(Avengers arc) Part 8
Manhattan is in disarray, vehicles caught on fire, buildings slowly crumbling to rubble as civilians try their best to find safety amidst the explosions and chaos caused by Loki and his Chitauri army.
Steve: "They're like fish in a barrel down there"
Y/n: *whisper* "Peter, what's the sit-rep?"
Peter: *comms* "Most of the people have already evacuated to underground"
Y/n: "How are things going on your end?"
Peter: *comms* "Things seem to be pretty normal around here. Whatever's happening over there you guys got it pretty contained"
Y/n: "That's good"
Multiple Chitauri soldiers then landed just behind the 4 heroes armed with their staff rifles.
Y/n: "That, however, is not good"
Natasha: "We got this, you two. You can go ahead"
Steve: *To Clint* "You think you can hold 'em off?"
Clint: "Captain...It would be my genuine pleasure"
Clint then pressed a button on his bow as his quiver began changing one of the arrowheads Clint then peeked out of cover and pulled out the arrow and shot it at one of the Chitauri directly at its head as several bullets fly off upon impact, taking down a few more Chitauri along with it.
Natasha then laid down cover fire as Y/n and Steve jumped off the overpass, the latter landing on a bus before running along the roof before jumping off right as one of the Chitauri blows it up, all the while Y/n swung over to the crowd and began helping out the civilians.
Steve then began running across the chaotic streets, trying to get to the police blockade that is making a stand against the Chitauri. Over at the police blockade, however, a police officer runs towards another policeman who seems to be in command of the blockade.
Police officer: "Sir!"
Commanding officer: "What is it?"
Police officer: "It's gonna be an hour until they could scramble in the National guard"
Commanding Officer: "National Guard?! Do they even know what's happening here?"
Police Officer: "Do we?"
Steve then jumped onto one of the police cruisers and began telling orders.
Steve: "We need men in these buildings, there are people inside and are gonna be running into the line of fire. You take them to the basement or the subway. You keep them off the streets, I need a perimeter as far back as 39th"
Commanding officer: "Why the hell should I take orders from you?"
A Chitauri ship then flew past a corner to the blockade as 2 Chitauri landed beside Steve and tried to take them on. Steve bashed one of the Chitauri away with his shield before protecting himself from a blast coming from the other Chitauri before punching him away and going back to the one behind him and dislocated its neck with one bash from his shield before ripping the arm cannon off the other and knocking it away.
Commanding Officer: "I need men in those buildings, lead the people down and away from the streets!"
Policeman: "You got it"
Commanding Officer: *To comms* "We got to set-up Perimeter down to 39th street"
Y/n had just finished up escorting the civilians and is now swinging around to check if there's still more to help. When he was about to turn the corner, he saw Iron man fly past him, causing him surprised before his spider-sense warned him of something behind him.
Y/n quickly zips to the side of a building just as a Leviathan crashes into the corner trying to catch up to Tony. It flew so close to Y/n that he got a close-up look on its scaly armor and razor-sharp teeth.
Y/n: "That's a big ass alien...god I should really figure out their names"
Once the Leviathan flew past Y/n, he made his way back to meet up with Steve after he gave orders to the policemen.
Steve: "How does it look?"
Y/n: "Well, most of the civilians have already evacuated. It seems like anywhere near STARK tower is Ground Zero"
Steve: "Then let's make sure it stays that way"
Steve and Y/n look back at the overpass to see Natasha and Clint barely managing to keep up with the relentless horde, so Cap and Spidey went back up to try and help. Steve manages to jump off a cab before shield bashing away a Chitauri from getting close to Natasha as she uses her Widow's bite to tase the Chitauri who's pinning her down.
Y/n on the other hand swung above the overpass and shot a Taser web at a Chitauri as it along with all the Chitauri nearby began getting chain-shocked by the Taser web before Y/n shoots two webs to the ground and slamming down, creating a shockwave that sends the Chitauri away as Y/n webs them in place for Clint to shoot them down with his arrows.
Once everything was cleared, Thor lands on the overpass and leans on a toppled over car while holding on to his wound caused by Loki.
Steve: "What's the story upstairs?"
Thor: "The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable"
Tony: *Comms* "Thor's right, we gotta deal with these guys"
Natasha: "How do we do this?"
Steve: "As a team"
Y/n: "Wait, a team?"
