(Wilson Fisk arc) Part 1
It's been a few months since Career Day, Manhattan is finally recovering from the attack as well as Wilson Fisk openly declares Spider-man as a menace. This boasts J Jonah Jameson's ego as he repeats that he was right all along, but it wasn't thanks to him that the people finally opened their eyes
Teacher: And that's how he conquered the nation in 1847. Questions?"
The teacher has concluded their discussion about a tyrannical ruler and went to turn to their class. The teacher's eyes landed on Y/n as he lay on his desk asleep, hands over one another as he laid his head on them to act as a pillow while having a book over his head to block out noise and the sunlight.
Teacher: "Mr. L/n!"
The teacher called out, startling Y/n awake as he shot up from his seat causing the book to slide off his head.
Teacher: "Am I boring you, Mr. L/n?"
Y/n: "Oh? Uhm, no it's just...Spent too much time studying again"
Teacher: "Well, do try to stay awake. I wouldn't want to see you in detention when you could be laying down on your bed at home"
Y/n: "Yeah, sorry teach!"
Teacher: "Just take some time off, alright? Take care of yourself"
Y/n: "I will"
The lunch bell then rang as the teacher quickly wraps up the lesson before the students began filing out of the classroom. Y/n looked out the window one more time to look out into Manhattan before taking a long yawn.
When Y/n finished yawning, we see him sitting down at the lunch table with Peter and other friends as they placed their lunch tray on their table.
MJ: "Wow, 3 yawns in 1 minute. You ARE tired"
Peter: "He's been staying up late constantly 'studying'. He rarely turns off his desk lamp at night"
Gloria: "But, studying 24/7? That surely isn't good for you"
Betty: "Yeah, are you at least taking some time to sleep?"
Y/n "Guys, I'm- *yawn* I'm fine, plus I'm not that tired"
Miles: "You went in line with a lunch tray and didn't even get lunch"
Y/n then looked down at his lunch tray and see that he has got no food on his tray. Sighing, Gwen went to give Y/n some of her lunch but Y/n quickly denies the gesture.
Y/n: "Nah, this is exactly what I want, a perfectly nice time to sleep. Now if you'll excuse me"
Y/n then threw his lunch tray behind him and used his arms as pillows once again as he continues his slumber.
The lunch tray that Y/n threw flew across the cafeteria and slammed on a student's lunch tray, and that student was none other than Flash Thompson. Having his lunch spilled on his outfit, he looks around the room enraged at whoever threw the tray at him.
He scans around until he lands on Y/n who was sound asleep. Finding his target he angrily stomped his way towards his table, Peter and the others looked over and grimaced as Flash got closer to Y/n.
Flash: "Hey, dweeb! Think you're hot shit?!"
Flash called out to Y/n but he kept snoring away, ignoring his call-outs, enraging him further. He then grabbed Y/n by the back of his shirt and held him in the air as MJ quickly protested.
Flash: "Look at me when I'm talking to you!"
MJ: "Flash!"
???: "Let him go"
MJ and the others as well as the rest of the students in the cafeteria looked over to the voice that intervened, they were then met with Felicia Hardy with her lunch tray in hand as she stood in front of Flash with two of her posse behind her.
Felicia: "Let him go, big guy. Can't you see he's trying to get some shut-eye?"
Flash looked at Y/n before looking back at Felicia, he then reluctantly drops Y/n back to his seat.
Felicia: "Good, I thought you were the type of man to beat people in their sleep"
Flash: "But this loser has to pay for what he did to my lunch"
Felicia then offered her lunch to Flash as the students around them sat in awe.
Felicia: "You can have mine, I'm not all that hungry. Plus, a woman's gotta keep her figure~"
Flash then gulps before hesitantly grabbing the tray from Felicia before walking away, having a celebratory fist pump as he does so.
Flash: (I got the Foreign exchange hottie's Lunch today, score!)
The students then roar in shock and awe confusing Flash, he turned back to the table and see Felicia taking her place on Y/n's lap. This got Flash jealous but decided to walk away with his new lunch in hand.
Back over at Y/n's table, Peter and the others were dumbfounded at the sight before them. Their introverted friend with a very small but close friend group has what is arguably the most attractive student on his lap at this very moment.
Miles: "I'm at a lost for words"
Peter: "I-I don't know what to say..."
