the goons in the head. The goon was sent back upon impact into the goon behind the first, the goon was then pressed between his colleague and the door.
The goon went to push the goon off him, only for Matt to slam the goon into the goon hard into the metal door. The goon groaned as he drops his pistol in pain.
Daredevil: "Run, now!"
Hoffman nods as he got back up on his feet and running past him. Matt then tosses the two goons back inside before shutting the metal door behind them. As Hoffman run down the stairs to the ground floor, Matt vaults over the railing again before grabbing the railing of the staircase one floor before him.
Another goon burst out from the door but Matt ambushes the goon as he vaults over the railing he was hanging of off, kicking the gun out of the goon's hand, leading him to pull out a pocket knife as Matt lands on the floor.
The goon then swiped his knife at Matt, leading him to lean side-to-side to dodge the attack before grabbing the goon's hand before pinning the goon to the wall as Hoffman ran past the two as Matt kicked the goon to the ground, half-way into the room.
The goon went to push himself back up only be slammed the metal door on the goon's side. causing him to lay back on the ground as he surrenders to the pain. Once Matt took the goon out, he grabs the gun laying on the ground before running down the stairs.
Hoffman manages to reach the ground floor and went to exit the access, not noticing the door just behind him cracking open as a goon peeks out and went to shoot him in the back. Matt put a stop to the attempt by using the gun in his hand and shoot at the metal door that the goon was peeking out off, purposefully missing the goon and hitting the metal door, forcing the goon to shut the door close to avoid getting hit.
Hoffman took this sign to hurriedly open the door as he bursts into the hallway and out the hospital. The goon opened the door once again and tried to catch up to Hoffman, but when the goon swung the door widely, the goon was met by the butt of a pistol to the throat, causing him to choke.
Matt peeks into the doorway and grabbed the goon's arm before pulling the goon down and sent a knee strike to the goon's diaphragm, knocking out the wind off the goon before closing out with a pistol whip to the back of the goon's head, knocking out the goon.
Hearing Hoffman exit the hospital, Matt quickly disposes of the pistol in hand before following after Hoffman. As soon as he exits the hospital, he 'sees' Hoffman hunched over the railing as he pants for air.
Soon police sirens began blaring accompanied by the usual red and blue lights. Police cruisers then rolled up to the hospital and out the leading cruiser comes Sergeant Bett Mahoney, looking at the distressed Hoffman before eyeing up Matt in his Daredevil persona.
Daredevil: "Sergeant"
Brett: "Daredevil, someone tripped the alarm in the hospital. Is everything alright?"
Daredevil: "Just some goons doing an assassination, and I believe this has something to do with Fisk"
Daredevil: "You know I can't build a case based on a tip from a masked vigilante"
Daredevil: "Don't worry, It's why I brought Mr. Hoffman with me, he can tell you everything"
Matt then pat Hoffman on the back as Brett looked over at him conflicted.
Brett: "You were in on this, Hoffman?"
Hoffman: *shakily nods*
Brett: "Unbelievable, to think I had people like you on the force *To Matt* Alright, I'll call it in and try to build a case. He might need a lawyer for this one"
Daredevil: "No need, I have some friends I could call on. They'll make sure he gets the fairest treatment possible, until then you keep him safe"
Brett: "I guess, I'll take your word for it *To Hoffman* It's alright, Hoffman. You're in good hands"
Hoffman: "Thank you, I-I'll confess to everything. I-I swear!"
Brett: "I know, like I said it's gonna be okay *aloud* Can I get a blanket?"
Amidst the calming scene of a job well done, Matt picked up a gunshot ring out from afar followed by a slightly heavy thud. This causes him to shoot his head up in worry, not going unnoticed by Serget Mahoney.
Brett: "Is everything alright?"
Daredevil: "Gunshot...I need to go!"
Leaving no room for discussion, Matt quickly runs off and into the last location he heard the gunshot from as he tries to keep a leveled head.
Daredevil: (Damnit...You better stay alive Y/n!)
(A few minutes prior)[Y/n POV]
Y/n: "Alright, I made a zipline for you to cross. Directly below that is Hoffman's room, you get him to safety while I take out the sniper"
Daredevil: "Wait, Spider-man! You don't know who you're up against!"
I ignored his protest and shot a web and swing towards the sniper, I swung by dozens of buildings double-checking for the sniper's location until I noticed a guy holding a sniper rifle about to take another shot.
I quickly shot a web towards the sniper and zipped towards him, the sniper looked away from his scope just as I land to his side and began went to take the rifle away from him. He however held on to his rifle like an iron vice and began wrestling me off of his rifle.
Amidst our altercation, the sniper manages to get a shot off towards the hospital while we were moving the rifle around.
Y/n: "No!"
I pushed the sniper away before heading to the edge before scanning the hospital and see a green highlight of Matt and Hoffman standing up from the ground after barely dodging the bullet before running out the room.
I sighed in relief to see that the only person who could help take Fisk down is safe, I then turned back to the sniper to see him running away. I was about to chase after him until I heard the alarm of the hospital was triggered, sending a loud blare that could be heard outside.
