(Spider-verse arc) Part 6
[Y/n POV]
May: "You two finally ready to be Spider-man?"
Miles: "Fully ready."
Y/n: "I mean, it's about time I should anyways."
May: "Then follow me."
May stood up from her chair and led us to a table with two pairs of web-shooters.
May: "Made these myself."
May gestured Miles to his web-shooters before slapping it on and did minimal adjustments.
May: "They fit perfectly."
Y/n: "And what are these suppose to be?"
May turned to me as I held up a web-shooter that was twice as small as the wrist contraption on Miles:
May: "Those are the new web-shooters that Peter made, it refills the web-fluid over time."
Y/n: "Ooohh~ He's gonna love this."
I put on the black straps before putting on the web-shooters over it before I synch it up. Once they're good to go I looked over at Miles to see him staring at the Spider-suit again this time with more motivation.
Y/n: "So how do you plan to be Spider-man?"
Miles: "By adding my own style to it."
Y/n: "Then you're gonna need this."
I tossed my Spray can to Miles as he took the Spider-suit off the display and began painting over it, all the while I eye a different suit.
May: "I see you're drawn to the stealth suit."
Y/n: "It's a stealth suit?"
May: "Yep, It bends light and sound around the suit making it invisible."
Y/n: "Cool...Though I'm not quite sure about the black and green."
May: "Well then..."
May took the suit out of the display before pressing something on the suit, the green light slowly dimmed before being replaced by a red light.
Y/n: "Woah! Now that's what I'm talking about."
May then handed me the suit before walking back to her chair as I went behind the displayed suits to change. Once I was done I stepped out as I admired the suit that I'd never thought to see myself in.
Y/n: "Hmph, I never thought I'd see myself in this one day."
Miles: "I think that look suits you."
I turn to Miles and saw him with his new spray-painted Spider-suit.
Y/n: "Thanks, I like what you did with the suit."
Miles: "Thanks, worked hard thinking about it."
We then dapped each other up before looking at our Spider symbol on our chest.
Y/n: "So, all that's left..."
Miles: "...The Leap of faith."
Y/n: "Leap of faith? I like the sound of that. Come on, I know exactly where to go."
(Timeskip) [3rd POV]
Miles: "Uhh, Y/n...? Are you sure about this!?"
Y/n: "Of course, in events like these you gotta do it in style."
And out of nowhere, a plane flew right above them causing Y/n to shout just so Miles could hear him.
Y/n: "And what better way than jumping off the Empire State!"
The camera zooms out to see the two of them sticking to the side of the Empire state building.
Y/n: "Relax, Worst that could happen is you being splat on the ground."
Miles then turned to Y/n as he gave him a 'Really?' look.
Y/n: "I'm kidding, you worry too much. You're already here, aren't you? So what's one more step."
Miles took in the air one more time before pulling down his mask before pushing himself off the building before doing a half-flip and letting himself fall. Once he fell a few feet he tries to regain control of his fall before shooting out two long webs back to the top of the Empire State, slowing his fall. After that, his fear was gone as he began swinging around Manhattan with ease.
Y/n: "See? I knew you could do it."
After seeing Miles swing freely, Y/n stood still sticking to the building before turning around and walked backward.
Y/n: "I hope you're watching closely. Cause this is only a one-time show."
He then spread his arms out before letting himself fall to the city beneath him. Because of Miles's previous stunt, people began crowding on the streets as they record another person falling from a cliff in a Spider-man suit.
Y/n turns himself around while in mid-air as he suspends his swing. Once he was close to the ground, he shot a web to a building before swinging close to the ground, dragging his hand as he does before climbing up his web and jumping on a nearby rooftop.
He proceeds to free-run before boosting himself up as he swung to an office building, running on the windows, before rendezvousing with Miles as they parkoured along the roof before jumping a large gap to the next building until they landed on top of a gargoyle and pulled their mask up.
Y/n: "*pant* That *pant* was pant* Awesome!"
