(Avengers Arc) Part 4
Y/n and Tony were standing around the room amazed, the contents of 'The L/n File' plastered around the two with more detailed descriptions about the Tesseract, even Project [Redacted] is shown to be Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S and the scientific discoveries they had made with it that were kept hidden from the world, including S.H.I.E.L.D.
Y/n: "Woah...This is insane"
Tony: "How did you do that?"
Y/n: "Hmm? Did what?"
Tony: "Their firstborn, How did you know the name of D/n and M/n L/n's firstborn?"
Y/n: "It's because I am, their firstborn"
Tony: "Wait, hold on. What's your name again?"
Y/n: "Oh, I never really gotten the chance to introduce myself. My name is Y/n L/n, it's an honor to meet you"
Tony: "Y/n L/n...Well I'll be"
Y/n: "Is there something wrong?"
Tony: "No, nothing it's just...Wow! You know you gave me a hard time"
Y/n: "Hard time, I don't know what you-"
Tony then placed an arm around Y/n's shoulder before going over to a workbench nearby.
Tony: "No really, I had to look up every catalog my father had about the L/n's and none of them have a lick of a hint of your existence"
They then reached the workbench and sat down face-to-face.
Tony: "It's just that, My father, Howard has been so talkative about the L/n family and their contribution to the point I feel like he doesn't shut up about them"
Y/n: "Did they ever talk about what they were like?"
Tony: "Oh, all the time. From how proficient they are from their work, the maintenance of their lab, and not to mention their ethics which, between you and me is a little-"
Y/n: "I meant personally!"
Y/n unintentionally raised his voice at Tony, surprising him as Y/n took a deep breath and renewed his stance.
Y/n: "I meant what were they like, as in personality-wise not their work-life"
Tony: *clears throat* "Well, I couldn't remember much. Just that they were kind and loving to each other, friendly to those close to them, and I bet they'll love and cherish you and what you've become right now"
Y/n: "Thanks, Mr. Stark...it means a lot to me"
Tony: "Alright, let's skip past the sappy stuff. You, sir, have officially impressed me, and that's no easy feat"
Y/n: "Really? How come?"
Tony: "Remember my comment about your analysis being 'that of Ph.D. scientists'"
Y/n: 'yeah, and you said it wasn't enough for you which led you calling up the Pentagon to arrest me"
Tony: "How about we gloss over the part where I almost arrest you and into the part where I said about you"
Y/n: "'My analysis is that of-'"
Tony: "'-a P.h.D scientists' now notice I said 'scientists', plural, and you're like what? How old are you?"
Y/n: "I'm 15"
Tony: "15? Wow, I was sprier at your age"
Y/n: "Well I wasn't exactly blessed with a fortune so..."
Tony: "Wealth aside, this brings me to my next point that I just so happen to have thought of now. How do you feel working for me as an assistant?"
Y/n: "You mean, like a secretary? or..."
Tony: "No, no, I'm talking about my side-gigs being Iron-man and stuff like that. Whadda ya say?"
Y/n: "Wow...This is just so much to take in I-"
Tony: "I can give you a newly established STARK internship, I'll pay for any college, University, whatever"
Y/n: "Can my friend also get in on this?"
Tony: "That depends what's your friend like?"
Y/n: "Well he's just as passionate about science as I am, plus Me and my friend working together can finish any of your assigned tasks in less time it takes for me to do alone so-"
Tony: "Done, anything else?"
Y/n: *scoff* "I just...it's just a lot to take in"
Tony: "Take as much time as you need, but I do need you to hurry up because the tour just ended and I have a flight tonight to Stuttgart"
Y/n: "Right, the tour, I should get going *double-back* Oh wait, you're autograph. If you could just..."
Y/n went to his bag and brought his and Peter's books out before grabbing the sharpie from his pocket and handing it to Tony, who immediately stops him.
Tony: "I don't like to be handed things, just put it over here and I'll sign them"
Y/n complied and placed the books down on the workbench with the cover opened and placed the sharpie on his book before stepping away and letting Tony sign the books. Once he was done, he capped the sharpie before piling the books before placing the sharpie on top and gestures Y/n over to pick it up.