Thor: "I have unfinished business with Loki"
Clint: *fixes arrowhead* "Yeah? Well get in line"
Steve: "Save it. Loki's gonna keep this fight on us and that's what we need, without him these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need-"
Steve was cut off by an engine roaring loud behind him. Everyone looked behind him and saw Bruce Banner riding on a motorcycle in rough formal clothing.
Bruce: "Well...This all seems, horrible"
Natasha: "I've seen worse"
Bruce: "Sorry..."
Natasha: "No, we could use a little worse"
Y/n: "Meh, If this keeps on being a common occurrence we can chalk this up as a normal Monday"
Steve: "Stark, we got him"
Tony: *Comms* "Banner?"
Steve: "Just like you said"
Tony: *comms* "Then tell him to suit up, I'm bringing the party to you"
Y/n and the others then saw Tony fly past a corner with the Leviathan close behind, worrying him and the others.
Natasha: "I-I don't see how that's a party"
Tony then flew close to the ground, leading the Leviathan to skid across the road as it tries to catch up to Tony. Once he flew past the group, Bruce then began turning around to face the Leviathan.
Steve: "Dr. Banner, now might be a good time for you to get angry"
Bruce then looks back with a slight smile across his face.
Bruce: "That's my secret, Cap...I'm always Angry"
Bruce's skin then began turning green as his muscles slowly grow and tear off his upper clothing as he transforms into the hulk.
Once he was fully transformed he PUNCHED the Leviathan directly on its head, instantly stopping it from its tracks. The rest of the Leviathan began toppling over due to the sudden force, causing the tail to rise as the scale-like armor begin falling towards Y/n and the others.
Tony: "Hang on"
Tony then opens up a hatch on his gauntlet to reveal a small missile and fires it towards the Leviathan's exposed skin. When it detonates, the explosion caused the tail to blow up into pieces as the head topples its way towards the streets below, Y/n acted fast and quickly dropped down and web up the head to the overpass before it could hurt any civilians who happen to be nearby.
Once it was fastened securely, He swung back up to the overpass just as Tony lands as Y/n along with the rest of the heroes had their backs together in a circle as the Chitauri army surrounds them from atop the buildings.
Loki: "Send in the rest"
Back towards the portal, the Chitauri army began swarming out of the portal at a rapid pace, sending out dozens of hovercraft/ships of Chitauri aliens along with several Leviathans.
Natasha: "Guys..."
Tony: "Call it, Captain"
Steve: "Alright, listen up. Until we could close that portal, our priority's containment"
Steve then turned towards his teammates and began assigning orders, starting with Clint.
Steve: "Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays"
He then looks over at Tony.
Steve: "Stark, You got the perimeter. anything that gets more than 3 blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash"
Clint: "Wanna give me a lift?"
Tony: "Right. Better clentch up, Legolas"
Tony walked behind Clint and wrapped an arm around his waist as Clint readies for flight before TOny rockets into the air. Steve then looked over at Thor.
Steve: "Thor, You gotta try and bottleneck that portal, slow them down. You got the lightning, light the bastards up"
Thor then spins his hammer around before tossing it in the air and letting the hammer carry him through the air as Steve then looked over at Natasha.
Steve: "You and Me, We stay here on the ground. Keep the fighting here"
Steve then look over at Y/n who was looking around at the destruction of Manhattan before looking back at Steve.
Steve: "Spider-man, you know this city In-and-out. You keep a lookout for any civilians who might get caught in the crossfire. Make sure they get out safely"
Y/n: "You got, Cap"
Y/n then walked back to the railing of the overpass and let himself fall back before thwipping a web and swinging away.
Steve: "And Hulk..."
Hulk whips his head around and looks at Steve.
Steve: "Smash!"
With a grin on his face, Hulk leaped into the air and crushed a Chitauri to a building before smashing another that was beside him and began rampaging around the city.
[Y/n POV]
After I received orders from Captain America, I began swinging around to see if any more civilians need help.
Y/n: "Civilians...Civilians...Civilians"
Peter: *comms* "Heads up, Y/n. You got some bogeys on your trail"
I look behind me and sure enough, 3 flying aircraft things with those aliens are tailing right behind me.
Y/n: "Oh, you gotta be kidding me"
One of the ships shot two lasers at me, I let go of my web and let myself fall and dodge the shot before shooting another web and began swinging away. Once I got a few feet away, I look back again, just to see the ships hot on my trail.
I speed up on my swinging, adding a bit more forward momentum to increase my speed, but those ships keep pursuing me. I swung my way to a parking lot building, vaulting over the gap, and began running across the parking lot, hoping that the gap was too small for them to fit.
