(Black cat arc) Part 4
Hammerhead walks into the light, wordlessly demanding silence in his presence as Ryan, Felicia, and the Goons alike collectively remained silent.
Hammerhead: "What's all this commotion about"
Goon: "Boss, it's just-"
Felicia: "You're 24 grand short you prick!"
Ryan: "FELICIA!"
The goons snarled as they went to draw their weapons but Hammerhead raised his hand and gestured for them to stand down.
Hammerhead: "The diamond?"
Ryan hangs the pendant by the chain and gives it to Hammerhead, laying it on his extended palm before retracting it as he began to inspect the pendant.
Hammerhead: "Give them 12 grand"
Felicia: "What?!"
Ryan: "Sir, with all due respect. That is not the amount we'd agreed upon"
Hammerhead: "I asked for the diamond pendant within the day. My boys were greedy by taking a grand per hour, where it should be grand for 2 hours"
Felicia stared daggers towards Hammerhead as she went to brandish her claws once again but Ryan promptly stops her before it would make matters worse.
Hammerhead: "You're lucky I'm still paying you rather than shooting you on the spot"
Ryan: "Thank you, sir. IF you would please pay us the arranged amount we'd be on our way"
Hammerhead nods towards one of his goons, who clicks his tongue before handing Ryan 12 grand in a paper bag.
Ryan: "Thank you for your time"
Ryan then puts the paper bag under his arm before closing the metal briefcase and carried it out of the room with Felicia slowly behind.
Hammerhead: "How are we with the goods down at the park?"
Goon: "Well, Freddie and Sal were en route to the package. Some of our guys are with them too, so they should be back within the hour"
Hammerhead: "Good..."
Hammerhead then made his way to the Goon who clicked his tongue and grabbed him by the shoulder before headbutting the goon with his forehead, causing a loud crack to be heard as the goon dropped lifeless on the ground.
The Goons looked mortified by the body before looking up and seeing Hammerhead with a bloody forehead, he went to his pocket and grabbed his handkerchief, and wipes the blood off.
Hammerhead: "Clean this up, and if I hear one more noise when you weren't told. You'd end up the same as him, do you understand!!?"
The goons nodded before running to the body and dragging it out of the room.
After figuring out more about the crime families, Y/n heard more footsteps heading towards the entrance of the tent.
Y/n: "Hey, Yuri I gotta go. Do you mind calling in some cops by the amusement park"
Yuri's voice: "You know, you have to call 911 for that"
Y/n: "Technically, I am"
Yuri's voice: "Touche, okay I'll send an anonymous tip then"
Y/n: "Thanks, Yuri"
After hanging up the call, Y/n jumps and stuck himself onto the fabric of the tent to hide as several more of Hammerhead's goons storm into the tent.
Goon: "What the hell happened in here!?"
As the goons grouped up to search the perimeter, a web grenade rolled to their feet. The goons only looked at the grenade with confusion but quickly turned to panic when they saw the grenade beeped with a blue light.
The grenade then explodes as several spider-webs shoot out from all directions, causing every goon to be wrapped up in webbing. Y/n then drops down in front of the group of goons with his arms reeled back.
Y/n: "FUS RO DAH!"
With his web-shooters configured to shoot concussive blast, Y/n sends out a strong gust of wind, sending the goons that are webbed up to fly out of the tent and stuck onto the side of the stands or to the ground.
Y/n: "Always wanted to say that"
Y/n then picked up the screams of fright and excitement from his friends in the distance, signaling to him that the ride has ended. Y/n hurriedly exits the scene and took off his mask before discarding it to the trash can, on the way he spots the stand with the pony plushie MJ wanted.
Taking a detour, Y/n dove into the shadows before swiping the pony from the prize pool before continuing as if nothing had happened. When he got back Y/n saw Betty with a bright and cheery mood, which he found strange seeing as they all came from a horror-themed ride, as the others beamed with happiness from having a fun time while Gloria shook from her frightening ride.
Y/n: "So...How was the ride?"
