(Identity crisis arc) Part 11
The WInter Soldier moves deeper in the street as he tracks Natasha's location, as he makes his way through the cars and the panicking civilians he stops in an open clearing where he looked to the right and hears chatter from behind the car.
???'s voice: "Taking fire above an expressway. Civilians threatened. Repeat, Civilians Threatened. I make an LZ, 2300 block of Virginia Avenue. Rendezvous, two minutes"
Slowly crouching down, The Winter Soldier went to one of his many pockets and took a silver ball before rolling it towards the car. The ball rolls along the ground, passing under the cars before hitting the bump where the chatter was heard, revealing it to be a recording of Natasha's voice.
Natasha's voice: "Taking fire above an expressway. Civilians threatened. Repeat, Civilians Threatened. I make an LZ, 2300 block of Virginia Avenue. Rendezvous, two minutes"
An explosion then went off, silencing the recording but showing no signs of casualties. The Winter Soldier then heard some running towards him from behind, only to be leg locked by Natasha before extending a chord as she tried to wrap it around his neck.
The Winter Soldier used his mechanical arm to block the chord from reaching his neck before throwing Natasha off his back, sending her colliding onto a family van. Natasha then went to her jacket pocket and pulled out a small device which she hurls towards The Winter Soldier's mechanical arm, sticking onto it before short-circuiting its systems, leaving it disabled as Natasha quickly runs away.
He then pulled the disruptor off his arm as it took its time to recalibrate, moving its fingers around before rolling its arms in a clockwise motion.
Natasha: "Move! Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"
As Natasha runs through the crowd, she was near her shoulder, forcing her to move to cover as The Winter Soldier hopped onto the hood of another car and went to finish off Natasha. Luckily Steve runs in just in time to intercept, gaining The Winter Soldier's attention.
He quickly changes priority and went to strike Steve with his Mechanical arm as he blocks it with his shield, causing a loud 'gong' to ring out upon impact. The Winter Soldier then kicked Steve away, dropping him to the ground before riddling Steve with bullets, only for him to turtle behind his shield and block the oncoming fire.
When his rifle run out of ammo, The Winter Soldier tossed the rifle aside before reaching to his back and pulling out his Skorpion submachine gun and shooting Steve who ducked behind cover.
When the Winter Soldier went for a reload, Steve vaults over a car before kicking the SMG out of his hand. The Winter Soldier transitioned to a pistol as he shoots Steve at head-level as he raises his shield around his upper body and moves around his opponent before punching The Winter Soldier in the face.
Steve then went for a shield bash but the Winter Soldier catches the shield with his mechanical arm and struck Steve in the gut before punching him in the face and moves the shield around to force Steve to his back, but he manages to flip to his feet as he was forced to let go of the shield.
Steve went to punch the Winter Soldier on his sides, but he uses his newly acquired shield to block Steve's attack before punching him away with his mechanical arm, sending him back. The Winter Soldier then hurls the shield at Steve with inhuman speed, forcing him to dodge the attack as the shield dents through a van.
Steve then ran towards The Winter Soldier who brandishes a knife and went to swipe at Steve, which he blocks before sending a strike of his own which the Winter Soldier blocks also.
They then went back and forth, throwing and blocking punches as The Winter Soldier maneuvers around his knife, tossing it in the air before catching it with his other arm and continuing his assault.
When Steve pushes himself off the Winter Soldier, he extends his arms to try and swipe Steve, giving him an opening to duck under his attack and threw a hook to the side of the face, sending the Winter Soldier tumbling back as Steve went for a spinning back kick, forcing the Winter Soldier to drop his knife as he was sent back into a sedan.
Steve didn't relent as he ran up to the Winter Soldier and deliver a flying knee strike directly to his chest, denting the sedan as he went for an elbow strike but the Winter Soldier manages to block the attack before sending a jab to Steve's face before throwing a punch towards Steve's diaphragm. He manages to evade the attach before grabbing The Winter Soldier's extended arm and throwing him over his shoulder.
