(The Mary Janes arc) Part 11
In an apartment somewhere in New York, we hear arguing behind a closed-door which gets progressively grows louder as the accompanying footsteps grew closer. When the door swings open, we get a clear view of Gayle stomping into the room with Timothy following behind with a similar angered expression with a cast on his arm.
Gayle: "I just don't get how that's so difficult for you to do, Timothy!?"
Timothy: "Why are you always in my face all the time!?"
Gayle: "Because, just once! Just once, I want you to stop being a pain in the ass all the time"
Timothy: "Oh, so we're talking about being a pain in the ass? How about you stop being a bitch!"
Gayle: *gasp* "How dare you!"
Timothy: "First was your sister giving me problems, then her little friend BROKE MY WRIST!"
Timothy then took his leather jacket from a chair before tossing it around his shoulder.
Gayle: "And where do you think you're going?"
Timothy: "Far from here, plus I got stuff to do with the guy"
Gayle: "Fine! You could jerk each other off for all I care"
Timothy snarked at Gayle before shutting the front door on his way out. Sighing in frustration, Gayle went over to her kitchen and grabbed a bottle of alcohol from her fridge before reaching into the cabinet for a glass.
She then makes his way over to the living room for some alone time, only for a lamp to click on, revealing Mary Jane sitting comfortably on a couch chair in the corner of the room.
Mary Jane: "Hello, sister~"
Gayle: "I thought the police arrested you?"
Mary Jane: "Oh, they did..."
Mary Jane then conjures Carnage to her right before swiping the alcohol and glass from Gayle's hand and pouring herself a drink.
Mary Jane: "But they didn't exactly 'catch' me"
Gayle: *shock* "Yo-You're not-"
Mary Jane: "The Mary Jane you grew up with, I know"
Gayle: "You're a freak!"
Mary Jane's ax then flew across the room, whisking past Gayle's head as it knicks off a few follicles of her hair before sticking itself to the wall.
Mary Jane: "That's not very nice now, isn't it?"
Gayle: "W-What are you gonna do to me?"
Mary Jane: "Nothing actually"
Mary Jane stood up from her seat and walked up to Gayle as Carnage gently but forcefully pushes Gayle back, causing her to stumble before falling to the couch where she was pinned down by Mary Jane.
Mary Jane: "Now, contrary to my actions, I care deeply about the other me. She's everything I'm not, has a lot of good friends, launched a successful band, and might even have a boyfriend. It's a give or take on that last one"
Gayle begins to pant heavily as Carnage makes its way to the ax and pulls it out of the wall before holding it close to Gayle's neck.
Mary Jane: *leans closely* "But you know what I never had? A loving sister. So how about we change that"
Gayle: "So what? You're gonna threaten me into loving my sister again"
Mary Jane: "Of course not!"
Carnage then retracts the ax before Mary Jane takes a seat next to Gayle.
Mary Jane: "Let's talk like sisters, what's been going on with you?"
Gayle, shocked by Mary Jane's sudden change of tone, was left speechless.
Mary Jane: *notices wedding ring* "Oh, you're married? Well I hope it isn't with that jackass"
Mary Jane then noticed Gayle's sudden shift in mood and hung her head down in despair.
Mary Jane: "Oh my god, what is wrong with you?"
Gayle: "The hell do you know about love?"
Mary Jane: "I don't"
Gayle: *tsk* "That's what I thought"
Mary Jane then sat upside down to look at Gayle in the eyes.
Mary Jane: "So what's wrong? Why do you hate me so much?"
Gayle: "..."
Mary Jane: "Is it about mom?"
Gayle: *shock* "How did you-?"
Mary Jane: "Because it's the same as me after Mom died...life hasn't been kind to me"
Gayle: *scoff* "I find that hard to believe"
Mary Jane: "Oh? Do tell"
Gayle looks over at Mary Jane before back to the floor, in fear of what might happen if she didn't respond, she began opening up.
Gayle: "After mom died, you were like a miracle child. Everything went well for you. As for me, everything went to shit. First was my dream, now I'm stuck here with a low-life of a husband that I didn't even know why I married him, to begin with"
Mary Jane: "So you're Jealous"
Gayle: "Took the words out of my mouth. *sigh* You know, even with all the jealousy...I never wanted what happened to you. I just wish things were different"
Mary Jane then sits properly before leaning back on the couch.
