(Avengers Arc) Part 7
Everyone in the lab tensed up at the sudden appearance of a threat as Nick looked slightly irritated at Y/n.
Nick: "Why the hell didn't you tell us sooner?!"
Y/n: "Oh I don't know, maybe because you're all arguing like a bunch of children!"
Nick: "You mind your mouth, little brat"
Tony: "Hey, ease off the kid. If anything it's your fault that we're in this mess"
Natasha: "Having an unauthorized person accompany you in a threat this big alone is wrong enough, so you have no right to say who's at fault"
Bruce: "The kid did good, he might've actually found out what other lies S.H.I.E.L.D is telling us"
Thor: "You humans are still so primitive"
Steve: "Okay, enough! How about let's focus on the task at hand and then maybe we could-"
Y/n: "GET DOWN!!"
One of the main engines to take a hit by Clint Barton's explosive arrows, once he triggered the explosive, it not only destroys the rotor but the blast went through an air vent near the engine and went to the vent under the lab.
With Y/n's spider-sense, everybody manages to brace for the explosion but it didn't stop Natasha and Bruce to be blasted out of the lab.
Tony: "Kid, are you alright?"
Y/n: "Just Peachy!"
Steve: "Get the kid out of here, after that put on your suit"
Tony: "Yep, got it. Come on, kid!"
Y/n made his way to Tony and Steve as they make their way out of the lab.
Nick: "Hill, give me a sit-rep"
Over at the main bridge, All the crewmembers have all hands on deck while the others scramble to get armed
Maria: "Main Engine 3 is down, Can I get a run-in? Talk to me"
Crew: "The Turbine looks, mostly intact. but it's impossible to go outside and make repairs while we're in the air"
Maria: "If we lose one more engine then we won't be. *To comms* Someone's gonna get outside and patch that engine"
Nick: "Stark, you heard that?"
Tony: "Loud and clear"
Tony and Steve are in the Hangar as Tony is escorting Y/n into a nearby escape pod.
Tony: "Engine 3, I'll meet you there"
Steve: "Got it"
Tony: "Y/n, I'm sending you to an escape pod back to Queens"
Y/n: "They have escape pods here?"
Tony: "I assume so, otherwise what are they thinking?"
Y/n and Tony manage to find an escape pod, Y/n quickly made his way inside as Tony began inputting the coordinates back to his home.
Tony: "Okay, whatever happens here and if it starts getting worse; You get yourself and your family out of town, got it?"
Y/n: "Will everything be okay, once I'm gone?"
Tony; "Hopefully with you out of the way, I'll worry less about one last casualty"
Tony then shuts the pod's door as Y/n strapped himself in.
Y//n: *mutter* "This is fine, Y/n. It's just like riding on a plane"
Once he's settled in, Tony launches the pod and watches it fly away before turning back to the Hangar and presses a button on his phone and revealing a secret compartment for his Iron Man armor.
Back with Y/n, he is seen holding his mouth as he closes his eyes trying hard not to puke on the escape pod.
Y/n: *thought* "This is so not like riding a plane!"
The escape pod then roughly lands on the streets of Queens, skipping on the ground before skidding to a stop conveniently right next to Peter's home. Y/n quickly took off the straps around him before opening the hatch and running towards Peter's home.
When he enters through the front door and was met by Aunt May in the living room watching the TV.
May: "Oh, Y/n there you are! Where have you been?"
Y/n: *rapidly* "Can't talk now, May. Gotta do something important, Love you Bye!"
Y/n ran up the stairs towards his shared room with Peter. He barges in the room to see Peter studying with his autographed Tony Stark book.
Peter: "You're back, how did it go?"
Y/n: "Manhattan's in trouble"
Peter: "Oh, you do you then. I'll go boot up"
Y/n: "No, no. I mean something big. Like probably aliens type big"
Y/n went to the closet and move aside Peter's outfits to reveal Y/n's spider-suit. He grabbed it from the closet and proceeds to take off his clothes.
Peter: "Aliens are real?"
Y/n: "Maybe, there are talks of space so I wouldn't pass it up"
Peter: "Should we evacuate?"
Y/n: "Not yet, the last thing we need is a panic"
Y/n slipped on his suit before grabbing Peter by the shoulders.
Y/n: "You remember our agreement, right? You being the guy in the chair?"
Peter: "Is it time?"
Y/n: "It's time, I'll try to contain the threat in Manhattan. But if I couldn't, I need you to get May and yourself out of town. You got it?"
Peter: "Come on, Y/n I can-"
Y/n: "I need you to promise me, okay? Can you do that for me?"
Peter: "But what about you?"
Y/n: "It doesn't matter about what I do, just get May and yourself out of harm's way got it?"
