(The Mary Janes arc) Part 12
In a maximum-security cell, complete with reinforced ballistic glass, MJ is seen in a blue jumpsuit with the words "R.A.F.T" printed on the back. She sits on her prison bed hunched over, elbows on her lap as she sighs into her cupped hands.
MJ: *sigh* "What did I do to deserve this?"
MJ runs her hand across her hair before laying down on her bed in frustration, looking up onto the white ceiling as it shines a bright light onto her eyes, forcing her to put an arm over her eyes to block out the light.
Soon a buzzer was heard, taking MJ by surprise as the heavy-duty door begins to part. The door continues to clank before parting fully revealing Peter being escorted by a R.A.F.T security guard.
Peter: "Wow, so this is the R.A.F.T?"
When Peter enters MJ's cell, he was surprised to see the room so spacious. Having a more industrialized look with pipes and metal walls surrounding the room, MJ's cell is on the other side of the room.
Peter looks over at the hole in the wall and spots MJ through the reinforced glass.
MJ: "Peter?"
Peter: "Hey, MJ"
At the sight of her friend, MJ stood up from her bed and ran toward the glass as Peter calmly walks up to her cell
MJ: "Peter, w-what are you doing here?"
Peter: *smile* "I came to see you, why else would I be here for?"
MJ: "You came...to see me?"
Guard: "You got 5 minutes, kid"
The guard then walked out of the room to give the two some privacy. Peter and MJ then stood across from each other, the reinforced glass the only thing separating the two.
MJ: "How did you get here?"
Peter: *shrug* "Turns out, having a connection to Iron Man can have its perks. Part of the reason how I could come and see you, can't say the same for the others though"
MJ: "How are they?"
Peter: "They're doing good, they're taking the arrest surprisingly well"
MJ: "Right...the arrest"
MJ then rubs her elbow nervously as she avoids Peter's eyes.
MJ: "You probably think I'm a criminal now, do you?"
Peter: "Not at all"
MJ's eyes widened in surprise as she whip her head to look at Peter as he gave the kindest smile he can give.
Peter: "In fact, I think the opposite. You're the most kind-hearted person I know"
MJ: "But, with the arrest and all, I thought"
Peter: "To hell with that! I, along with everyone, chose to see the real you. Which reminds me..."
Peter then fixes himself before facing MJ with a solemn expression.
Peter: "In a few days, there will be a trial for you"
MJ: "Trial?"
Peter: "Yep, it'll be in a few days. We'll plead your innocents"
MJ: "Peter...I appreciate the gesture, but it'll all be for nothing. The people here have gathered enough evidence that proves that I did it, how would you oppose those full proof evidence?"
Peter: "Don't worry, we'll make sure they wouldn't be able to use those evidence"
MJ: "Peter, no! You shouldn't tamper with evidence, that's illegal"
Peter: "What? No, that's not what I meant"
MJ: "Then how would you think you'll win in the trial?"
Peter: "We'll take care of it. All you have to do is stay safe and let us do the rest"
Peter then walks closer to MJ's cell and placed a hand on the glass.
Peter: "We will clear your name, trust me. Just hold on a little longer, okay?"
MJ: *slight blush* "Oh, Peter..."
MJ placed a hand over her chest, feeling her heart beating against her chest rapidly, as he reached her other hand over the glass and reached for Peter's hand.
MJ: "Okay...I trust you. Please, save me okay?"
Peter: *nods* "I will don't you worry"
(The night before the trial)
Carnage stood atop Manhattan bridge staring at the bright lights of Manhattan, she turned her back at the light show before sniffing around as she caught a whiff of Y/n and Spider-Gwen's pheromones from their...escapades.
Her snooping was cut off by someone landing on her right, Carnage looked over and saw Spider-Gwen staring at her with arms crossed.
Spider-Gwen: "You know, I never thought of you as a closet pervert"
Carnage: "You silly remarks never fail to get on my nerves"
Carnage turned to her right to face Spider-Gwen but found Y/n nowhere to be seen.