Mary Jane: "Well, knowing little spider that wouldn't last long"
Gayle: "Spider-man? Why would he meddle in police work?"
Mary Jane: *shrug* "He's got a lot of tricks up his sleeve, he's a man of many talents. So until then, I'll be waiting"
(Meanwhile with Y/n)
Morning arrived once again, the sun had risen to shine upon the City that never sleeps and its inhabitants.
And one of those inhabitants is seen groaning awake as the sun glared brightly through his eyelids. Y/n raised his hand over his eyes as his system begins to wake up when he starts to get a hold of his bearings he starts feeling his way around his environment.
He first notices the rough and gravel-like surface he is laying on rather than his usual soft and cloudy bed, the next thing he felt is the entire heat of the sun on his skin including his member, which quickly wakens him up fully.
But when he went to sit up, he felt pressure on his chest weighing him down accompanied by light snoring and a small tickle of air, Y/n looks down and saw Spider-Gwen laying on his chest.
It was then Y/n got a good look at the state he and she were in, they both had disheveled hair, he could make out a few hickeys on his and Gwen's neck and lastly, they were both cuddling, naked.
Y/n: (What the-)
Memories of the night previous then flooded his brain, instantly reminding him of what happened that led to his situation.
Y/n: (Oh, yeah...must've been too exhausted after. Wait, did I? No...I had game, dammit not this dilemma again Y/n)
Y/n was pulled out of his thoughts by Gwen who groans awake, she pushes herself up slightly before rubbing her eyes to try and get the sleepiness out of her eyes. When her eyes started to flutter open, she is met with Y/n eyes staring down at her.
Y/n: "Hey~ Mornin' beautiful"
Spider-Gwen: *groan* "Morning to you too, handsome"
The two then leaned close to one another and shared a quick kiss before pulling away.
Spider-Gwen: "So, Is May cooking us breakfast again?"
Y/n: "Can't say, mainly because we're still on Manhattan bridge"
Spider-Gwen: "WHAT!?"
Gwen then looks around and saw that they were still atop Manhattan bridge, as evident by the cars driving under them, seemingly oblivious to the two naked strangers on top of the bridge.
Y/n: "So, uh...I've never been in this situation before. How does this work"
Spider-Gwen: "Beats me, I've never been in this situation either"
Y/n and Gwen then stared into each other's eyes, slowly getting lost before leaning in once again to share a kiss, morning breath be damned. When they finally parted, Y/n's brain began rattling to find a way to progress his situation.
Y/n: "...So was I any good or?"
The sudden direct questioning caught Gwen off guard, causing her to let out a slight chuckle.
Y/n: "Sorry, just kinda kicked in my head"
Spider=Gwen: *giggle* "No, it's fine. And to answer your question, you were pretty damning good"
Y/n: *dry chuckle* "Thanks, it's funny 'cause whenever I dream of this situation I'm surprisingly inadequate"
Spider-Gwen: *kisses Y/n's cheek* "Don't worry about it too much, I enjoyed the whole 3 hours of it"
Y/n: "Hmm...We should probably address the boner in the room-I mean, ELEPHANT in the room"
Spider-Gwen: "Oh, don't think I don't feel it poking me"
Y/n: "Well, a naked hottie laying on top of me isn't exactly helping in this situation"
Spider-Gwen: "Fine...I'll get up"
Gwen then pushes herself off of Y/n before heading over to the pile of clothes that miraculously hadn't been blown away and began getting dressed.
Y/n: "On a side note, any ideas stopping Carnage from rampaging for good?"
Spider-Gwen: *still getting dressed* "The Carnage symbiote is weak to sonic vibrations, that's why the guitar trick worked, along with some intense heat"
Y/n: "Hmm...You know, summer is the time for garage bands to start rock and roll"
Spider-Gwen: "So what? You plan on throwing a concert to take down Carnage?"
Y/n: "Why not? There will be loud instruments, so we got the noises taken care of, plus some pyrotechnics to truly seal the deal"
Spider-Gwen: "Hmm, that doesn't sound half bad. Why didn't I ever think of that?"