The Winter Soldier quickly got up to his feet and grabs Steve by the throat with his mechanical arm and tossed Steve over the sedan before hopping onto the hood and going to slam his mechanical arm down on Steve.
He manages to roll away just in time before standing up and entering another altercation with The Winter Soldier, trading blows until he was forced to the side by a strike from his metal arm, sending him towards the van, cornered.
The Winter Soldier then brandishes another knife as Steve went to block an incoming knife attack, but the Winter Soldier only kicked Steve back to the van before bringing the knife down on Steve who crosses his hands to try and block the attack, only to The Winter Soldier to use his Mechanical arm to push the knife deeper, breaking through Steve's guard as he quickly moves to the side to avoid getting stabbed.
The knife then went through the van as The Winter Soldier dragged it across to try to attack Steve. When they reached the end of the van, Steve ducked under the knife attack before moving behind the Winter Soldier and performing a German suplex.
After the maneuver, Steve got back up to his feet before grabbing his shield that was stuck to the van, just as The Winter Soldier hopped back on his feet. They got into another brawl as The Winter uses his CQC abilities to work his way around Steve's shield.
When he punches Steve away, The Winter soldier went for a kick which Steve deflects with his shield before swinging his mechanical arm at Steve who ducks under the attack before locking his shield in-between the spaces of the mechanical arm, and in quick succession, Steve whips his shield under the Winter Soldier's arm and striking him in the face, dazing him. This allowed Steve to grab onto his visor and threw the WInter Soldier across the feet.
When he rolled out from the throw, the Winter Soldier's visor slipped out so when he looked back at Steve his face is visible to him, dealing it to be...
Steve: "Bucky?"
The Winter Soldier: "Who the hell is Bucky?"
The Winter Soldier then draws another pistol and points it towards Steve to go for a kill shot, but Sam manages to swoop in just in time to kick The Winter Soldier away. The Winter Soldier looked back at Steve conflicted before raising his gun to go for another shot, only for a grenade ordinance to fly past Steve and hit a pick-up truck right next to the Winter Soldier.
Steve looked back and saw Natasha with the rifle with an under-barrel grenade launcher in her hands as she leans on a sedan as a crutch before looking back and seeing that the Winter Soldier was now gone. Sirens then blared across Washington as a convoy of black SUVs and an armored truck pulled up in front of Steve and the others.
S.H.I.E.L.D's STRIKE team then exits the convoy and immediately trained their guns at Steve and the rest.
Brock: "Drop the shield Cap! Get on your knees!"
Steve complied slowly dropping his shield and raising his hands in surrender.
Brock: "Down on your knees! I said down on your knees!"
Brock kicks Steve at the back of the knee to force Steve down before reaching for his handcuffs and putting them on Steve. Once the handcuffs were secured, Brock looked up and noticed a news helicopter covering the entire altercation, prompting Brock to turn to one of his agents who was pointing his rifle close to Steve's head.
Brock: "Put the gun down, not here"
The agent was unresponsive.
Brock: "I said not here!"
The agent finally complied as he pulled his rifle away before escorting Steve into the armored truck as Sam and Natasha followed suit. After placing Steve in more secure handcuffs, the convoy then leaves the scene as the armored truck is filled with silence along the way until Steve spoke up a few minutes later.
Steve: "It was him...He looked right at me, and he didn't even know me"
Sam: "How was that even possible? It was like 70 years ago"
Steve: "Zola...His unit was captured in '43, Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did help him survive the fall. He must've found him"
Natasha: "None of that was your fault, Steve"
Steve: *looks down* "Even if I had nothing, I still had Bucky"
The truck then fell back in silence, Sam then turns to Natasha and see her wound bleeding rapidly.
Sam: *turns to STRIKE agents* "You need to get a doctor here, if you don't put pressure on that wound she's gonna bleed out here in the truck"
Agent: "Relax, a doctor is waiting for us at the rendezvous point"
Sam: "She's not gonna last that long"
Agent #2: "We know, that's why we need to move quickly"
The two STRIKE agents that are with them took of their protective helmets as they reveal themselves to be Chris and Maria Hill.
