(Avengers Arc) Part 3
At the bottom of Manhattan, we see Iron Man submerged underwater as he welding off a pipeline covering a set of steel wires, once it was exposed, Iron Man placed a contraption over the wires. Once the contraption has connected successfully, iron man took to the surface, flying past a yacht as he soars to the sky before flying back to Manhattan and calling someone using his visor.
Iron man: "Good to go on this end. The rest is up to you"
Feminine Voice: "You disconnected the transmission lines? Are we off the grid?"
Iron man: "STARK Tower is about to become a beacon of self-sustaining clean energy"
Feminine Voice: "Well, assuming the Arc reactor takes over and actually WORKS"
Iron man: "I assume, light 'er up!"
Iron man then took a sharp turn as he comes face to face with a tall building, taller than any other skyscraper in Manhattan. The lights of the building slowly start to come on, little by little until it reaches the top of the building which was decorated with blue Neon lights that spell out "STARK"
Feminine Voice: "How does it look?"
Iron Man: "It's like Christmas, but more 'Me'"
Feminine Voice: "You have got to go wide on the public awareness campaign, you need to do some Press"
Iron man then flew by the building before landing on a newly made walkway with a designated landing pad.
Feminine Voice: "I'm in D.C tomorrow, I'm working on the zoning for the next 3 buildings"
Iron Man: "Pepper, you're killing me here. The moment, remember? Enjoy the moment"
Pepper: "Then get in here then I will"
Iron man then began walking along the walkway, as a Yellow ring protrudes from the landing pad before separating into two separate arms which takes apart the Iron man's armor and stores it away. As he made his way inside, J.A.R.V.I.S began notifying him through his helmet.
J.A.R.V.I.S: "Sir, Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D is on the line"
Iron man: "I'm not in..."
The arms then went over to Iron man's helmet and takes it away to reveal Tony Stark himself as he wore an earpiece in his right ear.
Tony: "...I'm actually out"
J.A.R.V.I.S: "Sir, I'm afraid he's insisting"
Tony: "Grow a spine, J.A.R.V.I.S I got a date"
As he makes his way closer indoors, the arms had managed to successful remove the armor from Tony until only the Thrusters remained on his feet, which the floor quickly protrudes two pads, one for each foot, in which Tony steps on, giving the arms to remove the thrusters seamlessly as Tony enters his Penthouse to be met with a Blonde woman looking over a holographic screen displaying the status of STARK Tower. This is Pepper Potts, formerly Tony Stark's assistant now CEO of STARK Industries.
Pepper: "Levels are holding steady, I think"
Tony: "Of course they are, I was directly involved in it. Which brings me to my next question, How does it feel to be a Genius?"
Tony then took the earpiece off and places it over the table near Pepper before walking over to Pepper. Pepper then dismisses the screen as she turned around and faces Tony.
Pepper: "Well, I really wouldn't know now, would I?"
Tony: "What do you mean? All of this *gestures to the entire room* came from YOU"
Pepper: "No, All of this came from THAT *points to Tony's arc reactor in his chest*"
Tony: "Give yourself some credit, please. STARK Tower is your baby, give yourself...12% of the credit"
Pepper: "12%?"
Tony: "An argument can be made for 50"
Pepper: "12%!? of MY baby?"
Pepper then stormed over to the couch and coffee table which had two champagne glasses prepared along with a nice bottle of champagne.
Tony: "Well I, did do all the heavy lifting. Literally! I lifted the heavy things"
Pepper: "Oh my-!"
Tony: "Sorry but, the security snafu that happened the other day? That was on you"
Pepper: "Oh..."
Tony: "A guy in a spider onesie bust through the window with a giant lizard coming straight from Jurrasic Park and wreck the entire place, not to mention my Private elevator"
Pepper: "You mean OUR Private elevator?"
Tony: "It was teeming with sweaty workmen, and it was a total nightmare watching Dum-E try to clean this place, had to hire a few renovating workers in the end"
Tony then sat next to Pepper as she poured herself along with Tony some champagne into a glass before handing it to him.
Tony: "I'm going to pay for that, comment about percentage In a subtle way, aren't I?"
