(The Amazing Y/n L/n arc) Part 1
A security guard walks along the dark hallway, wearing an Alchemax security uniform, armed only with a flashlight and a pistol, he pushes through the darkness with his torch as he finishes up his patrol.
However, when the security guard walks past a maximum security door, he was unable to see a mechanical tail hanging down just as he walks past. The mechanical tail had an alluring green glow as the tip oozes green fluid as it drips to the floor.
The tail moves back to the ceiling as a silhouette crawls on the wall as if it's waiting for an opportunity to strike. The guard stops abruptly, as he was now faced with a choice to go either left or right to continue his patrol.
Before the guard could move on with his patrol, the silhouette pounced on the guard, pinning him to the floor before piercing him with its tail, injecting the guard with whatever substance inside.
The flashlight rolled across the floor before stopping when it hits a wall, the light shines down onto the guard's body, remaining motionless as the guard's neck has green veins running down on its neck. The light also shined onto the silhouette that stood above the guard, revealing itself to be...
The Scorpion
Scorpion then swiped a keycard from the guard before heading over to the maximum-security door and swiped the keycard at the card reader, unlocking the door. The maximum-security door hisses before parting for Scorpion.
A spotlight is seen shining down on a pedestal, seemingly entrancing Scorpion as he walks further inside. As he got closer, he could make out a large vial labeled Widow's kiss.
Scorpion swiped the vial from the pedestal before swapping his vial or poison and replacing it for the one on the pedestal. With the new vial of poison equipped, Scorpion noticed his tail glowed from an entrancing green to a menacing violet.
With his objective seemingly completed, Scorpion makes his way out of the room before making his escape, only for a blue blur to speed past him, causing him to fall to the floor.
Scorpion growls before looking to where the blur ran to and spots Pietro in his Quicksilver suit leaning against the wall with a smug grin.
Pietro: "What? You didn't see that coming?"
Before Scorpion could pounce on Pietro, he uses his speed to run toward Scorpion and uppercuts his chin sending him into the air. While Scorpion was ascending, Pietro grabbed him by the tail before hurling him out of the facility through the window, sending Scorpion rocketing towards the courtyard where he was pinned by a metal crate, courtesy of Wanda as she floats down in front of Scorpion.
As Wanda lands on the ground, Pietro was seen standing by her side a second later.
Pietro: "Remind me again, why we're playing heroes in New York?"
Wanda: *sigh* "Captain Rogers asked us to take care of New York, seeing as its usual protector isn't around to help"
Pietro: "Oh, right..."
Wanda: "You know it wouldn't kill you to listen once in a while"
Pietro: "I just stop listening whenever someone says we need a plan"
The twin's small discussion was cut short by Scorpion as he lifts the heavy metal crate off his back before taking a fighting stance.
Scorpion: "Got to admit, that hurt...looks like you two need to be punished"
Scorpion brandishes its tail, poison began to drip menacingly as he licks his lips disturbingly.
Pietro: *shivers* "Does he always have to get the odd ones?"
Wanda: "Getting cold feet already?"
Pietro: "Whatever, it's one person. We can take him, right?"
Scorpion: "Well, it's a good thing I brought help"
Scorpion then whistled loudly confusing the Maximoff twins, soon after the sound of Motorcycles could be heard in the distance before a convoy of bikers swarm the courtyard, circling the three before stopping their bikes simultaneously.
The bikers then hopped off their motorcycles before equipping themselves with wrenches for makeshift weapons, one of the bikers went to their back pocket and pulled out a respirator. The Biker took a long whiff from the respirator, causing his skin to turn pale white and cement-like.
Pietro then pops his neck before running through the bikers, throwing a punch that causes them to fly back due to the force, before running towards the cement-like biker and punching him in the cheek.
When Pietro's fist collided with the biker's face, he felt as if he was punching a brick wall as the biker himself remained unfazed. Pietro then let out a flurry of fast punches, building up punches on his chest before going full-force with the last punch, sending the biker hurling back.
Wanda: "That took longer than expected"
Pietro: "Would you care to punch him? I promise it was harder than it looked"
Wanda: "Look out!"
A shadow loomed over Pietro, he quickly turns and saw Scorpion about to pounce on him. But before Pietro could attack, he noticed Scorpion being surrounded by a scarlet aura. This eases Pietro's worry as Scorpion was sent flying back by Wanda.
Another convoy of bikers rolls up to the courtyard before forming up around Scorpion, bikes parked to the side as they arm themselves with wrenches and pistols while others inhale their respirators, earning themselves their cement-like skin.