But they manage to fly through with ease and began shooting their blasters trying to hit me, causing the cars that are nearby to get hit as I cover my head from the explosions.
Peter: *comms* "Y/n, you gotta lose those ships!"
Y/n: *mumble* "I'm working on it"
I quickly vault over the window gap of the parking lot before doing a moonsault, I then aimed both of my web-shooters and shot two webs towards the aliens to try and blind at least one. The first pair of aliens manage to avoid my webbing but manages to blind two aliens behind them.
The sudden blindness caused them to misfire, which ended up hitting the aliens who are in front of them.
Y/n: "That's one!"
I then continued swinging away, only this time I now have two ships to worry about. They then began picking up their speed to try and retaliate, I dodge one of the alien's swipes by zipping behind me and stopped my momentum, causing their blade to miss my chin by a few inches.
I look to my left and see a construction crane conveniently holding a cement pipe, I quickly made a game plan and began swinging towards the pipe with the other ship in pursuit as it moves at rapid speeds.
Y/n: "I hope this works"
I web up the sides of the cement pipe before pulling myself towards it as I fold my arms to my chest as I shot through the pipe. With how fast the aliens were going and with the sudden appearance of the obstacle, they couldn't stop in time and crashed their ship.
Y/n: "Okay, last one"
With my added momentum, I shot a web to the crane and swung around it as the alien manages to steer back and is now back to chasing me.
You'd think just having one last nuisance to deal with it would be easy, but with the number of sharp turns I'm doing, it's still managed to keep up. I tried swinging around the parking lot and weaving through the columns to try and force it to crash, but still ended up chasing me.
Y/n: "Dang it, Why can't you just leave me alone!?"
The alien roared at me in response as it fired a laser towards me once again, I manage to duck from the shot but it ended up cutting the web I'm using to swing.
Y/n: "Shit!"
I hurriedly shot a web to the air, hoping to catch something. And as soon as I did, Iron Man flew above and manages to catch the web as he does.
Tony: "I got you, kid"
Y/n: "Thanks, it means a lo-Ahhhh!"
I turned behind me to see I was very close to whale-like Alien's mouth as it roared at my face. I quickly climbed my web as Tony blasted the alien that was chasing me.
Tony: "Hang on, Kid. I'm gonna patch you through our comms"
I then felt slight feedback in my earpiece as I heard Natasha's voice through my comms.
Natasha: *comms* "Hey, Spidey. Think you could give me a lift"
Y/n: "Got it *shiver* Guess this is my stop"
Tony: "Keep it up, kid"
I then detached from my web and quickly zipped up to a building before swinging back to the Overpass where Natasha is getting a running start.
Y/n: "Someone ordered the Spider-man express?"
I reached my hand towards Natasha, when she grabbed my hand I threw her upwards before pulling myself up after her. She lands on one of the passing alien ships and stabs one of the aliens in the back. The other turned around and tried to push her off but I quickly web it from behind and pull it off before landing on the ship as Natasha began using the alien she attacked and began piloting.
Y/n: "What are these things anyway? Kinda boring calling them aliens"
Natasha: "They're Loki's army, called the Chitauri"
Y/n: "Chitauri? Sounds exotic. Hey, why did they call you Black Widow anyways?"
Natasha: "It's a secret Russian program that kidnaps children and turns them into weapons"
Y/n: "Okay, Dark but also kinda cool. We should totally hang out sometime, just between Spiders Whaddaya say?"
Natasha: "If New York isn't in danger then maybe I'll consider it"
Y/n: *fist pump* "Yes!"
I quickly looked behind us and see Loki on our tail with malicious intent. He shot laser towards our ship as Natasha began doing evasive maneuvers to avoid getting hit.
Natasha: "Oh, It's you...Hang on!"
I didn't manage to stick onto the ship when Natasha took a sharp turn causing me to fall overboard as Loki began chasing after her.
Natasha: *comms* "Hawkeye!"
Clint: *comms* "Nat, what are you doing?"
Natasha: *comms* "Uhh...A little help!"
Clint: *comms* "I got him"
I then felt an arrow whisk by as Natasha flew up close to STARK Tower, next thing I saw what the ship that Loki was flying explodes, leading Loki to fall to the STARK Tower as the pieces flew through different locations. The first piece flew towards the lettering on STARK Tower, taking down the 'ST' as the 'RK' was already taken down before, leaving just the 'A' remaining intact.
But before I could swing away, I saw the other piece of Loki's ship going towards an Apartment building. I quickly spun my web towards a building before pulling myself towards the debris possibly heading straight towards a building full of civilians.
