(Part Man, Part Spider, All Cop arc) Part 2
I'm now in Captain Stacy's office in the precinct, our short patrol had little to no action. Just your average day in Queens.
Y/n: *groan* "This is so boring!"
George: "If you're just gonna sit there and complain, feel free to walk out that door and don't come back"
Y/n: "No, sir. I ain't no quitter, it's just that we've been cooped up in this office for a few hours now. Shouldn't we, I don't know...Patrol the streets or something? Like we did before"
George: "Before I was just an average cop, Patrolling was the job. Now that I'm captain plus the fiasco in Manhattan, It's all paperwork"
Y/n: "I just wish we could do something, you know?"
George: "You wanna do something?"
Y/n: *excitedly* "Yeah?!"
George: "Go to the pantry and get me some coffee"
Y/n: *sigh* "Yes, sir..."
I exhaustedly pushed myself off the couch and out of his office. I walked to the shared police pantry and add some coffee to the coffee machine before placing the dispenser in the machine and starting the coffee maker, I then went to a nearby cabinet and pull out a mug and place it nearby as I lean on the counter and wait for the coffee to finish.
???: "So you're the one Job shadowing Captain Stacy?"
I look behind me to see a female police officer walk up to me, she has short hair and Asian characteristics while wearing the normal police uniform with no modifications.
Y/n: "Uhh...Yeah, I am. *extends hand* Nice to meet you, miss...?
???: *shakes hand* "Watanabe, Yuriko Watanabe"
Y/n: "Hey, Yuri. Can I call you Yuri? I haven't seen you here before, new to the precinct?"
Yuri: *nod* "More like, new to the force. Just started as a cadet a few weeks ago"
Y/n: "What made you decide to join?"
Yuri: "You know the battle of New York?"
Y/n: "How could I forget?"
Yuri: "I remembered being so helpless, and it felt horrible. So I decided to enroll and hope I could make a difference"
Y/n: "Well, could always use a few more good in the world"
Yuri: "You got that right, what about you? What made you wanna shadow a police officer?"
Y/n: "Because of Captain Stacy"
Yuri: "You heard the stories too? I heard he arrested the most criminals during his time as a cadet, now he's praised highly today for his relentless devotion to the force"
Y/n: "Really? Never really seen him that way..."
Yuri: "Why not? What do you see in him that made you wanna follow him?"
Y/n: "Maybe because of all the things he's done for me"
Yuri: "What do you mean?"
Y/n: "You see, I never really got a chance to meet my parents as a kid...He did his best in raising me along with his daughter, I guess this is my way in reconnecting with him"
Yuri: "Wow...I didn't know the captain means that much to you"
Y/n: "Yeah, well...neither does he apparently"
I got off the counter and made my way to the coffee maker just as I see it was done. I poured the coffee into the mug.
Y/n: "He's basically treating me as his intern, hence why I'm over here making coffee for him"
After I poured the coffee, I added two tablespoons of sugar along with a bit of cream before grabbing a teaspoon and began mixing.
Yuri: "Sounds like you're more of a personal assistant than an intern"
Y/n: "And both are not good, maybe he never got over what happened"
Yuri: "Why, what did you do?"
Y/n: "Well...Me and his daughter used to date, but we broke up. She and I are on good terms now, it's just a matter of him accepting me again as a friend. But don't worry! I'll fix everything up with the perfect cup of coffee he ever tasted"
I clinked the spoon on the rim off the mug before waving goodbye to Yuri and made my way back to George's office.
Y/n: "Hey, I'm back with your coffee"
George: "Honestly I thought you just left the precinct entirely"
Y/n: "Well...you can't get rid of me that easily"
George: *mutter* "Sometimes I wish I could"
I placed the coffee mug on his desk and stepped back as he went and grabbed the mug and take a sip before immediately spitting it out.
George: "Cream and two sugar?"
Y/n: "Yeah...I thought you liked it that way"
George: "I only drink black now"
Y/n: "Really? Since when?"
