(The Mary Janes arc) Part 8
MJ: "Okay, this is it..."
The Mary Janes, plus Miles and Peter, are seen standing by their waiting room as their leader begins to pace around the room.
MJ: "We worked really hard, practiced nearly 24/7 for this. And if we don't win it's fine. I'll just have to disown my dream and work at a dead-end job like my sister would have wanted"
Gloria: "Okay, maybe that's going a bit too far"
Peter: "Yeah. It's gonna be alright MJ, you guys are gonna do great. Just focus on performing"
MJ looks over at Peter and musters up a smile while trying to fight his slight flustering, this was enough to calm MJ's nerves as she takes a deep breath.
MJ: "Thanks, Pete"
Miles: "On another note, the other band's banners looked sick"
Betty: "I know! It looks so gritty and horrifying"
Gwen: "Speaking of banners, where's our's"
MJ: "It's with Y/-Wait, where is Y/n?"
Peter: "He said he's on his way"
Right on cue, Y/n barges into the waiting room with a banner in hand before shutting the door and hunching over to catch his breath.
MJ: "Y/n! Where have you been?"
Y/n: *pant* "No one vouched for me at security *pant* So I had to brute force my way through *pant*"
Security #1: *muffled* "Did you find the kid?"
Security #2: *muffled* "No, I haven't"
Security #1: *muffled* "Keep searching, he couldn't have gotten far"
Y/n: "Okay, *phew* After much hard work and dedication, Miles and I had finally finished your banner"
Y/n then unveils the banner to show a guitar and a bass forming an 'X' using the guitar's necks as it pierces through the 'Mary Janes' that is designed with piano patterns as the bass drum of the drumkit surrounds the logo.
Betty: "Woah!"
Gwen: "Looks nice"
Gloria: "Not bad"
MJ: "Thanks, you two. I'm serious"
Y/n: *shrug* "To be honest, it's mainly Peter's idea. Miles and I just made it real, I guess"
MJ: "Well, it looks amazing"
Y/n glanced over and saw MJ flash Peter a smile causing him to be slightly bashful. He then made his way over to Miles where he was holding two poles as they began tying the banner onto it.
Miles; "Man, you're nailing this whole Wingman thing"
Y/n: "I told you, I could set up anyone"
Miles: "Well with those moves, I wonder how you haven't got a girlfriend yet"
Y/n: "I did, I dated your girl remember?"
Miles; "Oh, right..."
Y/n: *shoulder bump* "I'm just fuckin' witcha. Alright, I think we're done"
Y/n and Miles then propped the poles on the wall and admired their banner with pride in their hearts. Not long after, a knock could be heard by their door.
Organizer: *muffled* "You guys are up in 5 minutes"
MJ: "Okay, It's showtime everyone"
The sound of a ventilation grate being removed quickly caught their attention, they look over and see Y/n about to crawl into the vent.
Gwen: "What are you doing?"
Y/n: "What? I can't go out the door, the guards will kick me out"
Y/n then hops into the vent, managing to fit his body with the limited space it provides before looking back to the others.
Y/n: "I can't go backstage with Miles and Peter also, so I'll watch your show from the crowd"
Y/n then looks at Gwen in the eyes.
Y/n: "I promise"
Gwen: *small grin* "You better"
Organizer: *knocks* "You're up!"
Y/n: "Right. Rock one, everyone!"
Y/n bids his friends with a two-finger salute before crawling through the vent as MJ and the others went out the door.
After navigating through the ventilation shaft, Y/n manages to exit the waiting rooms and is now on the second floor overlooking the stage. Removing the grate from his path, Y/n jumps down and tucks the grate to the side before recomposing himself right as they replace the previous band's banner with The Mary Janes's.
Organizer: "Last but not least, hailing all the way from Midtown. Please welcome, The Mary Janes!"
Y/n then claps his hand loudly followed by the crowd as MJ and the others walk out and man their instruments. As they began setting up, Y/n took a spot by the railing next to someone wearing a thick jacket and baseball cap.
???: "Do you think she's a better drummer than me?"
Y/n: *shrug* "Who knows, I never got to hear you play. Then again, you two are the same person"
???: "I guess you're right"
The person then stood straight and looks over at Y/n, revealing themselves to be Spider-Gwen.
Y/n: "Speaking off, when can I hear you play the kit?"
Spider-Gwen: "I think you're about to"
MJ: "2! 3! 4!"
(I'm not experienced in describing concert set pieces, so bear with me here)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
MJ began with a long guitar reverb as it is accompanied by Gwen's steady cymbal ringing. The drums began picking up, incorporating a snare and bass drum along with the occasional high hat before the guitar guitars quickly synced together along with the beats of the drum.
