Origin story (Prologue)
[3rd POV]
Police cruisers are driving around Manhattan, sirens blaring in the air as a man in a white hoodie and black pants with paint on the right pant leg and a leather sling bag stood up from a rooftop of a 7 story building
???: "Ok, let's take it from the top"
The hooded teenager then run to the edge of the roof before jumping off and doing a backflip before diving down
???: "My name is Y/n L/n, I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and as far as I know...I wasn't meant to be spiderman"
The teenager then shot a web from his wrist and swings around the block before swinging by a billboard to transition to him spray paint on it before jumping down to the nearby ally and began brawling with a few thugs before turning around to meet a girl in blonde hair with a black headband wearing an outfit fit for a garage band drummer
Y/n: "I was just your typical troublemaker, so I do what most troublemakers do, vandalize some stuff and getting into fights. But that slowly change when I met the girl of my dreams...we didn't get along much at first but slowly we grew closer. But of course, life isn't gonna go always your way."
It then transitioned to photos of Y/n and the girl butting heads before one by one it got friendlier until it stops to where they seem to be in a happy relationship. The photo then faded to Y/n holding a bouquet only to drop it once he opened the door before running away as the photo of their perfect relationship is torn in half.
Y/n then fought a few thugs to blow of steam and punched one of them to the wall so hard it cracked. It then transitioned to Y/n in his room as he accidentally punched a hole through his concrete wall and found a blueprint and a file called "Multiverse theory: confirmed"
Y/n: "But that's when I learned about it, The Multiverse Theory."
Y/n then sat on his desk as he began researching the file along with a pile of books as it began stacking more and more before transitioning to him with a welding mask before lifting it to see that he was now in his workbench with a goggle-wearing teen beside him as they made a device.
Y/n: "So I researched it and learned every single thing I need to know about it, and with a help of my friend Peter Parker we've created a hand-worn device that can allow us to travel to earths beyond ours. And I've seen it all."
Y/n now wore the device on his wrist along with his white hoodie and black pants and wore a mask that covers his face but not his hair as he puts on his hood as multiple variations of New York is seen around him.
Y/n: "I've traveled through hundreds or even thousands of earths hoping to find a different me living a good life. But every earth I went to I noticed something, We weren't meant to be a hero, we weren't meant to have a good life. At a start of a bad mistake, it all goes downhill and there's no escaping it, we were all meant to be forgotten."
The variations then stopped as Y/n stands before a wanted poster of himself with all the list of his crimes posted on a large tombstone with his name carved on it. This brought him to tears as he falls to his knees, as his surroundings turned into a void in space. He then stood up as he stared at a worn-out billboard for 'Y/n a hero that has fallen in duty' as his eyes of sadness turned into one of determination
Y/n: "then so be it! I will make these people remember, I'll make sure that these people never forget us ever again. Sure this might be selfish, sure other spider-man might try and catch me for it, but I don't care."
Y/n is then seen in front of a vandalized billboard with a paint can in hand before a web pattern with images of Y/n getting chased by different versions of spider-man, one in black and white, one with a transformation device on his wrist with Japanese letterings around him and one as a pig.
Y/n: "Because life may have just thrown us away like we're nothing, but I'll make sure that we won't just leave without a few reminders of our existence."
Y/n then barged through a window surprising a group of criminals that were having a meeting before brutally beating up every single one before leaving a spray-painted white spider with the lower body is drawn like a skull accompanied by the text 'you'll never forget me' before coming back to Y/n as he is blending in with the crowd before cutting to an alley as he donned his mask and swung around his New York
Y/n: "Some might hold me down and stop me but I'll keep going, if no one is gonna remember them and take revenge, then I will. I will make them suffer for what they did to us, so if you're looking for a Righteous, Heroic, Selfless Spider-man. Then you're gonna have to look somewhere else."
[Y/n POV]
I was swinging around Manhattan, taking my mind off things when my phone began ringing. I landed on a nearby rooftop and looked at the caller I.D and see Peter's name. I sighed before answering the call
Y/n: "What's going on, Peter?"
Peter's voice: "Y/n are feeling alright?"
Y/n: "Me? Of course, I'm fine. Why'd you ask?"
Peter's voice: "Seeing as you basically having a vendetta against the entire Multiverse, just thought I'd ask."
Y/n: "Well when you put it like that I sorta get what you're coming from."