Felicia then snaked her arms around Y/n's neck and began petting his hair as if he was a kitten.
Felicia: "Look at him, he's so cute when he's asleep"
Feeling a comfortable warmth in front of Y/n along with the soothing touch he felt on his head, he instinctively wrapped his arms around Felicia's waist as he unknowingly snuggled into her chest.
Causing another wave of awe from the students as MJ and her bandmates to fluster while Peter and Miles look over with a slight nosebleed.
MJ/Gwen/Gloria/Betty: (W-W-What is he doing!!?)
Peter/Miles: (He is so lucky~)
Y/n: *mumble* "So warm...So soft..."
Felicia: *blush* "Oh my~ He certainly is bold"
Peter then shakes himself awake before hurriedly trying to get his best friend's face out of her breast.
Peter: "I-I'm so sorry about him he just hasn't got enough sleep lately and he's been-"
Felicia: "It's alright, I don't mind"
Felicia dismisses Peter's efforts and assures him as they along with the rest of the students quickly quiet down to quiet gossip as they continued with their meal.
MJ: *clears throat* "Now that, THAT is out of the way. Mind if we ask what are you doing here?"
Gloria: "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing"
Felicia: "Well, I saw him in trouble so I thought I'd help him out. It's the least I could do"
Betty: "What do you mean?"
Felicia: "After he saved me from the Lizard attack a few months ago, I never got to thank him. So I figured I'd do this as a sign of thanks"
Gwen: "By sitting on his lap?"
Felicia: "Of course, why? Is there a problem?"
Gwen: "No, not at all"
The others then went to eat their lunch as Felicia continue to pet Y/n's hair as he slept peacefully with Felicia in his arms.
Felicia: "I do wonder, what are all of your opinion of the latest news about Spider-man?"
Miles: "Oh you meant the one with that Fisk guy?"
Felicia: "Yeah, that one"
Gloria: "He's a pretty decent guy, has his faults but I wouldn't go so far as to say he's a menace"
Gwen: "He did help my dad take down an arms deal a couple of weeks ago"
Peter: "All of us here support Spider-man, even if other people go against him. We know the truth"
Felicia: *looks over at Y/n* "What about him? What does he think?"
Peter: "I feel like he'll agree, he's been believing in him ever since he first saved my life"
Felicia: "Hmm...Interesting"
(Timeskip)[Y/n POV]
My eyes flutter open as I slowly start to wake up, when I could get a good feel of my surroundings I felt like I was laying on something soft and warm along with a slow and calming beat that's being picked up by my ear.
I went to touch whatever I was laying on, but a voice immediately stopped me from doing so.
???: "Slow down there, handsome~"
I stiffed at the sound of a feminine voice, I slowly look up to see Felicia with a small smile on her face.
Felicia; "At least take me to dinner first"
Y/n: "Ahh! W-what are you doing? And why are you on my lap?"
Felicia: "You seem so comfortable in your sleep, so I took it upon myself to give you something soft to lie on. You don't like it?"
Y/n: *slight blush* "No, it's like one of the best naps I'd have in a while"
Felicia; "Glad you could enjoy yourself"
I then looked around and noticed the seats around the cafeteria were empty along with the lights being off apart from the light above our table.
Y/n: "Where are the others?"
Felicia: "School's over, all of the students went home"
Y/n: "Wait, School's over!?"
Felicia: "Yep, the last bell rang a few minutes ago"
Y/n: "And they didn't wake me up"
Felicia: "Well you couldn't blame them, you were out cold. Made me want to take a nap with you"
Y/n: "R-right, listen I gotta go. Thanks for the nice nap"
Felicia: "Feel free to call on me whenever K?"
Felicia then got off my lap as I went to gather my stuff before giving a two-finger salute and walking out. I then exited campus and rode a bus back to Queens and made my way back to Peter's house by the living room, I was greeted by Aunt May.
May: "Hey, 'bout time you showed up"
Y/n: "Sorry, just fell asleep in class and didn't notice the time"
May: "Hmm...That's not what Peter said"
Y/n: "Why? What did he say?"
May: "He said that you were snuggling with a beauty in your class"
Y/n: *mutter* "That sonuva-"
May: "So~ What's she like? Come on, give me the good stuff"
Y/n: "Well...I don't really look at the person's exterior, I like to see the person on the inside, you know?"