There's no use crying over pinpricks
Don't fight the name if the name fits
You're doing good, think that you could do better
Wanna crack your skull, get to the heart of the matter
As their performance kicks off, Y/n looks around and sees the crowd bobbing their heads to the song's rhythm.
Y/n: "Still no sign of Carnage?"
Spider-Gwen: "Nothing so far"
You've gotta face it tiger, face it tiger
It's all you got
You've gotta face it tiger, face it tiger
It's your last shot
You've gotta face it tiger, face it tiger
You hit the jackpot! (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Spider-Gwen: "I figured I deserve to spend some time to myself. So I came here, being with my boyfriend"
Y/n: "Aww, isn't that sweet"
There's no use crying over pinpricks
Don't fight the name if the name fits
You're doing good, think that you could do better
Wanna crack your skull, get to the heart of the matter
Y/n: "You think she'll show up, say right now?"
Spider-Gwen: "I wouldn't rule it out. Knowing her, she wouldn't miss her band's debut for the world"
Right as they begin the chorus for a second time, Carnage lands directly on top of the stage and lets out a sickening roar, causing the crowd to immediately fall into panic and began pushing each other away to escape.
Peter and Miles acted quickly, running to the stage and helping MJ and the others out of the scene, leaving the instruments down on the ground.
Y/n: "Talk about timing"
Spider-Gwen: "Get changed, I'll try to keep her from harming the civilian"
Y/n: "You got it"
Y/n then heads off to change into his Spidey suit as Spider-Gwen discards her jacket and cap before putting on her mask and jumping into the fight.
Carnage: *drops down* "Leaving so soon? We barely started the encore yet?"
Spider-Gwen: "Cool, I love after show performances"
Carnage turns around and sees Spider-Gwen perched up on the stage's frame.
Spider-Gwen: "Does the song have a name"
Carnage: "The Symphony of wailing screams!"
Carnage then shoots out a tendril at Spider-Gwen, who manages to avoid the attack just in time as the tendril destroys the bar that she once perched on.
Spider-Gwen: "Riveting, I bet Betty would've loved it"
Carnage then pounced at Spider-Gwen, performing an overhead swing so powerful, that it caused a cloud of dust to pick up.
Spider-Gwen: "So what instrument will you be playing?"
When the dust settled, Carnage whips her head around and sees Spider-Gwen leaning on a steel beam with her arms crossed.
Spider-Gwen: "Will you do vocals? or play chords?"
Carnage: "How about I rip out your vocal cords, and work our way from there!"
Carnage then conjured claws from her extending her arm towards Gwen to try and swipe at her but manages to dive out of the way, causing the steel beam to be cut into pieces.
Spider-Gwen: "How long have we been doing this? 2 weeks? Maybe 3?"
Carnage: "It's gone on for long enough"
Grabbing a hold of her ax, Carnage swung it across herself, forcing Spider-Gwen to duck underneath the swing before zipping over to another steel beam and kicking Carnage into the pile of chairs that once seated the crowd.
Spider-Gwen: "How about we go out for a drink? Just us two, talk this out like friends"
Carnage: *groan* "Sure, I'll have a pint"
Spider-Gwen: *phew* "Glad we could come to an agree-"
Carnage: "A pint of your BLOOD!"
Carnage then sprouts out several tendrils from her arm before sending them towards Spider-Gwen, which she manages to move out of the way in time, causing the tendrils to destroy more of the stage's frame.
Spider-Gwen: "Come on, I thought you and I had a connection"
Carnage: "Well the world really collapsed on you on that one, did it?"
Carnage then raised her ax before swinging it down onto the last supporting beam that happened to be near her.
Spider-Gwen looks up, shocked, as the roof of the stage collapses down onto her.
But before it could crush Spider-Gwen, Y/n, now donning his Spider-Man suit, webs up the pieces of the stage in place, preventing it from falling before landing beside Spider-Gwen.
Y/n: "Did someone call for an encore?"
Carnage: "Ahh, little spider. Glad you could join the fun"
Y/n: "Yes, I'd like to call me going to my uncertain demise 'fun'"
The Spider-duo then dove towards Carnage in hopes of overwhelming her.
Despite the few occasions they have fought side by side, their synergy is well present amidst their battle, able to provide openings for each other as they work in tandem with their attacks.
At the end of Y/n's combo, Spider-Gwen immediately follows up without missing a beat, keeping Carnage on her toes as she's slowly being backed into a corner.
