(Spider-verse arc) Finale
[3rd POV]
Peter is saddened by the news of not going back home, but their attention was pulled by a thunderstrike causing a large silhouette to appear before them. They look behind them to see Kingpin staring at the three Spiders threateningly.
Peter: "Well, no use moping about it now." *glitch*
Peter stumbled forward as he glitches with more severity but Y/n quickly caught him before he fell.
Y/n: "I'll take care of Peter, You deal with Kingpin."
Miles nods before they swing away and deal with their situation. On a much safer rooftop, Y/n sets Peter down as he propped his back up so he's sitting up, leaning on the wall near the roof entrance.
Peter:*cough*"This is it. It's the end of the line for me."
Y/n: "Save the sappy shit for later."
Y/n took off his dimensional hopper and placed it around Peter's wrist.
Peter: "What are you doing?"
Y/n: "What most people couldn't do, save Spider-man."
Y/n then secured the hopper to Peter's wrist dampening his glitching but at the same time, Y/n glitched frantically causing him to spasm on the ground.
Peter: "Y/n!"
Y/n:*strained*"I'm fine...Just not used to the kick is all."
Y/n and Peter looked up in time to see a train fly by above them as they see Miles and Kingpin battling inside of it.
Y/n: Oh you gotta be- again with the trains! *to peter* You stay and rest up, I'll go help Miles.
Y/n webs to the bottom of the train before swinging to help Miles. The fight isn't looking so well for Miles, however. Having a hard time fighting in a closed environment, he busts a hole through the side of the train before crawling out to take a breather.
His rest was short-lived by Kingpin busting through another train cabin before coming face-to-face with Miles once more.
Kingpin: "You're not stopping me, not today!"
Miles: "I am stopping this, right now!"
The two ran up to each other as Kingpin wind up a downward punch, which Miles dodges before kicking his chin sending him back before retaliating by throwing a car. Miles successfully dodges his attack and sends out a punch with his right arm but was caught by Kingpin, he tries to go for the other arm but catches that as well.
Miles turned to the control room to see his father before turning back just to get headbutted by Kingpin, he went down before pulling a taxi towards him as it hits Kingpin on the back, but Kingpin turned quickly enough to catch the vehicle before hurling it towards Miles who then fell out of the train along with the taxi. He was saved from the fall by Y/n who sticks Miles to a building before swinging around the train and kick Kingpin off as they fall to the collider together.
Y/n placed Kingpin in front of him, punching him in the face a few times before slamming him to a crane. Kingpin then rolled off and began choking Y/n before giving a hook of his own before landing on the taxi. Y/n arched his back in pain, from Kingpin's crushing bodyweight to the glitching that was accompanied as he landed on the taxi.
He fought through the glitching as he kicks Kingpin off of him before continuing their decent punching each other while they do. Kingpin then deflects one of Y/n's punches before holding him by the throat as he slams him down the Brookly bridge.
Y/n then looked to his side to see Peter watching over the fight, his eyes glued to Y/n as to what he'll do next. Y/n glitched out, forcing him on his knees but fights through it and cups his hands together before with a yell, swings it down towards Kingpin. Y/n followed it up with a left hook before dealing out a right hook.
Kingpin recovered, however, grabbing Y/n's right arm before twisting it behind Y/n forcing him on his knees as he glitches out again. In a last-ditch effort, Y/n grabbed Kingpin's arm before pulling him into a headbutt, but Kingpin didn't felt it as looks at Y/n stoically before sending a headbutt of his own, forcing Y/n to the ground.
Kingpin: "The real Spider-man couldn't even beat me!"
Y/n continued to glitch out, leaving him open to Kingpin who lifts him before slamming him down harder to the ground causing him to hitch his breath before coughing for air. Fisk then walked over to him as Y/n painfully crawls back still facing Kingpin.
Kingpin: "What makes you think you could do the same?"
Y/n: "Well...did it ever occur to you that there were two of us?"
Kingpin raised his eyebrow in wonder before feeling his hands get webbed as Miles flew above them and used Fisk's webbed hands to punch himself in the face, hard enough to force him to his knee.