May: *nods* "Good answer"
Seeing May satisfied with my answer, I made my way up the stairs and into our shared room and barge inside to see Peter doodling in his notebook. He looked up from his notes and over to me before shooting a smug grin.
Peter: "How was your nap with Ms. Gossip #1?"
Y/n: "It was amazing, but that's beside the point. Throwing me under the bus with May, Seriously?!"
Peter: "Well she wanted an answer so I gave her one, she was really worried"
Y/n: "Can't fault her really, anyways I better get moving"
Peter: "You're still gonna go with your 'Spider-cop' outfit?"
Y/n: "Uhh...Yeah, cause I don't have anything else to where"
Peter: "At least paint it, or modify it"
Y/n: "Like what?"
I went over to our closet and pulled out my suit before placing it on my bed. I heard a few sketches from a pencil then a notebook was thrown at me that I caught without even looking.
Peter: "Try that on for size"
(Art not mine)
Y/n: "Really sticking to the red and blue, huh?"
Peter: "What's not to like? It's mainstream, and it looks cool"
Y/n: "I just never thought I'd wear these colors"
Peter: "First time for everything, right?"
Y/n: *scoff* "Right"
I then rolled up my suit and grabbed my spray cans as Peter grabbed a few newspapers before laying them down on the floor and placing my suit on the top. I then opened our window before taking a couple of masks and tossing one over to Peter.
Y/n: "Alright, let's get to painting"
Peter: "Are you sure the spandex would survive spray paint?"
Y/n: "Never really tried coloring spandex before, but my painting solution would be alright for it. Plus Miles did it once, why can't I?"
Peter: *shrug* "If you say so"
I then went pulled out some masking tape and tape over the blue parts of the suit while keeping the ones I need to paint red remain open. Once everything was set, Peter manage to find an unused Silk screen lying around in the attic.
I let the paint dry as I think of what kind of spider I should print on the spandex. I went through my paper countless times, with dozens of discarded ideas and lots of eraser dust.
(Feel free to think of any spider emblem that you might like to use)
Once I finished the few details on my emblem, I blew away the left-over eraser shavings and gave it a look from afar. I look over at Peter and see him impressed as we nod to each other before going over to the silkscreen.
I made a stencil of my emblem and placed it on the silkscreen before placing my suit under it. When everything was set, I began pouring paint on the screen before steadily imprinting the emblem onto the suit. A few strokes later it was finished and we hung it up to let it dry for later tonight.
When the sun has set and the moon is slowly rising, I gently took off the masking tape on the spandex and pat the painted parts of the suit along with the emblem on the front and the back. I also checked over with my mask that I painted as well along with finally fixing the electronics on the mask.
Once everything was set and the system is booted up, I put on the mask and myself in the mirror.
(Feel free to also use any other classic suit variants you might like)
Y/n: "I'm looking fresh!"
Peter: "See? The color looks nice on you"
Y/n: "I guess you're right"
Peter and I look over my table just as my phone began vibrating on the table to signify my alarm.
Peter: "It's still got a bit of time to kill, wanna browse the internet for some leads?"
Y/n: *sigh* "Might as well, getting sick and tired of coming back empty-handed"
I grabbed my phone as Peter went to his computer as we began scouring the internet for any potential leads.
I checked any articles from news outlets to see if they got anything on Wilson Fisk, but all of them are all about him getting praised with some about his achievement in his platforms which I crossed out after investigating them a couple of weeks ago.
Y/n: "Nothing here..."
Peter: "Nothing here, also. It's all about you being acknowledged as a menace"
Y/n: "What else is new?"
Peter: "It's just not fair, you did a lot for this city and they just disregarded all of that once some egghead declared you as a menace to society"
Y/n: *chuckle* "Egghead...good one"
Peter: "Honestly I'm just baffled how you of all people are not affected the most by this"
Y/n: "Because you and I both know that I don't do this for fame, the public's decisions are their own. But don't think for a second I'll just accept people calling me a criminal"
My phone got an alert leading our conversation to be cut short. I open up the alert and got CCTV footage of someone suspicious lurking around in the shadows, the camera caught a man walking under a streetlamp as the figure crept up behind the man and put him in a chokehold before pulling him into the shadows with it.
Y/n: "Holy shit..."
Peter: "What? There some crime going on?"
