(Black cat arc) Part 6
It's now the following day and I was now sitting in a booth by the window at Mick's with a basket of fries.
Y/n: "I wonder if she'll show up"
As I ate a fry from the basket the store's bell rang signaling a new customer, when I looked over, I was quickly blessed when I the platinum blonde locks of a certain someone until they entered the store and saw me by the booth.
Felicia: "Hey, sorry I'm late"
Y/n: "I was debating if you'd show up actually"
Felicia giggled before heading to my booth and sitting in front of me.
Felicia: "So what do you got planned for me today?"
Y/n: "The usual, find a good canvas, preferably a wall, and we'll work from there"
Felicia: "Funny, I thought you were more of the sculpture type of person"
Y/n: "Then clearly, you weren't paying attention"
Felicia gestured if she could have a fry which I allowed allowing her to reach over and reach some from the basket.
Felicia: "So when can we start?"
Y/n: "How about right now?"
Felicia: "You sure?"
Y/n: "Yeah, Mick's is best known for their cheap and iconic fries. I can come back and enjoy them another time"
We then got up from our booth before heading to the door, opening it first for Felicia as she nods in thanks.
Short order cook: "Glad to see you're making connections again, you deserve to be happy with someone special"
Y/n: "Thanks, Keep up the hustle Stan"
Stan: "Always do"
After exiting the restaurant, I went over to Felicia and together went to take a stroll around Manhattan.
Felicia: "You sure it's alright to tag wall for the project?"
Y/n: "Don't worry, I had some special privilege with my artwork. Plus it's not like it's incriminating, it's actual art"
Felicia: *shrug* "Whatever you say"
We began looking around, strolling across the neighborhood until I saw a good canvas by the roof of an apartment building.
Y/n: "Over there, that might be a good spot"
Felicia: "So how are we gonna get up there? Use the fire escape or break-in?"
Y/n: "It's bad enough we're vandalizing a property, a BnE would get us in serious trouble"
Felicia: "Then how you gonna go about entering? Got a spare key on you?"
Y/n: "You say that like I'm not from New York. Just watch and learn"
We then went and cross the street towards the apartment, before walking up the stairs and pressing a random buzzer by the door.
Tenant: "Yeah?"
Y/n: "Hey, my cat just locked me out of my apartment. Can you buzz me in?"
Tenant: "You let your cat lock you out? What are you an idiot?"
Y/n: "...Yeah?"
The door then buzzed, leading me to have a smug grin as I open the door for her to enter.
Y/n: "After you"
Felicia: "This feels illegal"
Y/n: "Yeah, but it's not. So no harm no foul"
After making our way inside, we opened the door to the roof before taking in the ever familiar Manhattan air. I then made my way to the wall before dropping my bag and rummaging for all the materials we'd need.
Y/n: *throws mask* "Mask up, wouldn't want to breathe in the fumes of the spray can"
Felicia: "Now might be a bad time to say I haven't actually done, spray painting"
Y/n: "Oh, it's pretty fun when you get the hang of it"
After grabbing several spray cans, I began marking parts of the wall to fit the draft. Once everything was set, I handed a spray can over to Felicia.
Y/n: "Wanna start us off?"
Felicia: "Fine, but don't blame me if it turns out bad"
Taking the spray can from my hands, Felicia stepped forward before aiming the can towards the wall with stiff arms.
Y/n: "No, no. That won't do"
Standing up from my backpack, I went behind Felicia and placed my hand on her shoulder before placing the other on her outstretched arm.
Y/n: "You're too tense, relax a bit-Wow you're really tense"
Placing both of my arms on Felicia's shoulders, I began massaging her back. Making sure to loosen up the knots in her body as she slowly eases into my touch.
Y/n: "There, that should do. Remember to stay calm, it's a spray can not a gun"
I then stepped back as I noticed Felicia taking in a deep breath before pressing down the nozzle and beginning the first streak of the base color.
Y/n: "See? Not so bad huh?"
Felicia: "Hey, uh...could you maybe not do that again?"
Y/n: "Hmm? Do what again?"
Felicia: "You grabbing me by my back"
Y/n: "Oh! I'm sorry, was that about the moment in the bathroom back in the-"
Felicia: "Can we, not talk about it. Please?'
Y/n: *nod* "Alright, I'm sorry"
Felicia: "It's okay. So, what's next?"
From then on we went and followed my rough draft as we take turns with the project, with Felicia doing most of the base coloring as I add in the details of our work along with some smoothing of the details before finally adding the finishing touches.