MIles: "*pant* You could really be a show-off sometimes."
Y/n: "What can I say? *deep breath* it comes with experience. Now come on, we got a Spider-verse to save."
Over at Fisk Enterprise, Peter and the others has snuck their way into the collider just in time to see it power on and shoot two lasers that meeting in the middle to create a central point of the collider, this caused the building to shake and the entirety of Brooklyn to glitch in and out of existence.
Gwen: "Peter, you don't have to stay behind. I could do it."
Peter: "It's ok *glitch* I've made up my mind."
The Spiders then made their way above the collider as Peter relays the plan one more time.
Peter: "I'll put the goober in and take over the feed. Once you're gone, I'll blow it up. Good luck, everyone."
Peter then crawled forward and search for an access port, banging his and on every panel of the collider until one dropped loose. Their Spider-sense went off as a group of Kingpin's goons stood on the platform behind them and open fire at the rest of the Spiders. Peter on the other hand was about to put the goober in but was stopped by a rubber tentacle from an open part of the collider as Doctor Octopus went down and faced him
Olivia: "Nice to see you again, Peter."
The other spiders then dispersed to avoid the hail of bullets coming their way. Noir got tagged by the thug's taser round forcing him to his knees unable to escape.
Peni: "I got you covered."
With Peter, he slammed his hand next to the access port, trying to find a place to put the goober, all the while fighting Olivia's tentacles.
Peter: *strained*"Why is this always...difficult!?"
Olivia: "Where are you going, Peter?
Olivia pulled Peter away from the panel before wrapping her tentacles around him tightly.
Olivia: "Any last words?"
Peter: "Can you give me a second to think about it?"
Olivia: *giggle*"Goodbye, Peter Parker."
One of Olivia's tentacles curled up to a ball before turning to her. Confused, she looked at the appendage before getting hit by it across her face followed by a volley of invisible punches
Olivia: "Who did that?"
She then tried fighting back but keeps hitting nothing but air before two spider webs were shot beside her as the origin of the webs decloaked revealing a black and red suit Spiderman.
Peter: "Miles?"
Olivia: "Spider-man?"
Miles pulled himself towards Olivia before punching her in the jaw, sending her back as she lets go of Peter. Miles pulled himself along with Peter to the top of the collider to avoid falling as they recover.
Peter: "Wow, Miles! You're doing it on command!"
Miles: "I know, about time right?"
Peni/Spider-ham/Gwen: "Miles/Look who's here!/He figured it out"
Peter: "I love you! I am so proud of you! Do I want kids?"
Miles: "Well it's not just me, I brought back-up!"
Back on the bridge, Gwen is seen stuck behind the cover of barrels as the goons continued to open fire on her until a web pulled one of the goons guns out of his hands as a web is attached to his shoulder before getting pulled up and kicked down by a Spider-man in black with red lights across its body.
The Spider-man then web behind him, hitting a goon in the face before jumping past him and into an unsuspecting goon as he attached a web on his chest as he kicked him off the collider before turning back to the goon and vaulted over him before kicking him to the ground before webbing him up in a cocoon.
Gwen stepped out of her cover and faced the Spider-man as he turned to face her before taking off his mask revealing Y/n with a smirk on his face.
Y/n: "Hey~"
Gwen:*flustered* "Oh...uh...Hey"
The two walked towards one another as Gwen ran her hand across Y/n's chest.
Gwen: "So You finally decided to be Spider-man?"
Y/n: "The one and only."
Y/n then puts his hand to the side of Gwen's head, startling her a bit before easing into it. Y/n then lifts her mask up to her nose before the two started leaning in. Kingpin's then bust through the door to the bridge and opened fire at the two spiders, ruining their moment as they jumped off the railing and put their masks back on before swinging away while avoiding the hail of bullets coming at them while everything in the room went into chaos with villain attacks, with Peter trying his best calling out any danger around them.
