(Wilson Fisk arc) Part 2
After I arrived at the shipyard, I noticed dozens of thugs guarding an area. I made quick work of them and about to apprehend a thug that might give me something against Fisk. That's when I came face to face with someone in a devil costume, we brought ourselves in a stare-off as the thug that I was about to question was knocked out.
Y/n: "A little too early for Halloween, don't you think?"
Masked man: "I asked you a question, Who are you?"
Y/n: "Funny...I thought the logo on my chest gives that away"
Masked man: "I'm not really a big fan of VISUAL signals"
I look at the man confused, wondering what exactly he meant. I then process what he said and how he said it, a few seconds go by, and then...
Y/n: "OH SHIT! I am so sorry!"
The man burst into a chuckle as the tension between us starts to ease off.
Y/n: "I'm Spider-man, sorry about the logo thing"
Masked Man: "It's alright, but that does explain the substance I encountered"
The man then pockets his stick before walking over to me.
Masked man: "The names Daredevil. A pleasure to meet you"
Y/n: "Yeah...Nice to 'meet' you too"
The masked man, or Daredevil as he calls himself, went up to the thug to rip off my webbing in his hand before carrying him in his shoulder.
Daredevil: "We should discuss this somewhere else"
He then walked away with the thug in tow as I zip up to a lamp post and wait for him to pass me.
Daredevil: "So do you mind me asking, what brings you to patrol this late at night"
Y/n: "Well the public isn't exactly open to me swinging around Manhattan at the moment"
Daredevil: "From the reputation that Fisk made for you?"
Y/n: "Yep, that's why I haven't been patrolling when the sun's out"
Once Daredevil passed me, I zipped over to the next lamp post and wait for him to pass again. This goes on until we made it to the roof of an apartment building, Daredevil then grabbed a chain that was lying around the roof and used it to tie up the thug's hands.
Y/n: "So what's your superpower?"
Daredevil: *still tying* "I have enhanced senses thanks to some Radioactive chemicals"
Y/n: "I got enhanced senses too, from something radioactive. But that isn't exactly what I'd call super"
Once Daredevil secured the chain around the thug's hands, he tossed the other end of the chain over the water tower as it falls inside the frame. Daredevil then pulled on the chain from the other side and began suspending the thug in the air.
Y/n: "You got super-strength?"
Daredevil: "I could take down a very large man with a single punch"
Y/n: "You got super-speed?"
Daredevil: "I went toe-to-toe with a ninja"
Y/n: "Any power over luck and fortune? Or any other powers related to a devil?"
Daredevil: "I work for a law firm by day...so I guess that counts"
Y/n: "Wait...You're not just some guy in a devil costume, are you?"
After Daredevil secures the chain with something heavy to avoid falling off the water tower, he looks over at me before shooting a grin my way.
Y/n: "You're joking, right?"
Daredevil: "Whatever the case, this person is my lead and I hate to say this but you should leave. I work better alone"
Y/n: "No way, he's the only thing I got close to a lead I'm not just gonna-"
Daredevil: "As soon as I'm done, I'll go clear your name. You have my word"
Y/n: "You don't get it, I'm not just gonna let Fisk get away with this"
Daredevil: "Fisk has a hold of everything, including Hell's Kitchen. I'm doing this for my city"
Y/n: "And I don't know about you but my turf's the entire New York City, so your city is my city and Your problem is also my problem"
Daredevil moved away from the water tower and made his way towards me as I did the same, meeting in the middle until we got close to almost butting our heads.
Y/n: "I'm not asking you to sit this one out, for the situation as is, you're the only shot I got to get back at Fisk. Let me help, I promise you I won't get in your way"
Daredevil looked to the side and ponders for a minute before sighing.
Daredevil: "Alright, but we do things my way. If you won't follow my rules, you sit this out or I'll make you sit this out got it?"
Y/n: "Loud and clear"
We then heard the thug groan as he slowly blink his eyes awake. Once he opens his eyes and lets his vision settle, he quickly notices our presence.
Thug: "Daredevil...*to Y/n* and who the hell are you supposed to be? Some kind of cop?"