Y/n: *shrug* "It's just a bit of post-nut clarity. Get ready for a tsunami of stupid"
Gwen let out a chuckle before finally slipping on her Spidey suit, allowing Y/n to change himself.
Y/n: "D.A.R.C, you think my idea's possible?"
D.A.R.C: "According to my battle analysis from your latest encounter with Carnage, you've played about 300 decibels using the event-provided guitar on max volume. Seeing as Carnage was severely weakened after a few seconds of playing. There's no data on the pyrotechnic hypothesis"
Y/n: "I think I'll take my chances"
Spider-Gwen: "So how are we gonna pull this off? It's gonna be hard with just the two of us, plus D.A.RC"
Y/n slipped on the upper part of his suit before pondering lightly, already knowing who he could call on to, and Gwen knew it too.
Spider-Gwen: "Are you sure about them?"
Y/n: "Look, I know they have their reservation, but they're the best chance we got. I'm willing to gamble on them, plus this is all for MJ's sake. Both of our MJs"
Spider-Gwen: *nods* "I guess you're right. Okay, when do we start?"
Peter: "You plan on doing WHAT!?"
Y/n: "Throwing the biggest concert in Manhattan. Come on, I thought you were listening"
After changing into their spidey suits, they make their way to Queens where they met up in Peter's apartment
Peter: "Yeah, but orchestrating a concert alone is hard enough. Do you know how much manpower we'll need?"
Y/n: "How does seven teenagers and a highly advanced A.I sound? Will that do?"
Peter: "You're not saying...what I think, you're saying"
Y/n: "I am"
Peter: "Are you sure they could do this? Or even the fact that they'll listen?"
Y/n: "They will, or at least they should; because this is the plan that's gonna save MJ"
Peter: "But how exactly would 'Throwing the biggest concert in Manhattan' gonna help MJ?"
Spider-Gwen: "The concert is just an outlet, the symbiote is weak to supersonic sounds and intense heat. Y/n thought that throwing a concert with pyrotechnics should provide the optimum chance in defeating Carnage"
Peter: "Well, if you planned to use Sound and Fire to take down Carnage, why don't you just burn her alive or bash a few metal poles together to defeat her?"
Y/n: "Because it wouldn't look cool! Practical isn't just gonna cut it"
Y/n looks over at Gwen who gave him a reassuring nod before looking back at Peter.
Y/n: "Plus, in addition to the concert thing. I plan on using the Multiverse to take apart the connection of OUR Mary Jane with Carnage"
Peter: *shocked* "Are you sure about this?"
Y/n: *nods* "I am. Gwen was right, I should've spoken up about it when the cops first arrived to take her away"
Peter: "Just to make sure, you're dead set on doing this?"
Y/n: "Yep"
Peter: "You realize if you do this, there's no going back. Everyone will know that the Multiverse exists, who knows what will happen to you"
Y/n: "It doesn't matter what happens to me, but just sitting around and watching as my friend gets punished for something they didn't do"
Peter sighed but soon a smile crept up to his lips at the sight of his friend's determination.
Peter: "Alright, I guess there's no point in arguing with you anymore"
Y/n: "Thank you"
Peter: "But with that said, how would you convince the others to join us?"
Y/n: "Honestly...I haven't thought that one through. I was just gonna head to their home and knock on their door"
Peter: "You sure that's gonna work?"
Y/n: "It's worth a shot"
In the case of Gloria...
After learning about Gloria's address, Y/n took a cab to her home. A few traffic stops later, he finally arrives, Y/n knocks on the door and was greeted by Gloria's mother.
Gloria's Mom: "Oh, hello. Who might you be?:
Y/n: Hi, I'm Y/n. I'm Gloria's friend from school"
Gloria's Mom: "Then come in, is there something you two want to talk about?"
Y/n: "Something like that, yeah"
Gloria's Mom: "Well then go ahead, her room is the first door to the right"
Heading her instructions, Y/n took the stairs before looking over and saw a personalized door that was similar to Gloria's taste and style.
Y/n: "I guess this is her room"
Walking over to the door, Y/n knocked on it with his rhythmic twist before stepping back and waiting for her to reply.