Y/n: "Some suspicious-looking figure was spotted in a shipping yard"
Peter: "You think this could tie something up with Fisk?"
Y/n: "Who knows? But I'm about to find out"
I then put away my phone before donning my mask as the Heads-up display began syncing with my phone.
Peter: "You sure it's alright to ditch the protective vest?"
Y/n: "Yeah, the body armor's weighing me down so I can't move around as much"
Peter: "Yeah, but with who you're up against do you really think that-?"
Y/n: "Peter, relax. without it, I can move around mover freely. Which means I could be more agile, besides it's not like I'll get shot I have my spider-sense for that"
Peter: "Alright, knock yourself out"
Y/n: " 'Kay, keep me posted whenever you can and try not to stay up too late"
Peter: "You know I should be saying that to you, right?"
Y/n: "Haha smartass, Haha"
Peter then waved me off as I went over to the window and jump out before swinging my way to Manhattan towards the supposed scene of the crime.
(Timeskip)[3rd POV]
The shipyard is silent, the breeze so cold that sends chills to the guards that stroll around in thick jackets. The guards patrol around a small part of the shipyard, they curse under their breath from the temperature of the night but pushed on with their patrol.
Patrol guard: "This is stupid, wasting my damn night when I could be in the bar drinking with the boys"
The guard kicked a stone into one of the shipping containers, masking the sound of a figure that ran above the container next to him. The silhouette jumped the gap towards another shipping container, unknowingly moving under the only source of light the guard had as the sudden appearance of a shadow startled him.
Patrol Guard: "What was that!? Who's there!? Gary, I swear to god if that's you!"
The guard whips around to check his back only to find no one. The figure then ran across the container again, forcing the guard to check above the containers. This gave the figure the opening he needs as he lands behind the guard, the sudden appearance of the figure startled the guard, he went to turn around and open fire on the figure but it only lands a strong punch on the guard's nose, causing him to stumble back.
The figure then ran to the lamppost that was close and used it to jump off and deliver a strong superman punch to the guard's jaw. The guard plops to the ground unconscious as the figure slowly walks over to the light to reveal itself to be...
None other than the Man without Fear himself, Daredevil. After his takedown of the guard, he uses his enhanced hearing to pick up on the other guards' heartbeats to assess how many there are around the shipyard.
Daredevil manages to pick up on 12 guards. Three are patrolling on a small part of the shipment, Four guards were covering the vast majority of the yard, and the rest were posted up under lamp posts.
Daredevil went to the Three patrolling guards first. Judging from the patterns the trio of guards are patrolling, Daredevil suspects two shipping containers are separating them from one another, thus having a semi-circle pattern patrol route as they take rounds around the shipping container, two guards by the doors of the shipping container as the last guard is making his way across the side.
Having learned their patrol pattern, Daredevil immediately sprung into action. Grabbing his billy club, Daredevil threw one over at one of the guards at the back of his head, knocking him out.
The club bounced upon contact with the guard's head and Daredevil catches the club once it flew back to him. He then ran in between the shipping containers and threw his billy club forward, perfectly timed to hit the guard at the side of the head.
The club bounced back again as Daredevil catches it in his hand before performing a wall bounce from one shipping container to the next. He rolled once he reaches the top of the container and quickly ran to the edge and jump on the guard that was walking across the container, letting his full weight fall onto the guard, knocking the air out of him, taking him out.
Daredevil picked up footsteps coming closer to his position, he dove to a corner and readied himself to ambush the guard. The guard then inched closer to the corner but before Daredevil could jump him, he picked up a 'thwip' as something sticky attached itself to the guard's foot.
Patrol Guard #2: "What the-!? Aargh!"
Daredevil heard the guard get whisked away, he tried to pick up on the guard with his enhanced senses and heard muffled breathing coming from above him. He 'looked' up and noticed the guard hanging upside down on a ledge with his mouth muffled judging from the sound that Daredevil picked up on.
He then heard movement on the ledge along with slight thumps from the structure, he paid it no mind and continue to take out the guards.
He ran across one of the guards that were posted up and quickly raises his weapon upon picking up the movement.
Patrol Guard #3: "You better show yourself, cause I ain't afraid to put a bullet in you!"
Daredevil ran across again as the guard quickly looked over at where Daredevil once stood.
Patrol Guard #3: "I'm serious man! I swear I'll do it!"
