(The Mary Janes arc) Finale
Peter: "Man, this sure is a tight fit"
Y/n: "it's a skin-tight suit, kinda part of the name"
Peter: "Yeah, I guess you're right"
Y/n is seen just outside the stalls in the bathroom as he waits for Peter to come out, soon the door opens revealing Peter in Y/n's Spider-man suit.
Peter: "But you could've loosened some parts up at least? It's riding up my butt a little bit"
Y/n: "Well, you better pucker up that asshole cause we don't have time for adjustments"
A knock on a door was heard, gaining the two's attention.
Y/n: "Peter's naked! Come on in"
The door swung open and in comes MJ wearing ripped jeans and converse, along with a denim vest and white t-shirt with a Spider-man icon on the front.
MJ: *notices Peter* "Oh wow! It looks good on you"
Peter: *scratches head* "You think so?"
Gloria: "Hell yeah it does"
Peter looks over to the door and spots the rest of the band along with Miles standing near the door along with Y/n.
Betty: "If we didn't know it was just a costume beforehand, I would think you were Spider-man"
Peter: "Aww, come on guys. You know I can't be Spider-man"
Y/n: "Nonesense, anyone can wear the suit and be Spider-man. Hell, I bet Miles could pull off a Fantastic Spider-man"
Miles; "Oh, Nah. I don't think the world is prepared for a black Spider-man"
Y/n: "They've been ready, there just hasn't been one here yet. But hey, in another universe you could be Spider-man"
Miles: "You really believe that?"
Y/n: "I've known that for a fact, hell I think he's doing quite well for himself"
Y/n looks over at the rest of The Mary Janes and saw that they wore plain rock clothing with some slight semblance to Spider-man, be it hairpins, glasses, or even Spider-man-designed shoes.
Y/n: "Who knew the Spider-man motif would fit a rock band theme, good call MJ"
MJ: "I just had some inspiration, you and Miles were the ones that made it work"
Gwen: "So are we all ready? The show's about to start"
Y/n: "Just about, we're just gonna climb on up and we're all set"
MJ: *kisses Peter* "Be careful alright?"
Peter: "I will. Go put on an amazing show"
MJ: *smiles* "See 'ya, Tiger~"
MJ then left the room with her bandmates along with Miles as he went to take his spot in the crowd.
Peter: "This is safe right?"
Y/n: "I mean, we did a few tests. You weren't injured. Plus I added support to your legs, so I say just about safe"
Peter: *shrug* "Good enough for me"
The two then make their way backstage, discretely, before climbing to the top of the scaffolding till they could see the Gymnasium, packed with people. Once they were high enough, Peter shot a web to a beam just slightly above the main stage before looking ahead and seeing the back of Mary Jane's new banner, now having a Spider-man icon to fit the band's new theme.
Y/n: "Remember the procedure?"
Peter: "Grab both hands, brace as I go through the banner, and let the sudden stop flow through my body to avoid injury"
Y/n: "And most importantly?"
Peter: "Don't jump when I'm about to swing, otherwise I'll add to the momentum of the swing"
Y/n: "Good, just trying to make sure you're ready. The last thing we want is you dislocating your shoulders before the show even started, even though we calculated the height properly"
Peter: "I know, better be safe and have a plan"
Y/n: "Hey, you're learning"
Peter: "Only from the best"
Y/n: "Alright, I'll be in the crowd. Give 'em hell, Spider-man"
As Y/n makes his way back down, Peter saw MJ and the others taking their positions as the crowd cheers them on, prompting Peter to pull down the mask over his face as he waits on his cue.
MJ: "Ladies and gentlemen, I appreciate everyone coming to our concert. A lot has happened this past week, and I thank all of you for your support. Not only to the audience watching but to my family and friends"
As Gwen fixes her seat, a ray of light shined at her eyelid, prompting her to groan and look over to the source of light to see Y/n pointing a pocket flashlight towards her as he gave a peace sign to her.
