(Identity crisis arc) Part 7
As the people continued walking, minding their own business, Y/n is seen face to face with Steve who wore a more relaxed civilian outfit along with a baseball cap and a pair of glasses.
Y/n: "Cap? What are you-"
Steve: *shush sigh* "Not so loud...People are watching"
As the two continued to stare at one another, Natasha in a similar disguise walked over to the two along with Krista.
Natasha: "Hey, what's going on? *looks at Y/n* Y/n? What are you doing in Washington?"
Y/n: "Oh, you know...School trip. We were just about to leave actually until all the roads out of Washington got closed down"
Steve: *whisper* "Looks like S.H.I.E.L.D isn't wasting any time"
Y/n: "Sorry what was that?"
Krista: "Y/n, is everything alright?"
Natasha: "Who's she?"
Y/n: "It's...complicated *to Krista* Are we still gonna roll with the whole 'couples' thing?"
Krista: *raise eyebrow* "Do you want it to be?"
Y/n: "No I'm just wondering because this makes things-"
Steve: "We're making a scene, we need to move"
Steve then briskly walked away from the conversation as Nat looks back at Y/n and Krista before running after them while the two looked at each other shrugging before running after them as well. When Nat and the others caught up to Steve, she tugged on his sleeve slightly to slow him down.
Natasha: "First rule of going on the run is don't run, Walk"
Steve: "If I run in these shoes they'll fall off"
Krista: whisper "Is he always this tense?"
Y/n: whisper "Him and I are being hunted and being called a menace. sigh just normal day as Spider-man I guess"
Natasha: "Here, put these on. They'll help us keep in touch"
Y/n and Krista swiped the earbud from Natasha's hand and slipped it on.
Steve: "Natasha and I are going to try to access the drive Fury left us"
Y/n: "How is he by the way?"
Natasha: "He's dead"
Krista: "Shit, way to break the news"
Steve: "It is what it is, can you two be look-out while we go in?"
Natasha: "Too many people huddling on one computer doesn't scream discreet"
Y/n: "Say no more, Krista?"
Krista: "Fine..."
The four then rode up the elevator to another floor. When Steve and Natasha enter a Genius Bar, Y/n and Krista place themselves by the railings to try and act casual.
Krista: "Gotta be honest, this was not the super-secret spy mission I thought I'd be in with S.H.I.E.L.D"
Y/n: "You should see me during my off-days"
Krista: "I could imagine"
As the two struck a conversation, Natasha and Steve went over to one of the functional computers on display.
Natasha: "The drive has a Level 6 Homing program, as soon as we boot up S.H.I.E.L.D would know exactly where we are
Steve: "How much time will we have?"
Natasha: "About 9 minutes from...Now"
After booting it up, Nat sticks the flash drive to the USB port of the Macbook and accesses the contents of the drive.
Natasha: "Fury is right about that ship, someone is trying to hide something. This drive is protected by some sort of A.I. it keeps rewriting itself to counter my commands"
Steve: "Can you override it?"
Natasha: "The person who developed this is slightly smarter than me...slightly"
As Natasha tries to access the drive, just outside of the mall, 4 SUVs pulled up as the STRIKE team exited the convoy and conceal their guns before entering the Mall.
Natasha: "I'm going to try running a tracer..."
Dozens of message boxes then appeared on the screen displaying a decrypter as the program tried tracing the drive's data.
Natasha: "This is a program that S.H.I.E.L.D developed to track hostile malware so...if we can't read the file, then maybe we could find out where it came from"
Clerk: "Can I help you guys with anything?"
While Steve and Natasha were zoned in on the computer, a clerk with long hair and a beard walked up to the two as Steve moved in front of the clerk to try and obstruct his view on the computer
Natasha: "Oh, no. My fiancee was just helping me with some honeymoon destinations"
Steve: "Right, we're getting married"
Clerk: "Congratulations, Are those your kids?"
The clerk points outside towards Y/n and Krista, as Natasha thought of a quick excuse for them"
Natasha: "Oh, no. Just the boy on the left, he's our son"
Y/n manage to overhear Natasha talk about him, causing him to stiffen in shock
Krista: "What's wrong? Shocked to have a mother?"
Y/n: "I only lack father figures, plus I have my friend's aunt as a mother"
Clerk: That's nice, so where do you guys think about going?"
Steve looked back at the monitor just as it displays the data's general location.
Steve: "New Jersey"
Clerk: "Huh..."
The clerk then tilts his head and looked at Steve intently, worrying him.
Clerk: "I have the exact same glasses"
Natasha: *still typing* "Wow, you two are practically twins"
Clerk: "Yeah, I wish *gestures to Steve* Specimen. Uhh, if you guys need anything *flashes ID* I've been Aaron"
Steve: *nods* "Thank you"
As the Clerk walked away, Y/n and Krista spotted the STRIKE team walking in a group all in black clothing.
Krista: "Heads up, bad guys"
Y/n: *comms* "Steve, we got company"
Steve: "You said 9 minutes, Come on"
Natasha: "Shh, relax...Got it"
The computer then locked on the exact location in New Jersey, showing the location to be in Wheaton, NJ.
Natasha: "You know this place?"
Steve: "I used to...Let's go"
Swiping the drive out of the computer, the two rendezvous with Y/n and Krista as they make their way out of the Mall.
Steve: "Standard tag team, 2 behind, 2 across, 2 coming straight at us"
Steve points out the split up STRIKE team's position as Y/n and Krista tried to stay close to the two.