Pietro: "Aw, for us? You shouldn't have"
Wanda: "Let's wrap this up quick"
Pietro: "Quick? I could do Quick"
Wanda: "You deal with the green one, I'll make sure they don't sneak up on you"
Wanda then surrounds her hands with scarlet energy as Pietro loosens up his joints, letting out a few satisfying cracks here and there before charging forward, sending the bikers flying back as he sped past before shoulder-charging Scorpion.
Once Pietro removed SCorpion from the pack, Wanda began keeping the bikers at bay, blasting waves of psionic energy while using her power to also hurl their motorcycles at them.
With Scorpion, he is having trouble keeping up with Pietro's speed as he zooms across his opponent, throwing hook after hook before sending a flurry of punches in a second, sending Scorpion flying back.
Pietro: "At least give me a challenge"
Scorpion growls before pouncing on Pietro with his tail brandished, in Pietro's perspective it would seem that Scorpion is diving towards him in slow motion. Pietro playfully yawns before taking a step back just as Scorpion is about to reach him before delivering an uppercut at Mach speed from just one step.
Before Scorpion could get high enough, Pietro jumped with a short running start and met Scorpion in the air before slamming his fists down onto Scorpion, sending him back to earth as he knocks the wind out of Scorpion's chest.
As Pietro walks up to Scorpion, a biker tried to sneak up on him and went to whack Pietro at the back of his head. He went to turn around and counter but Wanda quickly surrounds the biker in red energy before getting thrown out of sight.
Pietro: "Thanks for the save"
Wanda: "Look out!"
Before Pietro could use his speed, he felt something pierce his skin from behind. Next thing Pietro knew he felt his body burn up before collapsing, to the ground.
Wanda: "Pietro!"
Scorpion: *chuckle* "Lesson 1 kid, never turn your back on your opponent"
Scorpion then leaped out of the way as Wanda hurled another metal crate toward him, before leaping away to escape.
With Scorpion out of sight, Wanda ran toward her brother, kneeling beside his red body before turning him to his back. Wanda places a hand on Pietro's forehead, immediately retracting when she felt him burning up, she also noticed purple veins growing on the side of his neck.
Wanda: "Pietro, stay with me. PIETRO!!"
News anchor: "Our top story of the day, Alchemax facility raided by a mysterious figure and a gang of bikers. Alchemax CEO refuses to elaborate on the item stolen but assured that it did not affect the upcoming Alchemax convention this weekend, which is said to reveal a new method for producing clean energy"
The channel was seemingly switched as the ever loud J Jonah Jameson appears on the screen.
Jameson: "Folks...for months I've been berated by the general public for calling Spider-man a menace, that he doesn't care for this city as much as his popularity. So allow me to be the first to say, with full sincerity. I told you so"
An edited picture popped up beside Jonah, showing Spider-man holding a guitar as tomatoes began covering him.
Jameson: "Spider-man, the vigilante you all know and love, is a sellout. That's right folks, you heard it here first. Spider-man is a SELLOUT! Ever since his debauchery in Time Square, merchandise for the masked menace has seemingly doubled. You know what else had doubled? The crime rates in this city!"
A chart then appears, showing a spike in crime conveniently right after The Mary Jane's comeback performance
Jameson: "So not only has Spider-man been ignoring his supposed duties, he has run away with his fame and decided to leave this city in SHAMBLES!"
The TV was then shut off, Peter sighs before tossing the remote on the couch and getting up to go to the kitchen, where he grabbed a glass of water from the cabinet and placed it on the table before May began pouring Peter a glass of water.
May: "How is he?"
Peter: *sips water* "The same, still miserable"
May: "Well have you tried talking to him?"
Peter: *to upstairs* "Hey, Y/n?"
Y/n: *distant* "Leave me alone!"
Peter: "There you go"
May: "I'm worried about him, he hasn't come down and eaten for the past 2 weeks"
Peter: "I mean, could you blame him? They broke up, might be twice the pain seeing as he's been dumped by a different version of his ex"
May: "Maybe he just needs someone to talk to. Did you try asking your friends?"
Peter: "I'll try and call them to see if they're available"
May: "Please do"
Peter then pulls out his phone and began contacting his friends, a few minutes of channel surfing go by and a knock on the front door was heard. Peter gets up from the couch and opened the door to see MJ and the others standing outside.
Peter: "Hey..."
MJ: "Hey, we came as fast as we could"
Peter then lets them in before heading upstairs where he leads them to his and Y/n's shared room.
MJ: "How long has this been going on?"
Peter: "Ever since your concert, so like, 2 weeks now"
Gwen: "2 weeks?!"
Peter: "Could you really blame him? He broke up with you twice, one being another version of you"
MJ: "Wait, there's another Gwen that came here too?"