Once I have enough air, I web up the piece of the ship before hurling it away but I was too late to zip away once after. Causing me to crash through the apartment's window and roughly land on a wooden table, destroying it.
Y/n: "This is the farthest, I've pushed myself in a long time"
I leaned on the splintered table and catch my breath, I lean my head towards the side to rest up for a few minutes only to be met with a 10-year old girl with long black hair in pajamas staring at me.
Y/n: *softly* "Hey...What are you still doing here?"
The little girl hid behind the door as I quickly shot up and tried to assure her.
Y/n: "Hey, Hey, It's okay I'm not gonna hurt you. Are your parents home?"
The little girl cowered further in the door as I looked confused as to why that's so.
I then felt my Spider-sense go off as a Chitauri tried to ambush me from behind. I quickly leaped its attempt to back-stab me and wrapped my legs around its neck before doing a back-flip, slamming the Chitauri down hard on the floor before webbing it in place.
Two more Chitauri show up to the apartment, crashing through the walls around the window I crashed into tearing down the entire part of the room. One Chitauri tried to swing its staff towards me, I cartwheeled away just in time before webbing up its face and pulled it towards me as I spin in the air and delivered a swift kick to the side of its head, knocking it out and sending him away from the apartment.
The other Chitauri tried to reach for his arm canon but I quickly intercepted it as I reach over to its waits before swinging my legs around its neck, and with my remaining momentum swung my upper body around, tossing the Chitauri out of the apartment in one swift motion.
I look back over to the girl and see the girl peek through the door in amazement. I quickly crouched down to her height and beckons her to come over, she was slightly hesitant but reluctantly went over to me and pat her on the head.
I look over at the large hole on the wall and see a Chitauri ship coming towards us, I shielded the little girl and went to my earpiece.
Y/n: "Clint, got a bogey heading straight towards an apartment building. Can you hit it?"
Clint *comms* "'Can I hit it?' He asks"
The next thing I saw was a large explosion taking down the Chitauri ship as the little girl peeked around and watched in awe.
Y/n: "Alright, You're good I get it. But you might wanna get out of that roof, There are dozens of those alien things coming straight for you.
Clint: *comms* "Yep! Way ahead of you"
From the apartment, I could see Clint fighting off the Chitauri with his bow before quivering an arrow and jumping off the roof as it explodes. He then reached over to his back and used the arrow in his quiver to shoot an anchor towards the edge of the roof. Once his line reached its maximum length, then swing towards the building, legs bucked as he slams through the glass panel.
Y/n: *scoff* "Show off"
I then turn back to the little girl and lead her back inside.
Y/n: "You go to your parents now, okay? This will all be over soon, I promise"
Little Girl: "Are we gonna be okay?"
I crouch down to her height and look her in the eyes through my mask.
Y/n: "Sure you are, I'll protect you with all my life"
Little Girl: "But what if you're not here like last time?"
Y/n: "Umm...I-uhh. Oh! I got it"
I then pat around my suit trying to find a good memento of me, feeling nothing my hand instinctively went to my chest. I look over to see my hand hovering over my spider symbol on my chest. I ripped the logo off my chest and reached over to the girl's hand and placed it on her palm.
Y/n: "Whenever you feel in danger, you hold tightly on this symbol and think of me, and just like Beetlejuice I'm gonna come to you, Okay?"
Little Girl: "Beetlejuice?"
Y/n: "Nevermind that, just know that whenever you're feeling afraid or hopeless. Just hold onto this tightly and I assure you everything will be okay"
I wipe away a few tears that were threatening to fall before hugging the little girl and going towards the edge of the wall. Before I jump off, I shot a web to my chest where I ripped off my symbol.
Y/n: "Can't have people seeing my 3 chest hairs"
I looked over and gave the girl a two-fingered salute
Y/n: "See you around!"
I then jumped off before swinging away back to the overpass, where I see Thor and Steve making their last stand. Back-to-back they were each going back and forth in a coordinated manner as they wipe out the Chitauri.
One of the Chitauri manages to shoot Steve, hitting him directly in the stomach. Thor quickly swaps his attention and hits a car towards the group of Chitauri that's grouped up, crushing them before turning back and throwing his hammer to the other group of Chitauri.
I quickly swung down and helped Steve back up his feet as I web up his wound.
Thor: "You ready for another bout?"
Steve: "What? You getting sleepy?"
