(Age of Ultron arc) Part 6
Day has turned to night at the Barton household and the house is still lively as ever, after taking a short nap I decided to head down to get something to drink, only to see Nick Fury standing in the kitchen.
Y/n: "Well I'll be..."
Nick: "Hope you had a well-rested sleep, cause we got work to do"
Y/n: "You died, and here you are giving orders as nothing happened. Nick"
Nick nods to the kitchen before walking off, I followed behind and saw the Avengers minus Thor sitting around the table.
Y/n: "You guys are still up?"
Steve: "Can't sleep, with the whole-"
Y/n: "Right, the whole nightmare thing"
I went over to the fridge and grab a carton of orange juice and poured myself a glass.
Y/n: "Maybe try getting punched by the Hulk, maybe that'll snooze you"
Natasha; "Spidey..."
Y/n: "Sorry"
Nick: "Ultron took you folks out of play to buy himself time. My contacts all say he's building something. The amount of Vibranium he made off with, I don't think it's just one thing"
Steve: "What about Ultron himself?"
Nick: "Ah. He's easy to track, he's everywhere. Guy's multiplying faster than a Catholic rabbit. Still doesn't help us get an angle on any of his plans though"
Tony: "He still going after launch codes?"
Tony from the living room throws darts to the dartboard in the kitchen, missing every time.
Nick: "Yes, he is, but he's not making any headway"
Tony: "I cracked the Pentagon's firewall in high school on a dare"
Nick: "Yeah, well, I contacted our friends at the NEXUS about that"
Steve: "NEXUS?"
Bruce: "It's the world internet hub in Oslo, every byte of data flows through there, fastest access on earth"
Clint: "So what'd they say?"
Nick: "He's fixated on the missiles, but the codes are constantly being changed"
Tony: "By whom?"
Clint then throws a dart across Tony's face, hitting the bullseye. Tony looks over and saw Clint with a smug grin.
Nick: "Parties unknown"
Natasha: "Do we have an ally?"
Nick: "Ultron's got an enemy, that's not the same thing. Still, I'd pay folding money to know who it is"
Tony: "I might need to visit Oslo, find our 'unknown'"
Natasha: "Well, this is good times, boss, but I was kind of hoping when I saw you, you'd have more than that"
Nick: "I do, I have you"
Everyone, including me, looked at Nick confused.
Nick: "Back in the day, I had eyes everywhere, ears everywhere else. You kids had all the tech you could dream off. Here we all are, back on earth, with nothing but our wit, and our will to save the world. Ultron said the Avengers are the only thing between him and his mission, and whether or not he admits it, it's Global Destruction. All this, laid in the grave. So stand. Outwit the platinum bastard"
Natasha: "Steve doesn't like that kind of talk"
Steve: "You know what, Romanoff?"
Natasha smiles mischievously at him.
Nick: "So what does he want?"
Steve: "To become better. Better than us. He keeps building bodies"
Tony: "Person bodies. The human form is inefficient, biologically speaking, we're outmoded. But he keeps coming back to it"
Natasha: "When you two programmed him to protect the human race, you amazingly failed"
Bruce: "They don't need to be protected, they need to evolve"
Bruce then stares at a fingerprinting of a butterfly.
Bruce: "Ultron's going to evolve"
Nick: "How?"
Bruce: "Has anyone been in contact with Helen Cho?"
Y/n: "I doubt cell towers could reach Korea. You know I never got to ask, what's so special about her?"
Bruce: "She created 'The regeneration cradle', able to create a simulacrum tissue and have it bond to the patient cells"
Y/n: "Basically a glorified 3-D printer?"
Tony: "In a way, yeah"
Y/n: "So, let's say I print enough of this 'simulacrum tissue' can I in theory make a body?"
Tony: "It's possible, but she's gonna need a buttload of materials to do so"
Y/n: "How about a cache worth of Vibranium? would that be enough?"
Bruce: "But that still leaves a process of making it functional, it may be a body but it still needs 'nerves' to fully function properly"
Y/n: *to Clint* "You've been exposed to the Scepter, how did that felt?"
Clint: "It wasn't a pleasant experience, but it felt like Loki was inside my head"
Y/n: "Right, and we know Ultron has possession of the scepter. So a little..."
Y/n then whistles before making a crazy hand gesture.
Steve: "So you're saying Ultron could teach Dr. Cho the process..."
Bruce: "And with the Vibranium..."
Tony: "He could make a body more advanced than ours"
Y/n: "Thank you!"
With that information, everybody began suiting up.
