(Black cat arc) Part 8
Y/n and Black cat, now demasked as Felicia Hardy, sat on the roof as they faced their painting. Felicia is at a loss for words at Y/n's reveal as she stares at his face flashing a smug grin.
Felicia: "Wait, so you're-"
Y/n: "Spider-man? Yep, and it's not a meme. I'm actually Spider-man"
Felicia: "So, when you went to the bathroom and the fight at the museum, that was you?"
Y/n: "Yep"
Felicia: "Wow...I really don't know anything about you"
Y/n: "Well...not everything, you know I like to paint, I save people from falling buildings...and I also help people in need"
Y/n then moves closer to Felicia as she looked over at him, staring into his comforting eyes as he carefully takes off her mask.
Y/n: "So, tell me...what's wrong?"
Felicia: "It's nothing, I'm fine"
Y/n: "You know, I've seen enough romantic comedies to know that isn't true"
Felicia: *scoff* "Is everything a joke to you?"
Y/n: "Funny things are...but I don't need Spider-sense to know that this isn't the appropriate time to quip around"
Felicia: *sigh* "Ryan's dead"
Y/n: "Oh shit, we're going straight to that. What happened?"
Felicia: "After we stole the pendant. When we went to the buyer to sell it, we went and swap the pendant with a fake while we pawn off the real one. Turns out Hammerhead has eyes and ears everywhere we go"
Y/n: "Hammerhead? What are you doing rolling with him?"
Felicia: "We were desperate, okay!? All we wanted was just to get out of the city, start a new life. Guess it was a mistake trusting a bastard like him"
Y/n: "So you worked for Hammerhead to earn a new life?"
Felicia: "I thought it would be an easy job, con the shit out of him until we earned enough money to get out of this stupid city...I guess Black cats do carry bad luck"
Y/n: "If you were in this much trouble, why didn't you go for me or the others for help?"
Felicia: "You wouldn't help me either way"
Y/n: "Yes, we will"
Felicia: "How could you!? I'm a thief, Y/n. I steal from others without a second thought, that's what I'm trained to do, BORN to do. I'm no better than the petty criminals you web up"
Y/n: That isn't true"
Felicia: "Oh? Do enlighten me what it is I'm not getting"
Y/n: *leans back* "Regardless of all of your previous actions, I know your heart is in the right place"
Felicia: *scoff* "You're genuinely just a big softie deep down aren't you? Caring about someone and believing there's good in them, you're such an idiot"
Y/n: "Whatever you think of me, I still care about you. I believe you're a good person making bad choices"
Felicia couldn't help but be taken back by Y/n's statement, she looked over to him shocked as he stares into his painting with a smile on his face.
Y/n: "Desire and Hope"
Felicia: "What?"
Y/n: "That art piece, I'm thinking of calling it 'Desire and Hope'"
Felicia: "How did you come up with that?"
Y/n: "In every darkness, there is light. Just like every person has good in them, however small. You've been blinded by your desire, looking outwards to find a way out..."
Y/n then looks back at Felicia before pointing to his chest.
Y/n: "Where in fact, you should be looking inwards. In here"
Felicia: "You think so?"
Y/n: "I know so"
Feeling a bit comfortable, Felicia stretched her legs out and leaned into Y/n's chest, surprising him a bit before wrapping an arm around her shoulder.
Y/n: "Just...Next time you end up in a situation like this again. Remember that I'm always here to help, and not just me, Peter and the others are willing to help too"
Felicia: "Thanks. It gets hard sometimes, not having someone to trust"
Y/n: "You and me both"
After sitting in silence while they stared into their painting, letting the emotion of the piece envelop them in the moment until Y/n looked over the phone and noticed the time.
Y/n: "It's getting late, we should probably get home"
Felicia: "Time flies when you're having fun~"
Y/n: "Yes, getting shot by dozens of goons is 'fun'"
Felicia: *giggles and sits up* "So~ Care to be a gentleman and escort a lady home?"
Y/n: "Uhm...Aunt May has a strict curfew"
Felicia: "That's a shame..."
Y/n: *dignified accent* "Well, maybe I could escort a lady home. If she so desires it"
Felicia: "That would be delightful"
Y/n: "I like how we wet a bit British there for a second"
Felicia: "Yeah, I know. So, shall we?"
Y/n: "Wait, I forgot my bag"
Running past Felicia, Y/n puts on his mask before running down the stairs to the floor he left his bag and found it thankfully still stuck onto the side. After regaining his bag, he ran back up the roof and went close to Felicia.
Y/n: "Okay, ready"
When Y/n swung the bag on his shoulder, Felicia extends a hand to him as he wrapped the arm around his body before jumping off the room with Felicia, and with her directions, swinging their way towards her home.
[Y/n POV]
I swung to the Upper Westside and reached the largest penthouse in the city before swinging to the open window of the penthouse before setting Felicia down.
Felicia: "You make yourself comfortable, I'll go change in my room"
Y/n: "Cool, thanks"
I then took off my mask before having a good look around inside, I saw the moderately decorated interior, finished tilling along with a few pieces of furniture and TV that's on the news channel.