Gloria's voice: *muffled* "Be right there"
Footsteps were followed soon after before the door swung open and Gloria was surprised to see Y/n standing in front of her room.
Gloria: "Oh, Y/n..."
Y/n: "Hey..."
The two stared at each other blankly before looking at the floor awkwardly.
Gloria: "So..."
Y/n: "Yeah, this is awkward. Listen, I have an idea in mind that could help MJ"
Gloria: "Oh..."
Y/n: "It's still a work in progress, but no matter the plan I'm gonna need your help"
Gloria: "And this plan...why do you think it will work?"
Y/n: "Because it has to"
Gloria: "You're not making me have a lot of faith in this plan of yours"
Y/n: "Well what choice do we have? With the amount of evidence stacked against her, there wouldn't be a need for a trial. She'll be found guilty on the spot, it's the only shoot we have to clear her name"
Gloria: *sigh* "On one hand, you're right...but I just don't know, I'll need some time to think this through"
Y/n: *nods* "I understand, I can give you a day. Max. If you're sure about this, let's meet at the Gymnasium, I'll go over the plans there. I really hope to see you there"
Gloria: "Fingers crossed. Take care, Y/n"
Y/n: "You too"
Gloria and Y/n looked solemnly at each other before Gloria gently begins to shut the door in front of Y/n.
One Down.
In the case of Betty...
Y/n: *knocks* "Hey, Bets. Can I talk to you for a sec?"
Betty's voice: *muffled* "In a minute!"
Just standing in the hallway, Y/n could hear cluttering and scattering of paper from inside along with some crashes and a cat shriek.
Y/n: (I didn't know Betty owned a cat)
Once the noise died down, the door swung open.
Betty; "Oh, Y/n. Come on in"
Y/n: "Really?"
Betty: "Just get in"
Betty grabs Y/n by the arm before dragging him inside her room. To say the least, Y/n was surprised to see posters of slasher films and horror flicks, and full emo aesthetic. A complete contrast to Betty's bubbly persona, and at the corner he saw a cat laying on its bed in the corner.
Y/n: "Jesus, it's like a mini Hot Topic in here"
Betty: *sits on the bed* "So what do you want to talk about?"
Y/n: "I have this idea in mind, and I was hoping I could get your help
Betty: "Alrighty then, let me hear it"
Y/n: "I was thinking of throwing a concert in hopes of-"
Betty: "Stop right there, I'm in"
Y/n: "Wait, really? That easily?"
Betty: "You plan on throwing a concert to take down that red alien monster right?"
Y/n: "Yeah...how did you know?"
Betty then lunged over to her nightstand drawer before taking out a DVD and handing it to Y/n, when he has the DVD in his hand, he looks at the cover and saw a guitar player battling an alien using music with the title.
Alien vs Rocker
Betty: "I've been watching the series for the past week and it's so cool. So of course I'm in"
Y/n: "Wow, who knew it was already a movie. I had it all planned to convince you that this is all to help MJ"
Betty: "All the more reason to"
Y/n: "Okay then, tomorrow I'll give a run down on my plan. You okay with meeting at the Gymnasium were you guys practiced?"
Betty: "Yup, I'll see you there"
Y/n couldn't help but give Betty a quick head pat, admiring her eagerness before walking out of her room.
That was easy. Two down, Two to go
In the case of Miles...
Y/n: "This is it huh? It's definitely a long time coming, I just wish it was on different terms"
Miles: "You're telling me"
When Y/n arrived at Mile's home in Brooklyn, he was greeted by Jefferson Davis, a police officer of Brooklyn P.D. He had worked with Jeff during the Weapon's deal bust in Brooklyn that was hosted by Fisk's goons.
When asked about Miles's whereabouts, Jeff said that he wasn't home and suggested that...
Jeff: "He might be in a secret passage down at the subway station, we usually frequent there along with his uncle to bond together"
With that new information, Y/n treaded to the station Jefferson has marked for him and makes his way to Miles's spot where he found him spray painting on a blank wall idly.
Y/n: "So uhh..."
Miles: "Don't you have anything better to do?"