Gloria: "YOU ASSHOLE!"
Gloria quickly snapped out of her frightened state and violently shakes Y/n by his collar as she vented every emotion inside her.
Gloria: "You Mother-*beep* *beep* Piece of Shi-*beep* *beep* Ass faced Ni-*bbbeeeepp*"
Y/n: "Okay, I get it. No more horror rides"
MJ: "Sorry you couldn't join us, Y/n. Maybe we could do one more ride before we leave"
Y/n: "Actually, it's getting pretty late out already. We should probably head home"
Gloria: "Second it!"
MJ: "Well, if you're okay with it"
Y/n: "Of course, I had fun with you guys even if we're not in a theme park. Tell you what, how about our last ride together is the ride back home?"
Betty: "Sounds like a pretty boring ride"
Y/n: *shrug* "There's never a dull moment when we're together or something along those lines"
MJ: *giggle* "He's right, we should probably head home for the day. Maybe we can talk about the ride on the bus"
Miles: "I still remember Gloria reaching so many high notes, made me think it was you for a sec MJ"
Gloria: *embarrassed blush* "Shut up, Shut up, SHUT UP!"
The group then walked off as they made their way out of the park, Peter went to walk past Y/n but he quickly stops Peter before handing him the pony plushie he had swiped.
Y/n: "You can give this to MJ as a parting gift"
Peter: "Thanks Y/n"
Y/n: "What are friends for"
Peter took the pony plushie from Y/n's hand before making their way to the group together. They all had a fun time as they left the park, laughing and fooling around until they boarded the bus back home.
One-by-one each of the friends board off until Gwen, Peter, MJ, and Y/n remained on the bus as it began to route to Queens. As the bus comes close to MJ's stop, Peter began formulating a sentence in his head to figure out the best approach in talking to MJ.
Y/n hears Peter muttering as he looks down on the plushie in his hands. Giving Peter a slight motivation, Y/n bumps Peter off his seat forcing him to stumble to the middle of the bus right as MJ stood from her seat.
MJ: "Oh, Peter? You got something for me?"
Peter: "I-uhh...*remembers plushie* Here, I know you wanted to win it so here you go"
MJ: *gasp* "Oh, Pete you shouldn't have!"
MJ swiped the plushie from Peter's hand and nuzzles the plushie as Peter rubbed the back of his head as he blush lightly.
Driver: "Last call for Chelsea street"
MJ: "Well, I better get going"
Y/n: "Oh, MJ! Aunt May is expecting visitors tonight, they get noisy sometimes when the moment overwhelms them. Do you mind if Peter stays with you for a bit?"
MJ: "Sure, I'm sure my folks don't mind"
Peter then looked at Y/n shocked as the two began their first-ever telepathic communication.
Peter: "Dude! What the heck man?"
Y/n: "Peter, just relax you're gonna be fine"
Peter: "You can't just expect me to go into MJ's home and not expect me to not freak out!"
Y/n: "You worry too much, just play your cards right and you might deepen your relationship. You can thank me later for that"
Peter: "I swear, if I get out of this alive I would-"
Y/n: "She's looking back, good luck Pete"
They then ended their conversation right as MJ turns back to Peter.
MJ: "You coming, Pete?"
Peter: "Y-yeah, on my way!"
Peter then got off the bus before walking with MJ back to her apartment as the bus drives to the next stop.
Gwen: "What was that about?"
Y/n: "Just me being a wingman for my best friend"
Gwen: "So the part with Aunt May having visitors is..."
Y/n: "A total lie, yep. Which reminds me wanna hang out at your place?"
Gwen: "I thought you wanted to go home for the day?"
Y/n: "What's a little detour, you still got that crossword book that we haven't finished?"
Gwen: "I do, you wanna finish it together?"
Y/n: "Why not? We can start to be friends again"
Gwen: *shrug* "Sure, Why not"
Y/n: "Cool, I'll just send May a text that I'll be running late and Peter's gonna stay over at MJs"
Gwen nodded before leaning back into her seat as Y/n went to his phone and sent a message. After hitting send, Y/n went back to his contact list his eyes landed on Felicia's number and still had yet to reply leading him to sigh.