Once it was settled in, I went over to the couch and sat my bag down to the side and my mask by the coffee table. When I went to stand up, I felt something soft rub against my leg. I looks down and noticed a black cat rubbing its head on my leg, I stood by the coffee table In awe before taking a seat on the couch and picked up the cat to place it on my lap as he began petting it.
Y/n: "I didn't know you have a cat"
Felicia: "I have a thing about strays"
As I continue to pet the cat, I hear the fridge door open. Looking over to the open kitchen I unintentionally squeezed the cat roughly, causing it to let out a loud 'meow' before hissing at me and jumping off his lap.
I remained frozen in my seat, eyes widened and jaw dropped to the floor at the sight before me as I was blessed by Felicia in a tank top that exposes her midriff and exercise shorts that highlight her long legs.
Felicia: "You okay with beer?"
Y/n: *shakes off* "You got beer? How did you buy it?"
Felicia turned her head to look at me with a raised eyebrow.
Y/n: "Right...you stole it. But aren't we still underage?"
Felicia: "So? There's no-one around"
Felicia then took 2 bottles of beer from the fridge before shutting the door with her leg and making her way towards me. I quickly moved over for her to sit as she places the drinks on the table before opening on for herself.
Felicia: "Come on, learn to live a little"
Y/n: "I think I'm good, actually"
Felicia: *tsk* "Pussy"
Y/n: "Says the one named 'Black cat'"
Felicia rolled her eyes at my remark before taking a long swig of her drink.
Y/n: "Plus, I gotta swing back home to Queens. Wouldn't wanna go around swinging like a drunk idiot across Manh-hmph!"
I was quickly silenced by Felicia as she places her lips over mine, I was caught off guard leaving my mouth to have a small opening as I tasted something bitter glide past my tongue and instinctively gulp it down.
I quickly snapped out of my shocked state before pulling Felicia away from me.
Y/n: "What the hell are you doing?"
Felicia: "You talk too much~"
Y/n: *slight blush* "No I dhoun't. I talk a normal ahrgmOunT"
I quickly slapped myself hard across my cheek before looking at my hands.
Y/n: "Holy shit...I'm a lightweight"
Felicia: "There you go, now that you got some alcohol in your system, you're no longer pure. So how about that drink?"
From then on the night quickly became a blur, the sound of the TV drowning out as Felicia and I sat on the couch and drank our beer until I was led into her room where I was pushed onto the bed with Felicia straddling my waist.
She then went to lean in for another kiss, but that's when I sobered up and held her shoulder to stop her.
Y/n: "I can't do this"
Felicia: "Awww~ Why not?"
Y/n: "Because I have a girlfriend alright? She's truly special to me, I already messed up the first time and I don't want to mess up again in an unforgivable act of cheating. I'm sorry but I can't"
Felicia: *sigh* "You really are as loyal as they come...Part of the reason why I like you"
Y/n: *shock* "Wait wha-? You like me?"
Felicia; "Is it that hard to believe?"
Y/n: "Yeah! You're Felicia Hardy, straight-up bombshell at Midtown. You could get anybody"
Felicia: "Well...My track record with men isn't exactly been positive"
Y/n: "Oh shi-you mean the thing at the-"
Felicia: *nods* "Yep"
Y/n: "Right...you see with the alcohol it's just-"
Felicia: *hush* "remember what I said that you talk too much?'
Y/n: *gulp* "Right, I'll shut up"
Felica then slowly dragged her arms down my neck before gliding across my Spider-man suit until she stops by the spider symbol on my chest.
Felicia: "Ever since Ryan saved me back in the bathroom stall...I thought I'd never fall in love with a man ever again, but when I met you, met Spider-man, I couldn't help but feel attracted to you. I know you're already spoken for, but I can't imagine myself doing it with anybody else"
Felicia then raised one of her arms and held my chin up to make contact with each other.
Felicia: "Just this once, will you make me forget about that horrible nightmare?"
Y/n: *sigh* "This doesn't have to mean anything?"
Felicia: *shakes head* "No..."
Y/n: (Gwen is so gonna kill me after this)
Getting lost in each other's eyes, I let my body move to autopilot as the rest of the night went to black.
(Timeskip) [3rd POV]
A soft and tender 'meow' rung into Y/n's ear followed by a subtle 'purr. The gazing sunlight pierces through the curtains of the bedroom as it makes its way to Y/n's eyelid, causing him to wince before rolling to his side.
As Y/n rolled over, the cat that stood to the side of Y/n's head got on top of Y/n's shoulder and began purring into Y/n's ear to wake him up.
Y/n: *groan* "Go away, cat!"
Grabbing the cat by the neck, Y/n threw the feline across the room. The cat 'meow'-ed loudly as it flew across the room before effortlessly landing on all fours. Y/n's phone then began vibrating in his suit causing him to groan awake and sit up from the bed.
Y/n pats around his body searching for his phone until he reached under the covers and pulls out his phone from his suit before answering the phone.
Y/n: *groan* "Hello?"
Peter's voice: "Good morning, sunshine"
Y/n: "Peter...? What time is it?"