Carnage: "Where's your Boyfriend? Did he finally realize who you truly are?"
Y/n: "Oh yeah~ it's coming back"
Carnage looks behind her and saw Y/n crouched down as he inspects the ground in front of him.
Y/n: "Boy, let me tell you. She could be meek and quiet sometimes, but she could be loud when she wants to"
Spider-Gwen: *blush* "Y/n!"
Y/n: "Right, my bad"
Carnage: "What a shame, and here I thought you were the better person"
Y/n: "I think the last thing I'd ask for relationship advice is from someone bonded to a homicidal alien"
Y/n stood up and faced Carnage as she clenches her guitar ax tightly.
Y/n: "There's just something that's bugging me. You and Gwen were best friends, what brought you to change so much in a span of, what? 2 months?"
Carnage: *brandishes ax* "A lot can happen in 2 months. Pain, lots of unforgivable pain"
Y/n: "That isn't you who's saying that, aren't you?"
Carnage: "What do you mean?"
Y/n: "Even if a lot of pain had spanned your life for the past 2 months, I have a feeling that deep inside you want to forgive her"
Carnage: *scoff* "You don't know a damn thing about-"
Carnage was cut off when she felt something inside her pulse alive. An excruciating pain quickly shot up to her head, causing her to drop her ax before reeling back as she wailed in pain.
Y/n and Spider-Gwen quickly put their guard up as they watch as the symbiote surrounding Carnage slowly peels away.
???: "Help me..."
The symbiote then peeled back fully, revealing a partially nude Mary Jane reaching out to Y/n. Her eyes displayed their normal emerald green amidst the tears flowing from her eyes.
Mary Jane: "Please...Please help me"
Spider-Gwen: "MJ!"
Before Spider-Gwen could grab Mary Jane's outstretched hand, she was quickly assimilated back into the symbiote, her screams of protest silenced as the symbiote recuperated with its's host, only this time...
Taking full control of its host.
Spider-Gwen: "MJ!"
Carnage: "MJ is no more, there is only...CARNAGE!!!"
Carnage then lets out a flurry of tendrils outwards, causing Y/n and Spider-Gwen to jump away to avoid the hit.
Y/n: "Well, now we know we're only dealing with the symbiote"
Spider-Gwen: "Yeah, that's a plus"
The spider-couple ran towards Carnage, Carnage looks over at Spider-Gwen and conjures an ax for its arm, and swings it at her. Spider-Gwen slid to her knees, ducking under the attack as Y/n jumps over Carnage from behind and delivers a kick straight to the jaw.
Spider-Gwen follows it up with a web strike into a knee to the chest, sending Carnage stumbling back into Y/n who swept Carnage's feet. Y/n and Spider-Gwen went to regroup as Carnage recovered quickly from their attacks.
The 3 stared down their opponents, Carnage focusing mainly on Spider-Gwen, before charging toward each other. Y/n was first to strike, taking a huge leap forward to try and get an upper hand on the encounter, but Carnage only leaned to the side, effectively ignoring Y/n, as Carnage lunged straight towards Spider-Gwen.
Y/n: "That never happened to me before"
Spider-Gwen and Carnage were now locked in a frenzy, with Carnage swinging wildly with its ax arm while Spider-Gwen dodges as best as she could, incorporating a few jabs and kicks whenever the opportunity presented itself.
Althewhile Y/n tries to join the fight but gets blatantly ignored when he does so, tanking every attack he's throwing while keeping its focus on Spider-Gwen. She manages to kick Carnage back, earning a few feet of space to take a breather, but not for long as Carnage quickly runs towards her.
Y/n: "Duck!"
When Carnage jumps to swing its arm ax down onto Spider-Gwen, she crouches, allowing Y/n to springboard off of her and towards Carnage to deliver a strong uppercut, sending Carnage tumbling back, skipping across the ground as Y/n lands next to Spider-Gwen.
