(Age of Ultron arc) Part 1
In a snowy forest in Sokovia, Sounds of Mortars land on the snowy soil as Lasers are flying across the forest.
Amidst all of the chaos, an arrow whistle across the forest hitting a HYDRA soldier with a jetpack. Another mortal hits the field as an armored Jeep continued driving, weaving through the countless HYDRA Jetpack soldiers.
We look close to the jeep and saw Clint and Natasha pushing through enemy lines, with Nat maneuvering around to avoid getting hit while Clint, with his Bow and arrow, does all the hitting.
As Clint took out another Jetpack soldier, he spots a tower with an RPG about to take them out. Before the soldier could fire the rocket, the soldier was hit with a beam of energy causing him to fall off the tower as Iron man flew next to the jeep before Flying off to take out more towers.
Right as Iron man left, another jeep drives beside Nat and Clint and went to shoot their mounted railgun, but Thor arrives in the nick of time and lands behind the gunner before throwing him off as Clint took care of the driver.
Once the vehicle was taken care of, Thor sets his sights on another tower where soldiers are grouped up and rained laser blast from above. Thor then spins Mjolnir as quickly as he can before tossing it towards the tower, sending him flying toward the group of HYDRA soldiers before knocking them off the tower.
Jetpack soldiers flew to Thor to try and team up against him, but he nearly kicks the soldiers away as they landed beside him before grabbing another jetpack soldier right out of the air and throwing him to the ground.
Thor then slides down the tower as he grabs a piece of the tower to take out a couple of HYDRA footmen on the ground with him. Another mortar struck near Thor as the sound of a motorcycle engine echos through the forest.
When another HYDRA soldier went to attack Thor, Captain America swoops in with his motorcycle and snatched the soldier away by the foot, dragging him across the dirt road before getting hurled towards another HYDRA footman.
Captain America then increased the throttle on his motorcycle, picking up speed as he grabs his shield from his back and throws it to a tree in front of him as he took a detour around a rock and takes out another footman.
The shield ricochets off the tree and into another footman, Cap then drove by his shield, quickly picking it up from the air as he used the small incline of land to ramp off back to the leveled ground.
As he took a sharp left turn, Captain America was immediately met with a tank as rolled up to the forest and immediately spots him, but Thor manages to intercept before the tank could attack. Tipping it over to its front as Iron man flew by and repulsor blast the bottom of the tank, destroying it.
The explosion caused the tank to be sent in the air as The Hulk catches it with his hands before tossing it towards a group of HYDRA Footmen, Hulk then let out a roar before rampaging through another group of HYDRA footmen just as Natasha and Clint arrived at the scene.
The Jeep then approaches a barricade which forces Natasha to turn the jeep to the side as she and Clint jump over the barricade along with Iron man, Captain America, Thor, and Hulk in one epic group shot
After breaking through the perimeter, Iron man flew ahead, taking out a bunker along the way before flying directly towards the Fort in the distance and going to crash through it, only to be met with a forcefield that bounces him off.
Tony: "Shit!"
Steve: "Language *to comms* J.A.R.V.I.S what's the view from upstairs"
Over in outer space, a satellite is seen orbiting around the earth with a camera overviewing The Avenger's location as it marks all hostile targets in the area.
J.A.R.V.I.S: "The central building is protected by some sort of, Energy Field. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've ever taken"
A platoon of HYDRA footmen marched to the scene of the action with heavy artillery to support the defense line, Thor disrupts the reinforcements by landing in the middle of the platoon before taking out the soldiers near him.
Thor: "Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount his defense without it"
Thor then hurls Mjolnir towards a footman before back-handing away another that was beside him, when Thor recalls his hammer, he quickly leans to the side, sending Mjolnir flying past him and nailing another HYDRA footman that was running up behind Thor.
Thor: "At long last"
A jeep then drove along the dirt road, passing Natasha as she threw a grenade inside the jeep. When it drove off, the jeep explodes as Natasha jumped down to the small trench by the gunner's nest and took out two of the soldiers guarding it.
