32- Secret Surprise
---- 12:34 AM ----
After many hours of passing scenery, the hues of lush greens and blues repeated itself into oblivion; even if the brunette wanted to know where he was, it was extremely dark, and all road signs seemed useless. When he looked out the window, he would only see his own reflection staring back at him. It wasn't ideal, but it was something.
Everything looked the same to him, he didn't really understand the point of travelling in general; perhaps it was just the nagging boy within him that never left the state of Indiana, or the overwhelming time he had been kidnapped for.
The only thing that would change with the scenery were occasional mountains. The brunette wished he could draw the landscapes; it would be so cool, and he would do anything to live near the mountains or the sea. He always loved warmer weathers for some weird reason; Indiana wasn't the coldest place, but it always felt like he didn't belong, but then again did he ever belong? He felt like a prisoner in his own home and was barely allowed out the house.
His restlessness grew, trying to periodically engage in conversation with Mike to distract himself from the aching neck; he didn't understand where he was, and his neck was starting to feel stiff.
He couldn't help but ask, "When are we going to reach California?" he whined with a mix of curiosity and impatience, a reflection of his growing unease.
The ravenette's reply was cryptic, dripping with mystery, "Eventually..." he said, his tone devoid of any emotions, seemingly robotic; the brunette wasn't sure if this was Mike being ominous or Will just reading too much into the tall boy's sleep deprived state.
Fidgeting, he huffed, crossing his arms and slinking in his seat. By chance his eyes glanced at a glowing sign above them on the road; Utah? Why on earth were they in Utah? The puzzle pieces weren't fitting together; Nebraska was so much closer to California. The confusion made him feel heavy, a tide of questions crashing his thoughts.
Time rolled by and the brunette raced for an explanation. Why had they veered so dramatically off course? What could be waiting for them in Utah? And why would Mike not tell him? Sure, he was a criminal, but he seemed like he cared for him, he said it himself... right?
But frustration got the better of him, tugging on him like a persistent itch he couldn't scratch. Unable to hold back any longer he turned his attention, "Seriously Mike," he pressed, "Why are we in Utah? I may not have had a formal education, but I know that Nebraska is so much closer to California! What's the deal?" his tone more accusatory.
Mike glanced at him, a mischievous glint in his eyes, clearly enjoying the power he held, "Come on Will," he teased, his voice light, "Where's your sense of adventure?"
The brunette furrowed his brows, ready to punch Mike; probably the aching neck added to his anger, "Mike." he retorted in a deep voice, his tone sharp. "We've been driving for hours, tell me where we are going." he demanded, the first time he had demanded anything on this trip.
The ravenette's eyes flickered at the shift in Will's tone, but he didn't seem perturbed or put off by it. In fact, a faint blush appeared on his cheeks, finding the assertive side of the small boy attractive. He tried to brush it off with another light chuckle, but it came out a touch nervous, "No need to get all serious on me," he said, attempting to mask his own unease.
But Will wouldn't back down this time, his deep voice holding distinct, reprimanding back, "I'm not kidding, where are we going?" he repeated.
Mike's heart skipped a beat, the heat creeping to his cheeks, feeling both flustered and captivated by the intensity in Will's voice. In that moment it was as if the brunette had ignited something inside of him; a weird fuzzy feeling inside his gut... he liked it; wanting to do anything Will told him too.
But in an attempt to disuse the situation before he crashed the car due to his own panic, he cleared his thoughts, trying to sound more composed, "Alright, alright. I'll tell you what's going on. Just, um, uh, give me a second." he stuttered
"Go on, tell me." Will replied.
Although wanting to keep with the secret, Mike decided to tell the brunette where they were going, but not for the reason; wanting to keep that part a surprise, "We are, um, going to see my friend."
"Oh..." The brunette's eyes softened, "Another one of your friends? Why?"
"Just for fun!" The tall boy lied.
"Okay... I guess." Will mumbled, not really knowing what else to ask; Mike had already visited a few of his friends and family on the way; he probably forgot one on the way and decided to track backwards. He didn't really want to go but then again, he wasn't in control of the situation... Mike was.
As they continued driving, the tension between them seemed to dissipate. Will turned to look out the window, leaning his head against the glass and closing his eyes. The ravenette on the other hand, couldn't ignore his own beating heart and tinted cheeks. Will's reprimanding voice struck something deep within him, something he hadn't expected and despite his attempt to play it cool, he couldn't shake the realisation that he found that side of Will... incredibly attractive.
Driving in silence, Mike couldn't help stealing glances from the small boy periodically. His lips quivering into a small smile as he cleared his throat to rid the embarrassment, "So we're actually almost there."
Will's gaze casted over to the tall boy, nodding before his jaw hung open, watching the florescent lights of Salt Lake City come into view, painting the night with a warm glow; his mind captivated as they passed a large fountain shooting water with lights around its perimeter and a statue within.