Spider-Gwen: "So, now what?"
Carnage retracts its arm ax before planting both its claws onto the bridge and letting out a spine-chilling scream.
Y/n: "Now we run!"
Y/n and Spider-Gwen then jumped off the bridge before shooting a web at the last second and swinging away with Carnage following close behind.
When the two entered the city, Y/n stalled in mid-air before zipping towards Carnage to intercept, but Carnage pulled itself to the side, dodging Y/n's attack as he lands on a parked car below.
D.A.R.C: "Tonight's not your night, isn't it?"
Y/n: *groan* "I'm just warming up. Shoot Peter a text, tell her we're in our way"
With Carnage hot on her tail, Spider-Gwen began swinging around in hopes of losing Carnage. Taking every sharp corner and scaling tall buildings, Carnage is still close behind.
It was only when Spider-Gwen took a turn that she manages to lose Carnage as she got kicked away by Y/n as Carnage rounds the corner, sending her crashing through a billboard.
Y/n: "Man, she really doesn't like you"
Spider-Gwen: "Tell me something I don't know"
Carnage jumps through the large hole in the billboard and lets out a roar before swinging toward the two.
Spider-Gwen: "What do we do now?"
Y/n: "Just stick to the plan, X marks the spot"
With those words, Y/n left Spider-Gwen to her own devices as Spider-Gwen swings away to try and lead Carnage to their trap.
Y/n then arrived inconspicuously at Time Square and approached a random hooded figure by the sidelines, causing a few more hooded figures to walk up to him.
Y/n: "Alright, is everyone ready?"
The hooded figures peeled back their hoods slightly to reveal Peter and the others.
Peter: "Ready as we'll ever be, Spider-man"
Y/n: "Good enough for me"
Y/n: "She's coming, places everyone"
Betty: "Alright, let's catch some alien!"
Peter and the others nodded before dispersing into the crowd, with Y/n grabbing a hood and denim vest that was hanging by the railing.
Seeing the bright lights of Time Square in the distance, Spider-Gwen began to enact the plan. With Carnage still hot on her tail, Spider-Gwen zipped towards a street lamp and spun around the bar before flying towards Carnage, sending a kick directly to its chin, taking Carnage out of the air.
While Carnage was stunned, Spider-Gwen began webbing up Carnage before hurling it towards the crowd of people before swinging away.
The crowd screamed at the sight of Carnage and quickly ran out of its way as it skips across the street before skidding to a stop, directly on top of a spray marked red X.
Y/n: "Now!"
Peter then plugged two ends of a chord together, powering up the trap. When Carnage went to stand up, 2 bolas were shot to the side, snaring her in place as 4 speakers protrude from the ground, all pointed towards her.
People began crowding Carnage, keeping in mind their distance. When Carnage looked as if it was about to escape, it was quickly jolted by high amounts of electricity, letting out a screech of pain that caused the crowd to step back in fear of being attacked.
Their attention was taken away from Carnage as the dozens of electric billboards were quickly shut down followed by sudden feedback from the Square's PA system.
(I know, I know it's a cover. Y/n will voice MGK and Spider-Gwen will voice Hayley Williams. Sound good? Good)
When the feedback died down, one billboard flashed on, revealing a platform with 2 silhouettes in the dark. The PA system was then blasted by high-octane guitar rhythm along with rapid and melodic drumming that paired well with the guitar
Y/n: "Good Evening, New York City! We know it's a terrifying week so far, so allow us to lift away those terrible vibes"
The guitar strumming and drum playing leveled down as lights flashed onto the platform, revealing Y/n in his Spider-man getup with a denim vest with spikes playing guitar with Spider-woman playing the drums on a helipad.
I'm in the business of misery, let's take it from the top
She's got a body like an hourglass, it's ticking like a clock
It's a matter of time before we all run out
Just when I thought she was mine, he caught her by the mouth
The crowd looks over to one of the billboards in awe as they watch Spider-man shred with his guitar.