I then looked around and saw a woman being harassed by thugs as Peter's voice caused me to focus back on the call
Peter's Voice: "Dude, I'm your best friend. I'm worried for you man. You're going through a path of vengeance and we all know how the characters who pursue them wind up."
I then saw the woman getting dragged to the thug's van as she struggles to hold them back, but I didn't hang up to save her as I began walking away, turning my back to the scene
Peter's Voice: "You still have earth here. If you feel like you don't have a home, you can come over to mine. Aunt May always makes the best cookies."
Y/n: "They're the best in the neighborhood."
The thugs then drove off with the girl as they drove through traffic with people unaware of what transpired.
Peter's voice: "You may not want to be Spider-man and that's fine, but they need someone to keep them safe. And only you could be that someone, being a dimensional troublemaker isn't gonna make you feel better. Trust me."
Y/n: *sigh* "Listen, Peter. I appreciate your concern but I need to hang up now."
Peter's voice: "Alright. I'll be here when you need anything."
I then hung up the call before looking back to the ongoing traffic and the van is still there stuck on a red light.
I was about to go on with my day but something in my conscious is stopping me from doing so.
Y/n: *sigh* "Goddammit Peter."
I turned back and jumped off the roof before swinging to the van as the red light turned green. I tailed the van until I manage to land on the roof of the van. Once I landed, I crawled to the front of the van as I looked over the windshield
Y/n: "Hey, who's it going?"
Thug #1: It's the freak!
Y/n: "I see you guys have what I ordered, a young woman tied up and blindfolded. I'll just take it for pick-up if you don't mind"
Thug #2: Like hell you are!
The thug then pulled out a gun and pointed it at my face
Thug #2: "Kingpin is gonna have a field day with you!"
Y/n: "Thanks, but tell him that tickets to my funeral are unavailable. I don't plan on dying just yet."
The thug then shot at me causing the windshield to crack to the point that the driver couldn't see anything past it as I jumped to the side of the car next to the driver.
Y/n: "Ok, time to pull over."
I grabbed the driver and threw him out of his seat before diving through the window and kick out the shooter next to him. As I kicked the shooter out, the van skidded and began toppling over itself
Y/n: "oh...sssshit!"
I then went to the ground and catch the van lifting it in the air before it could cause any accidents.
Y/n: *groan* "I knew I shouldn't skip leg day"
Once I gripped the van and suspend it in the air, I slowly drop the van down. There was some fumbling going on inside the van so at least I know that however is inside is still alive.
As the door opens, 6 more thugs came out of the car way more than I thought as they group up and took up their fists or weapons to fight.
Y/n: "Wow, you guys are a lot! How did you all fit in that van? Are you guys clowns?"
One of the thugs responded by pulling a gun out and aimed at me, before he could fire, I webbed his face before zipping to him and kneed him in the face, knocking him out
A thug then tried to sneak up on me as he raised his pipe above his head, I kicked the man in the stomach and uppercutting him as he doubled back. While he was in the air, I pulled another thug close to me before punching him twice before kicking the side of his head.
The thug that was suspended in the air began falling, so I webbed him up, stalling him in the air. Once he was wrapped up in webs I pulled him down to the ground sticking him to it.
Finishing it quickly, I jumped in the air before webbing the side of one thug before pulling myself down, and landed on the thug, knocking the air out of him and gets incapacitated. One thug approached me but I kicked him in the chin sending him up before back-kicking him away.
Y/n: "C*ck shot"
I ducked under the thug's pipe swing as I delivered a strong punch to his junior as the thug whined before falling to the ground. Once the fight was over I looked at the chaos that I caused.
Y/n: "I feel like I'm forgetting something...The civilian!"
I rushed to the moderately okay van and checked inside and saw the woman still tied up. I made my way to her, and untied her restraints, and check if she's still alive.
Y/n: "Still breathing, that's a good sign."
I then carried her out of the van and set her down on a nearby bench as police sirens started blaring
Y/n: "Guess that's my cue to leave."
Before the police reached the scene I zipped up to a nearby roof and made my escape but not before looking back and seeing a few people amazed by what I did as they record the whole fight.
Y/n: "Why did I even help in the first place?"
Shrugging it off I swung away as I made my way back to my home and have a good rest
Y/n:(I'll find a wall to paint later)
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