Peter: "It's a long story, I'll fill you in later"
Miles: "Well did you try knocking?"
Peter: "That isn't exactly a good idea"
Gloria: "Why not? We're just knocking on the door, how bad could that be?"
Peter: "Alright..."
Peter then begrudgingly walks up to the door and knocked on it 3 times before stepping back.
Y/n: *muffled* "Peter if you knock on that door one more time, I WILL TAKE DOWN THAT DOOR AND PUMMEL YOUR FACE WITH IT!"
Peter: *looks back* "...Now I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to pull splinters out of my face"
MJ: "Still nothing, huh?"
Peter: "The same happened before when Gwen broke up with Y/n way back and dated Miles. No hate, to you though"
Miles: "None taken"
MJ: "Okay, can someone explain what's going on? What happened when I was in prison? And what's this 'other Gwen'?"
Peter: "It's a long story"
Gloria: "A long, complicated story"
MJ: *to bandmates* "Wait, you guys knew about this and you didn't tell me?"
Betty: "We were kinda wrapping our heads around the topic ourselves too, to be honest"
Peter: "I can tell you about it later, can we please focus on helping Y/n?"
MJ: *sigh* "What situation did I fall in love with?"
Peter: "Love you, MJ"
MJ: "Love you too, Tiger"
Walking up to the door, MJ began banging on it, much to Y/n's dismay.
Y/n: *muffled* "What part of 'go away' do you not understand!?"
MJ: "Y/n, it's MJ. Can you just open the door for just a second?"
The door then swung open as Y/n peeked out to see MJ and the others. While he was out they got a good look at Y/n's state, they were immediately met with Y/n's dead eyes as he stared at every one of them, his disheveled hair seemed more distressed every second as he wore his usual hoodie with pajama bottoms.
Y/n: "Alright your second is up"
MJ: "Oh, no you don't!"
Before Y/n could just the door fully, MJ charged straight at the door to stop Y/n from closing it. This caused an altercation between the door as they push against each other, with Y/n shutting people out as MJ is forcing herself in.
MJ: *struggle* "Jeez, you're freakishly strong"
Y/n: "Same to you, but as much I want to talk biceps, I think it's time you leave"
Y/n leaned back from his door before slamming his full weight onto the door. Shutting MJ and the others and locking them out.
MJ: "Seriously?"
Peter: "Alright, maybe we could head down and think this through?"
MJ: "Oh no, we're getting to his room. Even if I have to kick down this door"
Y/n: *muffled* "You wouldn't!"
Peter: "Yeah, and can you not? I really like that door"
MJ: "Too late"
MJ then walks back from the door as Gwen and the others move away to give her space.
MJ: "Last chance, Y/n. You open that door or I'm kicking it down!"
Y/n: *muffled* "Do your worst, You Rose wannabe!"
MJ then let out a battle cry before running to Y/n's door, hearing the incoming footsteps, Y/n quickly turns to the closet and shot a web towards the door before pulling it open. Before MJ could kick in the door, Y/n quickly opened it before diving inside the closet, making sure to take off the web before shutting the door behind him.
With the intended object of stopping her now misplaced, MJ rode her momentum inside the room before crashing onto Peter's bed. With the entrance now opened, Peter and the others quickly run in to check up on MJ.
When they got inside, they took a quick look around and saw Y/n nowhere in sight.
Gwen: "Now where did he go?"
Y/n: *muffled* You guys are very persistent are you?"
Peter and the others look over and saw that Y/n's voice came from the closet.
Gwen: "The closet, really?"
Y/n: *muffled* "This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed..."
Gwen: "Wha-"
Y/n: *muffled* "Bitch!"
MJ: "Y/n, come on. Just come out and talk to us"
Y/n: *muffled* "I'm telling you guys, I'm fine"
MJ: *crosses arms* "Well, if you're so fine. You wouldn't mind coming out right?"
Y/n: *muffled* "...okay, maybe I'm not at 100% yet. It's probably a healthy 83%, maybe 55...or 28, probably just 8"
MJ: "Look, the point is, you're not feeling alright, so just come out and maybe we can talk about it. Together"
Y/n: *muffled* "Hmm...Nah, I think I'll stick to this closet. This small...dusty...closet-HACHOO!!"
MJ: "Alright, help me with this thing"
MJ then went towards the closet door with Miles and Peter behind her before pulling on the closet door, they kept pulling and pulling, pouring every ounce of strength to get the door open before falling to Y/n's superior strength.
Peter: *sigh* "It's no use, he won't ever come out unless he wants to"
Y/n: *muffled* "Hell yeah I would, so unless you guys brought your beds with you, I ain't ever coming ou-HACHOO!! Jesus, we really need to clean this closet Pete"
Peter: "Well, we could if you would just open the door"
Y/n: "..."