Maria: "Ow! That thing was squeezing my brain"
Chris: "Hey, Cap"
Steve: "You..."
Maria: *looks at Sam* "So who's this? And where's Agent Spider?"
[Y/n POV]
Krista: "Oh, shiiit!!"
After Steve left to help Natasha, Krista and I decided to face-off against the on-coming Rhino which was suffice to say, did not go as we had hoped as evidenced by Krista who was hanging on to the back of Rhino's new mechanized suit.
Y/n: "Hang on, Krista!"
With the rhino running on all fours, he picked up speed as he bulldoze through Washington causing chaos and destruction in his wake.
Civilian: "Help! Somebody help!"
As I swing after Rhino, I saw a woman stuck under a car. I quickly stopped my pursuit and went to help the lady.
Y/n: "Alright, on the count of 3 you crawl out okay?
The woman nods giving me enough reason to continue.
Y/n: "Okay. 1...2...3!"
I then lift up the car and when the woman have enough space to move, she crawled out before I dropped the car. When I look back to check up on the woman, I could see she was having difficulties standing up.
Y/n: "Everything's gonna be alright ma'am. I'll get you to the paramedics"
Putting the woman in a shoulder carry, I swing across the city and made it to the nearest paramedics. Once they helped the woman on the stretcher, I look back to where I last saw Krista and rhino where I witness him tossing a car towards a building.
The car stuck unto the building as I saw the driver stuck, I see him struggling to get out, leading the car to come loose from the building. I acted quickly, swinging over to the car just as it falls off the building. I manage to stick onto the building and shot a web towards the vehicle, stopping it from crashing hard on the street before gently putting it down.
Y/n: "Are you okay, sir?"
Driver: "Yeah! I'll manage"
Y/n: "Plese try to stay off the road for now, I'll make sure to deal with this quickly"
I jumped off the wall before heading to high ground where I went to scan Rhino's whereabouts. As I was searching, I get a phone call from an unknown number. When I went to answer, I could tell the voice in distress was Krista.
Y/n: "Hello?"
Krista's voice: "HEEELLPPP!!"
Y/n: "Alright, where are you?"
Krista's voice: "Coming in 14th and-CHIPOTLE!!"
I then heard a crash out in the distance right after her scream, showing me exactly where she is.
Y/n: "Okay, I'm coming!"
Krista's voice: "Hurry! I'm getting motion sickness just from sticking here!"
Hanging up the call, I quickly swung over a few blocks away and saw a Rhino sized hole through a chipotle restaurant. I quickly ran up the wall before launching myself forward as I quickly spotted Rhino with Krista trying desperately to hang on.
Krista: *spots Y/n* "Help me!"
Y/n: "Working on it!"
I look around to think of a way to put a stop to Rhino's rampage. Having little to know option, I decided to shoot a web towards one of the street lamps and swing around it right as the Rhino ran past and kicked him on the side of the head. Sending toppling over to the side as Krista finally jumps off and lands right next to me.
Krista: "Okay, we stopped it from rampaging through the city. What's step 2?"
Y/n: "Step 2?"
Krista turns to the Rhino as she and I watch rhino got back up to his feet before huffing in rage towards me.
Y/n: "Step 2 is we run!"
Krista: "What!?"
The rumbling began to pick up as we look back and saw the Rhino coming straight at us. Leaving no time to argue, we turned tail and went to swing away but I manage to get caught by Rhino's horn as he runs through Washington once again.
Krista: *sigh* "Who knew being a superhero would be tiresome"
As the Rhino bulldoze pass several cars, which were luckily left behind by the civilians, I look back and saw Krista charging up Negative Energy in her hands before sending out a beam towards Rhino's back. This prompts him to stop before turning towards Krista as she lands in front of Rhino.
Krista: "Hey you!"
The Rhino threw me away before facing Krista as he stood up in his full height, shocking Krista.