Y/n: "You know I could've just asked Peter to do this for me? Makes it 10 times easier and less awkward"
Miles: "And yet here you are, I wonder why"
Y/n: *sigh* "I guess in a way,, I came here to apologized"
Miles then abruptly stop spray painting and began listening to what Y/n has to say, but has yet to turn and face him.
Y/n: "Gwen is your girlfriend and I respect that, and I just want to say that her love was never a competition, at least not to me. I have nothing to prove, and neither should you"
Miles: "What do you saying?"
Y/n: "I'm saying is that, Gwen loves you unconditionally, without a doubt. You were a better boyfriend to her than I ever could, but I just want to say that I didn't date another version of Gwen in spite of you. I really do love her"
Miles then put away the spray can in his hand before finally turning around with his arms crossed.
Miles: "Really? So there's no resentment whatsoever?"
Y/n: "No! Sure I was hurt but I never took that out on you. Plus, I think I can be matured enough to know when I'm at fault to begin with"
Y/n then pushed himself off the wall that he was leaning on before walking up to Miles.
Y/n: "Look we both love the same person, even though technically I'm dating a different version of her from another dimension so we're not technically sharing her. This whole Multiverse thing is kinda complicated"
Miles: "Yeah, you can say that again"
Y/n: *offers handshake* "Brothers?"
Miles: *accepts handshake* "Brothers"
The two then dap each other off before ending with a fist bump.
Miles: "So, what do you come here for?"
Y/n: "So I got this plan to throw a concert for MJ"
Miles: "You mean, you'll start a petition concert for MJ?"
Y/n: "No, I mean literally use the concert to take down MJ. Her symbiote, or that weird red goo, is weak to high volumes of sound and intense heat"
Miles; "Oh right, I forgot about that whole other MJ part"
Y/n: "You'll get used to it. Anyways, so the plan, or the essence of the plan, is to use the concert to sort of take away the symbiote, revealing its host and hopefully, it will be enough to clear our MJ's name"
Miles; "Hmm, the plan's a little shaky but I'm down to roll with it"
Y/n: "it's still a work in progress, I'll give you a more detailed plan tomorrow when I finally laid it out"
Miles: "So who else is in on this?"
Y/n: "Well, Gloria still needs to think about it, Betty's on board before I could get a chance to explain. Peter and Spider-Gwen without a doubt"
Miles: "Spider-Gwen?"
Y/n: "It's like Spider-man, but you know, it's Gwen. Spider-Gwen. Why, what's wrong?"
Miles; "Nothing, it's just, does she go around telling bad guys that her name's 'Spider-Gwen'?"
Y/n: "What? No, she goes by Spider-woman"
Miles: "Wow..."
Y/n: "I know, I try to think of a way to bring up a suggestion to change her name, but every scenario leads me to look like a sexist"
Miles: "I get what you're saying...So that just leaves"
Y/n: *sigh* "Yep"
Miles: "You know I could just ask her for you"
Y/n: "No-no, i think it's best I should do it. Plus the whole reason there's tension between all of us is because of me, so it's only right if I'm the one that should fix it"
Easier said than done
In the case of Gwen...
Seeing as he used to be a frequent visitor to the Stacy residence, George had lent Y/n a spare key in case he needs something at home and he wasn't there.
When Y/n arrived, however, he quickly noticed the vacancy of the entire home.
Y/n: "Weird, George said she should be at home. Maybe in her room perhaps?"
Heading upstairs, Y/n makes his way across the hall before stopping in front of Gwen's room.
Y/n: *knocks* "Hey, Gwen you in there?"
Y/n then stepped back and waited for a reply, only to hear nothing.
Y/n: "Double weird, I guess she isn't home"
D.A.R.C: "There seems to be one heat signature inside, it matches with Ms. Stacy's profile"
Y/n: "You know, I really feel like what you're doing is an invasion of privacy. But we'll need all the help we need so..."
Walking up to the door, Y/n knocked on it once more.
Y/n: "Gwen, can you come out? There's something I need to talk to you about"
He then stepped back and waited again, but he received no response.
D.A.R.C: "She seems to be unresponsive"
Y/n: "Is she alright?"
D.A.R.C: "Her vitals are all normal"
Y/n: "So she's adamantly ignoring me, I wonder if..."
Y/n then remembered a few minutes before he departed from Peter's apartment.