Pepper: "Not gonna be that subtle"
Tony: *grabs the glass of champagne* "Tell you what, the next building is gonna say POTTS on the tower"
Pepper: "I'm not lease"
Tony: *wince* "Call your mom, can you bunk over?"
a loud beep suddenly rang across the room as J.A.R.V.I.S began notifying Tony, ruining the moment that they have.
J.A.R.V.I.S: "Sir, the telephone. I'm afraid my protocols are being overwritten"
Tony's phone was then automatically answered the call as a man on the other line began talking, leading Tony to begrudgingly pick up his phone.
Man: "Mr. Stark, we need to talk"
Tony: *groan* "You have reached the life-model decoy of Tony Stark, please leave a message"
Man: "This is urgent"
Tony: "Then leave it urgently"
The elevator doors behind Pepper suddenly opened, revealing a man in a suit who has his phone near his ear while also holding a digital tablet.
Tony: "Security breach, it's on you"
Man: "Mr. Stark"
Pepper: "Phil, come in!"
Tony: "Phil?"
With the champagne glass still in hand, Pepper stood up from the couch and went over to the man, now known as Phil, also known as Agent Coulson. When Tony saw Pepper walk over to Phil, he quickly grabbed his glass and quickly went after her.
Phil: "I can't stay"
Tony: "His first name is Agent"
Pepper: "Come on in, we were just celebrating"
Tony: *mutter* "Which is why he can't stay"
Phil then grabbed the digital tablet and offers it to Tony
Phil: "We need you to look at this"
Tony: "Uh, I don't like being handed things"
Pepper: "That's fine because I love being handed things. So let's trade"
Pepper took the tablet from Phil's hands and exchanges it with her champagne glass, before taking Tony's glass and giving him the digital tablet.
Tony: "Official consulting hours are between 8 and 5 every other Thursday"
Phil: "This isn't a consultation"
Pepper: "Is this about the Avengers?"
Phil then quickly looked over at Pepper with a stern look, surprising Pepper
Pepper: "Which, I know nothing about
Tony then went over to a table and began inspecting the contents of the tablet.
Tony: "The Avengers initiative was scrapped. I thought, and I didn't even qualify"
Pepper: "I didn't know that either"
Tony: "Yeah, apparently I'm too volatile, self-obsessed, don't play well with others"
Pepper: "That I did know"
Phil: "This isn't about personality profiles anymore"
Tony: "Whatever. Ms. Potts, got a sec?"
Pepper excused herself before going to Tony, who is still accessing the tablet's data.
Tony: "You know, I thought we were having a moment"
Pepper: "I was having 12% of a moment"
Tony looked over at Pepper surprised before Pepper quickly changed the topic back to the tablet.
Pepper: "This seems, pretty serious. Phil is pretty shaken"
Tony: "How would you know this-Why is he, Phil?"
Pepper: "What is all of this?"
Tony: "This is uh...This"
Tony quickly piled up all the data from the tablet and displayed it all around the room, showing footage of world war II hero, Captain America, and the rampaging green monster, Hulk.
Pepper: "I'm going to take the flight to D.C tonight"
Tony: "Tomorrow"
Pepper: "You have homework, a lot of homework"
Tony: "Well, what if I didn't?"
Pepper: "You mean when you finish?"
Tony: "Mm-Hmm"
Pepper: "Well then, I'll..."
Pepper then whispered something over Tony's ear, giving him a shocked expression before Pepper pulled away as Tony now looked determined.
Tony: "Square deal, Fly safe"
Pepper: "Work hard"
Pepper and Tony shared a quick kiss before separating
Pepper: *to Phil* "So is there a chance you're stopping by La Guardia?"
Phil: "I could drop you"
Pepper: "Fantastic"
Tony then 'shoo'-ed them away just as the two got on the elevator before turning back to the display, showing a holographic blue cube. He took the holographic cube and inspects it in his hand before turning to the side to see a locked file with a title...
'The L/n File'
Intrigued, Tony places the cube back and tried to access the file, but as soon as he opens the file he was immediately met with a text box to input a password with one clue displayed at the bottom of the textbox.
'The Name of our First Born'
[The Next Day] (Y/n POV)
Peter: "This is so cool!"
Peter and I are with our class as we took a tour of the STARK tower by the building's A.I along with our teachers who are our chaperones. We were currently overlooking the arc reactor as we see it work in action.