George: "A few years ago, Throw this out or drink it, I don't care. Just get it off my desk"
I was a bit disappointed that he didn't like the coffee, I went and took the mug off his desk and made my way back to the pantry to throw the coffee out until I heard a police report on George's computer.
Report: "Attention all units, reports of a mugging in progress in Middle Village"
Y/n: "Crime?! Are we gonna go into action?"
George: "No, we got people for that"
I didn't waste any time, placing the mug down on a nearby table before running out.
George: "In the meantime, mind helping out? Better than you just sitting around-and he's gone...Damnit Y/n!"
[3rd POV]
As Y/n ran out of Captain Stacy's office, I quickly skidded to a stop as he forgot 1 crucial part in his action.
Y/n: "What the hell am I gonna use for my suit? Can't use my old one since it's destroyed. What am I gonna do?"
Y/n then looked around for an alternative, and it was there when he noticed the police locker room. He checked if the coast was clear before making his way inside the locker room and went to search for any other outfits.
He then spots a blue spandex suit on a hanger with a police cap and a bullet-resistant vest laying beside it.
Y/n: "Gotta rock what you're used to, I guess"
Y/n then took off his police jacket and stripped it out along with his clothing before slipping on the spandex, albeit a bit difficult at the start, but in the end, manage to put it on comfortably around his body. He then went and put on the vest and hat before topping it off with a black belt, complete with a badge and a pair of handcuffs. He looked over at a mirror and checked himself out.
Y/n: "It looks nice, just one more thing missing"
He then went to his civilian pant pocket and pulled out his mask and web-shooters. Once he puts on his Spider-man mask and synched his web-shooters, he looked back at the mirror and admired his reflection.
(Art not mine)
Y/n: "Oh yeah, I look good...Time to go to work"
Y/n then hid his civilian clothes before he opened the window of the locker room and jump out as he swung around Queens and made his way to the crime scene.
Once he reached Middle Village, He lands on a nearby alley to see a half dozen thugs harassing a lady.
Thug #1: "Come on, lady just hand over the purse and you won't get hurt"
Lady: *struggling* "Let me go! Help! Someone help!"
Thug #2: "Just give us the purse!"
The thugs then began roughhousing the woman as she struggled to get them away.
Y/n: "Hey! Let her go!"
Y/n drops from the wall and faced the thugs as they look at Y/n in bewilderment, they then burst out laughing as the woman looked as if her last hope has withered away.
Lady: *mutter* "I'm going to die..."
Thug #1: "Who the hell are you supposed to be? Spider-man? Or a Cop?"
Having fed up, Y/n webbed the thug, who was closest to the woman, in the face and pulled him towards himself before uppercutting him high in the air. Y/n followed after him and delt out a quick 3 combo in the air before kicking him away into a dumpster.
The thugs stood over shocked along with the woman, who Y/n immediately shouted after her.
Y/n: "Go, get out of here!"
The lady came back to her senses before nodding to Y/n and running away.
Y/n: "As for you guys, How about we talk about Law & Order? *shakes left fist* Law... *shakes right fist* Order. Good?"
Two of the thugs grabbed their led pipes and both swung at Y/n, they took their swing with full force so when Y/n ducked under their attack, they simultaneously struck each other in the stomach.
Once they were both hunched over, Y/n slammed their heads together effectively knocking them out. The next thug ran up to Y/n and went for a strong haymaker, Y/n webbed the thug's face before jumping over his blind attack and kicked him into a wall where he then webbed him to the side off.
One of the two thugs that remained was a large brute thug, his friend then told the big guy to attack Y/n which he complies happily. The Brute grabbed a box filled with heavy items near a garbage can and hurled it over at Y/n who webs the box up and hurls it back to the Brute, stunning him and sending him back as the other thug ran back to not get caught up in the fight.
When the Brute recovered from his dazed state, Y/n webs up his face before pulling him down on his knees and kicking him on the side of the head before slamming him down to the side.
Thug #6: "That's it, time to pull out the big guns"
Y/n then looked over at the last thug and see him go over to a crate, stashed behind a dumpster, and pull out an assault rifle. He began to open fire at Y/n, as he twirled around in the air before shooting a web towards his hands.