Y/n: "Thanks again, Mr. Stark"
Tony: "Yep, No worries Y/n"
After Y/n left the room and out of STARK tower, he made his way to the school bus and got on just as it was about to depart.
Teacher: "And where have you been Mr. L/n?"
Flash: "I bet he got lost trying to find the bathroom and ended up peeing himself"
Y/n: "I see you speak from experience?"
The entire bus snickers, causing Flash to glare at Y/n as he took his seat next to Peter.
Y/n: "And if you really want to know, I just happen to bump into Mr. Stark and ask him to sign my books. Here you go, Pete"
Peter: "Thanks, pal"
Miles: "Wait, did you seriously get an autograph from Tony Stark?"
Y/n: "Boom!"
Y/n then showed the entire class the cover page for Tony's book and see it signed as...
Genius Billionaire Playboy, Tony Stark. AKA Iron man
The class whispers to themselves in amazement as the Teacher settles them down for the bus to depart.
Y/n:*whisper* "Also, I just so happen to score us some free STARK internship"
Peter: *whisper* "You're kidding?!"
Y/n: *whisper* "Dead serious, got it when he asked me to be his assistant"
Peter: "Holy-! Now I wished I could've been there with you"
Y/n and Peter then settled down and wait around until the bus reaches the school. Once it arrived, the two departed from the bus and into the streets of Manhattan where they took another bus to get back home.
When they reached back home, the sun is starting to set. They entered their home and sat down with may to eat dinner before changing into their sleeping wear and heading straight to bed.
[Y/n POV]
I was laying down on my bed in the comfort of my bedsheets that felt like cloud 9 when suddenly my phone started ringing on the coffee table irritating Me and Peter as I was forcefully woken up by the noise.
Peter: *groan* "Shut that thing off!"
Y/n: "Yeah, yeah. I got it Mr. Grumpy pants"
I begrudgingly pulled off my sheets and picked up my phone before answering the call.
Y/n: *groggily* "What do you want?"
Tony: "Oh good, you're still awake"
Tony: "It's like, 11:00 pm I was still asleep"
Tony: "Listen to me, Remember our deal about you being my assistant?"
Y/n: "Yeah? What about it?"
Tony: "Get dressed, and I'll have someone to pick you up"
Y/n: "Pick me up, how?"
Tony: "Just get dressed and head outside"
Y/n: "Alright, fine"
I then hung up the call and stood up from my bed. I placed my phone on my desk as I open the closet and went to the box at the bottom where I kept my clothes, I felt for some jeans and a shirt before putting it on along with a jacket and making my way out of the room.
Peter: *groggily* "Where are you going?"
Y/n: "Heading out to meet, Mr. Stark"
Peter: "Oh...Cool"
Y/n: "And if Aunt May or the others asked where I went. Just tell them I'm dead or something"
Peter: "Whatever...have fun"
Y/n: "Yeah..."
I then shut the door to our room and went outside.
Peter: "Did he say he's gonna meet Tony Stark? *shrug* He must still be asleep"
Once I stepped out into the chilly night, I wait for Mr. Stark to supposedly pick me up but I was still figuring out how will he know where I live or even how he'll pick me up.
My question was soon answered as an expensive black BMW pull up to the sidewalk that I was standing by. The window rolled down as a big man in a business suit leaned over to the passenger seat to look at me.
Driver: "Are you Y/n L/n?"
Y/n: "What kinda uber is this?"
Driver: "Mr. Stark sent me, told to pick you up"
I then look around and see that no lights from the houses were on or anybody on the streets.
Driver: "Can you not make this suspicious and get in?"
I complied, opening the passenger side door and getting in the very much expensive car as I was immediately met with the comfy beige leather seatings of the BMW before taking off.
Driver: "Seatbelt"
Y/n: "Right...So what's your name?"
Driver: "Harold, but Mr. Stark calls me Happy"
Y/n: "Well you don't look happy, should call you Grouchy instead"
Happy: "Mr. Stark woke me up in the middle of the night to pick up a kid, so forgive me if the depravity of my comfy bed upsets you"
Y/n: "No, it's cool. Totally feel you, I mean I just got woken up by Mr. Stark also so in a way we're both pretty grumpy late at night"
Happy: "Yeah, can you stop talking? I'm not really in the mood for a conversation"
Y/n: "Yep, totally"
We then stopped at a red light, this gave me the chance to properly look over at Happy. He has smooth white skin and slicked-back hair, but my attention keeps turning to one part of his head.
