(Part Man, Part Spider, All Cop arc) Part 5
The room is tense, the silent atmosphere becomes deafening as Y/n stared down at George who sat at his desk slightly scared at Y/n's deadly serious attitude.
George: "How much did you hear?"
Y/n: "The door isn't exactly soundproof"
George: "Look, all the things you heard doesn't concern you"
Y/n: "Doesn't concern me...Doesn't concern me!?"
Y/n slammed his hands on George's table, coffee and bag of bagels still at hand.
Y/n: "They're my PARENTS! Of course, it concerns me!"
George: "Well what do you want me to say!?"
Y/n: "The Truth! A man just threatened your lives about something involving my parents and you won't even tell me?!"
George let out a sigh as he leans back on his chair, he wiped the exhaustion off his face before gesturing for Y/n to sit down on the chair in front of his desk. Y/n placed the items down on George's desk before sitting down on the chair that he offered. George looked at the items intrigued and leaned forward and inspects the items
George: "Black Coffee?"
Y/n: "Yeah...I remembered you liked it that way so I went ahead and ordered you some. Puls some bagels"
George: "Salt and Seasame seeds"
Y/n: "Yep, plus it's the only bagel option they have so I didn't have anything else to choose from"
George: *chuckle* "I bet you do...So, you want the truth right?"
Y/n: "Yeah, more than anything"
George: "Alright, where do you want to start?"
Y/n: "What were they like when you met them?"
George: *sips coffee* "Your parents were dedicated, did everything they could for their research. This from Coffee Stan?"
Y/n: "I think so...what else?"
George: "From I could tell, things start to decelerate once I heard that your mother was carrying you. They still kept on their research, but now it's for their new future...After you were born they knocked on my doorstep and asked me to take care of you. Now even a week old they left you with me to go on a work trip, never came back"
Y/n: "What happened?"
George: *sips again* "Plane crash, said it disappeared in the air one time, the next end up a burning wreck by the shore of an island"
Y/n grips onto the armrest of his chair tightly, threatening to be crushed into splinters from his super strength. He clenches his eyes to try and stop any tears that may flow and continued listening to the story.
George: "When I heard the news, I knew I had to take care of you. They would've wished for you to have a peaceful life so that's what I strived to give you, treated you like my own son. Till that event happened between you and Gwen..."
Y/n: "George, I'm sor-"
George: "You were right, about if I was still mad about what happened between you two. I was heartbroken when I heard, it made me want to track you down and rip your head in half!" *crushes coffee cup*
Y/n: "Yikes!"
George: *sigh* "But deep down I felt like I could never stay mad at you, and in the end turn to a slight irritation"
Y/n: "For what it's worth...I truly am sorry about what happened to us, I never paid attention to her needs, her wants, and the times where she needs me the most"
George: "There were times that you should've been there"
Y/n: "But I felt like it was the right call to make, even if it was on her to make the call. I feel like I could never give her what she truly deserves, with my lifestyle and the enemies that I make...I feel as if I could put her in danger"
A knock then came from the office door, bringing the two's attention as Yuri peeks her head in the office.
Yuri: "Sir, sorry to interrupt. But We'd like you to see this footage from outside your office"
George: "I'll be right out! *To Y/n* Thank you, Y/n. It means a lot, but you need to head home now"
When George stood up from his desk and made his way to the door, Y/n shot up from his chair and enveloped George in a hug, surprising him but slowly hugged back.
Y/n: *pats shoulder* "Thank you...For everything you've done"
George: "Don't worry about it, now get going"
Y/n left the office as George see him off, not noticing a bug that Y/n planted by his shoulder.
[George POV]
Once I see Y/n off, I made my way to the surveillance room and check-in of Officer Watanabe.
George: "Talk to me"
Yuri: "Well, we've been looking over some recent footage and I happen to come upon this"
She showed me footage of a hallway just outside my office. They played the footage and a figure walked up to my door a few seconds later holding a paper bag and coffee cup, the figure had its back to the camera giving us a hard time getting adequate facial recognition.
George: (Those items...that's Y/n!?)
The figure leaned towards the door as if it was eavesdropping. A few minutes later the figure looks startled as it began looking around before looking up. I was surprised when the figure jumped high into the ceiling and didn't come back.
I then saw Secretary Ross walk out the door, nodding to me inside before walking away. Once he was out of frame, the figure dropped back down and looked over at my door conflicted before steeling itself before barging into my office.
Footage: "Tell me everything that you know!"
