(Avengers arc) Part 6
After Dr. Banner and I removed ourselves from Tony and Steve, the two's conversation turned to a fully heated argument that ends with Steve storming off and telling Tony to "just find the cube"
I was sitting by the Scepter and monitoring its behavior. I was looking at the spear intently not noticing Dr. Banner standing in front of me. He gently taps my shoulder, causing me to move my attention towards him.
Bruce: "you're really attracted to that thing, aren't ya?"
Y/n: "I guess you could say that..."
Bruce: "Sorry about my awkwardness...it's just I never really interacted well with kids"
Y/n: "Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't think that you'd need me for anything"
Bruce: "No it's alright, I understand. But I do wonder, how did you become Tony's assistant?"
Y/n: "I impressed him, or so he says"
Bruce: "Really? How so?"
Y/n: "I told him what I observed with the Tesseract and the Scepter and told me that I had observation skills of P.h.D scientists"
Bruce: "Wow, and how old did you say you were?"
Y/n: "I'm 15"
Bruce: "Little young to be working on something in this caliber don't you think?"
Y/n: "Yeah, but if you have a best friend that won't shut up about Einstein's equation of relativity You'd bound to learn some things non-willingly"
Bruce: "Welp, I'm gonna go grab some grub. Want anything?"
Y/n: "Another pack of Blueberries, please. Mr. Stark ate them all"
Bruce: *chuckle* "You got it, kid"
Dr. Banner then stepped out of the lab and went to grab some food as I went back to observing the Scepter.
Y/n: "From what Captain said, this Scepter worked like a HYDRA weapon, Nick also said that this is powered by the cube...I wonder"
I stood up and began looking around the lab and went to look for any form of portable power source. I checked every shelf and a few cabinets until I found what seems to be a power battery.
Y/n: "It's no Tesseract, but maybe this will work"
I then grabbed the battery and went back to the Scepter and began making a few tests. I first tried slapping on the battery to the Scepter.
Y/n: "No response, figures"
I then began taking down the battery and modifying it to output controlled charges from wires, once I had that I tried another test. This time placing the 2 wires to 2 certain points of the Scepter.
Y/n: "Still nothing. I am not just gonna believe this is Magic, even if it's alien magic! And I'm talking to an inanimate object, great...What the hell have you've doing, Y/n?"
I went ahead and did one last test, this time placing the wires to the blue gem at the spear. As soon as I placed the wires to the gem, I notice it glowing from the contact.
Y/n: "A reaction? I knew it"
I then grabbed the scanner and went to scan the Scepter, but I stopped when I see the gem, moving? I went to inspect it further but was stopped by the door to the lab suddenly opening up as Mr. Stark walks in with Dr. Banner with a packet of blueberries,
Tony: "What'cha doin' there?"
Y/n: "Nothing, just...doing some experiments"
Tony: "Anything noteworthy?"
Y/n: "I got some sort of reaction"
Tony: "Progress, keep working on it"
Y/n: "You got it...wait what? It's alright to do some experiments?"
Bruce: "Relax, kid. You do what you need to, we'll deal with the rest"
Y/n: "Sure, thanks. Since we're on the topic, Mr. Stark, do you mind if I borrow J.A.R.V.I.S for a moment?"
Tony: "Catch"
Mr. Stark then tossed his phone over to me as I slightly fumbled to catch it before settling it in my hands.
Tony: "Careful with that. You break it, you buy it"
Y/n: "Where's the trust?"
Tony: "Whatever, kid. Just don't break anything otherwise I'd get in trouble"
Tony went over to the scanner as Bruce pats my shoulder before leaving me be to continue my experiments.
Y/n: "J.A.R.V.I.S, you got a sec?"
J.A.R.V.I.S: "Of course, how would I be of service Mr. L/n?"
Y/n: "I need you to do a scan on this Scepter, give me any properties that shouldn't be on a spear"
J.A.R.V.I.S: "At once, sir"
I then heard a beep over at the monitor beside me.
Tony: "The decryption is done. Move aside, kid"
I stood from my chair and placed his phone on the table before reaching over to the packet of blueberries and began snacking on it. While I walk around the lab, I look over outside and noticed the sun is already out.
Y/n: *sigh* "Morning already? I gotta fix my sleep schedule all over again"
I took a blueberry and tossed it in my mouth before check-in up on the scanner.
Y/n: "We got a lock!"