Peter: "Yeah...Yeah, I got it"
Y/n: "Good, but until then I'm gonna need your help. I'm gonna need a guide to get the civilians out safely"
Peter then went over to his computer and tossed Y/n a small device.
Peter: "If you could connect me to one of the satellites of Manhattan, I could probably look for the best evacuation routes"
Y/n: "You sure one is enough? Manhattan is a pretty big place"
Peter: "Trust me, I've been on my computer for most of my life now *cracks knuckles* Don't underestimate my power with computers"
Y/n: "Right...I'm counting on you, buddy"
Y/n webbed his mask towards him before slipping it on before jumping out the window and began swinging to Manhattan.
[Y/n POV]
I made it to Manhattan and swing around the block, looking for a good satellite box to plug Peter's device into.
Y/n: "Manhattan looks safe so far. I wonder how long till that lasts"
I manage to swing onto a rooftop with a circuit box connected to a satellite. I peeled oven the main hatch before connecting Peter's device to the satellite, once he was connected I quickly checked up on Peter.
Y/n: "How's it going over there?"
Peter: *comms* "All green on my end, accessing roadmaps and tunnels now. How's it going on your end?"
I look over at STARK Tower just as a blue light shot up into the sky. Once the ray of light hits the sky, a giant blue cloud began forming just above the ray before slowly forming into a giant hole.
Peter: *comms* "Y/n?"
Y/n: "The Aliens are coming"
Out of the portal came several small ships, each carrying two alien creatures, and began storming into Manhattan. People began stopping on the sidewalk as others got out of their cars to get a good look at the portal.
I look over closely, I see a Red and Gold silhouette intercepting them before sending out a barrage of missiles, destroying them before getting the chance to get in the city.
Y/n: "Mr. Stark must be putting in the work"
However, Iron Man's attempts to stop the invasion were short-lived as the aliens made their way past him and into Manhattan, raining down fire upon the citizens. I quickly sprung into action, swinging by the main road and grabbing people out of the way as dozens of cars nearly toppled over them.
Y/n: "Peter, the aliens began their assault and the civilians are sitting duck. Where should I lead them to?"
Peter: *comms* "Just a few blocks down, there's a subway entrance, get the people to the emergency tunnels and they should be able to get out of there safely"
Y/n: "Got it"
I quickly set a civilian in my arms down before zipping up to a street lamp to get everyone's attention.
Y/n: "Everyone, evacuate to the subway station! Follow emergency personnel to the emergency tunnels!"
I began leading the civilians to where they needed to go right until the police have arrived.
Policeman: "We'll take it from here, Spidey"
Y/n: "Thanks, get these people off the streets, or else none of them will be safe"
Policeman: "You got it"
I then look up to see Iron man fly past me along with a few alien fleets behind him. I zipped up to the roof before launching myself up into the air and began swinging on one of the incoming ships.
I quickly turn to my right to see a Jet coming my way as it unravels a minigun, I quickly let go of my web before swinging up a building when I see Iron man in the distance. I quickly shot a web towards him and latched on as he flew by. I climbed up my web just as he looks down confused at me.
Tony: "Who the heck are you?"
Y/n: "Nevermind that, what's going on?"
Tony: "Basically a glowing cube from space opened up a portal using my arc reactor as a power source and is currently plunging Manhattan into chaos"
Y/n: "Alright, I'll see what I could do to help out!"
I let go of my web before shooting another one to a building and made a quick patrol of the city.
An alien ship shot at the foundation for a massive billboard and is about to fall onto the civilians below. I quickly swing over and web up the foundation just enough for the billboard to tip over the edge before webbing it up for safekeeping.
Peter: *comms* "Y/n, I'm seeing civilians trapped in a coffee shop nearby"
I look around and soon enough, I see a coffee shop with some debris blocking the entrance, blocking everyone from getting out. I drop down to the coffee shop and began webbing up the rubble and pulling it off the entrance as the people began storming out.
Y/n: "Alright everyone, get to safety"
Peter: *comms* "Y/n, there are people trapped inside a building, it's gonna collapse any time soon"
Y/n: "Which floor?"
Peter: *comms* "Seventh floor"
I look around to see any seven-story buildings or taller to try and locate the endangered civilians. I look over at one of the business center buildings and see a few people banging on the windows.
Y/n: "That must be the seventh"
I swung my way over to them and began making a safety net made of webs. Once it was big and safe enough, I climbed my way over and broke the glass.
Y/n: "Okay everyone, I'm gonna need you all to jump off this building"
I look around to see people look at me like I'm crazy.
Y/n: "You can trust me, there's a safety net that'll catch you. I promise"
The civilians look over at each other before looking back down to see my web net. One by one they each jump off and landed safely on my webbing.
Civilian: "Someone help us!!!"
I look deeper inside the building and see people getting crushed by a column. I quickly ran towards them and positioned myself under the column.