Steve: "I'll take Spider-man, Natasha, and Clint"
Tony: "Alright, strictly recon. I'll hit the NEXUS, I'll join you as soon as I can"
Steve: "If Ultron is really building a body..."
Tony: "He'll be more powerful than any of us. Maybe all of us. An android designed by a robot"
Steve: "You know I really miss the days when the weirdest thing science ever created was me"
Nick: "I'll drop Banner off at the tower. Do you mind if I borrow Ms. Hill?"
Tony: "She's all yours, apparently"
Y/n: "What are you gonna do?"
Nick: "I don't know. Something dramatic, I hope"
Clint then went over and said his goodbyes to Laura.
Clint: "I'm gonna finish re-flooring that sunroom as soon as I get back"
Laura: "Yeah, and then you'll find another part of the house to tear apart"
Clint: "No. It's the last project. I promise"
He kisses her before following after us before making our way to Seoul.
(Timeskip) [3rd POV]
The Quinjet then arrives at Dr. Cho's lab as they drop off Steve by the entrance.
Steve: "Two minutes. Stay close.
He then makes his way inside, running past several deceased staff members before heading towards a room where Dr. Cho is seen wounded.
Steve: "Dr. Cho!"
Dr. Cho: "He's uploading himself into the body"
Steve: "Where?"
Dr. Cho: "The real power is inside the Cradle. The gem, its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up. You have to get the Cradle to Stark"
Steve: "First I have to find it"
Dr. Cho: "Go"
Steve: *comms* "Did you guys copy that?"
Clint: "We did"
Natasha: "I got a private jet taking off, across town, no manifest. That could be him"
Y/n then looks out the Quinjet and spots a cyan truck on the highway.
Clint: "There. It's a truck from the lab. Right above you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge. It's them. I got three with the Cradle, one in the ca-"
The Quinjet's ramp began lowering down mid-flight, Natasha looks over and saw Y/n making his way down.
Natasha: "Spider-man, don't! We need a plan of attack"
Y/n: "I have a plan...*looks back* Attack!"
Y/n then jumps off the Quinjet and pulled a makeshift glider from his suit before gliding towards the truck.
Natasha: "Weird...I got deja vu there for a second"
As Y/n lands on top of the truck with Steve dropping in right after, the forward direction of the truck causes Steve to roll to the back while Y/n is stuck onto the side of the truck to try and take out the driver.
Y/n: "License and registra-"
Before Y/n could even finish his quip, the Ultron sentry that was driving the truck punches its arm through the window and grabs Y/n by the throat.
Y/n: *struggle* "Oh you are definitely getting pulled over"
Y/n looks back onto the road and saw they were coming up on a street post on his side, thinking quickly, Y/n ran up the side of the truck before jumping back, bringing the sentry out with him as the pole destroys the sentry as it drove by.
With the sentry now destroyed, another sentry took its place as Y/n zipped back onto the truck with Steve before Ultron hovers to the two.
Y/n: "What's in the box?"
Ultron: "The power to make REAL change. And just the thought of that terrifies you"
Steve: "I wouldn't call it a comfort!"
Y/n then runs up to Ultron as Steve throws his shield at him, the shield manages to interrupt Ultron as he sends out an energy blast, causing him to miss Y/n as the shield ricochets off his chest.
Y/n then catches the shield before hurling it back at Ultron before leaping on his back. The shield bounced off Ultron's head before getting caught by Steve as he throws his shield once again.
While on Ultron's back, Y/n kicks himself away before shooting two webs back on the truck and pulling himself back as he kicks Ultron with him. When Ultron knelled on the truck, he swats the shield away right as Y/n lands on his back before jumping off and webbing the shield towards him as he follows up with another shield throw that causes the shield to get stuck onto Ultron's chest.
Ultron: "Enough!"
Ultron then throws the shield away and into the traffic behind them.
Y/n: "Aww...it was fun while it lasted"
Ultron then sent a blast towards the two, which Y/n dodges, but Steve tanks the shot, causing him to fly towards the windshield where the Ultron sentry tries to attack Steve but quickly jumps over to the truck's side-view mirror.
Once Y/n dodged another energy blast, Y/n moves to the side of the truck and runs along before shooting a web at Ultron and pulling himself towards him to deliver a kick to the side of his head.
Ultron manages to grab onto Y/n's leg before slamming him down onto the truck and crushing his chest with his metal foot. Steve manages to hop back on the truck and placed Ultron in a chokehold, causing him to lift his foot off of Y/n.
He then looks ahead of the road and saw that they were coming up under the overpass, sending two webs on either side of Ultron, Y/n manages to connect it to the overpass they drove under before performing an upward dropkick to Ultron's chest, knocking him off the truck as Steve lets go of his hold.