Mike wasn't interested in the fountain, rather the boy by his side, keeping one eye on him. "We're almost at Dustin's; his house is just around the corner."
The small boy smiled, a mix of surprise and intrigue, "Can't wait." he said, only half-sarcastically.
"You'll love Dustin. He's a nerd like you." The ravenette teased in his own way of flirting before pulling up to a fairly large apartment complex. Mike pulled the car to a stop in the parking lot, the engine slowly fading with a hum, extracting the key, placing it in his pocket.
Will rolled his eyes copying the movements of the ravenette, opening the door. Together, they stepped out the car into the crisp night air of Salt Lake City, neither could have predicted this is how their journey would have gone.
Mike ran to the door, stopping it from closing as someone entered before them. With a small smile, he held the door open for the brunette,
"Thank you?" Will muttered a bit confused but shrugged, allowing this little action.
Walking through the monochromatic halls of the building, the pair took the elevator, arriving on the fourth floor, eventually making his way to the designated door. Will followed close behind, not know what to do besides staying by the ravenette's side; all the thoughts coursing through his mind were about how Mike had so many friends while his only 'friend' was the old lady who would come into the supermarket he worked at, asking for the price of milk every day, but oddly never buys it.
The tall boy raised his hand to knock, his knuckles making contact, a voice emitted from the small speaker by the door, jump scaring the pair.
"State your name and business." the speaker instructed, Mike recognising the voice behind it.
The tall boy rolled his eyes, always knowing of the curly haired boy's weird antics; seeing nothing wrong with the situation, it was one of those doorbells with a camera and microphone, but Mike was sure this bell probably shoots water or something when the wrong answer is given.
"Dustin open the door." the ravenette whined, knowing the curly haired boy was listening from the other side.
"Damn it Mike!" The man complained from the other side, "Just go along with it."
The tall boy narrowed his eyes and sighed, "Fine..." he complied, knowing Dustin wouldn't invite them in until it was done, "It's Mike Wheeler; your friend. We're here to see you, Dustin."
There was a brief pause before the speaker cracked, "One second."
Not a moment later, the door swung open, revealing a disgruntled looking boy, an annoyed look plastered on his face that was only a front as Mike could tell he was harbouring a bright grin beneath.
"Mike?" Dustin's voice carried surprise and irritation, "What are you doing here?"
The tall boy's expression faltered, casting a small glance to Will then back at the curly haired boy. "Hey Dustin, I know its sudden, but I need a favour... please."
Dustin was taken aback by the tall boy's pleas but crossed his arms, still annoyed, "Dude seriously? Why tonight of all nights? I have plans!"
Mike shifted uncomfortably, "I know, I know, I wouldn't have come if it wasn't important."
The curly haired boy let out a sigh but nodded, "Ugh, fine. Come in."
As they entered the apartment, Dustin's irritation simmered below the surface. The living room was dimly lit, with candles and the faint smell of pizza and chocolate wafted in the air; a soft melody played in the background. Mike couldn't help but notice everything set for a romantic evening.
Will smiled sweetly, finding the gesture itself very endearing; whoever Dustin was dating must be lucky.
"Suzie!" As if right on cue, Dustin exclaimed with a bright smile, watching a short girl with glasses approach from the sitting room, "I thought I said to stay put while I answer the door?"
"It got tiring watching the pause screen!" she chuckled playfully with a curious expression, "Oh what's going on?" finally noticing the two extra visitors in the apartment.
The curly haired boy let a sigh and gestured to the two boys, "You know Mike and... I guess his friend. They showed up unannounced."
Her gaze shifted, between the two, greeting them both with a friendly wave, scanning the face of the small boy she had never met before, "Hey I'm Suzie." introducing herself to the brunette.
Will managed a small smile, with a little nod, copying her movements, "Hi... I'm Will."
Suzie narrowed her eyes, trying to decipher the pair who had arrived late at night, her curiosity evident, "So what brings you guys here at this hour?"
The ravenette took a deep breath, glancing at Will before speaking, "I need some help."
"Can this wait till tomorrow?" The curly haired boy questioned, eager to return to his date.
"Please Dustin, please!" Mike pouted, begging him. Dustin scrunched his face, never once had the ravenette used the word 'please' when talking to him; so, with a sigh he decided that this was probably important to him and said, "Fine! If you want help, first you have to explain who he is." Dustin pointed at the small boy by his side as all eyes turned to the brunette, who had a timid smile on his face and a blushing tint from embarrassment.
With a sigh, Mike began to explain, "So..."
1976 Words
Just wanted to say, I love you all, thank you for all the reads, comments and likes <3
After hard days like today, I appreciate it a lot, so thank you
I hope you all have like the best day ever
Once again:
(Sorry for rambling lol)
Stay Safe <3
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