As they rode the lift down to ground level, Felicia sighed as she stared at her phone displaying messages from Y/n inquiring if she was free.
Ryan: "You know, you have to leave all of this behind. Including him"
Felicia: "I know...but it just seems unfair for Y/n. Working on the project alone and everything when I should be helping him"
Ryan: "None of that matters, Felicia. He's just another loose end, trust me when it's better for both of us including him"
Felicia: "I-just...I don't know"
Ryan: "Remember why we're doing this in the first place"
Felicia: "To leave this city behind and start anew"
Ryan: "And to avoid being used by people like HIM ever again. I know this is hard, Felicia but I'm doing what's best for both of us. That guy, Y/n, he's just like the same guy back in the stall from long ago. He's only using you, and after all of this is over he's gonna toss you aside"
Felicia then turned to Ryan slightly hurt before sighing as she puts away her phone just as the lift stops on their floor where they exit the apartment and go their separate ways.
Ryan: "You head back to the penthouse while I go pawn this pendant off, okay?"
Felicia: "Okay..."
Ryan: "Hey, it's gonna be alright. Just hold on for a little longer"
Felicia: "Just...be careful, I can't help but feel something bad is gonna happen"
Ryan: "If it makes you sleep at night, I will"
Felicia: "Thank you, Ryan"
Ryan nods before walking off, leaving Felicia by the sidewalk before shooting her grappling hook towards a building, and zips off as Ryan took another bus to his frequently visited pawn shop.
After boarding off the bus, Ryan made his way to the pawnshop and greeted the shop owner.
Ryan: "Yo, boss!"
Owner: "Ryan, always a pleasure to see ya"
Ryan made his way to the owner and hugged him from over the counter.
Ryan: "Pleasure to see you too"
Owner: "So what can I help you in your escapades now?"
Ryan: "The usual. Business"
placed the diamond pendant right on the counter, surprising him.
Owner: "This is-"
Ryan: "The diamond pendant, straight from the stories"
Owner: "How did you get it?"
Ryan: "I had Cat do her thing, you know what they say about women and their diamonds"
The shop owner then grabbed the pendant before taking his small magnifying glass and inspecting the diamond under the light of his store.
Owner: "Yep, checks out alright. So how much do you want for it?"
Ryan: "At least half a million dollars"
Owner: "You're kidding? You're gonna make me go out of business here, kid"
Ryan: "You could probably sell that for twice as much. Please, boss...I need to get out of this city"
Owner: *sigh* "Fine, since you've done so much for me"
The store owner went under the counter before coming back up with a duffel bag filled with cash.
Owner: "There, all the dime I have. Hope it's enough"
Ryan: "It would, thanks boss"
Ryan grabbed the handles of the duffle bag and went to leave the store only for the owner to grab Ryan's hand and pulled him close to whisper in his ear.
Owner: *whisper* "Just do me a favor, When you get back home. You use that money and RUN, as far away as possible"
Ryan: "Don't worry, We'll get out your hair aster we pack up"
With that, Ryan grabbed the duffel bag off the counter before walking out of the store. Once the door swung shut, The store owner looked over to the corner and saw a blinking red camera looking towards him and the counter.
The phone on the otherside of the counter began ringing, sending chills to the store owner as he slowly made his way to the phone before grabbing the handle and placing it near his ear.
Owner: "Hello...Yes, sir...Yes, sir that is him...I'm afraid it is the real diamond, sir...Understood sir...But-Yes sir, I'll send him the message right away"
Feel like you guys already know where this is going, but I'll sure as hell gonna stick to it.
Feel like it's safe to say that we're halfway now, I know my original arcs are short as hell compared to the MCU ones but what do you guys think?
You guys like a few original arc chapters just to break up the MCU timelines for more story building, let me know with that comment section
Anyways, with that said young guys know the drill
Vote if you wanna
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And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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