We continued working on our project not paying attention to the now setting sun until we both stepped back and admired the finished creation
(Y'all know, not mine)
Y/n: "There we go, It's done"
Felicia: "Wow, you've done a great job"
Y/n: "It's not all me, you helped too"
Felicia: *looks out* "I guess we should call it a day, the sun's about to set"
Y/n: "Hold on, not yet"
I went and grab a spray can that was lying on the ground and began spraying my hand in its color.
Felicia: "What are you doing?"
Y/n: "Every artist has a signature, So I thought 'How about a handprint?'. Come on, give me your hand"
Felicia: "And get my hand dirty? No thank you"
Y/n: "Come on, You're already covered in paint as is. What's one more?"
Felicia then looked at herself and saw that parts of her clothing has droplets of paint-stained on them from our downtime of fooling around.
Y/n: "You've done as much of the work as I did, I just want to really solidify this as our own"
Felicia: *sigh* "Fine, but this is the only time I'm doing this"
Y/n: "Works for me"
Felicia then reluctantly handed me her palm and I began covering it in paint. Once both of our hands were dripping in paint, I gestured Felicia over to the corner of the painting where there was;t much detailing and together pressed both of our painted palms firmly on the wall.
We waited a bit for the paint to dry off before pulling our hands away and saw the print boldly on the corner of the wall. I then took out my phone and took a photo of our project, the orange light from the setting sun added extra flare and highlight to the bright contrast of the painting.
Y/n: "Ohh yeah~ This looks good"
Felicia: "I'll take your word for it...Thanks again, Y/n. For partnering up with me, it means a lot"
Y/n: "No problem. Listen, about this morning I didn't mean to bring up old trauma"
Felicia: "I know, and it's okay"
Y/n: "Just know, if you're open to talking about it. I'm always free to listen, like a very amateur therapist"
Felicia: *giggle* "I'll keep that in mind"
The crime app on my phone then alerted me of a bank heist in progress down at the financial district.
Y/n: "Hey, listen I gotta run home"
Felicia: "Okay, then. Take care"
Y/n: "You too!"
I then grabbed all the spray cans that were lying around and wiped them down before shoving them in my bag. When I got everything sorted, I went ahead first. Exiting through the roof access until I was two floors down, I look around to see if the coast was clear before going to a secret zipper in my bag and pulling out my Spider-suit.
After changing to my work clothes, I tossed my bag to the side of the stairs and secured it with my web before swinging my way to the scene of the crime.
(A few minutes ago) [3rd POV]
At Central bank in the Financial District, telephones ring out across the tiled floors and marbled walls of the bank accompanied by chatter from the tellers along with their clients. It's just a regular day at the bank for these people, until a large black SUV busts through the front door, sending everyone on high alert, including the guards.
The SUV then drove up the stairs before crashing through a few tables which were cleared out quickly as the civilians ran in fear. A convoy of armored vehicles pulled up just outside of the bank before several well-dressed men with rifles stepped out of the vehicles.
The group then split up into 2, with the first headed inside the bank while the rest stay outside and guard the entrance. A group of men then got out of the SUV that crashed into the bank and one of the goons shot their rifle in the air.
Goon #1: "Alright, nobody move!"
The civilians quickly dropped to their knees in fear as the bank tellers went to duck under their desks, only for the goons to point their rifles towards them.
Goon #2: "Uh-uh-uh, not so fast"
As the goons from outside grouped up with the others, one of the goons broke into the gate to reach the tellers.
Goon #3: "Alright, get down on the ground"
WIth weapons now trained to their backs, the tellers carefully went down on the ground with no resistance and quietly complied. Meanwhile, the civilians are getting grouped up as two of the goons gathered up people's phones as the first goon got on top of the hood of the SUV.
Goon: "Alright listen up! We don't care who you are, or what you're status is. We only care about the money!"
Once every cellphone was taken, the 2 goons who gathered the phones began breaking them with their shoes or the butt of their rifles
Goon: "We are the Maggia crime family, here to claim what the city's due. No one tries to be a hero..."
One of the security guards got up and was about to apprehend the goons, only for another to pop out and deliver a knock-out punch to the guard's jaw.
Goon: "...And nobody gets hurt"
Police sirens began blaring in the distance before several police cruisers appear shortly after, the goons who were stationed began opening fire on the cops as they quickly got out of their vehicles to take cover, and one of these cops was none other than the lovable Yuriko Watanabe.
