(Spider-verse) Part 5
Spider-ham: So, do we head straight to Fisk enterprise?
Peter: No...We'll make one more stop.
After the fight near May's home, Y/n is seen standing on the edge of a roof overlooking a part of Brooklyn. Before he could marvel at the sight further, Peter, Gwen, Noir, Spider-ham, and Peni landed on the rooftop as they stood behind them.
Y/n: "Are you guys lost or something? Fisk Enterprise is right over there. Unless you plan on recruiting me into your escapade then I'm gonna have to-"
Peter: "We know it's you Y/n"
Silence then befall on them only hearing the honks of the cars in the city that never sleeps before a chuckle is heard coming from Y/n
Y/n: "Cat's out of the bag now, huh?"
Y/n then took off his cloth mask before facing the Spider-men with a large grin on his face
Y/n: "So, how does it feel looking at a ghost?"
Gwen: "Y/n...Why didn't you tell us that you were Spider-man?"
Y/n: "Because I'm not."
Gwen: "But you-"
Y/n: "You think just because we have the same powers, I'll immediately become spider-man?"
Spider-ham: "But it's your calling"
Y/n: "You think I chose to get bit? A random New Yorker has the same chance of getting bitten as me."
Noir: "Look, Y/n being different can be hard, but you were given an amazing power. And with great power, comes great responsibility."
Y/n: "Don't you dare try to empathize with me. You see it as power with a heavy responsibility, but I see it as a curse plagued by a heavy burden on my life"
Peter: "It's always like that at first, but over time you'll-"
Y/n: "Says you! You had your life going well for you, but what about me!? My life has gone downhill ever since I got bit. Even before I was bitten, I get into fights, vandalize, and cause trouble for the police. I wasn't meant to be Spider-man."
Y/n the sat down on the edge as he recounts all his misfortune in his life, as he rethinks, Gwen slowly began approaching her as she speaks calmly to him.
Gwen: "You're scared of being alone are you? In this big of a world, you just want a place to belong, a place to go back to."
Y/n then began to recount a different memory, from a different Gwen as she says the same thing, word per word
Y/n: "Shut up..."
Gwen: "Then you can come back to me."
Y/n: "Shut up."
Gwen: "And I promise I won't ever leave you alone-"
Y/n: "I said SHUT UP!!!"
Gwen was taken aback by Y/n's outburst as he stood and faced Gwen.
Y/n: "Don't think I don't know what you're doing. You're trying to feel sorry for me because I'm like your Y/n, aren't you?"
Gwen: "No that's not-"
Y/n: "Liar! You feel sorry for me because I'm a Y/n. We'll I didn't ask for your pity!"
Gwen still tries to reason with Y/n as she went to try and hold him, but this enraged Y/n more as he shoved her to the ground.
Y/n: "Get the hell away from me!"
Peter: "Gwen!"
Y/n: "You were the one who wanted me out of your life, and now you want to come back like nothing ever happened! We'll it did, I may have superpowers but I'm still human."
Tears then began falling from Y/n's cheek as the Spider-men help Gwen up before looking at Y/n concerned.
Y/n: "I'm my own person not just some person who somehow resembles someone you know *sniffle* Just...leave me alone, and don't bother looking for me!"
Y/n looked back one more time before wearing his mask again before swinging away.
Noir: "Well, that didn't go as planned."
Peter: "At least we tried. Come on, we have a home to go back to."
Back with Y/n, he swung until he reached a wide alley. He lands next to a dumpster and sat down next to it as he contemplates his previous interaction.
Y/n: "Spider-man this, Spider-man that, You were meant to be Spider-man. Didn't stop to think how I feel!"
Enraged, Y/n grabbed a beer bottle that was next to him before standing up and threw it at the wall in front of him.
???: "Eepp!"
Y/n quickly turned to the noise and walked in its direction. As he walked a few more steps, he saw graffiti art that is almost complete.
???: "Please don't hurt me."
Y/n looked behind him to see someone cowering behind a dumpster.
Y/n: "Do I look like a thug to you?"
The person then cowered further into the dumpster.
Y/n: "It's because of the mask, isn't it? *sigh* come out kid, I'm not gonna hurt you."
Y/n took off his cloth mask and gave the person a comforting smile.
???: "Dad?"
