(Part Man, Part Spider, All Cop arc) Part 4
And now, here I am. Standing in front of an enraged Police Captain who just happens to be my Shadow partner, George looks at me with anger in his eyes as I see a vein on his forehead threatening to pop.
Y/n: "Now, I know this looks bad..."
George: "What...did I say?"
Y/n: "I...I was ordered to"
George: "-Stay put! And what did you do?"
Y/n: "But the goons are already making a move, If I hadn't gotten here they might've gotten away along with all of their plans"
George: "You could've gotten hurt!"
Y/n: "Well, technically I wasn't the first one here. Spider-man was and he's the one to beat those guys up I just snuck by and apprehend these guys so-"
George: "Enough! Go home"
Y/n: "Wait, what?"
George: "If you can't even follow simple orders then you're a liability in the field"
Y/n: "But you can't do this!"
George: "I can and I will, I'm stopping the Job Shadowing early. Go home, Y/n"
Y/n: "Geor-"
George: "GO HOME!"
Defeated, I decided to drop the conversation and walk out of the room. I saw Yuri walk into the hallway and go to greet me but I kept walking, confusing her.
Yuri: "Sir, May I ask? What did you tell him"
George: "Something I should've done a few hours ago"
I continued to walk out of the warehouse, seeing more cops packing up the weapon caches fisk have and loading them up on a truck. I stepped out of the warehouse and went for a walk along the sidewalk to wherever.
I hang my head low as I walk past several street lamps. listening to the sound of cars driving by as I continue on my journey to who knows where. I soon stopped and looked up to see the sun had finally set and the moon starts to rise in its place.
Feeling a slight cold breeze, I look around to find a place to keep warm until I landed my sights on a coffee shop. Seeing no other place to warm up for a bit, I made my way to the coffee shop and immediately met with the nice aroma of roasted coffee beans.
I look around to see the coffee shop and admired its retro-like feel, wooden floors, decorated with amazing flowers and vines that make it feel nostalgic in a way. I noticed in the coffee shop there were a few people inside, either just getting off work or having a nice place to study or relax.
???: "How can I help you, young man?"
I look over to the voice and see an elderly man with white hair and mustache along with aviator sunglasses and a barista uniform.
Y/n: "Hmm? Oh, can I just get hot chocolate"
Barista: "Coming right up"
I then went towards the counter and wait for my order. I leaned back on the counter and let out an exhausted sigh, catching the barista's attention.
Barista: "Bad day?"
Y/n: "Something like that"
Barista: "Well, your chocolate isn't gonna be ready until a few more minutes. So why don't we talk about the thing that's keeping you down?"
Y/n: "Well...Where do I begin?"
I shared every event that happened during the day, apart from my life as Spider-man. I finished with an exhausted sigh as the Barista poured my hot chocolate into the coffee cup and hands it over to me.
Barista: "Seems like you have it rough"
Y/n: "Tell me about it, every time I do something good it feels like I'm always at fault. Sometimes I wish I didn't help at all"
Barista: "Sometimes, it isn't so bad to just help people. Even if others don't appreciate your efforts"
I took a sip of my hot chocolate, the comforting warmth along with the creamy taste of the chocolate enveloping my taste buds, as I look at what else the coffee shop had to sell while listening to the Barista.
Barista: "What's important is that your heart is in the right place, being self-less is a trait that very few people possess. So if you have the ability to help someone, help them, even if you don't get anything in return"
I look over at some of their pastries and saw that they sell some of George's favorite bagels, I then reminisce back in the early days, how he selflessly helps people no matter what situation he always finds time to help others.
Y/n: "I guess you're right, Thanks..."
I look back to the barista and look over at his name tag"
Y/n: "Stan"
Stan: "Don't worry about it, kid. Can I help you with anything else?"
Y/n: "...Yeah, can I get a bag of those bagels and a cup of coffee"
Stan: "Sure, what kind?"
Y/n: "Black, please"
(Meanwhile) [George POV]
I sat at my desk frustrated. When we finished confiscating all the weapon caches in the warehouse as well arrested all the goons that fought Spider-man along with the three that Y/n arrested.
George: "That boy is gonna be the death of me"
I'm currently filing in the paperwork after the weapon bust, and once finished the last paperwork I added it to the pile before leaning back in my chair exhausted. At this time I tend to head out and grab some coffee to drink but I'm not keen on standing at the moment.
Y/n's voice then recalled in my head as I heard what he said the last time he was here.
Y/n's voice: "You've changed, back then you were the high morality policeman. Now you're just a dead-end office worker, happy to just be behind a desk instead of doing something good"
George: "He just doesn't get it"
I then looked around my desk, see it stacked with dozens of finished paperwork and little pendulum balls on the side. I then laid my eyes on a picture frame I have by the pendulum, I look turned it over to see myself back in my starting days as a police officer with a little Gwen and Y/n playing with me, giving me a slight smile as I reminisce the memory.
George: "Maybe I was too hard on him, he's just a kid"
Before I could wonder further a beep on my telephone gained my attention, I answered the phone and put it on speaker, and hear Officer Watanabe's voice.
George: "What is it?"
Yuri's voice: "There's someone who wants to meet you, sir"
George: "Tell them to wait in the lobby, I'll be right out"
???: "No need..."
I look over and see the door to my office opens and a man in an expensive suit walks in. He has combed back blonde hair and a mustache.
