(Age of Ultron arc) Part 5
The Hulk is seen rampaging in the city streets of Africa, attacking buildings and vehicles alike with no regard to human safety. Police and the Military quickly moved to the scene, helping civilians flee as the rest shoot their rifles at Hulk in hopes of Neutralizing him.
When the Hulk turns to cause chaos for the police, a steel beam was slammed in front of the Hulk, another beam then landed near Hulk, then another, until he was surrounded by the steel beams before a reinforced metal sheet connects from one beam to another, encasing the Hulk.
Hulk tries to slip out of the pseudo-cage by slipping through the last pair of beams only to be administered an electric shot before getting shut out completely.
With the Hulk contained, police went to move in as civilians were escorted out of the scene. As the police inch closer to the contained Hulk, a loud bang could be heard as Hulk tries to punch out of the cage.
This quickly caused the police officers to raise their guard and readied their firearms as the banging continued at a rapid pace with an extreme force that causes the entire cage to shake.
When the police got close to the cage to inspect it, the entire road beneath it collapsed along with the cage.
The police hastily look around to locate Hulk's whereabouts, however, a few ground shakes later, Hulk bursts out of the ground and slammed his arms down onto a sedan as a woman screamed for help.
Before Hulk could destroy the vehicle, a web flew across the Hulk's face, he went to look at where the web came from, only to receive a punch from Y/n. Y/n then pulled himself upwards before sending a downward punch across Hulk's other cheek before landing in a 3-point stance.
Y/n: "Hey, Hulkie...how about we all just calm down and we'll have a nice heart-to-heart chat"
Hulk only gave a grateful roar towards Y/n.
Y/n: "Alright, so you don't want to talk?"
Hulk growls and went for another roar, only for his mouth and eyes to be webbed shut.
Y/n: "There you go!"
Hulk then began scratching off Y/n's webbing, as he vaults over the Hulk and kicks the back of his head, sending the Hulk to his knees.
When Hulk finally removed the webbing from his face, he turns around only to be met with Tony's Iron man armor, only this time the armor towers over Hulk as a metal pod hovers a few feet behind Tony as he finishes assembling the Mark 44 armor, The Hulkbuster armor.
Tony: "Alright everybody, stand DOWN!"
Tony used a loud P.A system in his suit to try and get in touch with Hulk.
Tony: *to Hulk* "You listening? That little witch is messing with your mind. You're stronger than her, you're smarter than her, you're Bruce Banner"
Hulk then roars angrily at the mention of Bruce Banner.
Tony: "Right. Right, don't mention puny Banner"
After failing to talk Hulk down, Y/n lands on a streetlamp near Tony.
Tony; *to Y/n* "Remember the plan?"
Y/n: "You and Hulk cause property damage while I try to get civilians out of the way"
Tony: "Okay, I did not say those exact words-"
Y/n: "CAR!!"
Y/n jumps away in time as Tony was hit by a car before getting sucker punched through it by the Hulk.
Tony: "Okay"
Tony reorients himself before rocketing towards the Hulk and grabbing him by the throat as he drags him across the street. Hulk then props his feet onto Tony's chest before kicking him away.
As Tony skids to a stop, Hulk then charges towards Tony only to be grabbed out of the air and thrown to the side before following up with a strong repulsor blast, sending Hulk towards a truck, bumping it away as it spilled its boxes along the streets.
Tony then lands near the Hulk was last seen and prepared his gauntlet for an attack, only to be swatted away by a street light and into another building.
Tony tries to balance out his suit, only to be hit from behind by the HUlk as he rammed the street light onto the suit's shoulder.
Tony: *groan* "Right in the back?! Dick move, Banner"
Hulk then went to tear apart Tony's armor, which led to him not noticing Tony's arm turning 180 degrees, and was immediately punched away, towards a small marketplace.
As Hulk soars to the sky, Y/n has already prepared a slingshot made of web thick enough that's capable of holding the Hulk, so when he was about to crash land into the stalls, Hulk was caught in Y/n's web as it pulls back to where Y/n was standing.
Y/n: "Hi~"
Before Hulk could grab Y/n, the web quickly shot Hulk away and back to Tony.
Y/n: "Bye~! *to civilians* Alright everyone, let's get the hell out of here"
Tony: "VERONICA, give me a hand"
While Tony detaches the broken arm from his suit VERONICA deploys another arm in segments and sends it to Tony who had freed up a space in his suit for the arm before doing a quick calibration right as he saw Hulk flying towards him.