I waited eight long months, he finally set her free
I told her I couldn't lie, she was the only one for me
Two weeks and we had caught on fire
He's got it out for me, but I wear the biggest smile
As the crowd was entranced by the Spider-duo's performance, Carnage begins to recoil in pain from the loud music blasting from all around it with no way of protection.
Whoa, I never meant to brag
But I've got her where I want her now
Whoa, it was never my intention to brag
And steal it all away from you now
But God, does it feel so good
'Cause I've got her where I want her now
And if you could, then you know you would
'Cause God, it just feels so
It just feels so good
Gloria and Betty began going through the crowd, giving people glow sticks, and began instructing what to do to them, Miles and Gwen monitor Carnage, while Peter oversees the entire plan with D.A.R.C.
Peter: "Status on Carnage?"
Miles; "Plan's going smooth so far"
Peter: *nods* "Mind if we turn up a bit, D.A.R.C?"
D.A.R.C: "Of course"
The speakers were then turned up by 40%, Miles and Gwen quickly took notice of this and saw the increased effect as the symbiote starts to slowly deteriorate
After the chorus, Y/n stepped back giving Sider-Gwen a chance with the mic.
Second chances, they don't ever matter, people never change
Once a whore you're nothing more
I'm sorry, that'll never change
And about forgiveness, that we're supposed to have exchanged
I'm sorry honey, but I passed it up, now look this way
As Spider-Gwen sings her verse, the crowd began bobbing their heads as they began waving their glow sticks as instructed. Replacing their fear with excitement and joy.
There's a million other girls who do it just like you
Looking as innocent as possible to get to who
They want and what they want
It's easy if you do it right
Well I refuse, I refuse, I refuse
Spider-Gwen then picked up her rhythm as Y/n transitioned back to the chorus.
Whoa, I never meant to brag
But I got him where I want him now
Whoa, it was never my intention to brag
To steal it all away from you now
But God, does it feel so good
'Cause I got him where I want him right now
And if you could, then you know you would
'Cause God, it just feels so
It just feels so good
The tone then shifts to a melancholic rhythm that was being followed by the movements of the glowsticks.
Peter, Miles, and Gwen looked back over at Carnage and saw the symbiote getting progressively weaker and was about to drip off of its host.
Peter: "When the beat drops, crank the speakers to full volume. We need as much damage as we can all at once"
D.A.R.C: "Volume increase is at stand-by"
Peter: "Miles, Gwen, ready the pyrotechnics"
Gwen: "Got it"
Miles: "Oh, yeah. I'm excited"
I watched her wildest dreams come true
Not one of them involving you
Y/n and Spider-Gwen began building up subtly, preparing for the climax of the song.
I watched my wildest dreams come true
Not one of them INVOLVING!!!
The vitality was quickly brought back to the music, sending shivers down everyone's spine as the energy quickly shot back up towards them, hyping the crowd as D.A.R.C sneds the speakers to the max volume possible.
You, You!
As Y/n continues to shred on his guitar, the symbiote began to convulse violently as parts of it are being ripped apart from the host's body. Y/n then stopped playing abruptly as Spider-Gwen unleashed her drum solo.
Whoa, I never meant to brag
But I've got her where I want her now!
Gwen and Miles then pressed a button together, igniting the fuel from the contraption, causing several pillars of fire to shoot out, hyping the crowd more as the fire inflicted more pain on Carnage.
Whoa, I never meant to brag
But I've got her where I want her now
Whoa, it was never my intention to brag
And steal it all away from you now
Y/n and Spider-Gwen:
But God, does it feel so good
'Cause I've got her where I want her now
And if you could, then you know you would
'Cause God, it just feels so
Just feels so good
Once the song ended, the symbiote relinquishes its host's body causing Mary Jane to fall to the ground. Gloria quickly ran over and wrapped a blanket around her as Betty sealed the symbiote in a capsule, courtesy of Spider-Gwen's dimension.
Y/n swung the guitar over his shoulder and spoke one more time to the crowd.
