43- Hate And Shame
---- 10:36 PM ----
After fifteen minutes, El reappeared with a neatly packed suitcase; that didn't take long at all. Her excitement was palpable as she called out to the pair, standing at the foot of the stairs. "I'm all ready and set to go." she cheered, somewhat excited for this 'surprise'.
Mike, who had been eagerly awaiting this moment practically jumped from his seat, whipping his head to the girl, "Excellent let's go!"
However, the brunette, still engrossed with the film didn't move, his eyes glued to the screen. He voiced his complaints, "Can't we wait to finish this first? I wanna see how it ends!" he pouted
The ravenette felt torn between his eagerness to start the trip and his own desire to keep his new boyfriend happy. But he let out a sigh, "Bunny... I can't delay this! We need to go!"
The brunette reluctantly paused the movie, irritation simmering beneath the surface, "Fine, you're the boss... as always." he mumbled the last part getting up from the couch with a pout and walking to the front door.
"I'm sorry okay..." the tall boy began, his tone soft worried he did something wrong already. "You can watch the rest in the car." Mike extended the olive branch realising this wasn't the brunette being 'bratty' or 'childish' but rather him experiencing something he should have when he was younger; the freedom to be a little kid watching cartoons without the fear of his father looming in the background. He knew Will didn't have that; he wasn't allowed to.
But instead of calming down, this suggestion seemed to ignite a new source of frustration in Will. Turning sharply toward the ravenette, his eyes flashed with irritation, "Finish it in the car?" the small boy repeated, "So you're telling me I have been locked in that fucking car for five days bored out my mind and you didn't tell me there was a TV?"
"I mean you were still a victim at that point..." the tall boy chuckled, but upon realising he was treading on thin ice with the brunette he stopped to explain his perspective, "I get your frustrated, but we need to go now. There's something important I need to show you."
Will wasn't having any of it; all these little things added up into full blown rage, "Important? This whole trip has been one big mess after another!"
"I know, but I promise this is different and we can't afford to delay." Mike understood that Will's frustration was justified.
The argument continued to escalate as the brunette struggled to contain his annoyance, but El was the one who broke the tension, attempting to mediate, "C'mon guys let's all calm down and talk this out."
But the sentiment fell on deaf ears as the pair stretched the argument, intensifying with every accusation; Will just wanted to know what was going on and what was so important; he hated being in the dark about everything.
But Mike, realising the futility of their argument knowing that continuing would only deal harm to the relationship they just got themselves into, abruptly cut the conversation with a stern command, losing his temper. "Enough, Will! Stop being a bitch and get in the car right now!"
Taken aback by the sudden shift in tone and authority the small boy huffed in annoyance but ultimately complied. Throwing open the front door, he marched over to the car and toward the back seat; he was going to watch his film. The car beeped, alerting that the doors had been remotely unlocked. He opened the door, climbing into the back seat, his arms crossed defiantly across his chest, still simmering with frustration.
The brunette was still vexed from the commotion, yet his attention turned to the headrest of the seat's before him; both with screens mounted on.. how did he never notice this? He was pleasantly surprised to see the movie he was watching was one of the selections that was here; if it wasn't he probably would have thrown another 'bitch fit', a smile grew on his face.
Excited to continue his watching, he reached into the pocket of the seat before him- Mike's seat - for something to listen with. And to his surprise he pulled out something: a pair of headphone wires, yet as he pulled them out the pocket a folded piece of paper fell onto his lap. He unfolded it, seeing neatly written handwriting. The note read:
Hey there Will! Figured these might come in handy to distract yourself for a while. Remember to not let Mike get you down, he's an uncultured swine when it comes to movies, so he has no right to push anyone around. Enjoy the film! - Max :)
Ps- If Mike hurts you Lucas says he'll beat him up.
A surprised chuckle escaped the small boy's lips, leave it to the redhead to bring a smile to his face even when she wasn't around; Will wished he could meet her again, she was so sweet and comforting. He also liked Lucas, the athletic boy was thoughtful of his situation and knew not to push despite wanting all the information.
With a grin, Will put on the headphones, ready to lose himself in the movie... at least for a little while. Max's note served as a reminder that sometimes, he just needed an escape no matter how small.
Well, time to finish 'Shrek 3'!
In the house, El and Mike stood on the doorframe. Immediate regret filled the ravenette's every pore; why did he say that to Will? Will didn't deserve it? The small boy didn't say anything to warrant being called a 'bitch'! Mike hated himself in that moment.
The doe-eyed girl knew that something had happened between Mike and Will, and it was clearly bothering both of them. She decided to take matters into her own hands but before she could say anything, the ravenette broke the silence, "Do you think Will is going to hate me again?" he asked, his voice opening to vulnerability.
El felt shook to her core, never had she heard that emotion from Mike before. She immediately replied, "No, Mike, he won't hate you." turning to him with a soft, yet firm tone, "Hey, it's alright! Just apologise to Will to clear the air."
The ravenette nodded in agreement, grateful for El's support and advice though he wasn't convinced in the slightest. He picked up her suitcase walking toward the car, knowing the first thing to do was to apologise and make things right. Opening the trunk, he placed El's bag inside, closing it.
His intention to apologise to Will was clear, but his uncertainty of how to bring it up or when the right moment to, weighed heavy as he slunk into the driver's seat. He let out a sigh, contemplating how to mend the argument.