(Quick Flashback)
Peter: "Hey, before you go, there's something I thought you should know"
Y/n: "What is it?"
Peter: "I may have snapped at Gwen after you left"
Y/n: "...Are you serious?"
Peter: "I don't know, it's just, I couldn't take just watching people bad mouth you like that"
Y/n: "Oh, Peter...If either one of us are of the opposite gender, I'd probably date you instead, but sadly, we both have dicks and we both like girls. Thanks for the gesture, bud"
Peter: *scoff* "You always have to find a way to make things weird don't you"
Y/n: *shrug* "I don't know what you're talking about"
(Flashback end)
Y/n: "We are definitely gonna skim past those gay vibes"
Feeling there was no way for him to get a response out of Gwen, Y/n decided to have a conversation one-sidedly.
Y/n: *knocks* "Hey, I know I've knocked on your door 3 separate times now. A fourth then this would look like a Disney princess scene, but I wouldn't knock on your door repeatedly if it wasn't important"
Gwen: "..."
Y/n: "I have an idea to help MJ, but for it to work, I'm gonna need everyone's help. YOUR help. I'm gonna get further into the details once I sorted it out, will you be there? I've set up the meeting at the gymnasium where you guys used to practice. So please, be there, if not for me then for MJ"
Gwen: "..."
Y/n: *sigh* "Look, I don't know what exactly happened before I left, but I just want to say that what you said wasn't personal to me. Sure it hurt, but I didn't take it heavily as one would expect"
Gwen: "..."
Y/n: "I'll just say what I think you want me to say. I'm sorry, I forgive you, or any word that you want me to say I'll say it. Whatever it takes for you to get out of the slump you found yourself in, the look doesn't suit you"
After saying what he needs to say and having yet to receive a response from Gwen, Y/n decided to call it a day and head home, seeing as he had already visited and filled in everyone on his list of friends.
(The next day)
Y/n, Peter and SPider-Gwen are seen sitting around on the stage with a tarped board behind them. Spider-Gwen sat their anxious, tapping her foot on the wooden stage repeatedly out of worry, Peter kept staring at his watch and watch as the second hand continues clicking while Y/n hunched over with his elbows propped up on his thighs as his hand cover his mouth.
Peter: "It's almost time, you think they'll show up"
Spider-Gwen: "Did you remind them before you come here?"
Y/n: "I did, and they'll come, they have to. For MJ"
Peter: *nods* "For MJ"
Right as the second ticked to 60, Gloria, Betty and Miles made their way to the Gymnasium. Earning a sigh of relief from Peter and Spider-Gwen.
Peter: "You guys made it!"
Y/n: "And right on time, too"
Gloria: "Yeah, it took a lot of thinking-"
Betty: "More like, a lot of convincing"
Gloria: "I've decided, what the hell. Whatever it takes to help MJ"
Betty: "Yeah! For MJ"
Miles: *to Y/n* "Call the play coach"
Spider-Gwen: "Wait, aren't we missing one?"
Peter and the others looked amongst each other whilst counting in their heads and found that, they were in fact missing someone.
???: "Sorry I'm late"
Everyone looked over to the entrance of the Gymnasium and saw Gwen making her way over to the others.
Spider-Gwen: "She came"
Peter: "She really came"
Y/n: *to Gwen* "You sure you're up for this?"
Gwen: "Yeah..."
Gwen looks over at her counterpart, who looks back slightly reserved, and gave her a reassuring smile, which eases Spider-Gwen, before looking back at Y/n determined.
Gwen: "I'll do whatever it takes, for MJ"
Everyone; "For MJ!"
Y/n: *chuckle* "For MJ"
Y/n then turns around and took the tarp off the board to reveal a mapped out Time Square with notes plastered across.
Y/n: "Alright, everyone. Here's the plan"
Almost done, just a couple more chapters to go.
With the band now assembled, will they stand a chance to take down Carnage and prove their friend's innocence? I guess you'll find out tomorrow for the next chapter.
BTW sorry for the tease, I'm not good at lemons, so I'll leave it to you guy's imagination on what happened.
So, with that said you guys know the drill
Vote if you wanna
Share to your friends if you have any
And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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