Yuri: "Can't believe I got a bank robbery the first day I got transferred, I miss Queens already"
Pulling out her pistol, Yuri along with the other police officers opened fire on the Goons as they began a shoot-out.
Goon #3: "Cops are here!"
Goon #4: "Hehe, cops are here~!"
Goon #1: *smacks Goon #4* "Shut up and grab the money"
Goon #4: "Okay, fine. *to Bank Manager* You! Get up and open the vault"
Goon #4 points his rifle to the bank manager as #3 grabbed the manager by the arm and pulled him off his chair. With the sound of gunfire still in the background, the two goons went passed the group of civilians as they made their way to the vault.
Once they reached their destination Goon #3 shoved the bank manager to the vault before pointing his rifle to his back along with Goon #4.
Goon #4: "Open the vault"
Bank Manager: *sweatdrop* "I-I uhh..."
Goon #3: "He said 'Open the vault'!!"
The bank manager quickly snapped from his nervous state and began hurriedly opening the vault, failing the first to times due to his shaky hands before finally opening it on the 3rd try as he went and spin the wheel before pulling the vault door open.
Goon #4: "Appreciate you"
The goon then smacked his rifle butt to the bank manager's noggin, knocking him out as they pulled out their duffel bags and began filling it up with pallets upon pallets of money.
Back outside, one of the goons shot at the windshield of Yuri's cruiser, forcing her to duck back into cover and reload her pistol. Once it was loaded again, she looked out in the distance and saw Y/n, in his Spider-man outfit, making his way to the shoot-out.
Yuri: "Over here!"
Y/n: (Yuri? What is she doing in Manhattan? Doesn't matter)
Y/n then lets go of his web before diving towards Yuri and crouching down next to her.
Y/n: "What's the situation?"
Yuri: "Shoot-out with some goons, a possible bank heist. The usual stuff"
Y/n: "Anything I should be worrying about?"
Officer: "Get out of here, Spidey! We got this"
Y/n: *call-out* "Alright! I'll stay away as far away from you as possible *To Yuri* If these guys can't go in innocent people might be in greater danger"
Yuri: "Well, we can't do anything much over here. We're pinned down by these guys"
Y/n: "How many are inside?"
Yuri: "6? There were dozens outside according to witnesses, so there could be more inside. What should we do?"
Y/n: *looks out* "Stall them, while they're pre-occupied I'll try to take you the guys inside"
Yuri: "Okay, but you better hurry. S.W.A.T might arrive soon and they'll have no problem considering you as part of the problem"
Y/n: "I'll keep that in mind. And hey, good job!"
Yuri: "...Thanks"
Zipping to the street lamp, Y/n launched himself to the side of the bank to try and find an access point.
A duffle bag then lands in the middle of the bank followed by another, the goons by the vault hurls a duffel bag out of the vault as another pair of goons grabs the bags they toss out and hurls it to the lobby of the bank.
Goon #1: "We got 2 minutes, hurry up!"
Goon #2: "How about you help, instead of complaining all the time?"
Goon #1: "Then who's gonna watch the hostages, smartass?"
Goon #3: "Just shut up and get back to work"
Another goon then tossed a duffel bag over to the pair before tossing it to the lobby as Goon #1 mumbles under his breath.
Goon #1: *mumble* "Telling me what to do, I do what I want you're not the boss of me"
A web then attaches to the goon's shoulder, gaining his attention. The goon looked over confused before following the web upwards to see the source, only to be violently pulled upwards, letting out a Wilhelm scream as he does, gaining the attention of the rest of the goons.
Goon #3: "What the hell was that?"
Goon #2: "Don't know"
Goon #5: "I'll go check it out"
Goon #5 grabbed his rifle and walked out of the vault and went to survey the lobby. When he walked out, he noticed the civilians remained on their knees while looking down on the floor. He continues to look around the room to look for his colleague only for him to be nowhere in sight.
Goon #5: "Where the hell did he go?"
The goon then looked around once more before deciding to look up, only for his face to be webbed up before being pulled to the ceiling, dropping his gun as he was wrapped up in webbing.
The gun then crashes to the floor, sending the remaining goons on high alert.
Goon #2: "Sweep the area, we might have company"
Grabbing their guns, the goons slowly made their way out of the vault and went to cover more ground. They failed to notice a trip-mine web to fly past the group as it stuck itself to the side of the gate.
The trip-mine then armed itself right as the last goon went to walk past the gate, causing a web to shoot out and stick to his back before getting pulled towards the steel grates and wrapped up in webbing.
