(Part Man, Part Spider, All Cop arc) Finale
In an abandoned warehouse out of the light of the sun, two groups of suspicious individuals are gathered inside. One representative from each group steps forward to the middle of the warehouse.
One of the representatives was a hoodie sporting, baggy pants wearing thug holding a paper bag full of cash, while the other is a Fisk goon in more well-mannered clothing with a purple Turtleneck and grey pants with body armor and kneepads, with him is a black case containing the thug's item of purchase.
Thug: "You got the goods?"
The Goon shakes the case in his hands as something inside it rattles, satisfying the thug.
Fisk Goon: "Sure do. Got the money?"
The thug grabs something inside the paper bag and flashes a stack of $100 bills at the Goon, satisfied with the amount inside the bag.
Fisk Goon: "Alright, now we can do business"
The goon placed the case on the crate that was conveniently at the center of the warehouse. The goon opened the case before stepping back and letting the thug inspect the contents.
The thug was speechless at the sight of the well-polished high-caliber rifle inside the case. Fully satisfied, the thug hands the paper bag over to the goon before resuming to inspect the rifle in his hands as the goon counts up the money.
Fisk Goon: "Pleasure doing business with-"
The goon was interrupted by the sudden screech of a PA system, this brought everyone on edge as the two groups pointed their guns at their opposition along with the two representatives.
Thug: "What the hell!? You work for the feds!?"
Fisk Goon: "I could ask the same thing about you"
Before the two groups went for a firefight, the screeching slowly died down as they now hear a voice coming from above them.
???'s voice: "Hel..o, ..llo, is this thing on?"
Everybody looked up to the ceiling to see Y/n in his Spider-cop attire fiddling with a Megaphone. He tinkers with the device one more time and did one more test to see if it works.
Y/n: "Test 1...2, Alright we're good *looks down* Hello suspicious criminals"
Thug: "It's Spider-man!"
Y/n: "On behalf of the entire police department, I declare that all of you are under arrest!"
Thug: "Can he do that?"
Y/n: "I sure can, by the power invested in me by the Police Captain!"
Fisk Goon: "So what? You some sort of cop now?"
Y/n: "It's Spider-cop! It's in the name"
Fisk Goon: "Whatever, you're about to be Spider-dead when we're through with you!"
All the gunmen points their weapons at Y/n and opened fire. Y/n stuck the megaphone onto his back before falling down the ceiling and made his way to the group of thugs first.
He web-strike over to one of the thugs and disarms him before kicking him towards a stack of empty crates. Two thugs tried to attack him, they swung their pistols at Y/n but he manages to jump over the both of them before slamming both of their heads together hard, sending them to the ground as they hold their heads in pain.
Y/n looked over to the last thug as he went to shoot Y/n, but he quickly configured his web-shooters with impact webs and shoots one over to the thug. The mass of the web along with the speed it traveled causes the thug to be sent back into the wall, as the web instantly wraps him into the wall.
Y/n was reminded of the other groups' presence thanks to his Spider-sense warning him just in time, he jumped up just as the group of Fisk goons opened fire at the platform where Y/n was once stood.
He swung over to the group of Fisk goons as he grabs the Megaphone from his back and sets the volume to the max. When he lands in the middle of the group, the Goons grinned thinking they had Y/n cornered.
Y/n: *into the Megaphone* "Oh YEAH!!!"
Y/n yelled into the megaphone loudly, accompanied by the highest volume set on the megaphone, causing loud feedback to ring out. Causing everyone, including Y/n, to be disoriented.
Y/n pressed on and went to incapacitate the Fisk Goon one by one as they try to recover from the noise ringing in their ear. Once all the goons are taken care of, Y/n jumped down to see the representatives slowly recover from the noise Y/n made.
Y/n went ahead and shot two impact webs to each of them before slowly making his way towards them.
Y/n: "You know, you guys would make a really good couple"
Thug: "WHAT!?"
Fisk Goon: "WHAT DID YOU SAY?"
Y/n tried speaking normally but he found it difficult to hear himself. Y/n then began rubbing his ear as he makes weird noises as he does so.
A few seconds later, sirens began blaring accompanied by the usual red and blue lights as it signals to Y/n that the police have arrived. The Front door of the Warehouse opened and from it, George walks inside and noticed dozens of thugs and Fisk goons all webbed up.
George: "Good work there, Spider-man"
George sighed as Y/n kept on rubbing his ear and continued doing weird noises.
George: "Get everyone acquainted in handcuffs before taking them back to the precinct"
Officer: "Yes, sir!"
After the ringing in his ear dissipates, Y/n along with George sat in the living room after going to a drive-through. Bags of food on the table as the carton of fries is shared along with a cup of coffee and soda.
The two accompanied their meals by watching the news on the tv as they report on the latest illegal arms bust along with several confiscated illegal weapons.