J.A.R.V.I.S: "As you can see, this is the main arc reactor powering this entire facility. It was made by Ms. Pepper Potts from the original of Mr. Tony Stark's old arc reactor but with the now rediscovered clean element founded by Mr. Stark himself"
Peter: "This is amazing, it's like an environmental discovery"
Y/n: "I know, imagine the possibilities with an arc reactor powered electric car"
Flash: "This is so boring! When can we see the sweet wheels?"
Teacher: "Thompson, behave yourself!"
J.A.R.V.I.S: *sigh* "If you so wish, I've sent the direction to your teacher's STARK issued tablets, please lead the students as closely as possible as to not let them stray"
Our Teacher then gathered us in a group before leaving to the garage. When we left the arc reactor room and made our way to the new destination, I caught a glimpse of Tony Stark entering another hallway.
Y/n: "Marker, now!"
Peter: "What? Why?"
Y/n: "I just saw Tony Stark I'm gonna get an autograph"
Peter: "Wait, I'm coming too"
Y/n: "No, if they see both of us missing then our entire classmates might get escorted out and we'll have no time to find Mr. Stark"
Peter: "Alright, but could you at least get it signed for me?"
Y/n: "Sure, give it here"
Once Peter gave me his book and a black sharpie, I slipped out of the group and went to the last place where I saw Tony Stark.
When I got to the hallway, I see two metal doors afar away from each other, with the left using more electricity, from the lights inside, than the other. Thinking that Tony Stark might be on the door to the left, I decided to make my way over and peek inside.
I was immediately met with 4 holographic profiles, one profile is about a blonde soldier from World War II, one profile is about a scientist with a video clip of a giant green monster, and the other two was for a blue cube and a spear.
Y/n: "Hello...Mr. Stark? Anybody?"
Getting no response, I decided to enter the room and look around while I wait for Mr. Stark.
Y/n: "Is he making a new project? What is all of this?"
Curiosity got the best of me, I placed the books in my backpack and pocketed the sharpie before walking towards the holograms. Before I manage to touch one, however, a loud clap was heard from behind, startling me. I slowly turned around, before widening in surprise to see Tony Stark himself with a stern look.
Tony: "What are you doing here?"
Y/n: "I know what you're gonna say"
Tony: "You should not be here"
Y/n: "I was just about to leave"
Tony: "I don't want to hear it"
Y/n: "But this room is just super with all these holograms and flying texts"
Tony: "And now I gotta hear it"
Y/n: "And I'm pretty sure that door is supposed to be locked if it has things like these kept inside so if anything it's kind of your fault I'm here"
Tony: *shock* "What did you just say?"
Y/n: "I take that back. Look, all I'm here for is your autograph so if you could just sign these books then I'll be on my way with my mouth zipped about everything that I saw here"
Tony: "It's kind of too late for that, I'm gonna make sure that you keep quiet about this no matter what"
Y/n: "What, like uh...Memory eraser?"
Tony: "No, I'm gonna write an NDA. What do you think this is, Men in Black?"
Y/n: "Hey, Hey, wait okay. What if...What if I help you?"
Tony: "How exactly are you gonna help me?"
I then look around and immediately went towards the holographic profiles.
Y/n: "That! I see that you're researching something so what if I help you? Maybe I could give my input while I'm at it? They did say that input from other people can help make new discoveries"
Tony: "Alright, kid. Go for it"
Y/n: "Go...Go with what?"
Tony: "You said that you can help me with the research and give me input so go for it. Let's see what you can do"
Y/n: "Okay...you got it, but then the books"
Tony: "If you could give me concise and accurate opinions based on what you can see then I'd personally drive to your school and hand these books to you and sign it in front of everybody"
With the books now assured, I hesitantly made my way over to the profiles around me.
Y/n: *mutter* "Good job, Y/n. Now, look where it got you? How do I even control these things?"
I reached over to the soldier's profile and move my hand around to notice if it follows my hand, I did the same to the scientist's profile and see it follow my hand just like the first.
I then quickly scanned over the profiles before moving them aside and focused my attention on the Cube and the Spear.
The Scepter
- The Scepter has a long golden grip handle and a black fitting containing a blue gem between platinum blades
- The Scepter portrayed its role as a gate key allowing its owner to open rifts into dimensions by using the Tesseract
- The Scepter can fire lethal energy blasts and bend the victims' wills by brainwashing their minds
- The Scepter has two sharp platinum blades encircling the blue gem attached, an elongated blade above the gem, and a shortened blade underneath it, especially the grip handle estimated at approximately two feet in length overall, which is deemed useful for close-quarters melee and firing accurate energy blasts against any targets.