Goon #2: "Spider-man's here!"
Goon #3: "Split up, search for him and gun him down"
With the remaining few splitting off to cover more ground, they gave Y/n the perfect opportunity to pick off the goons. Taking a couple out with his gadgets before swooping one from his feet and stuck them onto the wall.
The bank then fell silent, causing the remaining 2 goons to worry. This led to them going back to back as they try to find Y/n's whereabouts, an impact web then flew across the room hitting one of the goons to the side, sending him flying to the wall and immediately wrapped in webbing.
Goon #2: "Screw this, I'm out of here"
Grabbing one of the duffel bags, the goon made a run for the exit to try and escape, only for Y/n to land in front of the exit, swatting the Goon's rifle away as he held out a web to the goon.
Y/n: "Hey, could you hold this for me?"
Goon #2: "What the-"
Y/n: "Cool, thanks"
Sticking the web to the Goon's chest, he was then pulled up to the ceiling before dangling upside-down. From there he could see his webbed-up colleagues, either stuck to the walls or hanging from the ceiling.
Y/n: "You know, people don't use banks anymore. You guys are lucky you found any cash at all"
Goon #2: *struggle* "Do you know who I work for?! I work for the Maggia crime family! For Hammerhead!"
Y/n: "Sheesh, you villans and your names. gets sillier by the day"
Goon #2: "You punk when I get out of here. You're gonna wish you were de-" *webbed mouth*
Y/n: "Uh-uh, no talking. *to civilians* Okay everyone, remain calm! This will all be over I promise you. I'll go ahead and clear a path, once it's safe you run"
The civilians looked over to Y/n and nodded before gathering everyone to prepare to run. Y/n then walked out of the bank before positioning himself behind the goons who are behind the SUVs who were too preoccupied with the cops to look back at him.
Y/n: "Looking strong, guys. Hey, is it just me or is it getting windy in here?"
The goons then stopped firing and turned around, only to be hit with a concussive blast from Y/n, sending the goons flying out of their cover and lands in the middle of the police squadrons.
Y/n then shot a web behind him, hitting the surprisingly undamaged bell chime of the bank. This was enough of a signal for the civilians to storm out of the bank and into the safety of the police.
Once the bank was cleared out, the cops assisted the civilians to see if any need medical attention as Yuri walked up to Y/n.
Yuri: "Nice work there, Spider-man"
Y/n: "Nice work to you too. Good job!"
Yuri: "You already said that"
Y/n: "Yep...Sorry"
Yuri: *chuckle* "It's alright"
Officer: "Thanks for the assist, Spidey. Guess I was a bit cocky before"
Y/n: "No hard feelings, Officer. Just let me help once in a while, also Good job!"
Y/n then faced the other cops and gave them a thumbs up.
Y/n: "Good job! You guys did great"
Yuri: "You can stop with 'Good job' Spider-man"
Y/n: "Just making good relations, anyways I'll leave it to the professionals to do their jobs. Stay safe Yuri"
Y/n then jumped high in the air before swinging away.
Yuri: *mumble* "I didn't give him my name, or did I?"
Amidst the chaos in the bank, one camera with a blinking red light stuck out to the rest as it captured every event that partake during the heist, and behind the screens monitoring the camera is none other than Hammerhead.
He watched the screen with a fierce glare as he cletch onto his 'diamond' pendant, shattering the center-piece into pieces. A pair of footsteps then followed amidst the darkness until a figure showed itself to the light emitting from the monitor, showing itself to be the Pawnshop owner.
Owner: "What do you want me to do next, sir?"
Hammerhead: "Hit him again, make sure you put the fear of god in his eyes"
Owner; "...Yes sir"
The shop owner then hung his head before leaving the room, he walked through the hall before taking a lift down to the basement of the apartment complex, where he saw a wounded and bruised Ryan chained up to the chair.
Ryan: *pant* "Boss..."
Owner: "I'm sorry..."
Heading over to the nearby car battery, he went over and grab the jumper cables before increasing the output to the max before clinking the two ends of the jumper cables together, creating a spark that frightens Ryan for what's to come.
Ryan: "No...no..."
Owner: *moves closer* "I'm sorry, I had no other choice"
Ryan: "No...No...NOOO!!!"
Dang, Hammerhead isn't pulling any stops. Now with the art project now completed, what's next for Y/n and Felicia? Well, guess you'll have to read the next chapter to find out.
So with that said, you guys know the drill
Vote if you wanna
Share to your friends if you have any
And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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