Krista: "Is that a Rhinocerous horn, or you just happy...to see...I am so scared I couldn't even finish my lame joke"
Rhino the swatted Krista away into a nearby wall before running away. I manage to recover quickly before heading towards Krista who slowly unstuck herself to the wall and fell to the street.
Y/n: "You hurt?"
Krista: "Me? No, I'm fine. Just a broken spine...and a few ribs, as well as everything else"
Y/n: "Yeah, you're good"
Patting Krista in the back, which results in a getting a punch in the shoulder, we look back as Rhino began lift up a large highly explosive container in a construction site.
Krista: "Hmm...Angry Rhino guy. Wet Cement. Wreacking ball. You thinking what I'm thinking?"
Y/n: "I'll try to get his attention, you get ready with that wrecking ball"
Krista: "I like where this is going already"
Swinging towards the construction site, I made my way towards Rhino as Krista positioned herself at the wrecking ball machine.
Y/n: "Hey, Long way from your homeland. If your pack somewhere nearby?"
Rhino promptly ingonred me and continued to try and lift the container.
Y/n: *sigh* "I guess not all of them would stick"
Finding another way to gain his attention, I climbed onto The Rhino's back before repeatedly bashing my fist onto it. A few whacks later the Rhino grew annoyed as he went and reach over to try and grab me. I manage to jump away just in time causing him to turn and face me.
Y/n: "That's it, good little rhino. *taunts over* Come on little rhino, come on. Come to papa"
Rhino huffed before charging towards me, He then raised his fist and went to drop it ontop of me but I manage to jump away just in time, leading his fist to fall straight onto the wet cement that was behind me.
Y/n: "Hit it!"
Krista: "I'm gonna enjoy this. Very. Very much"
Krista then activates the machine, sending the wrecking ball to swing towards the Rhino, sending him flying towards two containers filled with oil which explodes upon impact.
Krista: "Is he dead?"
The hydraulics in Rhino's suit began humming loudly as it struggles to stand up, it manages to get back up albeit a bit shaky in the legs but decides to turn and face us again. He then got back on all fours before running straight towards me.
Krista: "Hey look!"
Y/n: "A big as rhino coming straight at me, yes I see it"
Krista: "No you idiot, look at his back! It might be a weakspot"
I look at the incoming rhino closer and found the weak spot Krista was talking about.
Y/n: "You're right, maybe if we could deal a strong blow to it we might be able to take him down"
Krista: "I could do just that if you'd give me a clear shot"
Y/n: "I'll see what I can do"
Walking a few steps forward, I clapped my hands before placing them in front of me.
The Rhino then went to pierce me with his horn, but I manage to catch the horn and began pushing against him. We both planted our feet against the dirt as we both push against each other, not one of us even giving an inch.
When I saw Krista was getting in position, I pushed the horn upwards, sending the Rhino on his back legs as he went to crush me with his fist as we began another stalemate, only this time I'm pushing against a downward force.
Y/n: *groan* "Any day now!"
I then saw black and whine energy shining behind Rhino before arching his back in pain by a Negative Energy beam. The red lights in The Rhino's eyes then slowly dimmed down before slowly falling down to the ground with a loud crash.
Seeing the Rhino immobilised, I went to flip the mech over and went over to the cockpit before opening it, only to find it...
Y/n: "Empty?"
Krista: "Huh *drops down* Maybe it's controlled by an A.I?"
Y/n; "They must've got the mech from Aleksei"
Krista: "From who?"
Y/n: "The guy who piloted this suit before, it's a long story"
Krista: "Yeah, I bet...We should probably get back to Fury"
Y/n: "Right, Fury. Almost forgot about him"
Krista: "Since when are you not forgetful?" *swings away*
Y/n: "Hey! I'm not forgetful...Most of the time!" *swings after Krista*
A bit of Ultimate Spider-man 2005 game reference to sprinkle around here and there
Fun fact: Ultimate Spider-man was the first Spider-man game I've played. Unless we're counting Marvel vs Capcom 2...
Anyways enough about me, you guys enjoy yourselves out there. And with that said, you guys know the drill
Vote if you wanna
Share to your friends if you have any
And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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