Peter's voice: "Half-past get the hell up!"
Y/n: "Argh! not so loud"
Peter's voice: "I'm wasn't even shouting. Did you just get super-hearing?"
Y/n: "More like super-sensitive hearing"
Cat: *Meow*
Peter's voice: "Was that a cat? Where are you right now?"
Y/n held his head in pain, his brain began pulsing strongly inside his head as if trying to break out of his head. When the splitting headache slowly subsided, Y/n rubs his eyes to try and get rid of the drowsiness.
Once he was fully awake, Y/n surveyed his surrounding. Immediately noting down the expensive decor around the room.
Peter's voice: "Hello~ Earth to Y/n"
Y/n: "Hmm? Oh, right that was a cat"
Peter's voice: "Where are you, May's worried last night. Had to lie that you stayed over for the art project you were working on"
Y/n: "Well, you're not wrong. After we were finished with the project, we went back to her place and have a couple of beers before we-...Oh shit!"
Peter's voice: "You had beer?"
Y/n: "Holy shit, I got drunk and crashed with Felicia's home"
Peter's voice: "Where are you now?"
Y/n: "On her bed...Oh god"
Peter's voice: "Okay, let's calm down. Maybe you two just slept together"
Y/n: "That could mean one of two things, Peter!"
Peter's voice; "Okay, okay. Take a look around, there might be some clues to what happened to you two last night *sigh* Can't believe I'm actually a part of this conversation"
Y/n: "Okay, Peter I got to go. I'll text you the pieced-together details later"
Peter's voice: "Please don't, anyways the bus is here. You better get your butt to school"
Y/n: "Alright, bye"
After hanging up, Y/n tossed his phone to the side of the bed before looking at his state of clothing.
Y/n: "Okay, I'm shirtless. This isn't starting out good"
Y/n then grabbed the blanket before tossing it off of him and noticed he was still wearing the bottom part of his suit.
Y/n: "Pants are still on, so that's got to be good"
Y/n then looks over to the nightstand before looking at the ground on both sides of the bed.
Y/n: "No signs of a condom packet, is that good or bad?"
The cat then 'meow'-ed once again, gaining Y/n's attention before walking towards the bathroom. He quickly got up and went after the cat, barging into the bathroom before leaning on the sink as the cat laid to the side with no care in the world.
Using the large mirror in front of him, Y/n examines every part of his face before tilting his head to the side and, to his shock, reveals a hickey near the base of his neck.
Y/n: "That's definitely not good"
Running out of the bathroom and the bedroom, Y/n swings open the door and ran to the living room frantically searching for the homeowner of the penthouse.
Y/n: "Felicia? Felicia! Where are you!?"
Another 'meow' gained Y/n's attention once again, this time whipping his head towards the dining table where the cat began licking itself. Y/n made his way to the dining table and immediately saw a letter taped to the table.
Y/n: "Did Felicia train you, little guy? Blink once if yes"
The cat only tilts its head at Y/n before letting out a 'meow' before jumping off the table.
Y/n: "Huh...Guess not"
Taking the note off the table, Y/n began admiring the flawless penmanship before reading the contents of the letter.
Hey Spider,
I hope you had a nice rest, our nightly fun was definitely a night to remember (Which is ironic seeming as you may not even remember last night).
Y/n: "This is definitely the last thing I want to see"
I know this is something I shouldn't say in a letter, but i can't let you stop me. This is goodbye, I appreciate you for what you've done for me till now but from now to the future I have to do things on my own and besides, I don't think you want to hear this from me anyways.
I'm going after Hammerhead, that bastard needs to pay for what he did to Ryan. I know after hearing that you'd do whatever it takes to change my mind, but that's the reason why I'm writing this to you. because I don't want you stopping me from avenging him, you'd understand that. I know dealing with him head-on is a death sentence, so for when I might never see you again, just know I really do mean every word I said about you.
I like you, and I appreciate everything you've done for me.
I've already submitted our project to our teacher, I explained that I had to go on a family trip, and gave us the credit upon submission.
Till next time
Love, Le chat noir~
Y/n: "Goddamnit, Felicia!'
Crumpling the paper in anger, Y/n quickly slipped on the upper part of his suit before grabbing his mask that was by the coffee table before jumping out of the open window and swinging into the city.
Police dispatch: "Attention all units, requesting back-up in an abandoned apartment complex in Little Italy. Please copy"
Y/n: (Hang on, Felicia)
Tensions are rising, not only the sexual ones like actual danger tensions. Will Y/n make it in time to save Felicia or would he be too late.
so with a long time coming for the answer with the harem topics and whether Felicia would be added to the love interest, and the answer is...Maybe?
Anti-climactic, I know but that's the best I could give. Spider-gwen would most definitely still be the main love interest, and much self-consultation, I decided to not make this a harem story, but instead Y/n will have an on-again, off-again relationship with some female characters like Peter has in the comics.
Sorry for the people that I might have disappointed, hopefully you'd continue to read Road to Spider-man even if it isn't a harem story.
Anyways, with that said you guys know the drill by now.
Vote if you wanna
Share to your friends if you have any
And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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