Y/n shoots a web towards Steve who manages to grab onto it before pulling him upwards. Once he was back up the two heroes panted, trying to catch their breath.
Y/n: "Sam was right...You are heavier than you look"
Steve: "Not now, Spidey"
Y/n: "Right..."
As the two got back up on their feet, they were immediately grabbed by the throat by Ultron.
Y/n: "Again with the choking!"
Thankfully Natasha arrives just in time with Steve's shield that she manages to pick up along the way.
Using the magnetic feature of his gauntlet, Steve recalls the shield over to him and whacks Ultron upside the head with it, sending him back and letting them break free from his hold.
Ultron then used his pseudo-telekinesis to raise a portion of the street to block Natasha's path, she manages to hit the breaks just in time before riding her bike up the overpass.
Natasha: "Out of the way, coming through! Sorry, coming through!"
Ultron then sends another energy beam towards the heroes, this time Steve manages to evade the attack as Y/n took the hit straight on, sending him flying out of the truck and into a sedan.
Meanwhile, Natasha manages to ride the bike down the overpass, passing by some citizens who were walking on the sidewalk.
Natasha: "Beep! Beep!"
Once Natasha caught up with the truck, the two remaining sentries inside the truck peeked out and opened fire on Natasha who began swerving her bike to try and dodge the blasts.
Y/n manages to recover quickly just as Ultron swats Steve away, he then looks back at the car Y/n was laying on and lifted another segment of the road upwards to cause another barricade.
Natasha manages to move out of the way but the car wasn't so lucky, causing it to flip over to its roof. Y/n manages to hug onto the roof as it flew past the road segment before zipping towards a pillar and jumping back on the truck where he continued his fight with Ultron.
Natasha: *comms* "Clint, can you draw out the guards?"
Clint: "Let's find out"
As Y/n and Steve continue to fight Ultron, Clint flew the Quinjet next to the truck and used the minigun to riddle Ultron with bullets, but only ended up bouncing off of him. This alone caused the two sentries that were inside the truck to fly out and chase after Clint who flies out of the scene.
The truck then turns to a parking space where they were close to the train tracks. Ultron went to slam his entire weight onto them but Y/n and Steve manage to throw him away, causing Ultron to hit an oncoming pillar.
He then hovers in the air momentarily before diving toward Steve and Y/n, sending them along with him crashing into the train.
The civilians quickly panicked at the sight of the large robot and two heroes and began running out of the train cart.
As Clint fly off into the horizon, the two sentry bots that were chasing after him turned back to guard the cradle.
Clint: "Heading back towards you. So whatever you're gonna do, do it now"
Steve then throws his shield at Ultron as Y/n jumps over him and kicks him away, Ultron blocks both of their attacks before shooting an energy beam towards Y/n, causing him to fly back and collide with Steve.
Natasha: *comms* "I'm going in. Can you boys keep him occupied?"
Steve & Y/n: "What do you think we've been doing?"
Standing up on her motorcycle, Natasha jumps inside the truck as her motorcycle hits a pallet full of water containers. When she reached the cradle, she went to override the process only for it to be declined.
The sentry bots reached the container of the truck as the truck itself is coming up on a police barricade. The Ultron sentries then latched themselves onto both sides of the container and lifts it off the truck, disconnecting it as the main chassis crashes into several cars while the sentries fly away with the cradle.
Clint: *comms* "The package is airborne. I have a clean shot"
Natasha: "Negative. I am still in the truck"
Clint: *comms* "What the hell are you...?"
Natasha: "Just be ready, I'm sending the package to you"
Clint: *comms* "How do you want me to take it?"
Natasha then proceeds to cut the harness on the cradle with a knife.
Natasha: "Uhh, you might wish you hadn't asked that"
Back in the train, Y/n is seen sprawled across a set of seats as Steve is being pinned against the wall by Ultron. As Ultron continues to beat Steve down, a familiar blue blur sped past him, knocking Ultron off Steve as Pietro skids to a stop on the other side of the cart.
Before Ultron could apprehend Pietro, the grates above the seats were seemingly moved by a scarlet aura. Ultron looks back and saw Wanda as now Ultron is cornered by the Maximoff twins.
Ultron: "Please. Don't do this"
Wanda: "What choice do we have?"
Looking back to Pietro, Ultron charges up an energy beam before sending it toward him. He manages to dodge the incoming blast leading it to blast through the cart behind him, taking out the conductor as well as the controls for the train before flying off.
Y/n and Steve quickly got back to their feet, jumping over the makeshift fence and checking up on the situation out front.
