(The Amazing Y/n L/n arc) Part 8
Pietro didn't waste a second. Immediately rushing his opponent, Pietro punches Tombstone in the cheek.
Pain immediately tingled in his hand, causing him to shake off the feeling before looking back at his opponent and seeing Tombstone unaffected by his attack.
Tombstone: "That all you got?"
Clenching his fist, Pietro began to deliver punch after punch at rapid speeds. Ignoring the pain from his wound, he mainly focuses on landing his punches, landing blows at different points in hopes of overwhelming his opponent.
However, Pietro would soon reach his limit, feeling the pain from the wound be too much to bear Pietro throws one last punch that held all his strength toward Tombstone's chest.
Pietro begins to pant, exhausted from overexerting himself but reassures himself that it was all to beat down his opponent. Speaking of which, Pietro looks up and was shocked as Tombstone merely took all of Pietro's attacks, unphased, and was still towering over him.
Tombstone then leans his head to the side, causing a menacing pop to ring out before he retaliates. He backhands Pietro, causing the speedster to be sent flying across the room and land on a collapsable table.
Tombstone: "I thought that I could probably feel something from your attacks...guess I got that one cut out for me"
Tombstone begins to slowly make his way towards Pietro as he lets one of his hands hang to the side, letting a tire iron slip down from his sleeve.
Pietro groaned in pain before turning to his side, as he gathers his strength Pietro begins to prop his hands and slowly begins to stand up.
Tombstone: "Such disappointment"
Tombstone then raised the tire iron in his hand over his head and went to swing down on Pietro, if it weren't for a web to pull the tire iron out of Tombstone's hand.
Confused, Tombstone looks over to where the web was shot from only to receive a punch from Y/n. Suffice to say, it didn't go well as he intended.
Y/n: "Grr-RAGH!"
Y/n immediately drops to his knees in pain, feeling his hand send an immediate shock across his nervous system along with the pain that felt as if he had punched the Titanic"
Y/n: "Oh-ho-ho...CANADA!!"
Y/n tries to squeeze his hand despite the pain, only to move mere inches before pain begins to shoot up his hand.
Y/n: "Well that's not good"
Tombstone's shadow then looms over Y/n, standing over him as he idly taps the tire iron on his palm.
Tombstone: "So, this must be the ever famous Spider-man. Gotta say, I'm a little impressed, but-"
Y/n: "COCK SHOT!!!"
WIth Tombstone seemingly leaving himself open, Y/n cuts him off and went for a cheap shot to the groin. Only for his hand to suffer the same effect.
Y/n: "OUGH! Oh, your poor wife"
Tombstone: "But I think my impressiveness would turn to disappointment. Guess I was right"
Y/n continues to whine as he now has two possibly broken hands.
Y/n: "What the hell is going on?"
With his back turned, Tombstone went to swing his tire iron at Y/n but he immediately twirls in the air into a kick across Tombstone's face, only for a tingling feeling to shoot up from his shin right as it made contact with Tombstone's cheek.
A girly shriek and a chorus of 'ow's followed soon after as Y/n falls to the ground in pain.
Y/n: "I promise this gets worse for you big boy"
Tombstone: "This is embarrassing"
Y/n then flips over his stomach, and with the pain still present in his hands, begins to push himself to his feet. Only for Tombstone to walk over and kick Y/n directly on the diaphragm, knocking the wind out of him and sending him hurtling across the room.
Y/n: *cough* "Seriously, what the hell is happening? This never happened the first time"
Tombstone: *whistles* "Boys! Get in here"
Y/n manages to prop himself on his knees as several of Tombstone's men piled into the room.
Y/n: *groan* "You just had to send the cavalry. Yo, Pietro! You good?"
Pietro: *Pietro noises*
Y/n: "Meh, your fine"
Tombstone's men then readied themselves, priming their guns or brandishing their weapon of choice as Y/n finally stood on his feet and assumed his fighting stance.
Y/n: "Okay, people. Line up, one at a time. There's plenty of face kicks and knuckle sandwiches for everyone"
The first couple of bikers then went to their back pocket and grabbed a respirator mask with a vial strapped on its front. In tandem, the two bikers took a hit from the respirator mask, causing their skin to turn chalk white before slamming the masks to the ground.
Y/n: "I'm guessing that stuff ain't for asthma"
The two albino bikers made their first move, brandishing their makeshift weapons as they rush Y/n in hopes of overwhelming him.