Another HYDRA footman went to ambush Natasha but was quickly dealt with by Clint.
Natasha: "At long last, is lasting a little long Boys"
Natasha then turns to the gunner and pulled out her pistol and takes out the soldier as Clint took cover behind a tree to avoid enemy fire and equipped an explosive arrow before shooting it towards an enemy bunker, destroying it.
Clint: "Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise"
Deeper within the enemy lines, Tony flew around taking out guards with his repulsor blasts before searching for the main power source of the forcefield.
Tony: "Wait a second, no one else is gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said 'Language'?"
Steve: "I know..."
Steve drove his motorcycle through the hail of laser beams and mortar fire as he was coming up to another enemy jeep, packed with HYDRA soldiers. Adjusting his grip on the bike handles, Steve flips over his bike before hurling it towards the enemy jeep, sending the soldiers flying out and destroying a perfectly good bike.
Steve: "Just slipped out"
Inside the fortress, a man with a monocle goes up two sets of stairs before walking towards the main relay of the base along with a scientist. This is Strucker, the person with the monocle, and the scientist is known as List.
Strucker: "Who gave the order to attack?"
Soldier: "Herr Strucker, it's The Avengers"
Soldier #2: "They landed in the far woods, the perimeter guard panicked"
Strucker: *to List* They have to be after the Scepter *to Soldier* Can we hold them"
Soldier: *deadpan* "They're The Avengers"
Strucker: "Deploy the rest of the tanks"
Soldier: "Yes, sir"
Strucker: "Concentrate fire on the weak ones. A hit can make them close ranks. *to List* Everything we've accomplished...but we're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough"
List: "Then let's show them what we've accomplished. Send out the twins"
Strucker: "it's too soon"
List: "It's what they signed up for"
Strucker: "My men can hold them"
Back outside, Tony continues to fly around the perimeter of the fortress in search of a weak spot as he maneuvers around to avoid the incoming fire.
J.A.R.V.I.S: "Sir, the city is taking fire"
Tony: "Well, we know Strucker's not going to worry about civilian casualties. Luckily, we brought our resident web-slinger"
Over at the main city, a small squadron of HYDRA agents posts up near a cliff overlooking the city as they began opening fire on the civilians on the ground, destroying vehicles and public property alike.
Their rain of fire was stopped when a web grenade flew towards the squadron, the soldiers seised fire and looked over at the grenade intrigued as it began beeping with a blue light blinking.
The soldiers then panicked but were immediately stopped by Y/n, wearing a scarf along with his usual spider-man suit. Y/n web-striked towards one soldier and slammed him to the gravel, taking him out before the fight starts.
The soldiers quickly raised their guard at Y/n's sudden appearance, but that's when the web grenade detonates, causing webbing to shoot around it, sending the majority of the soldiers back, sticking onto the railing or lamp post, as the rest was wrapped in webbing.
Y/n then went into a handstand before kicking away a HYDRA soldier that was behind him, sending him towards a nearby bench as the webbing causes him to get stuck onto the surface.
A soldier manages to break out of the webbing and points their plasma rifle towards Y/n and pulled the trigger.
Y/n manages to twirl in the air in time to dodge the blast as he shot a web towards the soldier's face, blinding him. Y/n then swapped his attention to the other remaining soldier, he briskly ran towards the unsuspecting soldier before running up his chest and kicking him in the chin. knock him out.
While he was still in mid-air, Y/n turned to the previous soldier he webbed up and web-strike over to him before delivering a knee strike to the soldier's jaw. Finally taking out the squadron.
Tony: *comms* "How are we with things on your end?"
Y/n: "Sector's clear. Resuming city sweep"
Y/n then walked towards the railing, patting a soldier's helmet as he does before somersaulting over the railing and swinging back over to the city.
Y/n: "You know, I find this kind of unfair. I'm the one who found Loki's scepter yet somehow I'M the one doing city evacuation. Feels like I didn't even leave"
Steve: *comms* "Sorry, Spidey. But we needed someone to ensure the civilians get out safely, how is that by the way"
Y/n let's go of his web before perching on a streetlamp right in front of a webbed-up street as he oversees the civilians followed the path that Y/n has laid out.
