Chapter 22: The 'big' question
"Morton, have you lost your filter?"
They had been walking along the decked pier for a while, with Oliver's eyes now fixed on the sparkling sea, watching as the waves lapped against the shingle beach. He stops, leaning forwards to rest his elbows against the ornate green painted iron railings. He exhales a sigh of contentment. "I don't know what it is, but there is something about looking over to the horizon, where the sky meets the sea, which just clears my mind y'know? Takes all my fears, my cares and worries away. Like I begin to see clearly again."
"That sounds very deep." Morton replies as he hands over one of the two ice creams he had just purchased. He sees his own reflection in Oliver's mirrored sunglasses as Oliver takes the treat from his hand.
"What? You don't have a place? I thought everyone had a place." Oliver replies as he catches the already dripping vanilla with his tongue, which was trickling down the cone.
"I love my bed." Morton grins.
"That's not quite what I meant." Oliver looks back at the view he loved much as he enjoys his ice cream.
Morton mirrors his stance as he follows the view out to the horizon. "Mountains. I like mountains."
"Mountains?" Oliver again looks at Morton's profile. "When have you climbed a mountain?"
"At school, year 6. We had an activity week in Wales. We abseiled, went in caves and climbed a mountain." Morton recalls the moment. "I don't remember the one we climbed, but it was the black mountain range. When I got to the top, I felt like I was on top of the world. A king. I thought I could do anything." Morton looks at Oliver who had a wide grin plastered across his face. "You're laughing at me."
"No Morton. I'm not." He puts his free hand on top of Morton's, which was resting on the rail. "That is just what I meant. That place. That moment in time where you feel…"
"Like everything is perfect." He smiles back at Oliver's mirror covered eyes.
"Today is one of those days." Oliver grins. "This is nice…." He steps closer, boldly taking in a mouthful of Morton's ice cream between his lips, looking up at Morton's slightly taller frame as he swallows. "I hope the best is yet to come."
Morton suddenly feels a little overwhelmed as he pulls the hand away, choosing to gaze ahead out to sea. "I need to tell you something." He says, daring not to look at his own image in Oliver's shades.
"Sure." Oliver replies, feeling apprehensive. Was he about to backtrack? Did he want to go back to being friends?
"You said you wondered where I was this morning, when I went to get coffee. Well, I was talking to Tully."
"Tully?" Oliver furrows his brow.
"Y'know, Clark's therapist friend."
Oliver's face drops. "Are you ok? I didn't realise you were under therapy, shit! I'm supposed to be your friend and I didn't even know." He puts a hand on Morton's shoulder, full of concern.
"No no. It's nothing like that." Morton takes the hand from his shoulder, now holding it in his. "I called him because of you."
"Me? Are you saying I need therapy?" Oliver now felt a little offended.
"No, Jesus! Look… I called him because he is good at reading people. I wanted some advice." Morton looks at Oliver, with a sheepish smile.
"Go on." Oliver prompts as he bites into his cone, maybe a little aggressively for Morton's liking.
Morton swallows hard, before beginning. "Ok, so I wanted to make this day perfect for you, for us. He gave me some good advice. Said that I knew the answers anyway because we are already friends, we listen to each other. We know how the other one ticks."
"I'd say the guy is smart." Oliver smiles, but he can see Morton still looking tense. "Is there something else?"
Morton pushes the remainder of his ice cream into his mouth. He needed time to think of how to word the next moment…" It's silly really and I don't think it was advice as such but he just made this passing comment. Something about how when he was a kid, if he wanted to know what was going on in his mother's mind, he would looked in her handbag."
"I looked in your bag." Morton bites on his bottom lip nervously. "I saw you sex toys…"
Oliver drops his cone on the ground in order to cover Morton's big mouth. "Shh, keep it down." He looks around him to see if anyone has heard, before pulling Morton by his wrist towards a more secluded bench. "You looked in my bag?"
"I'm sorry Olly. I know it was your private stuff. I just wanted to know what was going on inside your head."
"Why don't you just ask me?" Oliver sits back on the bench, wanting to distance himself from Morton a little.
"Ok, Do you like big dicks?"
"Morton, have you lost your filter?" Oliver says through clenched teeth as he looks around him again.
But Morton just carries on in his own quest for his own truth. "I saw that dildo…in your bag. It was 12 inches at least, very lifelike and thick. It even had a vein going up the…."
"Ok, yes I like big dicks." It's all he can think of to say to stop the words falling from Morton's mouth. Though he maybe could have replied a little quieter as he gets a look from a middle aged couple walking past.
"Mine isn't like that." Morton looks down at his feet. "You said it takes a lot to turn you on. How can I compete with a 12 inch dildo? I've only ever topped twice, I usually bottom."
"Ah Morton. You are seriously asking me this. How do you compare to a silicone toy? Trust me, from what I've seen this morning, you are fine. Don't get all insecure."
"But what if I can't satisfy you?" Morton now turns to look at Oliver, he grabs a hold of his hands, but he is relieved to see Oliver grinning at him.
"Morton, it's not just about you satisfying me. We are both in this together. It's about what we both want. So tell me. What do you want Morton?"
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