Y/n: "Really?! So you got him right, but not me!?"
Daredevil: "We want answers Turk, what is Fisk planning in Manhattan?"
Y/n: "His name's Turk?"
Turk: *groan* "Come on. man. How long have we've been doing this? I snitched to you with no other choice"
Daredevil: "These ain't what I want to hear, Turk"
Turk: "They don't even tell me anything no more, man. I'm out of the loop! Cause they know that you'll come after me and ruin all the shit that they plan"
Daredevil: *sigh* "Then you have no use to me"
Going over to the side, Daredevil went and picked up a rusty pipe that was laying around.
Y/n: (Man, this rooftop's like a junk shop. It is not up to code)
Turk: "Wh-What are you gonna do with that? You gonna beat what you wanna hear out of me?"
Daredevil: "That's the plan"
Turk: "I already told you, they didn't tell me anything. You're not getting anything else out of me, might as well just beat me to death with it"
Daredevil: "...Very well"
I look over at Daredevil surprised, I began assessing him to see if he was serious, that's when I noticed his hand slightly shaking as he gripped onto the led pipe. I gently placed my hand on his shoulder to try and ease him off. Daredevil looked at me confused as I went close to his ear and began whispering.
Y/n: *whisper* "You know something, don't you?"
Daredevil: *whisper* "He's lying, they might not have told him anything but that doesn't mean he doesn't KNOW anything. He's hiding something, and I think he'll take it to his grave if he has to"
Y/n: *whisper* "But you don't wanna go through with this, don't you?"
Daredevil: "You don't know anything about me"
Y/n: "You're right, but there is something that I'm all too familiar with"
Daredevil: "And what's that?"
Y/n: "Hesitation"
I hear Daredevil hitch his breath, confirming my suspicion. I look back over at Turk as he remains suspended, eyes closed as he accepts his fate.
Y/n: "You're right about one thing, that he'll keep whatever he knows with him till the end"
Daredevil: "But how do get it out of him without taking his life?"
Y/n: "If I learned anything from watching movies, is that no one is not afraid of death. So we give him what he wants"
Daredevil: "Death..."
Y/n: "Now you're keeping up"
I pat Daredevil in the shoulder before making my way over to Turk in glee.
Y/n: "Mr. Turk, I have just one question to ask you"
Turk: "What is it?"
Y/n: "Do you have Super-strength?"
Turk looked at me confused as I climbed up to his chained hands and broke the chain from the water tower before setting him down. He then immediately tried to run away, pulling himself off my grip only to end up fruitless.
Y/n: "Because I do"
Turk: "Come on then, do what you gonna do. Kill me already!"
Y/n: "Oh, I'm not gonna kill you...yet"
I then began walking backward while pulling Turk with me, unknowingly getting closer to the edge of the roof.
Y/n: "You're gonna tell us what we want to hear, and you will tell us"
I then stopped as soon as my foot was close to the edge, keeping Turk's eyes on me to not alert him of my plan.
Turk: "And if I don't?"
Y/n: "Then I'll give you what you want"
I then threw Turk over my shoulder, he braced for impact to the ground only to see himself fall to his death. He screamed in fear as he began falling to his demise, only for me to shoot a web to his shoe. Stopping him from falling.
Y/n: "I'm no physicist, but I'm pretty sure that the amount of damage to the skull from falling head first from a roof is dependent on how high you once stood. And since I'm too lazy to do the math, let's just say...you're not gonna make it"
Turk: "Pull me up, pull me up!"
Y/n: "Na-ah-ah, not until you tell us about Fisk"
The shoe that I had my web latched on to began to slip off of Turk's foot, causing him to tense up further.
Turk: "I already told you that I don't know anything, I swear!"
Y/n: *sing-song* "I'm not buying it"
The shoe then slipped further off of his foot, getting close to being taken off as Turk began whimpering.
Turk: "Alright, alright I'll tell you! Just please pull me up!"
Y/n: "There it is..."