Gwen: *scoff* (So he came to watch after all)
MJ: "But we weren't alone, amidst my dark times, there was one man who stood up and helped me. Everyone, please give a warm welcome; To the one and only, Spider-man!"
Right on cue, Peter swung down from his post and through The Mary Jane banner before landing on stage, legs crouched down before jumping to his feet.
Peter: "Thank you, Ms. Watson, for having. And thank you, everyone, for having me"
Peter gave two thumbs up before walking away from the mic.
MJ: "And thank you, Spider-man. For everything, you've done for this city. Now, who's ready to have fun!"
The crowd cheered as MJ turns back and saw everyone, including Peter, ready to play; so MJ grabbed her guitar and pulled the strap over her head before placing her fingers on the fretboard.
MJ: "Count us down Gwen"
Gwen: "2! 3! 4!"
As the song kicks up, the crowd went wild immediately, banging their heads and moving their flashlights to the beat.
Miles: *whisper* "How is Peter so good at playing the guitar? And in just a few days?"
Y/n: *whisper* "He memorized the placements of his fingers for each note. From there he memorized when he should play what note"
Miles: *whisper* "Wow! That's impressive"
Y/n: *whisper* "That's the fastest way he could learn guitar in just a few days"
Miles and Y/n continue to enjoy The Mary Jane's performance, going along with the crowd as they transition to another song that they have been working on in secret just for the occasion.
When the song is about to reach its climax, Y/n and Miles excused themselves from the crowd before making their way backstage just as they finished their song. A few photos and autographs later, they make their way backstage to meet with Miles and Y/n.
Miles: "You guys did great!"
Gwen: "Thanks"
Miles then wrapped Gwen in a loving hug.
Y/n: "And could you believe it? I stood through the whole thing"
MJ: *giggles* "Thanks again, Y/n. To everyone, I can't thank you enough for what you did"
Peter: "It's nothing"
Peter then pulls the mask off his face, revealing his sweaty face and disheveled hair before taking off his contacts in favor of his glasses and making his way over to Y/n.
Peter: "Jezz, how do you breath in this thing?"
Y/n: "Oh, yeah. That's always a problem, by the way, you should probably wash your face before you build up acne"
Peter: "You're probably right"
Peter then heard Y/n's phone vibrate.
Peter: "I should probably change out of this, just in case it's some crime you need to take care of"
Y/n: "No, keep it. Plus it's probably nothing"
MJ: "Hey, Peter!"
Y/n: "Looks like you're up"
Peter: "Will you be"
Y/n: "Go, don't worry about me big man"
Peter then reluctantly left his friend as Y/n takes out his phone.
Y/n: (A message from Gwen)
To say Y/n's mood dropped is saying it lightly. His eyes which were once occupied by glee and happiness now left a void of lifelessness; His posture, though slightly, is enough to gesture his sour mood, and the most telltale sign, his hanging head, and arm that held his smartphone.
Peter: "Yeah, sounds good. What do you think Y/n?"
Y/n: "..."
Peter: "Y/n?"
Y/n: "I need to go"
Leaving no room for argument, Y/n abruptly left his friends. Leaving them confused about his personality change.
Betty: "What's wrong with him?'
Peter: *sigh*
MJ: "Peter?"
Peter: "It's the same thing that happened a year ago"
Betty: "What happened a year ago?"
Peter: *to MJ* "You remember when we first met?"
MJ: "You don't mean..."
Peter: "Mh-hmm"
MJ: "Oh no.."
Betty: "What? What happened before?"
Peter sighs before looking at his friends.
Peter: "Last year...was when Y/n lost the love of his life"
Back with Y/n, he's in boarding a train to Queens. Taking a spot farthest from the door, he puts his hood up as the train departs, the contents of the message still fresh in his memory.
We rewind a few days ago when Y/n and the others plan out The Mary Jane's comeback. With the Carnage fiasco under wraps, Spider-Gwen borrowed Y/n's interdimensional Hopper to travel back to her dimension, with a capsule that holds the Carnage symbiote in hand.