Steve: "If they see us, I'll engage. You three head to the south escalator at the metro"
Natasha: "Shut up, you two wrap your arms around us"
Y/n: "Wait what?"
Natasha: "Just do it and laugh at something we say"
Y/n and Steve complied as they wrap their arms around Krista and Nat and giggle out loud as they walk past the pair of STRIKE team members.
Krista: "Oh my god, I can't believe that worked"
Y/n: "Wait, why are we doing this too?"
Natasha: "Don't ask questions and stay close to us"
Y/n: "Jeez! You're such a mom, 'Mom'"
Natasha whipped her head to Y/n, seeing his smug grin. They then made their way to the elevator and take it down to the ground floor, they saw that they were about to run in on Agent Rumlow.
Natasha: *turns to boys* "Kiss us"
Steve/Y/n: "Wait, what?"
Natasha: "Public Display of Affection makes people very uncomfortable"
Steve: "Yes they do"
Steve had no room to argue as the two went for a kiss.
Krista: "Well you heard her. Pucker up!"
Y/n: "Woah, Woah, Woah, Hell no. Unless this is some twisted play of your 'Selfcest' kink then this mes-hmph!"
Y/n was cut-off when Krista pulled Y/n in for a kiss right as they passed Rumlow. Once he was out of sight, Natasha and Krista pulled off from the kiss.
Krista: "Well...That doesn't feel weird at all"
Y/n: *shrug* "It probably is a little. Beats kissing a mirror"
Steve and the others then walked down the escalator before heading to the parking lot where they 'borrowed' a pick-up truck before exiting the mall before taking a secluded route out of Washington and making their way to New Jersey.
In the truck, Steve is in the driver's seat, Natasha is in the passenger seat with her feet propped up on the dashboard as Y/n and Krista were at the back sitting behind the two.
Natasha: "Where did Captain America learn how to steal a car?"
Steve: "Nazi Germany"
Natasha: *intrigued hum*
Steve: "And we're borrowing, take your feet off the dash"
Natasha: "Alright I have a question for you, which you do not have to answer, but I feel like if you don't answer it though it kinda, you know-"
Steve: "What?"
Natasha: "Was that your first kiss since 1945?"
Steve: "That bad, huh?"
Natasha: "I didn't say that"
Steve: "Well it kinda sounds like that's what you're saying"
Natasha: "No...I just wondered how much practice you had"
Steve: "I don't need practice"
Natasha: "Everyone needs practice"
Steve: "It was not my first kiss since 1945. I'm 95, I'm not dead"
Natasha: "Nobody special though?"
Steve: *scoff* "Believe it or not, it's kind of hard to find someone with shared life experience"
Natasha: "Oh that's alright, just make something up"
Steve: "What, like you?"
Natasha: "I don't know, the truth doesn't matter if circumstance, it's not all things telling people all the time...Neither am I"
Steve: "That's a tough way to live"
Natasha: "It's a good way not to die, though"
Steve: "You know it's kind of hard to trust someone when you don't know who that someone really is"
Krista: "That's not always the truth...Sometimes even someone you think is an ally and close friend might betray you someday"
Natasha looked over at the backseat as Steve looked at the rearview mirror at Krista who was resting her head on her hand as she looks out the window.
Krista: "Just Fruit for thought"
Natasha: "Alright, I'm still confused. What's the deal between you two?"
Y/n: "It's a bit complicated, so let's just say that she and I are basically siblings"
Steve: "So siblings kiss each other like that in this day and age?"
Y/n: "Did you have to make it weird"
Steve: *shrug* "Just calling what I see"
Natasha: "So out of the two of you, who's edgier?"
Y/n: *immediately points to Krista* "She is, 100%"
Krista: "Am not!"
Y/n; "Yeah you are, you with your 'Negative Energy'"
Krista: "That's what they're called, It's a combined force of Light and Dark"
Y/n: "And what, the Light channels your hope and inner peace while the Dark harness your hatred and dread"
Krista: "YES!"
Y/n: "See! Told you, Edgy"
Natasha: "I don't know...Like you said you two are like siblings, so maybe some edginess made its way to you"
Krista: "Yeah!" *shows tongue*
Y/n: "Screw you, Nat"
Steve: "Hey, language. Don't talk to your mother that way"
Y/n: *chuckle* "Right, forgot. Sorry 'bout that 'Old man'"
Y/n reached over and pats Steve on the shoulder before minding his own business.
Natasha: *To Natasha* "So all of that aside, what do you want me to be?"
Steve: "How about a friend?"
Natasha: *scoff* "Then there's a chance you're in the wrong business, Rogers"
The two then fell silent as they pull up the driveway of an abandoned military camp. The group then jumped out of the car as Natasha looks back and forth from her phone to the camp to see if it was correct.
Steve: "This is it?"
Natasha: *puts phone away* "The file came from these coordinates"
Steve: "So did I..."
Steve look at the metal sign by the fence that said 'Camp Lehigh'. As they stood around the fence, Y/n looked up and saw the sun about to set.
Y/n: "So...Safe to say that I won't make it back till curfew"
Krista: "Guess you'll sticking around with us till then"
Y/n: *shrug* "What could go wrong, amirite?"
When the four made their way inside, one thing struck to Y/n that cause dread to wash over him.
Y/n: (Shit, I forgot my suit...)
it's a little bit late to address this but I'm pretty sure that most of you aren't into the stealth suit in Part 1. Don't worry, I gotchu covered.
Anywayss, Imma head out, you guys know the drill by know
Vote if you wanna
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And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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