Y/n: "So are you their Forehead of Security?"
Happy: *glare* "What?!"
Y/n: "I mean, Head of Security! God am I still sleepy?"
Happy: "Whatever kid, here"
Y/n: "What's this?"
Happy then gave me a STARK-issued tablet and on it were the profiles of the soldier of World War II and the Scientist.
Happy: "Tony said to review you on your most likely associates once we arrive so he gave me their profiles and told me to give it to you"
Y/n: "Huh...So these are the two who I'm gonna be working with? Seems like a lot of experience and look at Mr. War hero over here, he's hundreds of years old yet still kicking like he's 20"
Happy: "Yeah well, read up kid. Still got a long way until we get to our destination"
I then started skimming through the profiles on the tablet.
Y/n: "Steve Rogers, otherwise known in history as 'Captain America'. Oh sweet he's from Brooklyn"
I then scrolled down Captain America's profile to see a picture of him before and after the experiment.
Y/n: "Woah! Puberty really changes someone. How long do we have until we make it to where we're going?"
Happy: "Not long"
To kill some time, I decided to go over the scientist's profile.
Y/n: "Let's see, Bruce Banner, an expert in Gamma radiation and highly praised for his work on Anti-electron collision. Hmm< so he found a way to not make electrons explode. What's this?"
I then scrolled further to see a news report about an accident that birthed the Hulk.
Y/n: "These guys are huge pieces of work"
Happy: "Well I hope you've had a good read because we're here"
Y/n: "Hold on, seriously?"
I look over the windshield to see that we were on the docks, I look over at Happy to see if he was joking, only for him to gesture to me getting out. I was confused but recently hopped out of the car and went near the pier.
Y/n: "Okay...So what exactly am I supposed to do out here!"
Tony: "Good you're right on time"
I then heard a metal thud behind me, I slowly turned around and was met with Iron Man himself who raises his visor to reveal Mr. Stark with a smug look.
Tony: "Impressed?"
Y/n: "Y-Yeah, a little bit. But I'm not so sure what am I suppose to help you out here?"
Tony: "Oh That, no I just need an open space for liftoff"
Y/n: "Liftoff? Liftoff for what?"
Tony: "I'm gonna carry you to our destination so I suggest you start getting ready"
Y/n: "Wait, carry me? Is that safe?"
Tony: "Don't know, never tried it *lets visor down* But there's a first time for everything"
Y/n: "You're not giving me the assurance that I need, like what if I got burned by your thrusters or I die upon take-off. There are certain things we need to take ac-COUNT!"
Before I could get a chance to get my point across, Tony went over behind me and placed an arm around my waist before rocketing into the air as I was mid-speech. And the experience mind you it was...It was eye-opening, to say the least.
Tony: "Hey, Kid could you stop squirming around? I'm trying to fly here"
Y/n: "You expect me to calm down while we're hundreds of feet above the sea, far away from civilization!"
Tony: "Yes, and besides this isn't the worst way to die"
Tony: "Well then you better take a deep breath, because we're increasing altitude"
Y/n: "We're going higher??!!!"
I took a deep breath just in time as Tony flies up higher, past the clouds and into the sky. I was starting to get nervous as we were now getting close to outer space.
Tony: "Calm down, Y/n. We're close to our landing zone, just look ahead"
Looking at him baffled, I wondered how he was going to land this high up in the sky. But it was when I look ahead is that surprised me the most. For in the distance, I saw what looked to be an Aircraft carrier flying in the sky, coming into view.
Y/n: *thought* "I should have just left him on voice mail"
I think it's safe for me to say that we're almost halfway through the movie, granted we skipped some parts of the movie but it's not like I could take Y/n to Germany all of a sudden.
But let me know what you think, is this the right move to do to keep the Spider-man in New York kind of vibes or should Y/n travel to different places even before Civil war. Let me know in the comments (Is that too cringe?)
But, with all that said. You guys know the drill
Vote if you wanna
Share to your friends if you have any
And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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