(The Mary Janes arc) Part 1
MJ: "You coming, Pete?"
Peter: "Y-yeah, on my way!"
Peter then got off the bus before walking with MJ back to her apartment as the bus drove to the next stop.
MJ: "Come on, my apartment's this way"
Peter: "Okay...lead the way"
Flashing a smile at Peter, MJ leads Peter to an apartment complex. With the elevator out of order, Peter and MJ took the stairs up to the 5th floor where her apartment is located. Once they reached the floor, Peter hunched over panting for breath as MJ walked towards her apartment door.
MJ: "Welcome to my humble abode"
MJ turned her back to Peter and walked to her apartment, even from a distance Peter could see the sudden change in MJ's mood once she came in contact with the doorknob.
MJ: *mumble* "At least, that's what I want it to think..."
Peter: "Hmm? Did you say something?"
MJ: "Oh! No, it's nothing. Must've been pretty exhausted back at the Park, come on in"
Unlocking the front door, MJ walks into her home with Peter close behind before shutting the door behind him. When Peter turns back towards the apartment, he was shocked to see the complete opposite of what he expected.
In front of Peter was a slightly run-down apartment, the wallpaper having slight tears and scratches that expose the plywood walls. The carpets were slightly dark and dirty along with some furniture that may as well come from a thrift shop. Yet despite its flaws, there were functional lights and working electricity around the home, completely contrasting the previous flaws of the household.
MJ: "Ah, jeez. Not again..."
Peter hearing MJ's dread, looks to where she's facing and spots a middle-aged man sitting on the couch, with a bottle of alcohol in his hand, passed out while watching TV.
MJ: "You go and head Pete, my room's the farthest to the left"
Peter: "Farthest, left. Got it"
Peter nodded before heading deeper into the apartment to MJ's room, he manages to move around thanks to the well-lit areas and reached a door with MJ's nametag on the door, before he enters MJ's room he looks across and saw another room but with the nametag removed judging from the blank space that was left on the door.
Peter then swings the door to MJ's room open, revealing a few posters of popular rock bands on the walls as well as MJ's guitar along with an amp sitting in the corner. Peter went to shut the door and wait for MJ to come inside but not before hearing scrambling footsteps followed by a loud crash before being followed up by slight whimpering.
Undistinguishable voice: "Hey...it's okay, it's okay..."
[Present Day]
Peter: "I'm telling you Y/n, that's exactly what happened!"
Y/n: "Alright so let me get this straight..."
It's been a few days after the Sokovia incident, Y/n and Peter were seen sitting on the bleachers as Peter recalls the events after their parting from the amusement park.
Y/n: "You think MJ is being abused at home?"
Peter: "What else could that reason be?"
Y/n: "Well, for one..."
MJ: "2! 3! 4!"
The sound of instruments synchronizing playing cuts Y/n off mid-sentence, the sound of the Energetic waves of the guitars, the exciting beating of drums, along with the harmonizing synch of the keyboard were present as the band rehearse their songs until Gloria hits the wrong key on her keyboard, ruining the synchronization to the music, forcing MJ to stop playing.
MJ: "Stop, stop, stop! Gloria!"
Gloria: "Sorry, my fingers must've slipped"
Y/n: *to Peter* "She seems pretty lively for someone who should be in depression. Unless she's into that sorta thing?"
Peter: "No! God, no. Look I'm telling you what I saw back there has to be abuse"
Y/n: "Alright, even if you are right. What am I supposed to do with this information? A vigilante can't burst into a household randomly and claim the father's abusing their child, it wouldn't hold up in court"
Peter: "Well, what can you do?"
Y/n: "Nothing, actually. I can't think of anything"
Peter: "Well, couldn't you just apprehend him and have MJ testify?"
Y/n: "Look, Peter. I admire your efforts to do the right thing, but with situations like these you almost have to have a plan"
Peter: "But you always rush into things head-first without a plan"
Y/n: "And I think my several bruises and broken bones will tell you that you always need a plan"
Peter: "Right..."
Y/n: "Just follow what I say, Pete, not as I do. Trust me, you wouldn't wanna go around lifting cars above your head for a living"
Y/n and Peter looks back to the stage and saw MJ's bandmates looking exhausted.
MJ: "Alright, everyone. From the top"
Bandmates: *groan*
MJ: "2! 3! 4-"
Y/n: "Hey, MJ"
MJ: "What! What is it?!"
Y/n: "Maybe you guys should take 5, maybe 30. Plus you said you'd check out the new band logo I sketch up"
MJ: "Oh, yeah. Alright everyone let's take a break"
Gwen: "Oh, thank god!"
Betty: "I thought my fingers would fall off if I play anymore"
Gloria: "Tell me about it"
Swinging her guitar to her back, MJ jumped off the stage before running towards Peter and Y/n.
MJ: "So whatcha got?"