Thug #6: "What the-!?"
As the thug was occupied by his confusion, Y/n webbed his shoulder before pulling him close and pushing him to the wall, and getting up close to his face.
Y/n: "I'll have you know I worked hard in picking out this outfit for my Spider-cop persona"
Thug #6: "What are you talking about?"
Y/n: "Spider-cop! You know, Spider and Cop? You know what, Nevermind"
Y/n then slammed the thug to the wall again as he pulled off his most intimidating bad cop impression.
Y/n: *growly* "Where did you get those weapons from!?"
Thug #6: *shudder* "L-L-Like hell I'm telling you, A-anything"
It's somehow effective. Y/n then looked over at the crate from where the thug pulled the rifle from and found a logo with Fisk's name.
Y/n: "Fisk? Where did you get those weapons? And how does Wilson Fisk involved in all of this?!"
Thug #6: "Like I said, I ain't telling Shi-oomph!"
With the thug's noncompliance, Y/n went for a strong punch to the thug's groin, hunching him over as Y/n grabbed his chin and pulled him back up.
Y/n: "Wanna try that again?"
Thug #6: "That was a dick move..."
Y/n: "So does ganging up on a helpless woman. Now, I'm not the type to like repeating himself so why don't we make this simple. Where. did you get? The Guns?"
Thug #6: "Okay, Okay, I'll talk!"
Y/n lets the thug go as he wobbly stood up straight and began telling Y/n everything he knows.
Thug #6: "Kingpin had a shipment of firearms arrived just a few days ago and began selling it to the neighborhood, so we got ahead and bought the shipment"
Y/n: "All of the shipment?"
Thug #6: "We wish. We only had enough to buy one gun from him, but there were a bunch more of those in huge stacks"
Y/n: "Do you know where the rest of the shipment is?"
Thug #6: "No...I overheard them talking about getting a warehouse or something, but that's all I know I swear"
Y/n: "Hmm...Good enough"
Thug #6: "So we good? You'll let me go?"
Y/n: "What? No, I'm gonna knock you out and arrest you now"
Thug #6: "Wait, what?"
Y/n then punched the thug in the jaw, knocking him out. He then heard sirens blaring just outside the alleyway as a couple of police cruisers pull up.
Y/n: "That's not good"
Seeing no way of escaping, Y/n decides to turn away and take off his mask before pulling out his handcuffs and began cuffing the thug. Once the handcuffs were secured, George walked into the alleyway with Yuri along with a couple of cops.
Y/n: "George-I mean, Sir!"
George: "What do you think you're doing here?"
Y/n: "...Apprehending the assailants?"
George: "There were reports of shots fired in this area"
Y/n: "Yeah, this guy pulled out an AK on me. Thank god Spider-man was there or else I would've been shot"
George: *angrily* "Did you know what you just did...?"
Y/n: "I feel like I did something wrong..."
George: "You disobeyed my orders!"
Y/n: "But you didn't even order me to do anything"
George: "Exactly! I didn't order you to go after these thugs. You're not a cop, L/n. You are not authorized to apprehend any New Yorkers in alleyways!"
Y/n: "But I didn't even do any-"
George: "No buts! If you can't even follow simple instructions then I have no use for you, this job shadow is over!"
Y/n: "But that's not-"
Yuri: "Sir, if I may?"
Y/n and George look over at Yuri walk up to them as the other police officers began taking one of the thugs off the wall.
Yuri: "The kid did good, today. If he hadn't intervened then people would've been in danger, please just give him another chance"
George: *sigh* "Get these scumbags in the cell. *to Y/n* You, head back to the precinct with us"
With that, George walked out and began cuffing the other thugs. Y/n then went over to Yuri and whispered in her ear.
Y/n: *whisper* "Thanks for the save, back there"
Yuri: *whisper* "Don't worry about it. You really did good, but don't expect me to bail you out when this happens again"
Y/n: "Here's hoping not to"
What!? Spider-cop canon? MCU movie when? Just kidding
Also, I just found this out quite recently, Spider-cop is an actual character in the Spider-verse comic, not a meme.
Anyways you guys know the drill
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