Y/n: "Ladies and Gentlemen, I know we're in a good mood right now, but I'm afraid I have to share something disheartening for a second"
All excitement has quickly left the crowd as they listen intently to Y/n's words.
Y/n: "A few nights ago, a teenager was arrested. Her name is Mary Jane Watson, you might know her as the leader of The Mary Janes. And I know this might be difficult to believe for some people, but she is innocent"
Over at the R.A.F.T, MJ sits on her bed watching the T.V that was conveniently provided for her per requested and watched the live feed of Time Square, touched by the hero's message.
Y/n: "She's a kind-hearted person who always puts others before herself, it inspired me to become better as a hero. So before we close this performance, I ask for everyone's support for her upcoming trial this morning. So with that said, I hope you guys enjoy our final performance for the night"
Spider-Gwen: "2! 3! 4!"
(The Day of the Trial)
An armored truck arrived at the courthouse with the R.A.F.T as its point of origin. two kitted guards make their way to the back doors of the armored truck and opened it as two more guards exit the truck escorting MJ, who was restrained from the neck down.
Steel chocker that was connected to the shackles and hand handcuffs around her libs with padlocks for added security. She then makes her way inside the courthouse with two of her escorts walking by her side.
MJ was then pulled inside a side room where she was sitting in front of the table and was told to wait for her lawyer.
MJ: "But, I don't have a law-"
MJ was cut off as the guards slammed the door on her.
MJ: "-yer..."
From there on MJ sat idly, looking around the blank room with nothing but a mirror facing her. With nothing but boredom filling her time, MJ began fidgeting with her chains and locks, mindlessly rearranging them just to kill time
Soon enough the door begins to open, and in walks a blind man in a suit along with another man with shaggy hair accompanying him. MJ sat confused as the two men stood in front of her.
Blind Lawyer: "Good Morning, Ms. Watson. My name is Matthew Murdock, this is my associate Foggy Nelson. May we sit down?"
Feeling the confusion overwhelming her, MJ replied with a slight shrug of her shoulder.
Foggy: *whisper* "She gave a vague shrug, I say we go with it"
With affirmation from MJ, the two sat down nonchalantly, placing MJ's guard up even higher.
Matt: "We understand you're in some trouble, we maybe be able to help"
Foggy: "Can you tell us what happened?"
MJ: "Okay, who exactly are you guys?"
Matt: "I'm Matt, he's Foggy"
Foggy: "Hi"
MJ: "I mean, like what? You guys are more of those agents trying to pin the attack on me? I didn't do it!"
Matt: "Ms. Watson, we understand you're stressed. But please rest assured we are not agents of any kind, we are lawyers"
MJ: "Who sent you?"
Matt: "A friend, I believe you may have heard of him. His name is Spider-man"
MJ: "So you're saying Spider-man paid for you guys?"
Foggy: "No. Although I wish he were paying us, we merely came here to repay the favor he has done for us"
MJ: "How long have you guys been practicing law?"
Matt: *whisper* "...What time is it?"
Foggy: *check watch* "7:30 am"
Matt: "About seven hours"
MJ was flabbergasted as she looks at the two lawyers in shock as fear quickly crept back inside her. Foggy was first to break, letting out a scoff before bursting into a chuckle which was followed by Matt who broke with a smile and slapped Foggy in the shoulder as he suppressed his laughter.
MJ: *confused* "What's so funny?"
Matt: *clears throat* "Our apologies for being unprofessional, that was nearly a joke. We had a client previously that was in a similar predicament to yours"
Foggy: "And we're happy to report that she was found innocent, as well as some of our other previous clients"
Matt: "Ms. Watson, we aren't just doing this just to repay a favor. We too believe that you are innocent"
MJ: "But, how would you beat irrefutable evidence against me?"
Matt: "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll manage"
The gavel was then slammed down as the witness stood up and walked out of the stand, walking past Matt, Foggy, and MJ as the two rubbed their face in embarrassment while Matt gripped tightly onto his walking stick.