Tony: "Great, now we need just a bit more waiting and everything will be over with. On a side note, Banner come over here."
I then decided to go get some fresh air and went to leave the lab, only for Nick Fury to barge inside the laboratory forcing me back into my original position.
[3rd POV]
Nick: "What are you doing, Mr. Stark?"
Tony: "Umm, kinda been thinking the same thing about you"
Nick: "You're supposed to be locating the Tesseract"
Bruce: "And we are, the model's locked and we're sweeping through the signature now. When we get a hit *points to the scanner* We'd have the signature within half a mile"
Tony: "Then you'd get your cube back, no fuss, no muss"
The monitor then beeps again, signifying that the decrypted files are now accessible as the computer shows something called 'Phase 2'
Tony: "What is Phase 2?"
Steve: "Phase 2 is that S.H.I.E.L.D uses the cube to make weapons"
Steve barges in with a gun and slams it on a table next to Y/n.
Steve: "Sorry, the computer's moving too slow for me"
Nick: "Rogers, we gathered everything he had on the Tesseract this does not mean that we-"
Tony: "I'm sorry Nick"
Tony pans the monitor over to show Nick and the others schematics for a missile with the Tesseract acting as its core.
Tony: "What were you lying about?"
Steve: "I was wrong, Director. The world hasn't changed a bit"
Thor and Natasha walk into the lab and heard the commotion that's happening.
Bruce: "Did you know about this?"
Natasha: "Do you wanna think about removing yourself from this environment, Doctor?"
Bruce: "I was in Calcutta, I was pretty well removed"
Natasha: "Loki is manipulating you"
Bruce: "And you've been doing what exactly?"
Natasha: "You didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you?"
Bruce: "Listen, I'm not leaving because suddenly you got a little twitchy"
Bruce then grabs the monitor and gestures to the schematics.
Bruce: "I'd like to know, why S.H.I.E.L.D is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction"
Nick: "...Because of him!"
Nick points to Thor, confusing him.
Thor: "Me?"
Nick: "Last year, Earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge that leveled that of a small town. We learned that not only are we alone but that we are Hopelessly. Hilariously, outgunned"
Thor: "My people want nothing but peace with your planet"
Nick: "But you're not the only people out there, are you? And you're not the only threat, the world is filling up with people who can't be matched. They can't be controlled"
Steve: "Like you controlled the cube?"
Thor: "Your work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it and his allies, it is a signal to all the realms that The Earth is prepared for a higher form of war"
Steve: "A higher form?"
Nick: "You forced our hand, we had to come up with some-"
Tony: "A nuclear deterrent, because that always calms everything right down"
Nick: "Remind me again how you made your fortune, Stark?"
The scanner then beeped, signaling that it got a hit on the Tesseract, which Y/n took notice of instantly.
Y/n: "We got a hit, Hey guys we got a-"
The scanner beeped again, confusing Y/n. He went to check and find out it was a separate scanner for incoming threats.
Y/n: "Uhh, guys?"
Steve: "I'm sure if he still made weapons, he would be neck-deep in-"
Y/n: "Guys!"
Tony: "Wait, hold on. How is this now about me?"
Steve: "I'm sorry, isn't it everything?"
Y/n: "Hello...hey we got a situ-"
Thor: "I thought humans are more evolved than this"
Nick: "Excuse me, but do we come to your planet and blow stuff up?"
Thor: "You treat your champions with such mistrust"
Y/n: "Can everyone just please, listen to me!"
Natasha: "Are you boys really that naive? S.H.I.E.L.D monitors potential threats"
Bruce: "Captain America is on a threat watchlist?"
Natasha: "We all are-"
The room then fell quiet amidst Y/n's outburst and look over at him as he took a deep breath and calm down.
Y/n: "Thank you, now can we get back on the topic of The Tesseract? I just got a lock on its location"
Steve: "What does it say?"
Y/n: "It says it's in Upper Westside, Manhattan. I also saw the scanner pick up an aircraft, which is weird because we're high up in the clouds"
Nick: "Where did the scanner say the threat was?"
Y/n looked over before turning back before looking with a worrying expression.
Y/n: "The threat is...flying beside the Helicarrier right now"
We are reaching the Finally everyone, I think this could be a record for the fastest time I finish an arc.
But let's make this quick so I could make the next chapter, still very excited about this.
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And I'll see you all when I see you
Bye Bye
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