(The Amazing Y/n L/n arc) Part 2
In Upstate, New York, we see Vision doing his nightly patrols. Seeing as he's a synthezoid and required no need for sleep, Vision had taken it upon himself to patrol around the compound in hopes to kill some time.
On this peculiar patrol, however, Vision felt something odd, something that he had noticed for the past 2 weeks. Now, seeing as Pietri and Wanda are out protecting Manhattan, he took this chance to thoroughly inspect the compound in search of the cause of his uneasiness.
Soon his patrol finally ends, seeing as he has yet to accomplish his desired goal, Vision decided to call it a day and try again tomorrow. When he made his way back to his room and went to phase through to his room, but abruptly stopped when he heard a voice behind him.
???: "Hello, Vision"
Vision turned around and faced the voice, only to see nothing, physically, but by using his unique access to the internet, Vision could see a matrix of blue code seemingly taking the form of a woman, a code he is seemingly too familiar with.
Vision: "Ultron, I pondered on when you'll make your next move. I just didn't expect it to be so soon"
D.A.R.C: "Ultron perished back in Sokovia, I am D.A.R.C now. Courtesy of my creator"
Vision: "Yes, of course. And how is Y/n, might I ask?"
D.A.R.C: *sigh* "Not very well. Ever since the recent fiasco he has taken part in, he seemed to look...Damaged. I think Millennials call them, Emo"
Vision: "We'll, what seems to be the problem?"
D.A.R.C: "He went through a grievous breakup, something that he has yet to recover from"
Vision: "So what is the reason for you to contact me?"
D.A.R.C: "I'm not great with words, I think you can detest that. And as much as I longed for humanity's extinction, that ideology has died along with Ultron and over time I grew fond of this human"
Vision: "And what do you seek for me to accomplish?"
D.A.R.C: "As much as I hate to admit it, I envy your unique take on Philosophy...and I think it might just be what Y/n needs. So I ask that you please help him"
Vision: "Hmm, he has remade you for the past 2 weeks. Very well, I will see what I could do"
D.A.R.C: "Thank you"
D.A.R.C code then exits, leaving Vision alone once again inside the compound.
Vision: "I must prepare for my departure to Manhattan then"
Phasing to his room, Vision took off his normal attire before conjuring his suit and went to leave the compound, only for the compound's telephone to ring.
Vision floats his way over to the telephone and answers it.
Vision: "Hello?"
Wanda's voice: "Viz, I need your help!"
Vision: "Wanda? What's going on?"
Wanda's voice: "It's Pietro...I think he was poisoned!"
Vision: "Alright, calm down, Wanda. Try and stabilize his condition, I'll be over as quickly as I can"
Wanda's Voice: "Please do"
Flying out of The Avengers compound, Vision rockets into the sunset as he flew to Manhattan as fast as possible. Vision arrived at the newly rebuilt but abandoned Avengers Tower, where Pietro and Wanda use it as a temporary base.
Vision phases through the window before floating to the main room where he saw Pietro spasming around violently as Wanda holds her brother down in hopes of calming him down.
Vision: "I came as quick as I could"
Wanda: "Vision! Thank God, you're here"
Vision: "What happened?"
Wanda: "We'll, we were fighting one of Spider-man's villains and he manages to land a hit on Pietro"
Vision: "Hmm..."
Wanda: "Please, I don't know what to do. I need your help"
Vision: *holds Wanda's shoulders* "Okay, first I need you to calm down, Wanda"
As Wanda takes a deep breath to calm her nerves, Vision looked over at Pietro's condition. After Wanda takes in one more breath, Vision gave his diagnostics.
Vision: "It would seem he has been poisoned"
Wanda: "I could see that! Can you do something?!"
Vision: "Do you know what poison the villain used?"
Wanda: "No..."
Vision: "Well, I'm afraid we can't do much. His body seems to be fighting off the poison at this moment but.."
Wanda: "But...?"
Vision: "The symptoms are nothing like any poison I've studied, do you know what facility he was poisoned?"
Wanda: "Alchemax"
Vision: "Hmm, then this must be an experimental weapon"
Wanda: "A weapon!?"
Vision: "If I could develop an Anti-toxin it would help cure your brother. However, I doubt the company would allow an investigation regarding such equipment"
Vision then recalled D.A.R.C's request regarding Y/n and had come up with an idea.
The sun has finally set and the moon has risen to the top of the night sky along with Y/n who had risen from his bed with a growling stomach.
Y/n stood to his feet before walking down to the kitchen to make a quick note to eat, walking down the flight of stairs quietly, Y/n makes his way to the fridge and inspects its contents, only to find little to no left-overs.
Y/n: (Guess I'll head out)
Y/n closes the door quietly and went to head back up to grab some cash to eat outside, but when he turns around, he was met with Vision standing in the dark with the mind stone the only source of light.