Once Steve has caught his breath Tohr recalled his hammer as my Spider-sense started going crazy. Confused, I look around and didn't see any Chitauri nearby. I then quickly made my way to a vantage point and began scouring of the incoming threat, my eyes landed near the coastline as I squint my eyes I see what seems to be a missile coming straight for Manhattan.
I then heard Natasha through my intercoms, saying that she could close the portal.
Natasha: "Can anyone copy? I could shut the portal down!"
Steve: "Do it!"
Tony: *comms* "No, wait!"
Steve: "Stark these things are just gonna keep coming"
Tony: "I got a nuke coming in and it's gonna blow in less than a minute"
Y/n: "That's a nuke!!?"
I then saw to the side, Iron man flying towards the nuke and began carrying it on his back.
Tony: "And I know just where to put it"
Steve: "Stark, you know that's a one-way trip"
Tony: *comms* "Save the rest for the turn, J"
J.A.R.V.I.S: "Sir, shall I try Ms. Potts?"
Tony: *comms* "Might as well"
Tony then flew past us and changed his direction and went straight to the top and flew inside the portal. A few seconds later, the Chitauri that are still alive began limping over towards us with their weapons still aimed at us, until suddenly every Chitauri drops to the ground along with the giant whale-like Chitauri as it sprawled around on a building.
We look over to the portal to see the nuke had detonated, we tried reaching Tony but were only met with radio static.
Steve: "...Close it"
Y/n: "No, wait. He's still in there!"
Steve: "Close it, Nat"
The ray above STARK Tower then dissipates as the portal began rapidly shrinking. I hang my head down thinking we'd lost Mr. Stark, but just as I look up, I saw Tony's body make it past the portal and is now descending from the sky.
Y/n: "He made it back!"
Steve: "Son of a Gun"
I look up in the air excitedly but it was then I realized that Tony's body still picking up speed.
Thor: "He's not slowing down"
Acting quickly, I web up an antenna and began building tension by pulling down with my feet planted on the ground. Once I see Tony fall a few more feet, I propelled myself towards him, catching him in my arms, slightly getting hurt from his armor, but I pressed on as I shot a web to a building as I swing back down safely to the overpass.
Thor and Steve made their way over to me along with the Hulk as Thor pulled off Tiny's mask as Steve checked for breathing, but he pulled back when he didn't get a sign of breathing.
I look over the arc reactor going dim, I quickly thought of an idea as I configure my web-shooters to Taser webs.
Y/n: "I got an idea, everybody get back"
Thor, Steve, and The Hulk complied and walked back from Me and Tony.
Y/n: "Clear!!"
I charged up my taser webs and shot it towards Tony's Arc Reactor. The Taser web manages to kick-start the arc reactor, I lean my ear towards his mouth and hear his breathing begin getting steady.
Y/n: "He's alive, just sleeping now. Do you mind waking him up, Big guy?"
The Hulk turned and nod towards me before letting out a roar, startling Tony awake.
Tony: "WHAT JUST HAPPENED!? Please, tell me no one kissed me"
Steve then kneeled exhausted as he look up at the now clear skies of Manhattan.
Steve: "We won..."
Y/n: "Oh, thank God. I honestly couldn't take it anymore"
I felt my knees give out as I went down and leaned back, coincidentally landing on hulk's leg. I closed my eyes and began resting but hulk moved his leg away, causing me to fall straight to the ground earing a chuckle from a few of my teammates.
Tony: "Alright, yey! alright Good job, guys *groan* Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day...You ever tried Shawarma? There's a Shawarma joint about two blocks out, I don't know what it is, but I want to try it."
Y/n: "Assuming it's not reduced to rubble yet, that is"
Thor: "Well we're not done yet"
Tony: "...Then Shawarma after"
[3rd POV]
After his "encounter" with The Hulk, Loki is seen crawling out of his shaped crater and making his way up a few steps to Tony's elevator. He heard shuffling from behind him along with a thwipping of a web.
Loki turned around slowly to see The Avengers standing before him as Clint pulled back on his bow while Y/n hangs upside down on his web behind the team while waving towards Loki.
Y/n: "Hey...How you doin'?"
Loki: "if it's all the same to you, I'd have that drink now"
Crap this is long, I thought I could slip in the epilogue but I think it's best if I end this right here.
Stay tuned for the Finale/Eqilogue it's gonna be published in a few minutes/hours, depending on how fast you read this, or who knows it might come out while you're reading this.
The message will continue in the next chapter so until then, You guys know the drill
Vote if you wanna
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And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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