Officer Watanabe then paused the recording and looked over at me.
George: (No...It can't be)
Yuri: "Sir, with all due respect. That was Y-"
George: "A glitch, someone tampered with the footage"
Yuri: "But, Sir there was no-one that-"
George: "How are we with those prisoners back at the warehouse? Did they recover?"
Yuri: "Y-Yes sir, but what about-"
George: "Send one over to the interrogation room, I'll conduct the investigations. And wipe that out of our servers, I don't want to see it anywhere in or out of this precinct"
Yuri: "I-*sigh* Understood, sir"
I then made my way out of the surveillance room as officer Watanabe got on and delete the footage.
George: (No, it can't be him. It was just a coincidence is all)
I head back to my office, gathering all the evidence we have back at the warehouse. When I was about to leave, my eyes went back to the paper bag and the crushed coffee cup on my desk as I recalled our previous conversation.
Y/n(Memory): "with my lifestyle and the enemies that I make...I feel as if I could put her in danger"
George: (Could it be a coincidence?)
Shaking the thought, I look to the hallway and see two officers escort one of the goons into the interrogation room and cuff his hands on the steel table. I nod towards the officers as they walk by before heading inside the interrogation.
George: "Alright, let's make this quick. What's going to happen in Brooklyn?"
Goon: "You wanna know what's happening...?"
George: "That's right"
Goon: "Then go read a newspaper! Hahahaha!"
George: "It appears you're gonna make this very difficult"
Goon: "Listen here, Pig. I ain't talking until I got a lawyer, got that!"
George: *sigh* "Very well, But let me remind you all of the charges you can be put in"
I then went over to my file and placed photos of the photographed firearms and ordinances from the crates, all of which have no visible serial number along with pictures of maps from their planning room.
George: "Smuggling weapons is one thing, having an illegal arms deal with illegal firearms is another. And these guns are made from scratch, with no serial numbers or anything. Now all of these alone can put you and the rest of your cronies in Rykers for a long time, but that's just on these charges, now if the records pulled up any previous records, then it might add up with your charges it can set you up for life"
Goons: "Y-You can do that?"
George: "Who knows? All I care about is putting you and the rest of your crew behind bars. Now, what would happen if this incident wound up in the news? Your boss is gonna hear about your failures, and thanks to our resident wall-crawler it'll only be a matter of time till your boss is locked up with all of you"
I quickly noticed the goon's sudden shift in attitude, frightened by the possible outcome I laid for him.
George: "Now, you don't wanna know what happens if he founds up don't you?"
Goon: *shakes head violently*
George: "Then why don't we make a deal? You tell me your plans in Brooklyn then I'll make sure they treat you fairly, exclusive treatment"
Goon: "And you'll keep my name out of it?"
George: "Definitely"
Goon: "Boss is planning to distribute his new shipment of ghost guns in Brooklyn"
George: "There are more guns coming in?"
Goon: *nods* "The shipment is supposed to move along with the ones in the warehouse"
George: "Where's the shipment going to arrive?"
Goon: "By plane, It should land at JFK airport tonight"
George: "JFK Airport... *stands up* Thank you, that'll be all"
Goon: *mutter* "To think we were easily jumped by Spider-man while we were discussing plans"
George: *sudden stop* "Spider-man? My men said a police officer arrested you in the planning room"
Goon: "No, it was definitely Spider-man. Unless you guys have a spandex-wearing officer?"
George: "No...No we don't"
I then walked out of the interrogation room, ignoring the goon's protest if his name will be clear from the report before pulling out my radio and began issuing orders.
George: "All units ready your gear, we have a shipment to bust (There's no doubt about it anymore)"
(Meanwhile) [Y/n POV]
After planting the bug on George's shoulder, I made my way out of the precinct and donned my mask before sticking to the wall and listening in on George's interrogation.
Y/n: "The JFK Airport?"
George's voice: "All units ready your gear, we have a shipment to bust"
Y/n: "Looks like he's already making a move. Guess I'll have to beat them to it"
I then pushed myself off the wall and swung my way to the Airport, hopefully before the cops do.
Nearing the end now folks, a bit more info about the parents in this dimension but rest assured not all the 'original' made chapters are gonna be about parents.
But let me know if you have some theories in mind that you'd like to share, if not then feel free to tell me what you think about the chapters I dish out, input is always nice and I'll try to take it all into consideration.
Welp, with that, said, you guys know the drill
Vote if you wanna
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And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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