MJ: "This is a disaster"
Foggy: "How the hell did they get fingerprints and hair samples?"
Judge: "Mr. Murdock, is there anything else you would like to call on to the stand before we close this case?"
Matt: "Of course..."
As Matt stands up, MJ looks over to the back and saw Peter and the others sitting in the front row, supporting her. Everyone is present, with only one person who has their hood covering their identity.
Matt: "Your honor, I'd like to call Y/n L/n to the stand"
MJ: "Y/n!?"
MJ sat up from her chair and looked over, thinking the hooded person would stand up to testify, only to turn to the entrance as it opened.
Y/n then walked into the courtroom in the most formal attire he could comfortably wear, ditching the white shirt in exchange for a grey t-shirt with a grey coat with slacks, and instead of leather shoes, he wore white sneakers.
Y/n shared a look with each of his friends before walking up to the stand and taking a seat, he then looked over at MJ who still stared at Y/n shocked, he gave MJ a comforting smile as the bailiff walks over with a bible and asked Y/n to place a hand over it.
Bailiff: "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"
Y/n: "Yeah, whatever"
The Bailiff nodded as Y/n takes his hand off the bible as the bailiff walks back to his position.
Matt: "Mr. L/n, would you care to give your name and occupation to the court"
Y/n: "My name is Y/n L/n, and I'm a student"
Matt: "And what is your relationship with my client?"
Y/n: "She's a close friend, we go to the same school"
Matt: "Now, as Ms. Watson's close friend; Do you think she would've done the things she has done? Causing, dare I say it, Carnage in Time Square as well as attacking the battle of the bands that was held a few days after the incident"
Y/n: "Absolutely not"
Matt: "You seem certain, why is that?"
Y/n: "Because she was with me and my friends during those times. Especially during the battle of the bands, there was no way it could be her"
Matt: "Then what about the dozens of evidence matching her to the scene of the crime?"
At this point, MJ had lost all hope of even a chance of victory.
MJ: *whisper* "What is he doing?"
Foggy: *whisper* "Don't worry, just let him work"
Y/n: *nonchalant* "It must be a different Mary Jane then"
The jury then fell into confused murmurs, whispering amongst each other at Y/n's absurd statement
Matt: "A different Mary Jane...whatever do you mean?"
Y/n: "Are you familiar with the concept of the multiverse?"
Matt: "Only to make small talk"
Matt then makes his way over to the defendant's side and reached over to Foggy who hands him a folder.
Matt: "Are you referring to the Multiverse thesis you submitted days before this hearing?"
Y/n: "The very same"
Matt then hands the folder to the judge and inspects it as Matt continues his questioning.
Matt: "Mr. L/n, if I may be so bold. How were you able to get a hold of these documents, this research, something that the government may want to keep secret"
Y/n: "Well, mainly because they couldn't. They died in an accident before they could even reveal their findings to the world"
Matt: "Are you referring to the plane accident in 1994, where two renowned scientists, D/n and M/n L/n tragically lost their lives in a plane accident"
Y/n: "..."
Matt: "Mr. L/n?"
Y/n: *shaken* "hmm? Oh, yes the very same"
Matt: "Yet somehow YOU were the one given their research to not say, a government official? Just who are you to them?"
Y/n shifted his eyes towards MJ, who watched intently, before over to his friends, more specifically at Peter, who gives him a reassuring nod. Gaining the resolve he needed, Y/n looks back at Matt and looks him in the eyes.
Y/n: "I'm their son"
The court then bursts into chatter once again, this time being shocked at the revelation that befell them.
Judge: *slams gavel* "Order!"
The court then quiets down as MJ sat in her seat shocked.
MJ: (No way!)
Matt: "I'm sorry for your loss"
Y/n: "Don't worry about it, they've been dead for 16 years"
Judge: "Time's up, it's time for a cross-examination"
Matt: *nods* "I understand"
Matt then collapses his walking stick and makes his way to the defense side of the table as a plaintiff had taken his place.