Y/n: *muffled* "Ahaha, you ain't tricking me that easily"
Gwen: "This is so childish"
Gwen then tried her luck with the door but it ended up with the same result.
Y/n: *muffled* "Try your strength all you want, I could do this all-HACHOO! *sniffle* Day!"
MJ sighs in frustration before plopping down on Peter's bead as Peter and the rest find their spot in the bedroom.
MJ: "Alright, I think it's time to come clean"
Sitting up from his bed, MJ began looking at everyone.
MJ: "What the heck did I miss while I was gone? Don't skip on any details, tell me everything"
Peter: "Well...Alright"
(A quick summarized run down later)
MJ: "So, after I was brought to prison, another Spider-man"
Peter: "S-Spider-woman"
MJ: "Sorry. 'Spider-woman' came to my apartment through my window and this turns out to be Gwen from another dimension?"
Gloria: "that sounds about right"
MJ: "And she's part of a whole Multy verse where there are different versions of Spider-man than our own?"
Peter: "Yep, that's about it"
MJ: "So what's so special about this Multy verse and isn't all of that supposed to be just a theory?"
Y/n: *muffled* "MULTIVERSE! L-T-I-Verse. Second, it's no longer a theory because my parents proved that it exists. God, It's like talking to a bunch of primates, how hard is it to grasp the infinite earth theory?"
As Y/n continues to ramble on, Miles slowly crept up to the closet door and swung it open, causing the mid-rambling Y/n to fall to the ground. A small dust cloud formed as Y/n slammed to the ground, Y/n accidentally breathed some of the dust in and was forced to cough the debris out of his throat before looking at the culprit.
Y/n: "Dick move, Miles"
Miles: *shrug* "You wouldn't shut up"
MJ: *As Y/n dusts himself off* "I still can't believe you drove her away. I mean, how could you?"
Gwen: "I don't know what you expect me to do!? It was weirding me out"
MJ: "That doesn't give you the right to deny someone they love. Everyone deserves love, including Y/n, even if it has to be a different version of you from another dimension"
Y/n: "Can we please stop with the blaming game?"
After dusting himself off, Y/n jumped to his feet before facing his friends.
Y/n: "Besides, if anyone's to blame. It's me. I should've said something to Gwen and Miles before instead of keeping it a secret"
MJ: "But it's not-"
Y/n: "It's fine, MJ. What happened, happened. I can't change that, I just have to accept it"
Betty: "Dude..."
Y/n: "I'm fine, guys. Really. I appreciate your concern but it isn't needed, just give me a couple of more days and I'll be back to normal. Like I always do"
Gloria: "But-"
Y/n: "Plus I'm not joking about that closet being dusty *cough* I think some of the dust is still in my eye. I'll probably take this day to rest"
Betty and Gloria hot off from their spot, which was Y/n's bed, as he went over before pulling his blanket around him and facing away from his friends.
Y/n: "You guys should go, spend your remaining semester break on something meaningful instead of babysitting pathetic ol' me..."
Peter: "He's right...We'll leave you alone to rest"
Y/n: "Thanks"
Peter then ushers everyone out of the room before walking out the door himself.
Y/n: "Peter?"
Peter: "What is it, buddy?"
Y/n: "I'm sorry...for pushing you away, but I need to be alone for a while"
Peter: "I understand"
Y/n: "Thanks, Pete. You'll always be my best friend"
Peter: "Same to you, get well you hear?"
Y/n: "I'll try...HACHOO!! Goddamn we really need to clean that damn closet"
After shutting the door, Peter heads down and sees MJ and the others sitting around the dinner table with MJ being more distressed.
MJ: "There's gotta be something we could do"
Peter: "I think we've done all we could, I've known him since he first became emo. There's nothing we can do at this point"
MJ: "I just wish we could've done more"
May: "I think the best thing you kids could do is just be there for him. He spent most of his life thinking he was alone, maybe it's time for him to notice that he never was, to begin with"
Chapter 91, The ball is rolling up the hill folks! We are close to Chapter 100, so if you guys commented on what the 100th chapter special should be then best you vote now.
The voting will close 12 hours after the finale is released, don't worry I'll give out a final warning when the second to the last chapter is released.
BTW, are you guys still heart-broken with the Spider-Gwen break-up? Well I got the perfect book to recommend.
Hit up Felix030303 and his book FriEnemies, it's a good read.
But anyway, with that said, you guys know the drill
Vote if you wanna
Share to your friends if you have any
And I'll see you when I see you
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