Y/n: "He can handle that, yeah...I believe in him"
Making up my mind, I decide to give chase to the sniper on foot. I tried to look for a good place to swing, only to find all the buildings are leveled with each other. Deciding on foot is the best approach I have, I began parkouring over obstacles on the roof as we ran across from rooftop-to-rooftop.
Vaulting over AC units, climbing over fences and maneuvering over structures reaching another rooftop. The sniper then bounced off of wall to reach higher ground until grabs onto the edge of the adjacent roof before continuing to run all the wall I just ran up the wall and launched upwards as I use my web to change my trajectory.
I manage to catch up to the sniper, shooting a web towards his back as I pull myself towards him before hitting him directly, causing us to roll around the roof before kicking each other away and into our stances.
Once we were face-to-face I manage to get a closer look on his outfit, The man wore a skin tight black suit with three wide white lines around his wrists and forearm, three lines were also present around the top part of the man's chest and the eye jarring bullseye mark on the man's forehead.
Y/n: "So...does that spangly outfit got a name?"
Sniper: "The name's Bullseye, and don't you forget it chum"
Y/n: "Bullseye? I asked for your name not what's on your big ass forehead"
Bullseye: "Ahh...always one to not miss a mark. Same goes for me too, only when I hit the mark it usually proves fatal"
Y/n: "Well there's a first time for everything right? Like that 2nd shot on the hospital"
Bullseye: "It's always the first shot that counts"
Y/n: "Making excuses now? That's just pathetic"
Having fed up with my quips, 'Bullseye' went to his belt and pulled out two throwing knives before sending it my way. I manage to roll out of the way before performing a web-strike to close the gap, I went for a knee strike across his jaw but Bullseye manages to lean back and avoid my attack.
He then brandishes another knife as I went for a 3-point stance and upped my A game.
Bullseye was first to initiate the fight as he began swinging his knife down on me, I manage to flip out of the way before ducking from side-to-side to avoid his slashes. When he gave me an opening I went to punch him in his side but he manages to grab my arm and twist it.
I groan in pain before letting out a whail once I felt a sharp sensation piece my side, pushing through the pain, I jumped up and kicked Bullseye at the side of his head, knocking him back a few steps as he holds his head before looking back at me with a sadistic grin.
I manage to pull myself off the floor, hand in the open would as it stings whenever I move. But I decided to shrug it off and web up the wound before pumping up my fist again.
This time it was my turn on the offensive, dishing out a combo of kicks and punches which Bullseye deflects or dodges. I finish up my combo with a high axe kick straight down towards him, but he catches my foot and shifts my momentum as he tosses me away.
I manage to turn in the air to land safely before facing Bullseye once again, but before I could re-engage, Two throwing knives were coming towards me. Having barely enough time to move away, I jumped and spin around in the air, leading the knives to partially graze my leg and arm.
Once I landed to the ground, I was tackled by Bullseye. Pushing me across the roof while kneeing me in the chest, I went to push against him and block his knee strikes until we reached the edge of the roof.
Once he reels back to deal another knee strike, I quickly grabbed his head in place before pulling him down as I went for a knee strike of my own, hitting him directly in the diaphram, I then closed it out with a kick to the chin, flipping back as Bullseye was sent back from the attack, hearing a rattle on the ground as he did so.
I then landed back in my 3-point stance after my flip and went to look down, only to see a stun grenade roll up to my feet.
Y/n: "Oh shi-!"
The stun grenade then detonated, sending a concussive sound blast accompanied by a bright flash, hitting me directly in the eyes. I reeled back in pain as I blink rapidly to try and heal my eyes, when the ringing in my ears start to deafen out and my eyesight coming back, I see Bullseye, or as clear as I could see him, pull out a pistol and aimed it in my direction.
Bullseye: "Hasta la vista, Spider"
I then hear a gunshot ring out followed by a sudden force push me back, causing me to fall into an AC unit that was on the prior rooftop. Having my vision blurry and my ears ringing accompanied by the aching sensation along my body. I continued to lay on the AC unit defeated as I felt my consciousness begin to fade.
(3rd POV)
Running up another rooftop access, Matt kicks the door open and manages to reach the rooftop where Y/n laid defeated. Matt went to hear around the room to check for any signs of Y/n, in the process he manages to pick up the sound of a broken AC.
Matt went towards the sound and went to inspect it, feeling around the top part of the AC and immediately felt a body, Y/n's body. Fearing slightly, Matt leaned a bit closer to check his condition and felt weak breaths escaping from his mouth along with a slow heartrate.
Daredeviil: "Unconscious, *scoff* You are one lucky teenager, Mr. L/n, it's also a good thing a friend of mine happens to live closeby"
Grabbing Y/n's arms, Matt tossed him over his shoulder as he carries the web-slinger to his friend, where he always comes back to when he need a quick patch-me-up.
Finally done! Man this took forever, with the imagining and the proper wording, God...I'm beat. I really hope you guys like this one cause I sure as hell ain't gonna rewrite this.
Anyway I bett catch some ZZZ's, you guys already know the drill
Vote if you wanna
Share to your friends if you have any
And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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