36- Law Of Equivalent Exchange
---- 5:32 AM ----
As the road stretched ahead, a ribbon of smoke followed behind them. The streetlights casted a tranquil ambience over the night as Will seemed to bathe in its gentle glow; he was ethereal to Mike. The tall boy couldn't fathom just how he managed to kidnap this boy who seemed perfect in almost every way. He wished he could see the world through Will's eyes; he knew he was being dramatic but being alone in a car for multiple hours learning about the small boy, it started to feel as they just clicked... at least that's how Mike saw it.
When he was young, he always thought those stories where the main characters' develop crushes on one another in the matter of a few days was insane; it made no logical sense. But then when he looked at Will, he understood how that happened; was it silly and childish? Yes! But would that stop him? No!
Cruising down the road, their connection seemed to deepen, the unspoken bond between them woven together by a simple car ride. Will's lips curled into a smile trying to make sense of the landscapes in the dark nights yet his gaze occasionally meeting Mike's, sharing a silent understanding.
In the midst of the quiet that filled the car, this time it was Will who started the conversation, his lips mischievously emerging. "Hey Mike..." the brunette added with a bright grin, "What did you say your favourite movie is again?"
"'The Godfather'!" Mike replied without a moment's hesitation, almost as though he had this memorised.
"Really? And what do you think about 'The Notebook'?" the brunette questioned, remembering the conversation he had with El the previous day.
"Oh..." the tall boy mumbled, "I- um think, it's fine," he stuttered, refraining from expressing his love for the movie.
"Is that so? So, you don't like that movie? Because I'd really love a kiss in the rain. It seems soo romantic... don't you?" Will cooed, clasping his hands together to emphasize his words and get a reaction from Mike.
"I mean, it would be fine I guess." the ravenette mumbled, not looking Will in the eyes.
"You know... El told me a little secret." the small boy admitted.
Mike's eyes flickered for a moment with a minute of curiosity and apprehension; his brows slightly furrowing, "What secret?"
Will's grin widened, his playful gaze fixed on the ravenette, "That your favourite movie is 'The Notebook'."
The tall boy's eyes widened in a mix of surprise and disbelief, slightly annoyed that El had slipped his little secret, "What? No! No way! El's just messing with you!"
The brunette chuckled, raising an eyebrow as he shuffled in his seat, "Are you sure about that?"
Mike hesitated for moment, wanting to protest as his cheeks flushed a faint hue of pink. He cleared his throat, his gaze dropping for a brief second knowing that exposing vulnerability could make Will fall for him. Mustering a sheepish grin, he said, "You got me... it is a good movie!"
"And...?" Will added.
"And... it's my favourite movie." Mike admitted quietly, his embarrassment giving way to a genuine smile, "And besides El shouldn't be telling you that type of stuff... it's embarrassing,"
"I actually think it's kinda cute! It gives you personality." the small boy smiled warmly.
"I have enough personality!" The ravenette furrowed his brows.
"Well, you need more of it." Will admitted sarcastically.
"If you know this about me, I demand to know something personal about you." Mike whined.
"Oh, how petty Wheeler." the small boy rolled his eyes playfully.
"Tell me something I don't know!" Mike playfully replied.
"You actually wanna know something about me?" Will arched an eyebrow, mischief dancing in his eyes upon seeing the tall boy nod, "Fine... I've always wanted to go to a prom but never got a chance to."
The ravenette's eyes softened with understanding, a curiosity lingering in his gaze, "Really? Why didn't you go?"
Will scrunched his face, "Homeschool Mike, homeschool." he deadpanned, explaining once again that he was not allowed to leave his house.
Mike's eyes held genuine sympathy as he listened, "Oh yeah... I forgot that." he let out a small, nervous chuckle.
The brunette let out a bittersweet smile, "It's really fine, I honestly didn't expect you to remember; sometimes I feel like I missed a lot of things in my life, you know with my missing mother, and my strict father, and my lack of friends..." he listed,
"Shit! That sounds tough... I'm sorry you had to go through that." Mike replied, knowing he wasn't the best at comforting people once again.
The small boy shrugged, "It is what it is. It feels pretty lonely sometimes, watching others have those experiences while I was stuck at home." he expressed, immediately shifting his tone to be a bit more light-hearted, hating when he felt vulnerable, "I think people in town think I was some sort of hermit that never left his home!"