She arrived at a secluded place where she sent an anonymous tip to the S.H.I.E.L.D of her dimension.
Spider-Gwen: "Alright, that's the last of you"
Carnage: *groan* "Threat...Menace...."
Spider-Gwen: "Okay, I've got a handful with Jonah already. I don't need you adding to that train"
Carnage: "That fool of a reporter is a simpleton, he doesn't know the true threat you pose. Especially to Y/n"
Spider-Gwen: "You don't know a damn thing about him"
The Carnage symbiote then started chuckling, confusing Gwen as the symbiote's laughter grew louder.
Spider-Gwen: "What's so funny?"
Carnage: *chuckles* "80 billion light-years of hive knowledge across universes, and you wouldn't think one of them would contain knowledge on your beloved Y/n?"
Spider-Gwen: "You're bluffing"
Carnage: "I know that (f/f) is his favorite food, I know every loving banter in your relationship down to the syllable, all the gifts he would give you, even the favorite part of your body that he enjoys"
Spider-Gwen: "Okay then...How does this circle back to Y/n?"
Carnage: "If you would allow me to bond with you, I'd show you"
Spider-Gwen: "Alright..."
Spider-Gwen then went to open the capsule only to stop halfway through.
Spider-Gwen: "Wait a minute...How do I know this isn't just some ploy for you to escape?"
Carnage: "Do you want to learn what happens or not?"
Spider-Gwen: "Fine, but I swear, if you even think about taking over I'm blasting 7th element to the max"
Carnage: "Fair enough"
Spider-Gwen then opens the capsule as Carnage climbs its way up the capsule before wrapping itself around Spider-Gwen's arm until she was fully assimilated with the symbiote. Flashes of images then flooded her mind, playing what seems to be memories from a different version of Y/n.
The first image that flashed was their first meeting, being locker mates and accidentally grazing each other's hands.
Then a few images flashed into her mind, showing Y/n and Gwen hanging out as friends, eating ice cream going to the arcade to play some games, and having a small food fight.
Another image flashed and showed the two were having a study session, a few wrestling and tumbling later, Gwen was seen pinning Y/n down as the two giggled at their antics. Then, without warning, Gwen latched her lips with Y/n's catching him by surprise but instead of pulling back, instead deepens the kiss, even flipping over so that he was on top.
Lastly, an image showed a bruise and wounded versions of the couple as they evacuate from a rampaging venom that is currently being preoccupied with their version of the avengers. As Y/n and Gwen make their escape, they come across a child trapped under some rubble.
Y/n asked for Gwen to go on ahead as he went to help the child, but when he turns back after moving the rumble, he saw a scene that shocked him to the very core. As he looks over, he saw a truck flip from the aftermath of Iron man's sonic blast and was about to crush Gwen.
Y/n went to call out to his lover but it was too late, as the truck crushed her fame, traumatizing him. In a pained scream, Y/n runs to the scene, ignoring the ensuing chaos before reaching Gwen, or what's left of her.
Y/n felt his entire world crumble when he saw the lower part of Gwen's body crushed by the truck, he kneels to her side and held her upper body, tears flowing down his eyes as he watched the life fade from Gwen's eyes as the Avengers took down Venom.
Sadness and Anger filled his heart; Sadness for the loss of his lover, and Anger... at the so-called heroes that were meant to protect them. Before the venom symbiote perished, a small piece broke off from its boy, giving birth to the Carnage symbiote.
When the symbiote dropped to the ruined streets of New York, it began making its way to the crying Y/n, seemingly attracted to his sadness and agony. When Carnage seeps its way inside Y/n's body through his wounds, all of the negative emotions that he has deep inside quickly surface as he loses all sense of reason.
Y/n lets out a primal scream as the Carnage symbiote began assimilating its host,
This catches the Avengers off-guard as Y/n sends out a red tendril toward Iron man before trying to take on the rest of the Avengers but in the end, was outmatched and was forced to escape.