Miles: "Hey, eve heard of the shoulder touch?"
Kingpin: "What?"
Miles then nonchalantly places his hand on Kingpin's shoulder as he charges up his venom shock.
Miles: "Hey~"
Miles then sent out a Venom shock at Kingpin, causing him to be launched back before getting webbed by Miles.
Miles: "Hey, Kingpin! push the green button for me!"
Miles spun Kingpin around before hurling him to the access panel and shut down the collider, the new yorks are then slowly retracting from the collider before exploding as the gravity slowly began going back to normal, causing everything to fall back to the ground. Including the Spider-men who landed on their feet, except for one.
Y/n: "Ahhh! *slam* Argh...That's not gonna get old anytime soon."
Peter: "You guys did it. You saved the world."
Y/n: "Yeah, just give me a second."
Miles and Peter then turned to the control room to see Miles's dad looking at the three Spider-men.
Y/n: "Ok, I think it's time we go."
Peter: "Oh, yeah. Right."
Peter then took off Y/n's dimension hopper and hands it to him before putting it on his wrist.
Miles: "You guys going home, now?"
Y/n: "I think it was about time we go anyways."
Peter: "You did well here, kid. both of you."
Miles: "Thanks man...means a lot."
Y/n: "Alright, so what earth you come from Pete? any coordinates?"
Peter: "Uhh...yeah I don't know."
Y/n: "Uhuh...There's a purple billboard in Times Square called Koca Cola. How's that spelled in your dimension?
Peter: "Koca is spelled with a 'C' and its color red"
Y/n: "Okay, I got your dimension set."
Y/n then went behind Peter and holds his neck and arm in place.
Peter: "Wait, what are you doing?"
Y/n: "You don't have a dimension hopper so I'm going to have to bring you with me by force."
Peter: "Wait is that safe?!"
Y/n: "Who knows, I've never done it before."
Peter: "H-Hold on, let me prepare myself."
Y/n: "See you around Miles. I'll stop by and have some interdimensional adventure."
Miles:*scoff*"I think I might take you up on that."
Y/n: "Ready, Peter?"
Peter: "You know maybe we could build one for me and we could travel together so that we..."
Y/n: "See you later, Miles."
Peter: "Wait, wait hold o-"
Y/n and Peter then disappeared from where they're standing as Peter's voice was cut off by Y/n as they traveled to Peter's dimension.
[Peter B Parker Dimension] [Y/n POV]
Peter and I traveled through seeing the web patterned dimensions displayed around us before going through a portal that leads us to Peter's dimension. Once we landed on solid ground, we stumbled forward a bit as Peter went straight to the ground.
Peter: "-Oh my god! *phew* Ohh we're alive. I can't believe we're alive. Can't you at least warn me next time?"
Y/n: "Relax, you're alive, aren't you?"
Peter:* groans*"I think I wish I was dead."
Peter then slowly stood up before taking in the place around him.
Peter: "Where are we anyway?"
He turned to the house in front of us to see a familiar house, he looked at it a bit more before widening in surprise
Y/n: "Well, you're back home."
Peter: "No-no-no take us back, now!"
Y/n: "Come on, Pete. YOu really just gonna run away from all of this?"
I then hoist Peter up to his feet and fix up his attire before going to another dimension to pick up some flowers before coming back
Y/n: "Here you go, flowers straight from another dimension."
Peter:*unsure*"Are you sure I'm up for this? What if I mess this up again?"
Y/n: "You know I had the same thought when I first started to become spider-man. But Miles said something that you told him."
Peter looked at Y/n as he placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder
Y/n: "You won't know when you'll be ready, it's a leap of faith. That's all that is, a leap of faith"
Peter:*scoff*"Are you sure you're not a Parker? You sure know how to use our words against us."
Y/n: "Maybe, or maybe I got a good father figure."
I then shot a web at the doorbell and shot two finger guns at Peter as the house rang.
???: "Coming!"