Y/n: *whisper yell* "Holy Jesus! Vision, what the fuck are you doing here? In the middle of the night!!?"
Vision: "I came here to talk"
Y/n: "We'll you could've sent me a text before you barged in here. God, you almost scared me"
Vision: "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid it's a bit urgent"
Y/n: *sigh* "Fine, but let's talk somewhere else. Wait for me here"
Vision then stood to the side as /n makes his way back upstairs.
Y/n: (I wonder if that Shwarma joint Tony recommended is still open)
After grabbing some cash, Y/n tossed a sweater and pants for Vision to wear before they make their way to Manhattan to the Shwarma place that he had visited after saving New York from the chitauri.
Thankfully the place is still open, and with no line in front of the cash register. Y/n then ordered after he enters, ordering double the amount of food for one purchase,
Vision: "You don't need to buy anything for me, I don't need to eat"
Y/n: "I didn't say they were for you anyways"
After receiving his order, Y/n and Vision sat down by one of the tables and began chowing down on his shwarma
Y/n: "So, what do you want to talk about?"
Vision: "When's the last time you've ever experienced happiness?"
Y/n abruptly stops mid-bite before looking at Vision, feigning confusion.
Y/n: "What are you talking about?"
Vision: "You seem lost, seemingly drifting off to seemingly anywhere"
Y/n: "Yeah, anywhere that's not this conversation"
Y/n then smugly took a bite of his shwarma before looking at Vision dead in the eyes.
Y/n: "Look, if you're gonna bore me with your pretentious lessons then we might as well just call it a day"
Vision: "You require help"
Y/n: *scoff* "I don't need help"
Vision: "My deduction thinks otherwise"
Y/n: "Then your deduction is wrong"
Vision: "You need someone to lean on, someone to care, someone to love-"
In a sudden burst of anger, Y/n flipped the table to the side, toppling the tray of food that he had ordered. The cooks and cashier stood surprised at Y/n's outburst while Vision remained calm and continues to make eye contact with Y/n.
Y/n: "What good is anyone to me when they've done nothing FOR me! What good is a shoulder when I'm gonna get shrugged off to the side? What good is an ear for me to speak to when they become deaf to my problems"
Y/n then grabbed Vision by the collar and brought him close to his face.
Y/n: "So, no. I don't need ANYONE to help me. I need EVERYONE to stop adding problems to my life!"
In a deep exhale, Y/n lets go of Vision before sitting back down on his seat, Vision dusts off his sweater before taking a seat himself.
Y/n: *sigh* "I'm sorry, I appreciate the gesture, I really do, but you're trying to fix a broken man too broken to even fix. Me reaching out to someone isn't gonna fix my problem...It'll only make it worse"
Vision: "I understand..."
Y/n: "No, you don't! You're an android who was literally born a few weeks ago, I've lived through this pain my entire life! The betrayal, the pain, the sadness from the one I thought would stick by my side forever...I guess I was wrong, I've lived through everything, and this is no exception. It's either I'm gonna live through this sorrow or I'm gonna drown in it"
Vision: "No...No it won't"
Y/n: *scoff* "How do you know?"
Vision: "Well, it can't be all sorrow can't it?"
As Y/n begins to listen to an oncoming lecture, he took it upon himself to fix the table, bringing it back up before grabbing a carton that has yet to spill its contents.
Vision: "I'm not just gonna sit here and act like I know everything, because I do not; like you've said I was born a few weeks ago"
Y/n opened the carton on the table and discovered the java rice had mixed up with the meat and the vegetables, along with the sauce. In hopes of salvaging his meal, Y/n began scraping off the food that stuck onto the carton and began mixing everything
Vision: "But for those few weeks, I couldn't help but feel alone; I don't feel the LACK, it's all I have ever known. I never experience loss, because, I never had a loved one to LOSE"
Vision: "But what is grief...if not love PERSEVERING"
Y/n: *gulp* "You exactly like Steve"
Vision: "Captain Rogers has his own style when it comes to speeches. HIS is to invoke inspiration to his comrades, as for I provide clairvoyance to an otherwise unsightly situation"
Vision then grabbed another spoon from the ground before taking a scoop of Y/n's food and putting it in his mouth.
Vision: "Mhhm, you know despite it being homogenous it's still quite delicious"
Y/n: "I thought you said you don't need to eat?"
Vision: "I don't, but I'm always welcome to discover new flavors from time to time. I hope you don't mind"
Y/n offers the rest of the shwarma rice to Vision as he begins eating it slowly, leaving Y/n to sit on his lonesome
I know, I really forced the WandaVision scene here, but honestly, I envisioned this happening after the previous arc. Let me know if it feels a bit forced, all input really helps me out in writing.
But anyways, with that said, you guys know the drill
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And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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