After what she felt was reliving an old life, Spider-Gwen dropped to her knees as Carnage parted from her before crawling its way back into the capsule as per agreement.
Spider-Gwen: *gasp* "What the hell was that!?"
Carnage: "That was the culmination of another Y/n's memory"
Spider-Gwen sat up and looked over at Carnage.
Carnage: "You see, contrary to popular belief we have the ability to feel empathy. And for this host, in particular, is just sad really. So I and the other Carnage made a vow to eradicate every Gwen Stacy in the multiverse"
Spider-Gwen: "For what? So he could turn out to be the Y/n that you assimilated?"
Carnage: "It's so that he couldn't. You have to understand that the roots of all his suffering, is YOU"
Spider-Gwen: "Well, you don't need to worry about the Y/n in my dimension. And Y/n already broke up with his Gwen"
Carnage: "But what about you? You may not have any connection dimensionally, but the bond you two share rival those of other universes"
Spider-Gwen: "You don't mean..."
Carnage merely remained silent and looked on with a somber expression.
Carnage: "I believe it's the only way"
Spider-Gwen: "...So if I do this, he wouldn't turn out like the Y/n I saw?"
Carnage: "It would save us all the suffering"
Spider-Gwen sighs as she takes out her phone, she began scrolling through her contacts until she stops on Y/n's phone number. She went to open her messages with Y/n but hovered slightly over it.
Spider-Gwen: "I don't think I could do this...Not to him"
Carnage: "I have given you all the information you need and the possibility that could happen. The choice is up to you"
Spider-Gwen ponders deeper, reminding herself of what brought her to this situation. She began to recall all the fun memories she shared with Y/n, their dates, and crime fighting moments, along with their passionate moment on Manhattan bridge. She then recalled the memories that were shown to her by Carnage, the pain she felt through the memories of Y/n, and his pain and agony from losing his own Gwen.
Steeling her resolve, Gwen pressed your contact information and began typing out her message.
Y/n manages to arrive back at Peter's home safely and a bit early, surprising May.
May: "You're back early, how was the concert?"
Y/n didn't give a response and went straight to his shared room with Peter, confusing May. Y/n makes his way inside his room, shutting the door behind him before leaning on the said door and running a hand through his hair in distress.
Y/n: "What did I do to deserve this?"
Y/n looks at his phone and reads the message Gwen sent him one last time.
Hey Y/n...I know this is probably the last thing you should be seeing this since this should be your day of celebration...but I've been thinking somethings over, and...There's no easy way to say this. I think we should see other people.
Something just inside me just clicked, and with all the things that happened I realized that maybe we weren't meant to be together. I'm sorry, I didn't want to go through with this...but I just thought you should know.
With a heavy heart, Spider-Gwen pressed send, cementing the end of their interdimensional relationship.
Spider-Gwen: *sigh* "There, I did what you asked"
Carnage: "You did the right thing, I promise"
Spider-Gwen: "I just...I just wish things were different"
Teardrops befell on Y/n's screen, he gripped onto the phone tightly, his strength proving too much for his phone as cracks start to appear along the side. In a fit of sadness, Y/n threw his phone across the room before grabbing gripping his hair with both hands.
That must be what's going through you guy's head, isn't it? Now before you go attacking me in the comments let me just say; Sorry, but also not sorry
I'm sorry that things ended the way it did, but I'm not sorry that I ended it this way (Did that make sense?)
Basically, from my perspective, it'll be difficult for me to add Spider-Gwen in future chapters. with Gwen being non-existent in the mcu and Across the Spider-verse being pushed back by another year, I believe it would be much better for me to lay off on the Spider-Gwen moments. For now, until we can watch Across the spider-verse Part 1 and 2, or just part 1 for that matter.
So...yeah, that's all I have to say. I said what needed to be said, just don't expect a twitlonger of my apology anytime soon
Anyways, with that said, you guys know the drill
Vote if you wanna
Share to your friends if you have any
And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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