Steve: "I lost him! He's headed your way!"
Y/n and Steve arrive at the front of the train and see the controls of the train are beyond repair before looking ahead and seeing they were heading for the end of the tracks.
Clint: "Nat, we gotta go"
Nat then cuts off the last harness on the cradle before planting an explosive inside the truck. She then jumps onto the cradle as it falls into the Quinjet, but her foot gets caught by Ultron and she's pulled away.
Clint: "Nat!"
Back on the train, Y/n looks back on one of the carts and saw a child hugging her mother tightly, scared as the child hesitantly looks over at Spider-man.
Y/n: "No breaks...No problem"
Y/n then jumps over the controls before standing just in front of the train.
Steve: "Spider-man, what are you doing?"
Y/n: "Tell everyone to hang on!"
Steve: *looks back* "Brace yourselves!"
Looking down at the tracks, Y/n jumps down before planting his feet against the tracks and pushing against the train. His feet tear apart the railings in front before hopping back onto the train, being unable to withstand the pain.
Clint: *comms* "Cap, you see Nat?"
Steve: "If you have the package, get it to Stark! Go!"
Clint: "Do you have eyes on Nat?"
Steve: "Go!"
Reluctantly, Barton takes off in the Quinjet with the cradle. Y/n looks back onto the tracks and sees the end coming closer.
Steve: "We're not gonna make it"
Y/n didn't pay attention to what Steve said as he was preoccupied with a building and a pillar conveniently placed parallel to each other near the train tracks.
Sprouting another idea, Y/n stood up once more before shooting a web at the building and the pillar consecutively, Y/n does this a dozen more times before the train flew past them. Y/n quickly grab ahold of his webs and using himself as a center for the two points, began pulling against the train with his body.
With the sudden resistance coming from Y/n and his webbing, the commuters along with Steve and the Maximoffs stumble forward as the train's speed began to slowly slow down.
Y/n grits his teeth to try and mitigate the pain of pushing against the momentum of the train, tears began to appear on Y/n's suit as little by little the train begins to slow down. Seeing the end getting closer, Y/n poured every ounce of strength he has left in him and push against the train, leading it to slow down to a screeching halt right as the train reached the end.
Y/n then took a deserved sigh of relief as he lets go of his webs, he then felt the tiredness caught up to him as he went to fall forward if it weren't for Steve catching him.
Steve: "Easy does it soldier"
After pulling Y/n inside, Pietro and Wanda began to help the civilians out as Steve laid Y/n on the cold ground.
Steve: "Spider-man, can you hear me?"
Y/n: *groan* "This is gonna be one interesting trip to the chiropractor"
Once everybody was out, Wanda and Pietro made their way to Steve.
Wanda: "The Cradle, did you get it?"
Steve: "Stark will take care of it"
Wanda: "No, he won't"
Steve: "You don't know what you're talking about, Stark's not crazy"
Wanda: "He will do anything to make things right"
Steve: *to comms* "Stark, come in. Stark. Anyone on comms?"
Wanda: "Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it...Where do you think he gets that?"
Y/n: *sigh* "Enough with your hate boner on Tony already! We get it, he blew up your home in a war. Big WHOOP!"
Pietro: "Are you serious? Stark killed our parents!"
Y/n: "Yeah? Well HYDRA killed MINE! But You don't see me blaming all of Sokovia for their deaths now, aren't I?"
The room then fell silent as Steve looked toward Y/n in shock.
Steve: "Y/n...?"
Y/n: "You two are a bunch of kids fighting a man's war. Stop clouding your judgment on hate and actually focus for once. Or am I just the only one worrying about the end of the world?"
Steve: "He's right. We better move"
Y/n: "Thank you"
Pietro then mumbles something to Wanda as Steve went to walk out of the train, only for Y/n to pull him back for a bit.
Y/n: "I thought I could expect more trust in you"
Steve: "I trust YOU, Y/n. it's Tony that I'm not too sure about"
Y/n: "You know, the more you doubt your teammates, the larger the chance of the entire team falling apart"
Steve: "Well, let's hope Tony's decision doesn't affect morale"
Shrugging off Y/n's hand, Steve continued his way out as Y/n stares off into the distance.
Y/n: "Did I seriously reveal my identity unintentionally again? Fuck!"
Talk about Foreshadowing, amirite? We're reaching the climax of the arc, thankfully. As we now reach the end of phase 2 i would just like to say that we're approaching chapter 75, damn. We're going by these numbers fast.
Anyways with all that said, you guys know the drill
Vote if you wanna
Share to your friends if you have any
And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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