Civilian: "Spider-man, please help us"
Y/n: "Don't worry, I will. On my signal you all crawl and jump out of this building, emergency evac is downstairs waiting for you. If you can move, help the injured. Ready?"
The people nodded as I began lifting the column off of them. Right as I was about to lift it off, the floor above us fell on the column, giving me more weight to lift off.
Peter: *comms* "Y/n you gotta hurry, that building won't last long!"
I then pressed on, lifting the column with all my might as I held it in the air long enough for the civilians to crawl away safely.
Y/n: "Go, go, Go!"
Once everyone was out, I move out of the way just in time before the column nearly crushed me. Once I know everything was clear I quickly jumped out before the building fell on me.
After I took a moment to catch my breath, I immediately noticed a Jet spinning out of control.
Y/n: "You gotta be shitting me"
I quickly ran up the building before hopping on to the Jet while it was in the apex of its flight.
Y/n: "Come on, Come on, Y/n. Think of a plan, any plan!"
I then see two buildings and I quickly shot two webs before connecting them to the Jet.
I then pulled myself, along with the plane upwards, to try and keep the Jet from roughly landing on the streets. As we were swinging up, the back of the Jet was torn off and was about to crush the civilians on the main road.
Y/n: *rapidly* "You got this-You got this-You got this"
I hurriedly shot a web to the back of the Jet and pulled it towards me, flying past the Jet and slamming onto a building before I webbed it in place. When the Jet was at the maximum height of the swing, I jumped off of the Jet and aimed my web-shooters towards it.
Y/n: "Please work, please work, please work!!"
I rapidly shoot my webs to the Jet, wrapping it up to the nearby buildings before landing on the Jet in a 3-point stance.
Y/n: "Phew! Thank god, that worked"
Once the Jet was safely in-tact, for the most part, I crawled my way over the cockpit and see a guy with a bow with a quiver of arrows on his back and the spy lady.
Y/n: "Hello there"
Bow guy: "Who the hell are you?"
Y/n: "introductions later, we need to get you out of there"
I then crawled over to the back of the Jet where it was exposed and to my surprise I saw Captain America, or Steve, hanging on for dear life.
Y/n: "Need some help there, Cap?"
Steve: "Yeah, that'd be appreciated"
I then got Steve and the rest back down on the ground. We look back up to see the portal getting bigger as a few more alien ships fly in along with a large whale-like alien. The assault grew stronger as they continue to lay fire on the streets of Manhattan. I heard cries for help by the overpass, we four looked at each other collectively before nodding as we proceed to the overpass and help any civilians that are trapped.
I quickly leaped over to the overpass and began escorting any civilians that are in the line of fire. I see a group of aliens aiming at the civilians, I quickly shot out a web bomb from my web-shooters and watched as the aliens are wrapped by my webbing before getting blasted by the Spy lady.
The two then went to the bus that had civilians trapped as Captain America and I fend off any aliens that try to get close. I began focusing on one side of the bus, fending off the aliens one by one.
I look over as one of the aliens aimed its staff/rifle towards me, I quickly webbed an alien that was close to me in the face before pulling him in front of me to take the shots.
Another alien tried to get a jump on me by attacking me from behind, I jumped over his attack and webbed the alien in the face before kicking him towards a group of aliens who are approaching me, toppling them over as I web them up together.
I look back at the last two aliens in the area and see that they had their rifles already pointed at me. I jumped and twirled around in the air just as they fired lasers at me, leading it to barely graze my side. Once I was exiting my spin, I shot a web to the alien's face on the right before leaping above the two, grabbing both of their rifles out of their hands.
I then webbed up the non-face webbed alien before pulling him to the ground just as I slammed my knee to its chin, knocking it out of the fight before turning to the alien I webbed up and wrapped him in a cocoon before sweeping its legs before kicking it to the side of the overpass, the webbing instantly sticking to the side.
Once it was clear, I made my way back to the bus and landed on the roof.
Y/n: "So, I don't think we've introduced ourselves yet. I'm Spider-man"
Bow guy: "I'm Clint, that red-head over there is the black widow, otherwise known as Natasha Romanoff"
I look behind me to see a small fleet of those aliens fly past the corner and coming straight towards us. We then went over to a taxi to take cover with Steve joining us right after. The aliens bombarded the overpass that we were in, but thanks to the vehicles and Steve's shield we manage to get away unscathed.
We then look back and see the fleet whisking past us and into the streets where they continued their bombardment against the city.
Y/n: *sigh* "This is gonna be a long day"
We are at the Battle of New York now, wow. can't believe we're almost at the end in one week.
Also, I'd like to thank all of you for 5.18k reads and 209 votes, thanks to all of you Road to Spider-man has officially become my most viewed and voted book.
So now with all that said, you guys know the drill
Vote if you wanna
Share to your friends if you have any
And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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