Having enough toying with him, Daredevil then ran towards the guard, tossing the billy club to the lightbulb just as the guard looked over to where he picked up Daredevil's footsteps. The sudden darkness causes the guard's heart rate to increase, his hands starting to shake as he holds onto his gun.
In an instant, the guard was quickly decked to the lamp post by Daredevil. The guard went to look at Daredevil, only to be met with a swift punch to the face, knocking him out.
Patrol Guard #4: "Hey, did anyone else hear that!?"
Daredevil picked up another 'thwip' followed by a few barrels toppling over along with a few of the guard's heartbeats on the ground decreased immensely.
Patrol Guard #4: "You! Go check that out!"
Patrol Guard #5: "Hell no! Who the fuck you take me for?!"
Patrol Guard #4: *scoff* "Pussy..."
He hears the guard's footsteps shuffle away, leaving only himself as Daredevil went to sense where the other guards that were patrolling suddenly went.
Patrol Guard #6: "Hey!"
Getting caught up in locating the other guards, he failed to sense another guard that was nearby. The guard shined his flashlight over at Daredevil as he stood there silently.
Patrol Guard #6: "You...Thought you'd get away in busting another operation do ya? Well, tonight isn't you NIIiight..."
Once again he heard another 'thwip' as he heard something sticky stuck onto the guard's back before getting pulled upwards. Daredevil followed the guard to try and 'see' who was taking out the guards apart from him, but only heard light footsteps along with a couple of more 'thwips' followed by something flying through the air.
Deciding to focus on the matter at hand, Daredevil went over the lone guard that was left on his post. He lurks in the shadows trying to find an opening to strike, only for another 'thwip' to be heard followed by something wet and heavy flew across the yard and struck the guard directly in the chest before sticking him onto the lamp post.
Having enough, Daredevil made his way over to the guard and felt the substance binding him. He fells across the binding, confused by its silk-like texture along with its unusual tensile strength of one strand/thread.
Daredevil: "What is this?"
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a gun clicking followed by a voice he is all too familiar with, a weapons dealer he keeps ruining the business off. Turk Barret
Turk: "You're one piece of devil ass, aren't you?!"
Daredevil slightly turned his head over to Turk as he points his gun at Daredevil's head.
Turk: "I have a business to run here, man. You got some balls, I'll give you that. To come over to my operation! And ruin my business? Well not anymore, Not again-"
???: "CROTCH!!!"
A sudden voice forced Turk and Daredevil to look over, but when Turk looked behind him, he was immediately met with the genitals of Y/n as he donned his new Red and blue Spider suit.
Y/n then sends Turk around before throwing him down to the ground hard with his legs, sending the gun in Turk's hand to slide off his grip. When Turk got back up, he quickly reached for a flip knife in his pocket and brandishes it open.
Turk: "Hey, man! Just let me go"
Y/n: "Is that a knife? Is that a real knife!?"
Y/n cowers as he falls to his knees scared.
Turk: "Yeah, it's a real knife!"
Y/n: "My weakness, small knives"
Turk: "Just let me go..."
Y/n: "Anything but knives!"
When Y/n had a good opening, he quickly shot a web to Turk's hand that was holding the knife.
Y/n: "Oh it's so simple"
The force of the shot causes the hand to be pushed back and stuck onto a shipping container where Turk looks over at the web shocked with a mix of confusion.
Turk: "What the hell is this!?"
Y/n: "Webbing that I created that you have no business in knowing"
Turk: "Come on, man. Please, just let me go"
Y/n: "Fat chance, buddy. You have something that I need, and you're not going anywhere till I get it"
Y/n then slowly walked over to Turk as he tries to make himself look intimidating, Turk was starting to get worried, afraid of what Y/n had in store for him. But before Y/n could do anything to him, Daredevil threw his billy club towards Y/n who dodges with ease, causing the club to fly past him and into Turk's head, knocking him out.
The billy club bounced off Turk's head and flew past Y/n, he followed the trajectory of the club as it was caught effortlessly by Daredevil as he sent a glare towards him.
Daredevil: "Who the hell are you?"
Bit of a long read, but I figured I'd start this off with a good prologue for the arc. And I think some of you knew this was coming, but tell me if this was better than what you expected.
And with that said, I think you guys already know the drill
Vote if you wanna
Share to your friends if you have any
And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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