When the first biker went to swing at Y/n, he jumps over the thug and shoots a web at his eyes, blinding him, before facing the other biker and pulling him forward. Y/n then delivers a knee onto the biker's stomach but looked to be seemingly unbothered.
The biker then swings his weapon at Y/n's head, forcing him to duck under, and went for a liver punch but felt their skin was tough and impervious as a rock.
Y/n: "Damnit, I miss punching flesh"
D.A.R.C: "It would seem they have intake Diox-3 from the respirators"
The bikers then surround Y/n, with two bikers pointing their guns at him while the rest of the melee-wielding bikers went for their back pockets and took a whiff of their respirators, granting them their temporary invulnerability.
Tombstone: "You like my new product? I call it Grave dust"
Y/n: "Sweet name, did your marketing department cook up that name?"
Tombstone: "I AM the marketing department"
The bikers then bum-rushed Y/n, charging at him all at once as they swing their weapons together. Y/n his hardest to avoid getting hit, weaving through the attacks while also dodging bullets in mid-air from the gun-wielding bikers.
When all five of the bikers went for another swing at Y/n, he jumps over the group, causing them to smack their weapons against each other. Their temporary invulnerability proved to be useful as they fell nothing from their attack, but that all changed when Y/n pulled the fluorescent light bulbs down from the ceiling and onto the bikers, crushing them with the debris.
Y/n then shifted his focus onto the two remaining bikers with guns, Y/n web-strike over to the first biker, performing a downwards punch across his cheek before initiating a triangle choke and bringing the biker to the floor, knocking the wind out of his lungs.
Y/n then faces the last biker and webbed up the biker's face and his hand that held the firearm, Y/n then pulls the biker towards him before soaring to the air and kicks down onto his collar bone, taking him out of the fight.
A loud crash of glass immediately caught Y/n's attention, he looks over and saw Tombstone had broken the reinforced glass that held the capsule and was about to reach for the said capsule.
Y/n: "I'll be taking that, thank you"
Y/n then shot a web towards the capsule, but Tombstone intercepted the web and grabs it before it could reach its target. Tombstone then tugged the web hard, catching Y/n off-guard, and was sent flying towards Tombstone who clotheslined Y/n to the floor.
With the sudden drop forcing all the air out of his lungs, Tombstone quickly stomped onto Y/n's chest to prevent him from recovering.
Tombstone: "Look at you, laying down beneath me like you should. Like a bug crushed by my boot"
Y/n: *groan* "Technically, we're arachnids"
In annoyance, Tombstone raised his foot before stomping down on Y/n hard, letting his head lay to the side as he remained on the floor, motionless and full of pain. Tombstone then removed his foot from Y/n's chest once he notices that Y/n is now unresponsive, and went to take the capsule of Diox-3.
As he laid his head to the side, Y/n spots a respirator that the bikers used to gain their invulnerability. Hatching a plan, Y/n pulls out his counter-drug for Diox-3 and exchanges it to the vial that was strapped to the respirator while Tombstone's back was turned.
Before Tombstone could even lay a finger on the capsule, Y/n let out a battle-cry before latching himself onto Tombstone's back. The big white boss begins to struggle, spinning and squirming around in hopes of getting Y/n off his back, but all was futile.
Y/n then shoved the respirator to Tombstone's face, forcefully putting it over his nose and mouth, taking in the counter-drug involuntarily.
Y/n: "Take a deep breath..."
In an instant, the anti-drug had kicked in. Tombstone quickly felt the drain in his strength, his body feeling more and more heavy as his pale white skin begins to fade.
Seeing his counter-drug work its effects, Y/n took this chance to hop over Tombstone and send a kick to his chin, knocking him towards the shattered glass on the podium, cutting up his face as he fell to the ground.
Tombstone then laid on the floor, a tingling sensation was felt on his face, the same feeling that's flowing across his body this very second. A feeling he thought he'd never feel again,
Pain swelled across his body as he laid on the floor, pain that begins to grow worse as he pushes himself off the floor, onto his knees before finally supporting himself on his own two feet. Once he stood, albeit a bit wobbly, Tombstone dragged a hand across his face, feeling a sudden sting throughout, before pulling it back to see his palm covered in blood.
Tombstone: "The hell was that you dosed me with? I feel kinda...funky"
Y/n: "Oh, you know. Just a Particulated deblocking Agent"
Tombstone: "..."
Y/n: "Well don't look at me, I'm not the one who named it"
Continue to Finale
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