Going over his bag, Y/n takes out a sketchbook from his backpack and shows MJ his sketched logo.
MJ: "It's so...plain"
Y/n: "Hey, every band starts out with a plain-looking logo, at least until they got their theme. It's pretty hard to capture what you guys want if the only thing have to go with is 'not murder face"
MJ: "Okay, can you at least make it, you know...Unique?"
Y/n: "And what, praytell, would you suggest to make this 'Unique'"
MJ: "Hmm...Maybe something like-"
Before MJ could give her suggestion, her phone began ringing, cutting her train of thought.
MJ: *looks at phone* "Oh, shoot! It's my dad. Hold on I'll be right back"
Y/n: "Hey, wai-"
MJ then runs out of the Gymnasium, ignoring Y/n's protests.
Y/n: "And there she goes..."
Y/n looked over at Peter confused as he gives a vague shrug. A beep was heard from both of their phones, they look over and saw a red figure rampaging in Time Square. Peter and Y/n looked at each other knowingly before Peter gives the 'Go ahead'.
Y/n: "Hey, listen I gotta go take a shit. Tell MJ to not wait for me"
Grabbing his backpack, Y/n ran off to a nearby to change into his suit. After zipping out of the bathroom, Y/n hurriedly swings over to Time Square where the crime system said the rampage is taking place.
Y/n: (It's probably just Alexei again, that guy never quits. Like damn dude, take a break for once)
Arriving at Time Square, Y/n perched himself on the lampost and saw the red figure still rampaging around Time Square, cutting vehicles in half vehicles with its purple double-sided ax.
A cab swerves from the chaos, causing the driver to drive into the red figure. It turned around just in time and sent out a red tendril towards the front of the cab, destroying it in one hit and causing the driver to be shot out of the windshield.
The driver watched in horror as the red figure reeled its double-sided ax back with the intent of cutting the driver in half. Before the figure could swing its ax, Y/n shot a web at the Taxi driver and pull him out of the way.
Y/n then lands on the sidewalk far away from the figure and lets the driver down.
Y/n: "Get to safety, hurry!"
The driver nods before running off. Once the cab driver is out of sight, Y/n turns to the red figure and assesses his opponent.
Y/n noticed the figure is feminine and is coated head-to-toe in a red substance, black facial markings, yellow sclerae, red irises, yellow fangs, long red hair that seems to be part of her suit, claws, and a prehensile tongue, not to mention the double-sided ax that resembles a guitar.
Y/n: "Hey cool ax. Is there a metal album you're promoting?"
???: "Deciding for those colors? Those definitely don't suit you girl"
Y/n: "Are you calling me a Femboy? That is an insult to Femboys around the world"
The figure reeled back before sending a volley of red spiked tendrils towards Y/n, he manages to jump to the side in time to dodge the attack. When the figure recalls its spike tendrils, Y/n zipped towards the figure and kicked her back.
Y/n then shot a volley of webs at the figure to try and restrain his opponent, only for the figure to swing her ax in a frenzy, cutting the webs that came near her. She then incorporated her ax into her suit, increasing its blade size and swinging it across.
The blade was large enough that it reached Y/n who was several feet away, causing Y/n to slide under the swing to avoid getting cut in half. When the ax reverted to its original size, Y/n jumped to the air and webbed up a part of a car that was cut in half and hurled it towards the figure.
She notice the incoming car and cuts it in half, but failed to see Y/n who was right behind the car. The swing missed Y/n by a hair as he sends a kick to the figure's face before using it as a kickboard to launch himself in the air and web up the car that was cut into fourths before slamming it down on the red figure once again, causing a large dust cloud to envelop her.
Y/n: "Alright, I think that was enough to put her down"
???: "Not quite~"
5 red tendrils were then shot out of the smoke and wrapped around Y/n's limbs and chest before getting pulled into the dust cloud and being assimilated by the red figure.
???: "Don't try to resist, little spider~"
Y/n: "Hell no! I ain't gonna be a part of any doujin today!"
Breaking away from the figure's hold on him, Y/n shot out of the figure's chest before kicking her away. When Y/n lands back on the ground, he drops to one knee as he felt more exhausted than he was before.
Y/n heard footsteps from behind him, he turns around and saw the figure walking out of the dust cloud as her long tongue licked her lips sickeningly.
???: "You taste different. Good, but different...why is that?"
Y/n: "Lady...I don't know who you are, but you have a very messed up kick"
Police sirens were heard in the distance before a convoy of police cruisers pull up to Time Square.
???: "I guess we'll continue this dance some other time."
Y/n: "Wait, who are you anyway?"
???: "Let's just say...wherever I go, there will always be Carnage"
The figure then jumps to a lamppost before fleeing the scene.
Y/n: "You know, sometimes I wish I was the only person who gave out vague clues about my name"
Y/n then looks around and saw police and first responders going around and helping the people who were hurt, with Y/n lending a hand for a little bit before heading back to let the professionals do their job.