Tony shoots out a couple of repulsor blasts to keep the Hulk in the air, once the arm is fully calibrated, Tony punched the Hulk back down to the ground. Hulk hastily stood to his feet and lunged at Tony.
He redirects Hulk's trajectory and pinned him to the ground. Using the jack-hammer mechanic of his new arm, Tony began rapidly punching Hulk in the face as he uses his other arm to hold him in place.
Tony: " Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep!"
Hulk manages to push through the pain and grabs the rapidly punching arm, only for it to retract inwards and lock the Hulk's arm in place. With the Hulk now restrained, Tony flies out of the scene to try and get the hulk out of the city.
Tony: "Okay, pal, we're gonna get you out of town"
Hulk then squirms in the air, leading Tony to fly towards another building.
Tony: "Not that way, not that way!"
Tony and Hulk then crash through the window, slamming across the wall before stopping near the elevators where Tony pinned the Hulk to the wall by the throat.
Tony: "Come on, Bruce. You gotta work with me!"
Tony then went to administer an anesthetic to put the Hulk to sleep as he tries to struggle away. An elevator then arrived on their floor, as the people inside witnessed the ongoing fight one of them began rapidly pressing the close door button to try and escape their situation.
Hulk manages to break free from Tony's hold and kicks Tony away and into the elevators, causing the lift full of people to fall off the shaft.
Y/n: "I got it!"
Crashing through a separate window, Y/n swoops in to save the civilians just in time. Grabbing the steel cable, Y/n shoots a web to the ceiling before carefully lowering down the elevator.
Y/n: "Out, Out, Everybody out!"
Once the civilians were out of the elevator, Tony and Hulk burst out from the upper floor. Tony manages to throw the Hulk off him before grabbing the elevator cable from Y/n's hand and swinging it down onto the Hulk.
Tony: "Going down!"
The elevator then collapsed onto Hulk, he tries to push himself back up, only to be knocked back down to the ground, causing a large dust cloud to envelop his figure while Y/n lands onto the Hulkbuster armor as He and Tony catch their breath.
Y/n: "Did we get him?"
As the dust settles, they see the Hulk slowly getting on all fours before looking back at the duo and spitting out his loose teeth.
Y/n & Tony: *meekly* "...We're sorry"
Tony and the Hulk then burst out of the building, with Y/n following shortly after. Hulk pins Tony to a skyscraper before he began tearing apart his armor piece by piece while also causing damage to the building, something that Y/n tries to mitigate by webbing up the foundation to prevent the building from collapsing on itself.
Tony and Hulk then flew off while Y/n shot a web on the Hulkbuster's back to keep up with the two in the air.
Tony: "Damage report? *loud static* That's comprehensive. Show me something!"
Once they were flying at a stable altitude, VERONICA sends out another piece of the Hulkbuster armor. Y/n then uses it to zip towards the two giants and went to web-strike the Hulk, only for him to swat Y/n out of the air and into the streets below.
When Tony reorients in the air with Hulk underneath him, he looks ahead and saw a building under construction. The suit then began a quick full scan of the construction and found no civilians on-site, giving an 'ALL CLEAR' to Tony.
Tony: "How quickly can we buy this building?"
Tony then flew above the construction site and drops the Hulk on top of it. He then increased his altitude before sending out 4 missiles, all targeted at the building's support structure.
Once the entire building was weakened, Tony dove down together with the Hulk as he sends him down, floor after floor while the entire building crumbles onto them.
Once they reached the ground, they emitted a large shockwave that sends a large dustcloud outwards, forcing the civilians to run away.
A military truck then arrives at the scene as we see Hulk slowly getting out of his mind-controlled state and slowly turning back into Bruce Banner.
As Hulk regains his senses, he saw dozens of soldiers all lined up with their weapons trained on the green monster. Before Hulk could let out a roar he was quickly knocked out by Iron man.
Clint manages to get everyone back into the Quinjet and fly off into the clouds. Everyone looked into the distance all recovering from their nightmare as Maria Hill began giving the run-down on their situation.
Maria: "The news is loving you guys. Nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banner's arrest, but it's in the air"
Tony: "Stark Relief Foundation?"
Maria: "Already on the scene. How's the team?"
Tony: "Everyone's...we took a hit. We'll shake it off"
Y/n: *groan* "Easy for you to say"
Tony then looks back and saw Y/n, still in his suit, holding an ice pack against his mask.