Peter: "On your left! One on your right! I got 12 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 2 o'clock. Every direction!"
Peter was then caught by one of Olivia's tentacles along with Miles as the collider start to go haywire as multiple versions of New York is seeping out of the collider along with changing the gravitational shift towards it causing Olivia to be dragged away along with the two Sp[ider-men in her grasps as they try to stick to the top but in the end gets pulled down to the collider accompanied by Gwen and y/n.
Miles: "Guys, are you seeing this!?"
Gwen: "It looks like our dimensions are coming to us!"
Y/n: "You know if the fate of the world isn't at stake, this is probably pretty cool."
Their Spider-sense went off, causing them to turn around just in time to see Olivia throw a bus at them. They jumped over the vehicle as Gwen webbed an incoming street sign before tossing it at Olivia who brakes it in half and uses it to swat her into a wall, dazing her as she falls into the collider.
Miles: "Gwen!"
Y/n: "I got her!"
Y/n quickly made a web sling-shot, before shooting himself into Gwen, grabbing her arm in a nick of time as she groaned awake.
Gwen: "I like your suit."
Y/n: "Thanks, it's a hand me down but it fits."
Peter: "That's cute kids. Now hold on tight!"
Y/n sent a web behind for Peter to catch as he runs up a building for momentum. Once he reached the top, he pulled the web hard causing Y/n and Gwen to shoot up to Olivia as Peter grabbed on to catch a ride.
One after another Y/n, Gwen, Peter, and Miles delt an attack as they passed by Olivia before the combo ended with a duo punch from Y/n and Gwen.
Y/n/Gwen: "Pound it."
The punch sent Olivia down to the collider but quickly caught herself in between a building before going back to the Spiders.
Gwen: "Buckle up guys. This might take a while."
Olivia then cackled, getting close to the Spiders until a truck horn was heard by the five of them before a large semi-truck ran over Olivia as they widen in shock.
Y/n: "Well we outta thank Truck-kun for this one. *aloud* Your still a menace!"
Gwen: "Ok, let's end this thing."
Y/n: "Already covered."
Peter: "Where are you going? I'm the one with the Goo- *Y/n shows the goober* oh you gotta be kidding me."
Y/n: "What was the first lesson you taught me, Peter?"
Y/n turned to face Peter with a smug grin
Y/n: "Don't watch the mouth, watch the hands *jazz hands*"
Y/n webs to a debris flying by, sending him high in the air before performing a moosault as he falls in between two buildings that are about to collide.
Peter: "Y/n!"
Gwen: "Be careful!"
Y/n reached the bottom of the building, swinging around until he lands on one of the revolving cylinders of the collider, giving a two-finger salute as he passes them by, before swinging around the collider again, nearly getting hit by a bus before sliding at the top of the collider in a three-point stance.
Y/n: "And he sticks the landing. Damn, I'm awesome!"
Miles: *pshh*"Show off" *swings to Y/n*
Peter: "We taught him that, right?"
Gwen: "I didn't teach him that, and you definitely didn't."
After everything simmered down, the Spiders finish up their oppositions as Y/n and Miles were at the access panel with Y/n messing around with a few buttons.
Miles: "You sure you know what you're doing?"
Y/n: "Miles, I have a handheld dimension traveling device. I think I know what I'm doing."
Y/n then pressed a few more buttons before the PA system announced the state of the collider.
PA: "Alert! Quantum polarity has been reversed."
Y/n: "That's a good sign, right?"
Miles: *'really' look* Guys, we got control of the beam. Get up here!
The Spider's then swung up next to Y/n and Miles as they look at each other one last time.
Gwen: "I guess, this is it."
Peni: "Well, it's nice to know we're not alone. Right?"
Gwen: "Yeah."
Y/n: "Alright, first stop. earth 14512, that's you Peni."
Peni: "Thank you Y/n, Miles. *sp//dr crawls up Peni's arm* from both of us."
Y/n: *pats her head*"Stay awesome, little girl."