Plaintiff: "First off, I'd like to share my condolences to you Mr. L/n"
Y/n: "Yeah, thanks"
Plaintiff: "Now, I hate to be that someone, but could you please read paragraph 4 from your notes?"
Y/n: "You want me to read a segment of my notes without context?"
Y/n looks over at Matt confused as he saw him and Foggy look at each other, wondering if they needed to object. Y/n then looks over at the Judge who ponders the request as well but decides to let the plaintiff continue.
Plaintiff; "Mr. L/n, I know you might be confused but could you just read paragraph 4 for the court. please"
Y/n: *sigh* "Fine...'Even though they come from different origins in the universe, each being from both universes bear traits and personalities similar to one another, for in technicality they are the same person'"
Plaintiff: "Thank you. Now-"
Y/n: "'However, even with these similarities, they each have a certain "uniqueness" that could differentiate them from one another-'"
Plaintiff: "Mr. L/n, that's enough"
Y/n: "'-and that they are responsible for their actions and have their own free will separate from their identity'"
Judge: *slams gavel* "Mr. L/n!"
Y/n: "Right, my bad"
Plaintiff: *clears throat* "Now then, May I ask you who wreaked havoc in Time Square last week?"
Y/n: "...It was Mary Jane Watson"
Plaintiff: "And who wreaked the same havoc a few days after in a battle of the bands' concert that you were present in?"
Y/n: "Also Mary Jane Watson"
Plaintiff: "So then you admit that the person who did all of those is sitting at the defendant's table right now"
Y/n: "I keep telling you, that isn't the Mary Jane that did it"
Plaintiff: "But you just said that the person responsible for those actions was Mary Jane Watson, Therefore-"
Matt; "Objection: Argumentative"
Judge: *slams gavel* "Sustained"
Y/n: "What is so hard for you guys to understand?"
Plaintiff: "Mr. L/n with all due respect, you don't expect us to believe this thesis on the 'Multiverse' if there is no evidence supporting this"
Y/n: "So you're saying if the Mary Jane that had caused these crimes would, say, come forth and confess that she did it. Would you believe it?'
Plaintiff: "If even what you're saying is true then I believe it's only fair to treat it fairly"
Y/n: "You heard 'em, you can take the hood off"
The hooded figure that sat beside Peter stood up, gaining everyone's attention, before pulling the hood of its head, revealing its Red locks and Green eyes. Everyone present in the courtroom was shocked as the figure revealed themselves to be Mary Jane Watson.
MJ: "What the hell..."
Mary Jane: "And then everything went black, next thing I knew I was in a blanket surrounded by people I assumed were my friends. Though they were accepting of me, they were just not the same people as back home"
Bailiff: "The results have just come back, Your Honor"
The Bailiff walks over to the Judge and hands over a brown envelope, the Judge accepts it and began inspecting the contents.
Judge: "Are you sure there aren't any discrepancies?"
Bailiff: "We've done the tests hundreds of times, it's 100% match"
Judge: "Hmm, Well I'll be"
The Judge then slams the gavel as everyone sat upright and listened to the results.
Judge: "So I have now been informed of the test results, and she is in fact, Mary Jane Watson"
Everyone present began chattering with one another as the Judge then puts the folder to the side as the Bailiff gives each party a copy of the test results.
Judge: *slams gavel* "I think in light of this new information, I am ready to give my verdict"
Y/n, Peter, and the others along with the rest of the court fell silent as they await the Judge's final verdict.
Judge: "In the case of the Defendant, Mary Jane Watson. I find her..."
Y/n: "Not Guilty!!!"
Y/n and Miles then twist the confetti launchers in their hands, sending thousands of pieces of colored paper around the living room. MJ remained speechless with tears of joy flowing from her eyes as her bandmates walk over and comforts her.