Y/n: "You weren't decked by the Hulk out of the air and into several waiting Ford focuses"
Bruce: *mutter* "I'm sorry"
Y/n: *groan* "No hard feelings, buttercup. You got a mean swing"
Y/n then makes his way near the cockpit with Tony.
Y/n: "So what do we do know?"
Maria: "Well for now I'd stay in stealth mode, and stay away from here"
Tony: "So, run and hide?"
Maria: "Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer"
Tony: "Neither do we"
He ends the call and switches off the monitor before turning to Barton, who's flying the Quinjet.
Tony: "Hey, you wanna switch out?"
Clint: "No, I'm good. If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time, cause we're still a few hours out"
Tony: "A few hours from...where?"
Clint: "A safe house"
The sun starts to rise as the Quinjet lands in an open clearing near a house by the meadows. Once the aircraft powered down, Clint led the team into the house.
Thor: "What is this place?"
Tony: "A safe house?"
Clint: "Let's hope..."
Clint then opened the front door before helping Natasha inside as the Avengers slowly followed after them.
Clint: "Honey? I'm home"
As the Avengers reach the living room/dining room, they were met by a pregnant woman who walked over to Clint with a smile. The woman, is Laura Barton, Clint's wife.
Clint: "Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead"
Laura: "Hey"
Tony: *to Thor* "This is an agent of some kind"
Clint: *introducing his wife to the team* "Gentleman, this is Laura"
Laura: "I know all your names"
They all look at her awkwardly.
Laura: *to Y/n* "Hi, Spidey. My kids are a big fan"
Y/n: "Kids?"
Clint: "Speaking of kids, incoming!"
Footsteps were heard coming down the stairs as Barton's children, Cooper and Lila run into the room and tackled him into a hug.
Lila: "Dad!"
Clint picks up his daughter as the Avengers watch in surprise.
Clint: "Hi, sweetheart! *kissing the top of his son's head* Hey, buddy! How you guys doing? Ooh..."
Tony: *to the others* "These are...smaller agents"
Clint: "Look at your face! Oh, my goodness!"
Lila: "Did you bring Auntie Nat?"
Natasha: "Why don't you hug her and find out?"
Lila then gets down from Clint's arms before she rushes towards Natasha, who picks her up in her arms.
Steve: "Sorry for barging in on you"
Tony: "Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed"
Clint: "Yeah, well Fury helped me set this up when I joined. He kept it off SHIELD's files, I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low"
Laura: "Honey. Ah, I missed you"
Natasha: "How's little Natasha, huh?"
Natasha then puts down Lila before touching Laura's belly.
Laura: She's...Nathaniel.
Natasha bend towards Laura's pregnant stomach
Natasha: "Traitor"
Lila then slowly walks up to Y/n before looking up at him, this causes Y/n to look down at the little girl as she raised her arms at him.
Lila: "Up!"
Y/n: *smirk* "Oh, I can do more than just up"
Y/n quickly picks up Lila.
Y/n: "We can go up..."
Y/n then jumps to the wall as Lila began giggling.
Y/n: "Up..."
Y/n then jumps to the ceiling before running around the house on the ceiling as Lila screams with joy.
Y/n: "And away!!"
As Y/n and Lila were off doing their own thing, the hallucinations brought on by Wanda continue to creep up in Thor's mind and he walks out of the house with Steve following after him.
Steve: "Thor"
Thor: "I saw something in that dream. I need answers, I won't find them here"
Thor uses his hammer to fly away. Steve turns to enter the house when he hears Peggy's voice from Wanda's vision
Peggy: "We can go home"
Instead of going inside, he turns and walks away. Back inside, Laura checks on Clint's wound that Pietro had given him.
Clint: "See, you worried for nothing. Can't even feel the difference, can you?"
Laura: "If they're sleeping here, some of them are gonna have to double up"
Clint: *chuckle* "Yeah, that's not gonna sell"
Laura: "What about Nat and Dr. Banner? How long has that been going on?"
Clint: "Has what?"
Laura: *giggle* "You are so cute"
Clint: "Nat and... and Banner?"
Laura: "I'll explain when you're older, Hawkeye"
Clint: "Oh. Okay"
After getting changed out of his uniform, he walks towards a small table and takes a seat.