I looked back one last time to see him sort himself in time for the front door to open causing the light inside to shine on him.
???: "Peter?"
I then set my Dimension hopper back home, but not before looking back to see Peter be welcomed back with open arms, now having a happy ending he wanted. Before walking back in, he looked at me one more time as I give him one last salute before going back home.
[Y/n L/n's Dimension] (3rd POV)
The WInd began picking up along with some small trash around the alley as it spins around with crackles of lightning every so often, Y/n then appeared out of thin air as he fell to the damp alley as the wind and trash fall back down as well.
Y/n: "Oww...yep, not gonna get old."
Once Y/n picked himself up and regained his bearings, a phone began ringing. He looks around to search for the sound and found his phone on the ground. He picked it up and looked to see the called I.D to be "Peter Parker"
Y/n: "Well, good to see I'm back. *answers call* Hello?"
Peter's voice: "Y/n! Thank God, I'm trying to reach for days now. Where were you?"
Y/n: "I got sucked into the Dimensional adventure."
Peter's voice: "Well I hope you had fun cause there's trouble in Times Square."
Y/n: "What's wrong?"
Peter's voice: "There's a dude in a Rhino suit thrashing around."
Y/n: "A Rhino? People really have nothing to think of huh? Ok, I'm on it."
Peter's voice: "Hurry, there's an accident with lots of civilians in danger." *call end*
Y/n hung up the call and looked up in determination as he swung away to Times Square.
Citizens screaming in horror as the city is in chaos, people crowding around as police try to hold a Rhinoserous mech rampaging around as they try to save and civilians trapped.
Rhino Pilot: "Ha-Ha-Ha! Puny humans, No one can stop The Rhino!
Y/n: "So...The Rhino...
The Rhino turned around confused as he saw Y/n perched up on a street lamp.
Y/n: "...Is that like a last-second name? Or is it really a thought-out name."
Rhino: "It's the name you'll remember as I send you to your grave!"
The Rhino then swung its arm on the street lamp, swatting it away, forcing Y/n to jump off. While in the air, Y/n webbed up the lamp post before swinging it at the Rhino, forcing him on his back as he flew out.
Y/n: "Well that wasn't very nice you know."
Y/n then turned to the cries on his left, he saw civilians stuck inside a beat-up bus. Y/n went to the door and pried it open for the civilians to flood out to the streets.
Y/n: "alright people, single-file line and help each other out."
Y/n: "Everyone, get down!"
Y/n warned the civilians as he jumps away from them, moving them out of the line of fire as he dodges the bullets coming his way.
Y/n: "Didn't your mother told you it's not nice to point guns at people!"
Y/n webbed up the arm-mounted turret before pulling it off the Rhino before throwing it at its chest piece causing him to stumble back. He then retracts his backplates and pulls out a missile launcher and fired a rocket at Y/n only to lean to the side and hit a building behind him.
Y/n: "Man...you suck at this whole killing me thing."
Rhino: "I wasn't aiming for you."
???: "Someone please help us!"
Y/n: "That voice *whips around* Gwen!"
Y/n immediately ran towards the struck building catching the debris, preventing them from crushing a group of teenagers. Y/n turned to look at them and saw the Mary Janes along with Peter and Miles.
Y/n:*strained*"Is everyone alright?"
Gwen: "Y-yeah, I think so."
Y/n: "Good! Goddamn, this is heavy. Listen, I'm gonna throw this at that Rhino guy. When I do, run to the police alright?"
Peter: "Yeah, you throw and we run. Sounds like a plan I'm down with."
Y/n: "Okay...run now!"
Y/n then hurled the debris towards the Rhino, crushing him under the weight as the teenagers run away behind the police barricade, Gwen however looked back at Y/n who walked towards the Rhino who is beginning to stand up underneath the rubble.
Miles: "Gwen, come on!"
Gwen: "I'm coming!"
Y/n made his way up to Rhino as he slowly stands up and faced Y/n.
Y/n: "You know, I'm getting tired of villains who are bigger than me."
Rhino: "What are you gonna do, little man?"