I shot another web towards his chest and pulled him back up to the roof, I caught him by the collar of his shirt before tossing him to the ground. He crawled back to catch his breath as Daredevil and I crouched down to him.
Turk: *pant* "A little while ago, I overheard some of Fisk's cronies that he's trying to rule the entire underbelly of New York, said something about 'Rebuilding this city to what it once was' bullshit" *pant*
Daredevil: "What else did you hear?"
Turk: *pant* "Fisk is raking up money for his cause, you know, about that whole Manhattan rebuild campaign that he was on about in the news"
Y/n: "I heard, can't believe people are buying into that sorta crap"
Turk: "I heard that the money they get from the crowd are all just for show, the real dough is coming from construction sites"
Daredevil: "There's a lot of those nowadays, what is so special about them?"
Turk: "See that's the thing, at the surface, it just appears to be any normal construction site. But on the inside, he has illegal goods flowing in and out of those sites"
Daredevil: "And they're being funded by the people so they have no right to shut it down"
Turk: "Exactly, and I swear that's all I know"
Daredevil: "There's just one more thing...What's he gonna do with all the money?"
Turk: "He's...He's gonna make some kind of monument, a building or something, I don't remember much. I swear that's all I know"
Y/n: *to Daredevil* "Is he telling the truth?"
Daredevil: "He checks out, we're done here"
Turk: "So we're cool? You're gonna let me go?"
Daredevil: *chuckle* "Not exactly *stands up* Knock him out"
Turk: "Wait, what?"
Without question, I reeled my fist back before throwing a punch to his face, knocking him out.
Daredevil: "Looks like you're idea worked"
Y/n: "Told you, all he needs is a small push or a deadly fall in his case"
Daredevil: *scoff* "But thank you, Spider-man. For your help, I think I can take it from here"
Y/n: "Still...There's the deal with the whole Fisk construction sites thing"
Daredevil: "We can work about it tomorrow, it's getting late and I have to keep attendance at my law firm to avoid any suspicion"
Y/n: "Oh, yeah...you did say something similar, Tomorrow it is then. See you around Daredevil"
He looked at me questioningly.
Y/n: "Right...Hear you later? Just...Keep in touch alright?"
I then jumped off the rooftop and swung away before it could get any more awkward. As I swing my way back home, I got another notification on my crime alert. I look it up and saw that it was close by.
Y/n: "Time to do a little detour"
I made my way to the location and found a Jewelry store that has been robbed, what's different though was that the thugs that were supposed to be robbing the place are laying on the ground. Soon all of them slowly got back to their feet before looking around the store shocked.
Thug: "Where the hell did all the diamonds go!"
Y/n: "Funny. I should be asking you the same thing"
I drop to the sidewalk just outside the jewelry store, surprising the thugs. They then raised their hands in surrender.
Thug: "Woah, woah hold on, Spider-man. You can't arrest us"
Y/n: "And why the hell not?"
Thug #2: "Because we didn't steal anything. Look, you can check our bags if you want"
Y/n: "Look, I'm not gonna bother not arresting you on a technicality. You guys are carrying guns in a peaceful establishment wearing hoodies and masks that makes you guys look like robbers"
Thug: "But-"
Y/n: "Look I have a rough night, I didn't get much sleep so why don't we just make this quick. You can plead your case to the cops"
The thugs tried to plead but I payed it no mind as I configure my web-shooter on my left wrist to fire a web-bomb as my web-shooter on my right wrist to fire a concussive blast. I then fired a web-bomb towards the thugs, it beep a few times before shooting out a large amount of webbing around the room, encassing the thugs in my webbing. I then sent out a concussive blast, causing them to be hurled back into the wall, sticking them onto it with the help of my webbing.
Y/n: "There. All done, now to get back home"
After finishing my business, I quickly swung away before the cops would arrive not noticing a figure that pearched up on a nearby rooftop.
???: "Why hello there, Spider~"
Ooohh...A Spider-man-Daredevil team-up. Like in the comics! This will not follow the Netflix series if any of you were curious, so there's your answer to that.
Hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter and as always, you guys know the drill
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And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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