Laura: "It's bad, right? Nat seems really shaken"
Clint: "Ultron has these allies, these uh, kids, they're punks really. They carry a big damn stick and Nat took a serious hit. Someone's gonna have to teach 'em some manners"
Laura: "And that someone being you. You know I totally support your Avenging, I couldn't be prouder. But I see those guys, those 'Gods'..."
Clint and Laura then sat beside the window before looking out and seeing Tony and Steve getting ready to chop wood.
Clint: "You don't think they need me"
Laura: "I think they do. Which is a lot scarier. They're a mess"
Clint: "Yeah. I guess they're my mess"
Laura: "You need to be sure that this team is really a team and that they have your back. Things are changing for us"
Clint then stood up and faced Laura as he looked into her eyes lovingly.
Laura: "In a few months time, you and me are gonna be outnumbered. I need-- ...just be sure"
Clint: "Yes, ma'am"
He kisses her, then as Laura places her arm around his waist she touches his wounded side.
Laura: "I can feel the difference"
Clint chuckles before he and Laura looked back out the window and saw Steve and Tony begin chopping away. Their quiet moment was interrupted by a knock on the door, the two looked over and saw Y/n leaning against the door frame.
Y/n: "Hey, is this a bad time?"
Clint: "No, not at all. What's up?"
Y/n: "You're daughter and I are finished running around, just came to warn you that you might need to dust off the roof"
Laura: "Thanks for the heads up *to Clint* I better fix up some snacks for your friends"
Clint: "Can't wait"
Clint then pecks Laura in the lips before sending her off, excusing herself past Y/n as he looked distant after the display of affection, causing Y/n to recall the nightmare he saw during the fight. How Gwen's lifeless body scared him to his very core.
Clint: "Spider-man!"
Y/n: *shaken* "Hmm? Wha?"
Clint: "You okay?"
Y/n: "Oh, Ye-Yeah...must be this splitting headache again. You wouldn't happen to have some pain killers do you?"
Clint: *checks drawer* "Here"
Clint tosses a bottle of pills at Y/n who took a couple from the said bottle before pulling his mask over his nose and downing the pills in one gulp.
Clint: "You feeling anything else different?"
Y/n: "Well, my voice starting to get deeper, but that's just puberty"
Clint: "I meant emotionally, I couldn't see your expression behind your mask but I could tell you were pretty spooked"
Y/n sighs before slowly sliding down the doorframe, leading to Clint walking up to him before crouching down to his level.
Clint: "Do you wanna talk about it"
Y/n: *hangs head* "...she's dead"
Clint: "Who?"
Y/n: "Someone very close to me. I saw her die"
Clint: "I see...well death is a common thing to fe-"
Y/n: "That's not the worst part..."
With the emotion getting the best of him, Y/n swiftly took off his mask, surprising Clint as he saw tears streaming down his eyes.
Y/n: "I killed her Clint, it was me...the very web I shot to try to save her, was the reason she died. I could still hear the crack echoing in my head"
Clint: "Oh, kid. That must've been pretty hard to see"
Y/n then looks down at his hands and sees them shaking in fear.
Y/n: "What if...what if that happened? I always push myself to save everyone, but what if...I was the reason they died. Maybe if I wasn't Spider-man then maybe-"
Clint: "Hey, you listen to me"
Clint then placed a hand on Y/n's shoulder as he looked up at him with red eyes.
Clint: "You're a kid, you make mistakes sure, but you shouldn't let this fear overwhelm you. It's just a nightmare, that's all that is"
Y/n: "But it didn't feel like a nightmare, it felt like a vision. I just...I don't know what to do"
Clint: "Get better. Remember, you're an Avenger now. Even before that you've done great on your own. You were given the chance to see yourself in the future, now you have a choice. Whether you do nothing and wait for that future to come true or You do something about it and change that future for the better"
Y/n: *surprised* "You just gave me fucking goosebumps"
Shrugging the sadness out of his system, Y/n grips his hands tightly before jumping to his feet and facing Clint with a rekindled smile.
Y/n: "Thanks, Clint. I needed that"
Clint: *stands up* "That's what I'm here for"
Y/n: *deep breath* "Right, business as usual then"
Y/n then puts on his mask before fixing his attire.
Clint: "You know you can take off that mask when you're with us"
Y/n: "I know...but you got kids, it'll ruin the magic"
We've reached the halfway point of the movie, could you believe it? And a bit more heart-to-heart scene with Clint, like he'd do with Wanda later in the movie.
Anyways, not much to say today, just the usual.
Vote if you wanna
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And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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