Y/n: "This."
Y/n webbed the Rhino's shoulder before pulling it towards him with extreme force, before punching it to the side before pulling it again to knee it to the ground. He then climbed up and proceeds to punch through the glass window before pulling out the pilot.
Rhino: "Wait-wait-wait, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
Y/n: "Who sent you to do this?"
Rhino: "It was Mr. Fisk. Kingpin wanted to send a message to you and his city."
Y/n: "Well you tell him this in reply. If he wants me out of here then good luck cause I ain't leaving, and it wasn't his city, to begin with so he could shove that in his fat stupid ass."
Y/n then delivered a strong headbutt to the pilot, knocking him unconscious before dropping him to the ground.
Y/n: "Probably shouldn't give him a concussion."
Officer: "Hold it right there!"
Police then surround the Rhino mech as they point their tasers and pistols at Y/n.
Officer: "Don't move or we will open fire!"
Y/n:*whisper*"May said something about this being able to go invisible."
The police then took a few steps forward before Y/n suddenly disappeared from his spot before he reappeared swinging away, making his clean escape.
Peter: "Good to have you back, Spider-man."
(The next day)
Y/n is seen in his spider-suit, unmasked, sitting on the edge of a roof overlooking Times Square as he sips a can of soda.
???: "I knew I'd find you here."
A voice said as a figure landed behind Y/n
Y/n: "I said I'd come and visit
Y/n stood up from the edge and faced the figure with him.
Y/n: "So how was your patrol, Gwen?"
Gwen:*unmask* "It was alright, just the usually quiet New York."
Y/n: "Didn't think New York would be anything but quiet."
Gwen went and swiped Y/n's soda and took a sip as she sits on the edge of the roof.
Gwen: "Well as quiet as New York could be."
Y/n: "Now that's something I could be at peace with."
Y/n sat down with Gwen as he puts his arm around her before pulling her close as she nuzzles deeper into him.
Gwen: "So how does the 'me' in your dimension think of us?"
Y/n: "I didn't think to ask, seeing as she's busy with her own relationship. Though I can't help but feel like she wants us to be together again."
Gwen: "Well I would like for you to know that I'm open to sharing you, especially with myself. Just tell me beforehand."
Y/n: "I think I don't plan on having multiple relationships for now."
Gwen: "Good. So until then, I get to have you all to myself."
The two then cuddled together, laying down on the rooftop looking at the night sky, until a certain idea popped up on Y/n's mind.
Y/n: "Hey do you mind going to that nearby alley?"
Gwen: "Why?"
Y/n: "I just wanna do something with you."
Gwen: "Will it be quick?"
Y/n: "Depends if you enjoy it or not."
Gwen looked hesitant before reluctantly agreeing as she rolled to her feet before hopping down to an alley near them.
Gwen: "Ok, I'm here. Now what?"
On cue, Y/n repelled down to Gwen as he hangs by the web, upside-down.
Y/n: "Always wanted to do this ever since I got my powers."
Gwen:*giggle*"This is your idea? Really?"
Y/n: "What? It's like a Spider-man bucket list at this point."
Gwen: "You're such a dork."
Y/n: "I know...so would you grant me this kiss my fine lady?"
Gwen:*blush*"Of course my dorkish hero."
The two began making out in their position, feeling the world around them disappear into the void, leaving just them as they enjoy the passionate moment they shared. Once they went at it a few more seconds, they separate to catch some air as the world around them slowly come back to them.
Gwen: "Wow...That was..."
Y/n: "Amazing...So wanna head back up now?"
Gwen: "Later...I think I want to experience that again."
Y/n: "Told you you'd enjoy it."
Gwen: "Oh shut up, dork."
Y/n: "Make me."
The two then continued making out as we pan towards an art of Spider-woman that Y/n modified to have him swinging to her side as he gives a kiss on the cheek with a pink heart between them.
And so I leave you with this true believers, a birth to a new Spider-man joining the fray. How will he face his opposition in the future? We'll just have to wait and see. Till next time my friends and in the words of Stan Lee.
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