- The Scepter functions as a formidable weapon, its sharp platinum blades capable of violently impaling and slashing targeted enemies. Its blades were possible of such highly durable elements
The Tesseract
- Also known as The Cube
- In March 1942, during World War II, HYDRA forces led by Johann Schmidt invadedTønsberg where he found the Tesseract in a box hidden behind a sculptured mural of Yggdrasil, the world tree.
- Schmidt took the Tesseract back to HYDRA Headquarters to be the subject of experiments by Arnim Zola.
- After experimenting on the Tesseract, Schmidt and Zola were able to harness the object's power to create highly advanced weaponry, fueling Schmidt's plans for world domination.
- Zola created 'batteries' that contained the power of the Tesseract, which were then used by Zola and a handful of HYDRA scientists to power their weaponry. With the power of the Tesseract, Schmidt felt strong enough to turn his back on Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich. He intended to destroy both the Axis and Allied powers and make himself ruler of the world.
- Following Schmidt's defeat at the hands of Captain America in 1945, the Tesseract fell into Arctic waters, where it was recovered by Howard Stark. The Tesseract was then kept at Camp Lehigh in New Jersey where it remained until 1970
- The Cube was used in the S.H.I.E.L.D experiment called [Redacted] which was then reported stolen until a pilot [Redacted] manages to retrieve it and was now back in S.H.I.E.L.D custody until today...
- The Tesseract is once again stolen by Loki (relation to Norse Mythology still unknown) and has several minds controlled S.H.I.E.L.D operatives in his command
Tony: "Time's up, what do you got for me kid?"
Y/n: "Well aside from getting a brief history lesson, here's what I know. The Tesseract can essentially act as an energy source, kind of like your arc reactor. In the profile, it said that S.H.I.E.L.D uses it in an experiment most likely trying to weaponize it just like HYDRA"
Tony: "Right, so can you cut to the part where all of that is relevant?"
Y/n: "I believe The Tesseract can be used to power up something dangerous, like one that could wipe out New York type of dangerous. But judging from the images alone the Tesseract needed to be exposed to high amounts of heat and will need something to stabilize it to avoid going Haywire"
Tony: "Something like Iridium?"
Y/n: "If they could get their hands on it then sure, that could work"
Tony: "Okay, how about the Scepter?"
Y/n: "Other than it's a glorified Spear with telepathic traits, I don't know what to tell you"
Tony: *sigh* "Welp, I don't know what I expected from a kid. Gotta say you surprised me with your analysis is that of Ph.D. scientists. But, sadly I was expecting more"
Y/n: "Wait, so what are you gonna do?"
Tony: "I'm gonna alert the authorities, of course, these are some highly classified stuff too. They'll probably send you to the Pentagon instead of the usual jail, too risky"
Y/n: "The Pentagon!?"
I see Mr. Stark reach for his phone and begin scrolling through his contacts, I try to change his mind as I look around to see what I could figure out. That's when I noticed a file which has my last name labeled on it.
Y/n: "Hold on, what's that?"
Tony: "Just some locked file, highly encrypted even I couldn't decipher the password"
I went over to the locked file as Mr. Stark brought the phone near his ear. I made my way to the file and access it. A textbox immediately appeared right as I touched it with an instruction to input the password, I look down the textbox to see a clue and confirms my relation to the file
'The Name of our First Born'
With nothing left to lose, I decided to risk it all and input my name to see if my hunch was correct
Y/n L/n
Tony: "Hello, Yeah it's-Hey, what are you doing?"
I didn't pay attention and pressed enter, the textbox began loading before suddenly dozens of images and documents shot out of the file.
Tony: "Uh...You know what, I dialed the wrong number. God, I should really label these, Anyways, bye!"
You will not believe how hard it is to make something up using made up stuff. Done a lot of research just to make sure, if I made some mistakes here and there then just accept it as fact.
Anyways I'm gonna take a quick break before working on another chapter, so with that said you guys know the drill.
Vote if you wanna
Share to your friends if you have any
And I'll see you, when I see you
Bye Bye
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