Y/n: "It's going by smoothly, I thought there would be a huge language barrier in Sokovia but the people speak English just fine"
Sokovian citizen: "Menace!"
Y/n: *sigh* "Although, I wish they'd ease off calling me a Menace. Feels like I'm in Manhattan all over again"
Natasha: "Aww, Is someone not having a good vacation?"
Y/n: *sarcastic* "What's not to like?"
Y/n launched himself off the street lamp before swinging across the block.
Y/n: "The atmosphere is a forever winter, really captures the holiday spirit"
As Y/n rounds a corner, he was met with a crowd of rioters protesting against the presence of The Avengers and of course, Spider-man.
Y/n: "The locals are SO Hospitable"
Y/n jumps off his web before diving down, dodging a Molotov cocktail that flew towards him before thwipping another web and continuing swinging.
Y/n: "And the drinks...absolute FIRE!"
Tony: *comms* "Alright, no need to be a sarcastic sally. I'm sending in the Iron Legion to help"
As Y/n stuck to the side of a building, he spots in the distance a fleet of robots soaring towards the city. The robots then dispersed before one robot landed in front of the rioting civilians.
The robots bore a resemblance to Tony's iron man armor but were painted in sky blue along with an Avengers logo painted on its chest.
Iron Legion: "This quadrant is unsafe. Please back away. We are here to help. This quadrant is unsafe. Please back away. We wish to avoid collateral damage and will inform you when this current conflict is resolved. We are here to help. We are here to help"
As the iron Legion began their automated message, the rioters threw bottles and caused damage to the Legion bots.
Y/n: "Looks like you guys aren't well-loved here either. Welcome to the club"
Sokovian citizens: "No more Avengers! No more Avenger!"
Y/n looks down at the rioting civilians as some began destroying parts of the Legion bots. Being unable to bear the sight any longer, Y/n jumps off his position before landing in front of the droid.
Y/n: "Hey, hey! Didn't you hear the robot? Trust me, the sooner we finish this the sooner we're out of your-"
Sokovian man: *Sokovian* "Get out of the way, Spider freak!"
A tipsy man then stumbled towards Y/n and went to swing a right hook at him, but the man tripped and was about to fall to the ground if it weren't for Y/n catching him.
Y/n: "Woah, Glad to see you're enjoying shots after getting shot"
Sokovian man: *Sokovian* "Get off me!"
The tipsy man resisted Y/n's assistance as he swung his elbow towards Y/n, hitting him directly in the jaw causing him to let go of the drunk man.
Y/n: "Ow, my molars"
Sokovian citizens: "No more Spiderman No more Spiderman No more Spider-"
Y/n: "I'm sorry--really sorry--to interrupt your crowd chanting but I can't help but hear that you guys are saying my name without the Hyphen, and it's just-it's bothering me"
An explosion then occurs in the distance, quickly gaining Y/n's attention including the Sokovian citizens. A few minutes go by after the explosion and Y/n heard Steve and Natasha report through the comms.
Natasha: *comms* "We're locked down here"
Steve: *comms* "Then get Banner, time for a lullaby. Spidey, head back to the Quinjet"
Y/n: "Roger that, Rogers"
Y/n then turned back to the Sokovian citizens and gave them two thumbs-up.
Y/n: "Alright, crisis averted"
The Legion bot then adjusts its stance before rocketing off.
Y/n: "Now, if you will all excuse me. I'll be getting out of your hair now"
Shooting a web towards the flying Legion bot, Y/n uses it to catch a rides it out of the city.
Y/n: "J.A.R.V.I.S, mind leading me back to the Quinjet"
J.A.R.V.I.S: "Of course, sir"
Y/n: "Sweet, thanks buddy"
Here we go, the start of the final movie for phase 2. At least the last MCU phase 2 movie I will be making an arc off, getting close now to Phase 3. Are you guys excited? I sure am
Anyways, pushing all this excitement aside, you guys know the drill
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And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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