MJ: "Oh my god, thank you so much, guys. And thank you, Y/n for what you did back there"
Y/n: "Ahh, don't thank me. It's all Peter's idea"
Peter: "Wait, what?"
Y/n then yoinked Peter from the sidelines and pushed him lightly forward, leading him to stand in front of MJ.
MJ: "Pete...you did all of that for me?"
Peter: "i...uh.."
Peter then looked over at Y/n for help, but only saw him mouth 'Don't blow it' before walking over to Miles who stood at the other side of the room.
Peter: "Well, I mean it wasn't JUST me. Everyone played their part and it couldn't have gone well with-HMPH!!!"
Peter's rambles were cut-off by MJ who quickly leaned in to kiss Peter, catching him off-guard but soon leaned into it. The sudden display of affection surprised Miles and the others.
Y/n: "Wait, wait, I came prepared"
Y/n went to his jacket pocket and pulled out another confetti popper before launching another wave of confetti in the air as Miles and the others cheer for the new couple.
The two parted a few seconds later, panting for breath as they rest on each other's foreheads.
Philip: *whistle* "Well, it's about damn time"
Peter: "Mr. Watson!"
Nervousness quickly shot up his spine as he quickly parted from MJ as far as he could before stiffening up in Philip's presence as he makes his way over to Peter.
Philip: *pats Peter's shoulder* "Please, just call me Philip"
Peter: "R-right, Philip"
Philip: *slight glare*"You take care of my daughter, you hear?"
Peter: "Of course, sir. With all my life"
MJ: "Daaad, you're scaring him"
Philip: *smile* "I was just testing him, sweetheart. Welcome to the family Peter"
Peter: "Thank you. Philip"
Y/n: "Speaking of family..."
Y/n looks over the front door as a subtle knock was heard, gaining everyone's attention. MJ stood surprised while the rest were on edge by the appearance of their newly arrived guest, Gayle Watson.
MJ: "Gayle..."
Gayle: "Hey...I heard on the news you were found innocent"
Y/n: "So what? You plan on pressing a new lawsuit on her now?"
MJ: "Y/n!"
Gayle: "No, I understand. And No, I didn't come here to do such a thing"
MJ: "So what are you here for?"
Gayle: *rubs elbow* "I came to apologize"
The room fell silent, as everyone bore a look of confusion.
Everyone: "Huh?"
Gayle: *sigh* "It was unfair for me to be so cruel to you. In truth, I was directing all my failures at you, thinking that it would make my life easier. Turns out, it came biting me at the back soon after"
MJ: "Gayle..."
Gayle: "I'm sorry I've been cruel to you, shutting down your dream because I could make my own a reality. I'm pathetic..."
Gayle then began sobbing into her palm, causing everyone to lower their guard and soften their gaze at the now vulnerable Watson. Feeling the pain in every word from Gayle's apology, MJ felt compelled to walk over and wrap her sister in a comfortable.
MJ: "it's okay..."
Gayle: *sniffle* "I'm so sorry"
MJ: *hushes* "It's alright, I forgive you"
Gayle: "Really? That easily? No harsh words or anything?"
MJ: "A lot has happened this week, and I just want my sister back. Can you let that happen?"
Gayle; "Yes...Of course"
MJ: *hugs Gayle* "I love you, sis"
Gayle: *hugs back* "I love you, too"
Y/n: *leans to Gwen* "Now, I should pull out a confetti popper for this, right?"
Gwen: "Definitely not"
Y/n: "Cool, cause I don't have any more poppers on me"
Peter: "Well, looks like everything is back to normal. This calls for a celebration!"
Gloria: "More than it already is now?"
Peter: "I mean, yeah"
Betty: "Ooh! How about The amazing comeback of The Mary Janes!"
MJ: *mutter* "An amazing comeback...Amazing *aloud* I got it!"
Miles: "Hmm? What's up Em?"
MJ: "Y/n! I know what the band's theme will be!"
Y/n: *scoff* "I guess something tells me I have a lot to do today"
Continue to Finale
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