Peni: "I'm 14..."
Y/n: "I know...You'll always be my little girl."
Peni then teared up as she remembered her uncle Y/n's last words before jumping down to the portal.
Y/n: "It wasn't weird when I said that, right?"
Miles: "Maybe a little bit."
Noir: "I uhh...Love you all *shows rubrics cube* I'm taking this cube thing with me. I don't understand it, but I will."
He then gave a two-finger salute before jumping to the collider, sending him to his earth.
Y/n: "Will the rubrics cube be colored or will it be in black and white?"
Spider-ham: "I want you to have this. *pulls out a large hammer* It'll fit in your pocket."
spider-ham gave the hammer to Y/n which was the same hammer he used to hit him on the head with.
Spider-ham: "That's all, folks."
Peter: "Is he allowed to say that, legally?"
Y/n: "Who knows. We'll see later if we get a lawsuit, fingers crossed."
Miles then turned to Gwen as they took their mask off.
Miles: "Do I get to like the hairdo now?"
Gwen: "You know I'm older than you, fifteen months but...it's pretty significant if you ask me."
Miles: "Well Einstein said time was relative, right?"
Gwen chuckled a bit at Miles's joke before he offered his hand.
Miles: "Friends?"
Gwen: *shakes hand*"Friends."
Miles: "Cool."
Gwen then looked back at Y/n who fiddled with the collider before feeling her eyes on him. He chuckled before taking his mask off as he looks at Gwen.
Y/n: "I know...I know, You'll miss me the most."
Gwen went down to Y/n's level as the two, faced each other one last time.
Gwen: "Look I know we might've gone off the wrong foot and that's my bad. But I know that you'll be the greatest Spider-man your earth has ever seen and you'll do your best to keep the city sa-mmph!"
Gwen's ramble was silenced when Y/n leaned in to kiss Gwen, surprising her before slowly easing into it before separating shortly after.
Y/n: "No matter what earth you always know what to say to keep me going. Maybe that's one of the reasons I fell in love with you."
Gwen: *blush*"You-You love me?"
Y/n: "Never stopped. Tell you what, after all of this blows over, I come over to your earth and we could sort this out. Especially...you know, us."
Gwen: "Thinking of putting a label on us already?"
Y/n: "Why not? We could be the first inter-dimensional couple. The name still needs work, but we'll think of one later on, okay."
Gwen: "I'll be waiting."
Gwen then gave Y/n one more kiss before jumping into the collider.
Y/n: "Okay...last stop. Peter Parker"
Peter: "Y-Yeah...I uhh...I know."
Kingpin: "You're not going anywhere!"
Peter: "I'll hold him off, you shut this down."
Miles: "That wasn't the due!"
Peter then dove forward, swinging through a taco truck to get to Kingpin but was immediately intercepted by Miles as he sends him towards a building. All in a while, Kingpin shot a few bullets at Y/n as he leans to try and avoid the bullets.
Y/n: "hey, do you mind?! I'm trying to save the world here!
Y/n then turned back to the controls to see it sparking along with a few bullet holes from fisk. The controls then displayed numerous numeric sequences, all changing every second with a mix-in of symbols in a few of the numbers.
Y/n: "Well that doesn't look good."
He then heard a sudden crash causing him to turn to the collider to see it getting worse, not just from the initial four dimensions but every single dimension coming in at once. At the corner of his eye, he found Miles about to drop Peter into the collider.
Y/n: "Miles, don't!"
Y/n dove quickly and caught Peter seconds before he dropped through the collider before swinging to the building where Miles is standing..
Miles: "Y/n what are you doing? Peter has to go home!"
Y/n: "The collider is becoming too unstable, It's going through multiple different dimensions all at once.
Miles: "Meaning?"
Y/n: "I can't guarantee Peter could go home to his dimension. I'm sorry but the safest place you could be at the moment...is here."
This is just a reupload for the images, Let me know if it worked
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