Chapter 11: The lake
"You are going under my friend."
Oliver joins Morton at the water's edge. The lake gently lapped against the smooth stones by their feet. "So, how do you want to do this?" Oliver looks across to Morton, who was looking across to the horizon.
"Let's take it slow." Comes the reply. Oliver wonders whether the meaning was meant to be something other than literal, with Oliver's mind working overtime, but it would have made sense to enter the water with care, with neither of them knowing little about what lived in it or how deep it was. "Ok. I'll go first." Morton takes a step forwards, instantly hitching a breath at the coolness of the water.
"Is it really cold?" Oliver wonders as he dares to edge in. Surely the heat of the sun had warmed it just a little.
"It's ok. Just caught my breath." Morton says as he ventures in further. Soon the water is lapping around his knees. He turns to see Oliver, still ankle deep. "Hey come on, it's ok, I promise."
Spurred on by Morton's encouragement, Oliver gradually goes deeper. The coolness of the lake felt like a blessing against his warm skin, as it did Morton, who was now waist deep.
"I don't think it goes any deeper than this." Morton says, as he ducks his shoulders in the lake, before returning to standing, with droplets forming on his bare skin and running down his body.
Oliver is soon level with his friend, his skin yet to be dampened above his waist. That is until Morton decides to do something about it, as a hand dips into the lake and creates a splash over Oliver. "Hey! Don't…" Oliver raises his hand to shield his face, but Morton just laughs and carries on.
"Not afraid of a little water are you?" He continues his assault on Oliver, but Oliver just bides his time. Waiting for Morton to get close enough for him to grab at his wrists.
Now, a power struggle begins with both males trying to get the other to concede. "You think you're such a joker." Oliver laughs, determined not to be a victim to the water.
"You are going under my friend." Morton laughs back. But he is caught off guard by Oliver's foot, catching the back of Morton's leg. In just one simple move, Morton lets go and falls back, plunging into the water.
"Got you." Oliver is triumphant, but it begins to fade when he sees Morton not resurfacing. "Morton? Stop messing." He laughs nervously, but the lake remains still. Oliver now panics and reaches forward, grabbing at one of Morton's arms which was submerged. He pulls at the limb, now being able to place an arm around Morton's neck8. He sees his friend's eyes closed as if out for the count. "Morton! Don't mess with me. Morton!"
It's only now that the mischievous smile spreads across Morton's face, followed by a laugh as finally he opens his eyes. "Fooled you." He says as he looks up at Oliver who looks like he may just kill him. He lets go of his hold on Morton as he stands up and walks away.
"Don't do that to me, you idiot. We are in the middle of nowhere. What if…"
"Hey. I'm sorry, I was just fooling around." Morton gets up and begins to wade towards Oliver, but Oliver keeps his distance.
"Just go wash, do whatever, I'm getting out." He waves off a hand towards Morton as he heads back to the campervan.
Morton stays still in the water, watching him go. His mind in thought. Why was Olly being so sensitive? It wasn't the first time he had pulled a stupid prank. He usually saw the funny side. He lowers his body once again into the water and begins to lean back, his body making light motions as it floated a little on the surface.
The water felt so refreshing against his skin that he felt he could have remained forever. That is until he heard the call from dry land. "I want to get some rest."
Morton looks up and sees Oliver once again fully dressed. "Go then. I'm not stopping you " he calls back.
"I can't."
"Because….I'm worried about you." Oliver huffs.
Morton sighs as he gets to standing. "I was only pranking. I won't drown. I'm sorry. I won't do it again."
"Just come out now. I have something to show you." Oliver persists.
"Ok, ok." Morton makes his way out of the water, back to the van. "What is it?" He questions as he pulls the back door, opening it to retrieve his bag to get out a towel.
Oliver pulls out the roadmap from inside the car, holding it up against the side of the vehicle. "Do you fancy the beach? Because, look." Oliver draws a line with his finger towards the small seaside town of Cockle bay." It's not far from here, maybe two or three hours away."
"I'm up for it." Morton smiles. "So you wanna go now?"
"No not now. I need sleep." Oliver folds up the map, before looking back at Morton. "And I'm sorry for overeacting in the water." He gives off a weak smile.
Morton looks at Oliver who looks like he may have more to say. He places a hand on his shoulder. "Are you sure you're ok? I've not seen you react like that before. Do you have a traumatic water experience I don't know about?"
Oliver feels a slight rush from Morton's touch once again. It was happening all too often of late and he didn't know how long he would be able to keep it at bay, but did he feel convinced enough that the feelings would be reciprocated if he was to tell his friend how he was feeling?
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