(Guy in the Chair arc) Part 8
The door opened as Y/n stepped inside the living room of his parent's house, a complete opposite to his old apartment as it felt more warm and cozy. It felt home to Y/n, and that's what he liked about it.
Y/n: "Wow...it feels like, I'm finally home"
Mrs. L/n: "You are home, honey. We just...we couldn't believe you're standing right in front of us"
Mr. L/n: "I agree, how about our names, son. Do you still remember them?"
Y/n: "Uhm...It's M/n and F/n, right?"
M/m: "That's right, oh my baby boy is back home!"
M/n pulled Y/n in a hug as she cried into his chest, F/n walks over and pats Y/n on the shoulder as Y/n wore a cheery smile and relishes the scene.
[Y/n POV]
Mom: Oh, you two must be hungry! I'll go prepare dinner, could you help me in the kitchen?"
Dad: "Sure, honey"
Mom and Dad then walked off into the kitchen, leaving just me and Gwen alone in the living room. My smile is still present on my face as the thought of finally seeing my parents is still fresh in my memory until I was pulled out of my train of thought by Gwen.
Gwen: "So, how did meeting your parents go?"
Y/n: "Great, I just feel like it's a dream having them here"
Gwen: "They were world-renown scientists back at Oscorp, they decided to retire and move here when they finally settled in their marriage"
Y/n: "Scientists, so they're still the same even here"
I walk over by the picture frames and pulled up a family picture with 'me' winning a trophy with a golden molecule ornament on the top, I assumed it to be from a science fair.
Y/n: "This might honestly be the best moment in my life. Right after falling in love with you of course"
Gwen: "I'm flattered, but do try to remember why you're here"
Y/n: "Hmm? Oh right the-"
Mom: "Kids! Dinner's ready!"
Y/n: "Ooh~ I wonder what they made. Come on!"
Gwen: "Y/n, wait!"
I hurriedly made my way to the dining area and didn't get a chance to hear what Gwen said before following after me. Dad sets up the table and asked for us to take any seat we want, Me and Gwen end up sitting in front of each other as Mom sets the food down on the table.
Once everything was placed, she went to her seat next to me but not before pulling my ear and flicking it.
Y/n: "Ow! What was that for?"
Mom: "For scaring us, young man! We were worried sick, day and night!"
Y/n: "I'm sorry, I just couldn't find the courage to come back. I was scared, I didn't know if you would accept me back after that"
Dad: "Oh son, You'll always be welcomed home. You're family"
I felt my heart flutter as I look and see them giving me a warm and welcoming smile.
Mom: "Well, enough about that. Let's talk about you two! How are both of you? Are you in a relationship yet?"
Gwen: *blush* "We-Um-It's uhh"
Y/n: *kisses her forehead* "We're dating"
Gwen: "Y/n!"
Mom: "Oh my! My little boy has a girlfriend!"
Dad: "Take up after your old man, huh Y/n?"
Mom: "I knew one day you two will get together ever since you were kids"
Gwen: "Well...He is a bad influence to me sometimes"
Mom: "Is he now? You take responsibility, alright Y/n. I didn't raise an irresponsible child"
Y/n: *chuckle* "Don't worry Mom, we aren't that far in *to Gwen* We take things at your pace, I promise"
I saw Gwen with a faint blush before smiling at me. From then on we were having a good time, we hang around and chat about anything. Felt like a complete family, but soon nighttime came and we decided to clean up and head to bed.
Mom offered Gwen to stay the night which she happily took before notifying her dad where she was staying. When everyone was asleep, Gwen and I went to the backyard and made a web hammock, and cuddled together as we watch the starry night sky.
Gwen: "The sky looks beautiful at night, with all the stars shining through the dark"
Y/n: "I know, but you know what I am glad for?"
Gwen: "What?"
Y/n: "I'm glad that one of those stars are with me right now"
Gwen: "How long did it take for you to think of that?"
Y/n: "Just now"
We then shared a quick laugh before nuzzling closer to each other.
Gwen: "Can I ask you something?"
Y/n: "What is it?"
Gwen: "Why didn't you tell them that you aren't actually Y/n?"
Y/n: "...."
Gwen: "It's okay if you don't want to tell me yet, I'll just-"
Y/n: *sigh* "No, I think it's time I should tell you"
I gently tapped Gwen's shoulder as we sat up from the hammock and faced each other.
Y/n: "Every day, I wondered what my parents were like. What activities would we do as families, How would they react to how I grew up, What it feels to be a part of their lives. Every day I wished I had them by my side and maybe...I wouldn't be so alone. But when I get to see them just as sad as I was, I couldn't stand it"
Gwen: "Oh, Y/n..."
Y/n: "Is it so wrong? For me to spend some time with my parents, even though deep down I know they're just strangers in another dimension."
Gwen: "Can I share something with you?"
Y/n: "Of course, anything"
Gwen: "I felt the same way with you"
I was taken aback by the sudden confession and stared at her with widened eyes.
Gwen: "When you were gone, I felt lost. It was the same as Peter but you were meant much more to me, and to see you gone in my life...I couldn't take it. Makes me want to give up"
Y/n: "But you didn't, why is that?"