George: "Well, I guess this is it. The job's done and everything is back to the way it should, thanks Y/n"
Y/n: "Hmm...You know, it doesn't have to end. How about we go back to the way it was before? Me being your 'son and all. I sure as hell ain't gonna stop defending New York anytime soon"
George: "I guess, I'm fine with that. You got yourself a deal, Spider-cop"
Y/n: "Aha! I knew it'll grow on you someday"
George: "And you ruined it..."
Y/n: "Aww come on, no need to be such a grouch"
Hearing their ruckus, Gwen made her way downstairs and saw Y/n and her dad having a fun moment.
Gwen: "Well, you two sure seem to be having a good time. Anything special going on?"
Y/n: "Oh, just me and your old man taking down an illegal weapons deal. It's essentially a bonding moment, aye pops?"
George: "Oh you are so not gonna call me that"
Y/n: "Aww come on, why the long face pops?"
Gwen giggles as Y/n began messing with her father. Their attention was pulled back to the tv as a news anchor reported an upcoming speech from a powerful individual in front of Townhall.
Gwen: "So the guy behind all of this, you finally took him down?"
George: "Something like that, there were dozens of evidence pointing towards one man"
Y/n: "We're talking boatloads of evidence"
George: "I'll have my people gather up all the evidence and issue in that warrant. Before you know it that man will be behind bars in Rykers"
Gwen: "Wow, so this guy got a name?"
Y/n: "Wilson Fisk, a mean sonuvabitch. Thinks he's all innocent but in reality, is just a greedy Kingpin that rules the underworld"
George: "But sooner or later that cascade will fade and people will know just who exactly he is"
???: "Good Morning to all"
Y/n, George, and Gwen look back to the tv and watch the speech has begun. When the latter two look over at the screen their both were shocked with Y/n more so than George. They look and saw the individual making the speech was none other than Wilson Fisk himself.
Wilson: "I'm sure a lot of people have a busy day ahead of them in these trying times so I'm going to make this as brief as I can"
Y/n: *mutter* "No...No...This shit cannot be happening"
Wilson: "For weeks we have struggled, from the attack of Manhattan many people have lost their lives, our loved ones whisked away without notice. Now most people would disagree for my statement, label me as unjust or be branded as a criminal, but I ask all of you; Who is responsible for these events? These actions that tore us apart from the people we hold dear"
George: "What the hell is he saying..."
Wilson: "Do I blame the aliens, for invading our peaceful home? Do I blame the government, for not warning us of this incoming threat? No, for the Goverment may be partial to the blame but they did what they could to ensure our safety. But the true culprit to all of this, is none other than our very own vigilantes!"
The crowd gathered by the Townhall were confused as they began to show their distaste and said that 'They protected them against the aliens and the chaos that ensued'.
Wilson: "I truly am glad to the people who survived the attack and that you gave your gratitude to the so called heroes, but in truth they only provide you all with the false hope of safety!"
Y/n: *grit teeth* "The hell did he say?"
Wilson: "Over the times ever since these heroes have showed themselves to us, Crime had increased along with it. More attacks have been happening from all across the world, and for that we should stop their actions before it is too late! Stop their crusade before more of us would befall victim to the consequences of their actions!"
The phone on George's pocket then vibrates, causing him to pull his eyes off the tv as Gwen and Y/n followed and now look over at George who reaches for his phone to see someone calling him.
George: *answers phone* "Hello...uh-huh...What!?...What about the evidence?...Tch! We almost had that bastard...Alright...Okay, thanks for the hard work...Bye" *ends call*
Y/n: "What did they say?"
George: "We were told to stop issuing a warrant"
Y/n: "What!? But what about all the evidence! Surely that alone is enough to warrant an arrest"
George: "Unfortunately, Fisk has some really good lawyers. They manage to find a loophole and manages to get him off scoff free"
Gwen: *worried* "No..."
Wilson: "So what better way to start, by setting our sights to the one that lurks in this city? The one so-called defender of New York that let his people wallow away in fear. The one calling himself...SPIDER-MAN"
The crowd then erupts in cheer as now they began chanting his name.
The trio then watched in shock as Wilson Fisk manages to manipulate the crowd and turn them against their hero. George loses his grip on his phone as Gwen covers her mouth in shock while Y/n grips his soda cup, causing the contents to leak before spilling out when he crushes the cup in anger.
George: "There's no way..."
Gwen: "This can't be happening..."
Y/n: "Goddamn...MOTHERFU-"
And that's the finale! I know, I know, cliffhanger's suck but it might be good build-up for the next arc.
Hopefully you guys enjoyed this arc and comment down below on what you like to see in the future. But thank you guys so very much for reading, it really means a lot.
So with that said you guys know the drill.
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And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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