Back at the gymnasium, Peter had just finished watching the live report of Y/n's encounter with the red figure. As he puts his phone away, MJ walks through the door again with her guitar before running up the stage.
MJ: "Okay, one more run and we'll call it a day"
Gloria: "Come on, M"
MJ: "It's the last time I promise"
Gloria: "Alright, you're the boss"
MJ: "Gwen, count us down"
Gwen: *clicks drumsticks* "2! 3! 4!"
They then began playing once again right as Y/n enters the gymnasium and makes his way over to Peter.
Y/n: "What did I miss?"
Peter: *epiphany* "Holy-!"
Y/n: "What? What happened?"
Peter: "Dude, that person you fought...It was MJ?"
Y/n: "How did you come up with that?"
Peter: "Look, right here"
Peter goes to his gallery and put up his screenshots from the news broadcast, Peter then shows Y/n a screenshot of the red figure in clear view with her weapon of choice.
Peter: "There, red hair, feminine figure. That's gotta be her"
Y/n: "There's a lot of redheads in the world, not just MJ"
Peter: "Yeah, but when MJ left to answer her phone she had her guitar with her"
Y/n: "And?"
Peter: "That weapon she's holding, it's closely similar to a guitar"
Y/n: "Turned to an ax? Okay, let's say all of this is her. How could you explain everything that she does? like..."
Y/n then swiped right on Peter's phone, only to see a video of him singing in the shower, causing them to instantly swipe left.
Y/n: "Didn't need to see that *swipes left again* Like that, how does she protrude from her body?"
Peter: "It's gotta be the big 3"
Y/n: "What big 3?"
Peter: "THE big 3, you know. Androids, Aliens, and Weird shit"
Y/n: "Weird shit?"
Peter: "You don't believe in wizards, right?"
Y/n: "I abhor them"
Peter: "So anything that is weird or out of place in reality I just call it 'Weird shit'"
Y/n: "Okay...so what's this fall into?"
Peter: "I'm a bit unsure, but I'm feeling it's Alien"
Y/n: "Hmm...right"
Peter looks over at Y/n's face and saw that he looked conflicted at Peter's deduction.
Peter: "You don't believe me, do you?"
Y/n: "What? No! Peter, it's not that I don't believe you"
Peter: "Then what is it?"
Y/n: "It's just...We are putting a lot on the line here, with Felicia moving back to France, The Mary Janes are the hot topic back at our school. If we're wrong about this-"
Peter: "Which I'm not"
Y/n: "IF we are wrong. Not only would we seem like we're dragging The Mary Janes in the mud, but we'll also be tarnishing our reputation at school as well as our friendship with the others. I mean, just look at them"
Peter and Y/n look back to the stage and see The Mary Janes wrapping up their song.
Y/n: "I'm just saying, if we're gonna throw accusations like these we HAVE to be sure"
Peter: "Then how do we go about this?"
Y/n: "Let's do some more research back home, plus I think they're just about done"
The two best friends look back and see MJ and the others packing up their gear.
MJ: "Good job, everyone! We'll continue this on our next practice"
Gwen and the others gave out a collective 'Okay' as they wrap up the last of their equipment. Zipping up her guitar case, MJ swung her case over her shoulder before running down the case with Peter running after her if not for Y/n grabbing his arm in protest.
Y/n: "What are you doing?"
Peter: "I'm just gonna talk to her for a sec, be right back"
Pulling his hand out of Y/n's grasp, Peter ran over to MJ right as she was about to exit the gymnasium.
Peter: "MJ!"
MJ: "Hmm? What's up, Tiger?"
Peter: "Are...are you perhaps, alright?"
MJ: "Of course...why wouldn't I be?"
Peter: "It's just...*sigh* It's nothing, just be safe okay?"
MJ: "I will, thanks Pete"
MJ gave a friendly punch to Peter's arm before walking out of the gymnasium. Y/n walked over to Peter as he rubbed the spot MJ punched while looking at the door MJ just walked through distantly.
Y/n: "That was...smooth"
Peter: "Hey, Y/n?"
Y/n: "What is it, buddy?"
Peter: "If I do this, and it turns out I'm wrong and all the school began shunning me. You wouldn't abandon me, right?"
Y/n: *scoff* "What kind of best friend would I be if I did?"
Y/n then stood by Peter and wrapped his arm around his shoulder.
Y/n: "There's really no convincing you out of this?"
Peter: "I just...I don't want it to be true, but there's only one way to know for sure"
Y/n: "Alright then, Prince charming. Let's go clear your princess's name"
Another Original arc and the enemy appearance in the same chapter, say what? What secrets will Y/n and Peter discover? Will they find out who the mysterious red figure might be? Will it be MJ? It could be any one of their friends. It could be YOU, it could be ME, it could even be-
Anyways with all that said, you guys know the drill
Vote if you wanna
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And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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