Gwen: "Because I couldn't stand it if I had just given up all because of you. I know you want me to continue and I felt that it was the right thing to do. Because the next thing I knew, it led me back to you. That's why you shouldn't give up also, this isn't your home, and someone back there needs your help. Who needs Spider-man's help"
Y/n: "But it hurts! Every day I put on the suit I feel hurt, a few cheers in the street never offsets the pain that I feel in whatever problem I'm facing. I couldn't protect Peter before, and I couldn't even save him now! What do I do, Gwen? I'm lost...When I went ahead and took up the mantle of Spider-man, no one warned me about the burden it would hold upon me"
Gwen: "I know it hurts, and it's normal to feel as so, but that's the price we pay to keep everyone safe. We can't save everyone, just the ones that we could and sometimes that's enough for us"
Y/n: "But we should be doing more! All this power, what's the point if we couldn't save anybody at all?!"
Gwen: "With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility. We could only take so much responsibility until we could give out, we're just humans in the end"
Y/n: "But what if you could save everybody, will you take that chance? Even if it will cost you your life?"
Gwen: "If that happens? I'd much prefer to find a way to save the most people as I can"
Y/n: "Won't you pay the sacrifice even if it means saving everyone?"
Gwen: "Giving life for a life isn't saving in my eyes. When life could risk its own and have everyone safe, including theirs. Then that's what saving means to me"
Y/n: *sigh* "I still have a long way to go"
Gwen: "Cut yourself some slack, you did just start 2 weeks ago. Honestly, you did better than me in 2 weeks being Spider-woman"
Y/n: "Thanks, Gwen. It means a lot"
Gwen: *kiss* "Anytime, now come on. It's getting late"
[Meanwhile back in Y/n's Dimension]
The city of New York is currently experiencing a downpour of heavy rain amidst the bright night sky of Manhattan.
Over at a factory in Harlem, a guard is making his usual rounds at his worksite while cursing under his breath due to the untimely weather.
Guard: "Tsk! Screw this damn rain, makes it hard to see anything around here"
He continues his patrol, keeping his hand on his flashlight as it guides him along his path. When he reaches the factory's storage facility, he heard the sound of clattering metals from behind.
The man was startled and quickly whips around and caught a foot running away from him, he called out the supposed thief as he runs after him. The guard heard something drop to the floor along with a large thud followed by a series of violent coughs.
The guard rounds the corner and sees scattered metal canisters containing the labels of Alchemax, and at the center of it all was a pale and sickly Peter coughing in his hands. Peter's eyes were red, he wore the clothes that he wore to school before getting bedridden by the lizard only more soiled due to the rain, his hair is a mess as his lips slowly turn brittle and purple.
Guard: "What's a kid like you doing out here?"
Peter: "Please...stay away" *violently coughs*
Guard: "Hey, you don't look so good. Stay there I'll call someone over"
Peter: *hoarse* "No, wait!"
But Peter's warnings were unheard as the guard reach towards his walkie-talkie that was on his belt and called for medical assistance, failing to notice a large lizard slowly crawling towards the guard as Peter looked over frightened.
Guard: "It's gonna be alright, kid. Help is on the way"
Peter: "B-Behi...yo...!"
The guard then heard clicking sounds behind him along with something towering over him. He looked behind him only to be met with a large and scaly chest, he slowly look up to meet the figure in the eyes only to be horrified by a raptor-like snout, vertically slitted eyelids, and lizard-like eyes.
The Lizard then roared at the guard, causing him to scramble on his feet before falling to the ground horrified. He tried crawling back, but the lizard wrapped its tail around the guard's leg and raised him in the air to meet him to his eyes.
The Lizard then clicks his tongue before licking the guard's cheek slightly before throwing him towards a shelf, knocking the shelf over the guard as he was knocked unconscious with dozens of factory materials.
The Lizard then whips around to see Peter, sprawled around the floor coughing into his hands with the containers that he tried sneaking out still scattered around him. The Lizard walks towards Peter and growls at him and came close to his face.
Lizard: "I thought I told you to not cause a scene. Now, look at what you did!"
Peter: "I tried *cough* but I feel like my body keeps dying by the second"
The Lizard was enraged, it quickly puts Peter in a chokehold as The Lizard brought him in the air as Peter kicks his feet around, struggling to be free from The Lizard's grip.
Lizard: *growls* "You don't die unless I expended every last pathetic human muscle in your body to do my bidding! Do you understand?"
Peter: *nods* *hoarse* "Ye-Yes, sir!"
Lizard: "Good, now get back to work! We have the formula to recreate Mr. Parker"
The Lizard then tosses Peter to the ground before standing defiantly against the moonlight through the facility's skylight. Peter weakly reaches over to the containers and gathers them in his arms before slowly standing on his weak legs.
Before the two could make their escape, however, the medical assistance that the guard had called in had just arrived. This irritates The Lizard and began clicking his tongue in frustration.
Lizard: "These Vermins...pests amongst crops. I'd make quick work of all of them. Get back to my hideout, I expect you to finish the formula when I get back"
Peter only manage to weakly nod in reply before making his way out in another direction as The Lizard went on all fours and crawled up the wall and await his prey.
I'm feeling the SPider-Christmas Spirit within me, here's a chapter for this arc.
I' planning to finally finish this arc so I hope you all stick around.
Till then you guys know the drill:"
Vote if you wanna
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And I'll see you the next time I see you
Bye Bye
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