Y/n: "Dad? I'm not that old am I?"
???: "I'm sorry, you just look a lot like him so I just thought."
The person stepped out from behind the dumpster to reveal a teenage girl in a school uniform.
Y/n: "So what's a young lady like you doing alone in an alley at this time?"
???: "Just doing some spray painting."
Y/n: "So you made this?"
???: "Yep!"
Y/n: "Impressive."
Y/n then looked at the painting again in amazement as the girl stood next to him.
???: "My parents never want me to be a painter."
Y/n: "Really now?"
???: "Yeah...They want me to become a doctor, a lawyer, or any other job that helps society cause we've been that way for generations."
Y/n: "But you don't want to, right? To have something decided for you even if you hate it."
???: "Yep, but what choice do I have? It doesn't matter anyway."
Y/n: "It is. You should be able to decide what you want to be, not someone who is forcing you to be someone you're not."
Then the girl started giggling at Y/n's statement, confusing him.
???: "It's funny, I had the same thought, Mister. I never want to be someone that I don't want just because my parents said so."
Y/n: "Then why-?"
???: "Cause the more I think about it, the more I want to embrace it.
Y/n then eyed the girl, confused.
???: "But I'm not just gonna mindlessly be that way. I'm going to be my own person while doing so, *turns to Y/n* and you should too!"
Y/n:*scoff*"Lady, you don't even know a thing about me."
???: "Then tell me, maybe we can figure this out together."
Y/n looked at the girl hesitant before sighing as he was reluctant to try.
Y/n: "Ok, little missy. Picture this."
Y/n sat down and began telling his story as the girl fixed her skirt before sitting in front of him.
Y/n: "A delinquent is getting the but end of a joke called life. Instead of taking it, however, he decided to rebel. This caused the delinquent to gain powers bestowed upon him by a certain bug, and by doing so gave him an identity he wasn't supposed to have."
???: "What makes you say that?"
Y/n: "Look I've been getting into fights a lot, I keep getting myself into trouble, and have multiple run-ins with cops. All in all, I'm a pretty bad person."
???: "That's not what I see."
Y/n: "Oh really? Do enlighten on what you see in me."
???: "You're sad."
Y/n: "Ok, rude."
???: "You keep saying that you're a bad person, but deep down I think you're a caring person. Your beliefs don't show enlightenment, it shows that you're lost."
Y/n: "Lost..."
???: "You're lost because of the identity that you want to uphold but also scared that if you uphold and embrace that identity, you'll lose the thing that makes you, well...you."
Y/n: "Then tell me, how do I find myself out of this mess."
???: "By sticking true to yourself. If you listen, deep down on what you feel...no matter what other people might think of you. You're doing it because it's you not someone else."
Y/n is then reminded of all the advice that he has given Miles up to now.
???: "I don't believe much in callings, but if you feel like it's something that you should do. Then do it while being you in the process."
Y/n then let out a heartwarming laugh followed by a few teardrops as he looks at the girl in front of him.
Y/n: "I guess I never thought of it that way. Thank you..."
He then puts his hand out for a handshake as the girl took it eagerly
???: "Y/n"
Y/n: "Y/n, huh? That's a nice name."
Y/n then stood up and faced away from the girl.
Y/n: "Well, it's getting late now, Y/n. You should probably head home."
Fem Y/n: "I guess you're right. Will I ever see you again, Mister?"
Y/n: "Maybe in another dimension."
Fem Y/n:*giggle*"You're so weird."
Y/n: "Tell me something I don't know. Anyways, see you, little missy."
Y/n then swung away as he makes one more stop. He swung to the bus station as he took it to Queens and went to May's house once more.
Before he could go to the shed, he noticed a certain kid in a Spider-man costume.
Y/n: "Hey, Miles. What are you doing here?"
Miles: "About to grab some Spider-gear. Oh, also."
Miles then activates his Venom strike and uses it on Y/n slightly causing him to recoil back!
Y/n: *zap*"Ow! I guess you can control your powers now."
Miles: "Yep, pretty cool huh?"
Y/n: "Yeah...just don't do that again. I don't want shock therapy, especially from you."
Y/n and Miles then walked to the shed. Miles was about to grab the lock until the door suddenly opened as they took the lift down to see May drinking tea.
May: "Took you two long enough."
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