Just as Mike was deep in thought, the doe-eyed girl appeared by the car a few seconds later. She checked the house to ensure everything was in order before departure, "Doors locked, lights off, oven off; we're ready to go!" she chimed.
With a sigh, the ravenette pulled away from the house, unable to help but glance at the backseat through the rearview mirror to where Will sat, seeing the small boy with a pair of headphones dangling from each ear and his eyes glued to the TV screen that was hidden from view in the headrest of the front seat; no person could even tell it was there.
Mike saw as Will laughed at the movie as though it was the only thing getting him through the whole situation. He stole glances from the brunette every few minutes, his heart swelling from the small boy's reactions to the movie, yet he could tell he was still upset from their earlier argument. Mike had yelled at him, something he promised not to do, he called him a 'bitch'; everything Will hated.
El, sensing Mike's inner turmoil and the fact that the ravenette was looking away from the road in the already pitch darkness, turned to him placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, "Calm Mike," she said soothingly, "It was just an argument. You two will figure it out."
Mike let out a heavy sigh, loosening his grip on the steering wheel, "I know," he replied with inner frustration to himself, "Why do I always have to lose my temper like that?"
"We all make mistakes Mike, even Will knows that; if Will hated or didn't like you, why would he be dating you?" she answered with a comforting smile.
"Pity? Scared? Money?" the ravenette listed,
"No dumbass," she deadpanned, "Will does like you for you; trust me, even I was shocked when he told me... twice!" she joked,
"Oh, shut up!" the tall boy playfully rolled his eyes with a soft chuckle enjoying the banter he shared with his best friend and the way she was always able to lift him up despite everything. And with that, his attention turned back to the road stretched before them. Mike being fully aware and alert due to his nap earlier.
---- 2:32 AM ----
The long drive continued in silence, the only sound visible in the air was the soft snoring from the doe-eyed girl in the passenger's seat, ever so gracefully crossing her arms with her head leaning on the headrest.
The clicking from the brunette next filled the air, an indication that Will had finished the movie he was watching, and he was searching for a new one. Mike worried as to why Will wasn't sleeping but then realising that was all he had been doing in the passenger's seat earlier.
The guilt was written on the ravenette's expression as he thought this was the best time; all the clicking playing on his mind like a record player. He cleared his throat. "Will," he began, unsure as to whether the brunette even wanted to hear his voice. "Do you... do you hate me?"
Will's fingers paused in mid-air, his eyes meeting Mike's in the mirror; the vulnerability and longing in the tall boy's voice cut through any lingering anger that Will had from their earlier fight. He was truly taken aback by the question.
Unplugging the headphones from his ears, he responded, "Hate you?" the small boy softly repeated, his voice filled with surprise. He paused for a moment as his face softened, the words pulling on his heartstrings, "Mike, I don't hate you." he smiled.
A sigh of relief escaped the tall boy, his grip on the steering wheel relaxed a smidge, worried he destroyed his first relationship in the first day and pushed Will away.
"I'm sorry, I'm just so sorry." Mike admitted, his voice twinged with regret, "I lost my temper and I... I called you a 'bitch'. I- I didn't mean to. I'm really sorry." that was a record for the ravenette, three sincere apologies in the same sentence; he usually never gave people evenone.
Will understood, he could tell Mike was really trying his best with being level-headed and patient. Comfortingly he extended a hand placing it on his boyfriend's shoulder. "I know," Will said soft, "And honestly, I deserved it, I was acting like a little shit."
Mike shook his head, his expression a cross of regret and worry; he didn't want to make the brunette feel this way. He spoke, "No, you don't deserve anything bad; not now, not ever. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that,"
"I guess..." the small boy mumbled.
Mike paused for a second to collect his thoughts, "And, um, you shouldn't say stuff like that about yourself,"
"What?" the brunette questioned confused.
"What I mean is, you're like amazing and stuff," The tall boy's attempt at consoling was a little awkward but it got the message across, "Like you're really worth it, I'm just glad I met you." he said the thought that had been burrowing only deep in his thoughts.
Will couldn't help but laugh, the sound like a warm breeze in the otherwise quiet car. Mike's gaze faltered, worried that perhaps Will was laughing at him and his awkwardness; was he moving too fast? Did Will not feel the same way? Did Will only really date him because he was scared?
But before any more questions could circulate, the brunette wore a genuine smile, "Mike," he began, "You have no idea how glad I am that this whole... kidnapping thing led to this."
The ravenette's eyes widened at the unexpected response, "You are?" somewhat baffled.
Will nodded, his gaze sincere, "Yeah," he replied, "When I thought you were gonna kill me or... do other stuff to me I was terrified, but I guess I'm glad that you were the one who kidnapped me. I'm glad to have met you, Mike." he said, ruffling the tall boy's hair before slinking back to his own seat.
A wave of relief washed over the ravenette. He worried he might be moving too fast in this relationship, and that maybe he was overwhelming Will, but now hearing those words of affirmation, he knew they were on the same page.
With a smile that held more confidence this time, the ravenette focused on the road ahead trying to mask the secret he couldn't share with either in the car or what they were going to do in California.
Just a few more hours and Mike would give Will what he always wanted... a family.
2260 Words
Stay Safe <3
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