Carnage: "This is getting annoying..."
Carnage then swings her ax around to create space for herself, before building up the symbiote in her body and sending out a wave of tendrils around her, forcing Y/n and Gwen to jump back to avoid getting hit.
Y/n: "Normal attacks wouldn't work against her, we have to find something else to attack her with"
Spider-Gwen then looks down on the ground and spots the guitar that MJ used to perform with.
Spider-Gwen: "Y/n! Over there"
Y/n: *spots guitar* "I guess that'll work"
The duo then dove out of the way as Carnage cleaves her hammer down onto the two. As Y/n rolls out of his dive, he manages to swipe the guitar from the floor before connecting it to an amp which somehow untouched during the battle.
Y/n: "I don't know how to play guitar, but God I hope this works"
After placing his fingers randomly on the fretboard, Y/n strummed all of the cords in one swift motion of his arm, causing a loud hum to ring out from the amp. Combined with the toggled effect from the guitar along with the amp being cranked to the max, the speaker blasts a loud soundwave that causes the stage to vibrate lightly.
The loud sound from the speaker along with the reverb and effects on one note is too much for Carnage to bear as the loud sound causes the symbiote to rapidly tear off from Mary Jane's body, revealing her normal clothing underneath as the symbiote buries itself within her skin.
Y/n: "Holy shit, that worked"
Panting on the floor, Mary Jane went down on one knee as she tries to regain her strength.
Spider-Gwen: "MJ, I know you can fight this. Take control again"
Mary Jane: *scoff* "Why even bother? So I could live my life and watch you ruin it again!"
Spider-Gwen: "No, that's not what I prom-"
Mary Jane: "Promises, Promises. Promises are meant to be kept, not measly words for comfort"
Spider-Gwen then fell silent as Mary Jane looks over at Y/n,
Mary Jane: "This is who you're stuck with, a promise-breaker that hurts her friends. Is that someone you want to love?"
Y/n: "I can't say I'm surprised"
This news saddened Spider-Gwen, causing her to hang her head as Mary Jane bore a grin.
Mary Jane: "Did you hear that? Even he expects a betrayal from-"
Y/n: "Because I've done the same thing"
Their demeanor suddenly changed to confusion after Y/n's statement, causing the two to look over at Y/n as his eyes lingered on Gwen's before staring intently at Mary Jane.
Y/n: "I've pushed people dear to me away for most of my life, and let me tell you this is nothing like what I used to do"
Y/n then walks closer to Mary Jane and crouches into her eye level as she listens closely to his words.
Y/n: "Gwen might've pushed you away throughout your life, but I can tell she did it to protect you. She didn't mean for you to get hurt by doing so, but is her not saving you isn't enough for you to see she deeply cares about you?"
Mary Jane looks at Spider-Gwen and saw her mask off, eyes filled with hope, before looking back at Y/n. She then looks down, contemplating Y/n's words and that's when she spots the guitar that Y/n used to incapacitate Carnage.
Mary Jane: *smirk* "Well then...WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT!"
Grabbing the guitar by the neck, Mary Jane summons the symbiote, coating her arm along with the ax, transforming it into an ax before swinging it across Y/n's face.
He manages to jump away in time along with Spider-Gwen as the ax cuts through the air at such speeds, causing the sharp air to cut off the web that suspends the scaffolding and fall directly on top of her.
The fall of the debris destroys the stage as a large cloud of dust surrounds Y/n and Spider-Gwen.
Spider-Gwen: *coughs* "Is she?"
Y/n: *coughs* "I don't think so"
Pointing to the other side of the room, Spider-Gwen and Y/n manage to catch a glimpse of the fleeing Mary Jane, now bonded with the Carnage symbiote once again as they make their escape.
Seeing her Best friend flee, Spider-Gwen's mood quickly soured leading to Y/n placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, causing her to look up at him.
Y/n: "We're close, I could feel it. I swear we'll save her if it's the last thing we'll do"
Spider-Gwen: *nods* "You're right"
D.A.R.C: "Y/n, Peter is calling"
D.A.R.C then displays a window on Y/n's H.U.D, revealing Peter's caller I.D.
Y/n: "Right...You can go after her, while I go play civilian"
Spider-Gwen: "Okay, be safe"
Y/n: "I should be saying that to you"
The two then lift their masks over their nose to share a quick kiss before heading their separate ways.
Nearing the end now, Chapter 85 also. we're almost at 100 chapters. Speaking off, reminder that I had an announcement on what the 100th chapter special should be, be sure to vote what you guys want to see. But I'm getting ahead of myself, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.
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And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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