Mike furrowed his brows, not really knowing if he was allowed to laugh at the deep comment just made, "I'm glad you're getting a chance to see the world now..." he attempted to comfort.
The comment genuinely made Will giggle, "Who knew that it only took literal kidnapping to see the world," he mocked sarcastically.
"Fuck!" the tall boy mumbled under his breath, becoming more panicked, assuming he only made the situation worse, "Wait! That's not what I mean..."
The small boy cut off, "It's really fine Mike... I know you won't hurt me."
Mike paused for a mere moment before complaining, "I can be scary!"
"Well not after learning you regularly watch sappy romance movies," Will explained.
The ravenette's expression shifted to a mocking serious one, "You really think I can't be intimidating?" He straightened in his seat, trying to summon a menacing aura but failing miserably, "Listen up, Bowlcut. You better watch your mouth before I take away your speaking privileges."
The small boy narrowed his eyes, slowly nodding his head with a smirk of amusement. He covered his mouth, stifling a giggle, "Oh my! I am shaking in my boots," Will sarcastically added.
The tall boy curled his lips into a half smile, "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, but I do this for a living, trust me; I can make you bend to my will if I want you to."
"Oh, is that right?" the small boy stuck his tongue out.
"Hell yeah, I could really fuck you up man; get into your mind." Mike explained, attempting to be intimidating but sounding a bit like a 'stoner dude' convincing his friends of government conspiracies.
"Oh, definitely tough guy! You win," the small boy snarked in response throwing his arms up in mocking defeat.
"So, aren't I just the scariest?" Mike brightly grinned, hoping for a positive answer.
"The scariest thing about that was the fact that you thought it worked," The tall boy raised his eyebrows.
Mike's laughter filled the air; even if Will was making jokes at his expense, he couldn't deny the jokes were good... though he would never admit it directly. But his eyes narrowed, noticing something red on the brunette's exposed arm. Unexpectedly, he grabbed the arm, his eyes caught by the sight of something- a rash.
"Wait a second," The ravenette said concerned "What's that on your arm?"
"Oh? It's just a rash." The small boy furrowed his brows, surprised by the sudden motion of being grabbed. His playful demeanour wavered slightly, almost forgetting the rash altogether, he'd been scratching it like crazy, but after a while, it almost like his mind did it on autopilot, "It's probably because of that God-awful shirt you made me wear to your parents' house!"
"Oh yeah..." The tall boy chuckled, "I forgot about that."
"See? This is your fault!" The small boy smiled sarcastically
Mike's protective instinct kicked in, holding Will's arm gently, his brows furrowing in worry, "Does it hurt?"
The brunette rolled his eyes, attempting to dismiss the concern, a smile tugging at his lips, "Nah, it's only itchy."
"Still, you should be careful. Rashes are weird." the tall boy tightened his grip slightly, his concern evident.
Their conversation continued as the car glided down the road in the night, the weight of Mike's concern lingering in the air still holding onto Will's arm. The small boy wanted to move his arm away, but couldn't, he liked the way his wrist was being held and started to arise... certain feelings in him.
To the brunette's surprise, Mike leaned over, bringing Will's arm close, tenderly pressing a gentle kiss to the rash.
The small boy's eyes widened, a mix of emotions flickering across his features, trying to downplay his reaction, "Mike, what are you-" he stammered, confused from the sudden motion.
"Just kissing it better..." the ravenette said, seeing nothing wrong with the situation, it didn't even click in his mind; just attempting to replay scenes from his favourite romantic movies. Will seemed to like it... well Mike couldn't really tell considering it was dark in the vehicle.
Will's heart skipped a beat; the moment was intimate, unexpected, and most of all comforting, yet despite this playful atmosphere he decided to shift his attention; more of this and he might have a heart attack.
The brunette cleared his throat, "I- um, appreciate the concern, but maybe you should just focus on your driving before you crash into a tree."
Mike's laughter was awkward upon realising he might have let his concern show outwardly too much, temporarily clouding his focus, "You're right... sorry." he said, letting go of Will's arm, sitting up straight in his seat, "We'll- um, get you something to- to help the rash." he explained with a little stutter; not believing what he was doing. Honestly, he hoped Will was still drunk so he doesn't remember this whole conversation later.
1663 Words
Stay Safe <3
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