???: "I'll see myself in"
George: "Colonel Ross, Sir!"
Ross: "It's Mr. Secretary, now"
[3rd POV]
A bus slows to a stop by the police precinct as Y/n hops out with a paper bag and coffee cup in hand. He brisked his way to the precinct as he begins practicing his lines for his apology.
Y/n: *to self* "Hey, I know. Surprise!...No, no that won't work. Hey...Remember when you said to go home-Nope, that's worse"
As he mumbles to himself, he accidentally bumps into Yuri, spilling a bit of the coffee in his cup and into her uniform.
Y/n: "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going and-"
Yuri: "It's fine, really. I'm surprised you came back"
Y/n: "Yeah...I know he said I should just go home, but I feel like I should make things right before I do"
Yuri: "Seems you do care about the Captain"
Y/n: "Of course, even if he thinks lowly of me...I'll try to be better"
Yuri: "Look, kid. He may be harsh on you, but he's only doing it to protect you"
Y/n: "And I see that now, So I'm giving him these to show my appreciation, speaking off I should get going"
Yuri: "Woah-wait, Someone's already in-"
Y/n hastily walks out after his conversation, leading Yuri's warning to fall on deaf ears. While making his way to George's office, he inspects the items one more time to see if all of them are in order.
Y/n: "Aww man, the cup's all sticky from the spilled coffee. Here's hoping he wouldn't mind"
Ross; "Tell me something I want to hear, Mr. Stacy"
George: "I'm telling you, I don't know anything!"
Hearing someone else's voice in George's office, Y/n hugs to the side and peeks through the door to try and listen in on their conversation.
Ross: "We have reason to believe that YOU were the last person they contacted, so I'll ask you again. Where. Is. The File?"
George: "Like I have been telling you, sir. I don't know anything"
Y/n: *mutter* "Looks like things aren't looking so good, I should probably step in"
Ross: "We have reports and catalogs mentioning your name, Mr. Stacy. So I'll ask one last time, where are you keeping The L/n's research!"
Y/n froze in place before he got a chance to reach for the doorknob, hearing someone talk about his parent's research left him uneasy as he resumes eavesdropping to find out more of what the man wanted.
George: "Mr. Secretary, The L/n's didn't leave me with anything. They only dropped off their kid before they left on a trip"
Ross: "And where is the kid? Maybe he can lead me to where I'm searching for"
George: "Can't say, He ran away when he was little. Hadn't seen him since"
Y/n was surprised by George's lie as Ross is starting to grow more irritated.
Ross: "You know, Mr. Stacy. We have means of you to speak truthfully"
George: "What do you mean?"
Ross; "How's Ms. Stacy lately? I heard she's shadowing a reporter here in Queens, It'd be a shame if something would happen to her in the foreseeable future"
George: *slams desk* "You leave my daughter out of this!"
Ross: "Then tell me what I need to know, Where is the file?"
George: "Like I keep telling you, I don't know a single thing about their research!"
Ross inspects George, checking his body language to see even a hint of a lie but George shot a fierce glare towards the Secretary of State, leaving Ross compelled with his answer.
Ross: *sigh* "It seems our business is concluded. Good day, Captain"
George: *mutter* "Yeah...Good day"
Ross turns to the door and begins to walk out of the office. This causes Y/n to panic, finding no good hiding place to avoid getting accused of eavesdropping. Having no choice, Y/n looks up to the ceiling and jumps up high before sticking to it just ass Ross pulls open the door, not noticing the red camera pointing towards the hallway as it flashes red.
As soon as Ross stepped foot in the hallway, just above him was Y/n, who is steadying his breath as to not be noticed. Y/n feared for his life when he noticed that the coffee cup in his hands was tilted vertically, what makes matters worse is the lid of the cup is loose by a few centimeters, enough for small drops of coffee to seep through.
Y/n hurriedly fixes the cup, moving it back to a horizontal position, managing to avoid any coffee from spilling. But one drop manages to slip from the cup, he yells inside his head as he prays to God that the coffee drop wouldn't fall immediately.
He then watched...Nerves wracking as the drop slowly from the cup, his world slowly crumbling around him as it slowly reaches the edge of the cup until...
The coffee drop falls just as Ross walked away from the door, landing just behind him. Confused by the sudden fluid drop, Ross whips around to look behind him as Y/n sucked his lip as he screamed in his head for Ross to not look up.
Thankfully, Ross dismisses the sudden drop and continued his way out of the precinct. Once the coast was clear, Y/n drops from the ceiling and now faced George's door. Y/n hesitates for a moment as he contemplates everything he heard from him along with Ross.
Y/n: *thought* "How did that man know about my parents? Why did they start looking for it NOW?! And how does Gwen's Dad involved in any of this?"
Questions filled his mind as he tries to find an answer to all of it, but in the end, decides to suck it up before barging into George's office.
George: *startled* "Oh Jesus, You scared me Y/n-"
Y/n: "Tell me everything that you know!"
George was surprised at Y/n's outburst as he stared into the fiery eyes of the boy.
Y/n: "And I mean...EVERYTHING"
Oohhhh, Things are dialing up to 11 people.
What motifs do the government have? What secrets is George keeping that got him involved? And what does the L/n have to do with all of this?
I guess you guys have to come back next time to find out. Until then you guys know the drill
Vote if you wanna
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And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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