30- Shell Without the 'S'
---- A few minutes earlier; 5:13 PM ----
"I'll let you step outside," the tall boy's voice was stern, his eyes locked with a sudden shift in his personality from earlier; the bashful Mike replaced by the criminal one. "But I don't want you talking to anyone, alright? Don't do anything stupid. This isn't a game, and I won't hesitate to take action if anything goes wrong."
The ravenette saw Will furrow his brows, but loving the way the brunette shook his head; submissively nodding, "I got it! Stay close and stay quiet!" he saluted awkwardly not knowing what else to do.
Mike rolled his eyes, holding back a laugh to not give the small boy the satisfaction. He knew what he was doing; playing mind tricks with the brunette and making the small boy believe he is in the wrong whenever the ravenette doesn't get his way. It's good to have that sort of thinking engraved into Will's mind as it would be helpful making him listen without protest.
He also used this as a test to see how well the small boy would obey him; by letting him out the car, Mike knew whether Will would try to run or not. He was keeping a close eye on him, so even if he did run... he wouldn't get far.
Mike opened the driver's side door, stepping out as Will followed suit, copying his movement slowly. With a bright smile on his face, he analysed the brunette with an iron-will; making note of his movements. He slow and precise, taking a deep breath as he casted one last warning glance to the small boy before entering the gas station store, the scent of cooking meat filling him; smelling like the inside of a box with bad ventilation; it was hot in Nevada, really hot!
Scanning the aisles of the store, he saw his buddy Eddie inside waiting for him. Eddie Munson was a fellow member of the criminal network along with Mike; oddly enough, they met before the ravenette ever decided to commit crime for money; they met in school. More specifically the school's D&D club. Eddie was a few years older but created a deep sense of trust and familiarity in a few short months with their loyalty to one another unwavering.
Mike approached the longhaired boy discreetly, keeping his voice low, "Eddie, I need to talk to you!"
The long-haired boy glanced with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms, "Why today out of all days? I'm supposed to be meeting my boyfriend! What's so urgent to meet at this gas station in bum-fuck nowhere?"
"You see that boy outside?" the ravenette pointed out the store to the brunette who was now pacing back and forth without a care in the world. At least Mike knew he could control the small boy and have him listen to what he says even when he isn't around.
"The one with the bowlcut?" Eddie's voice remained annoyed, "What do you want me to kill him or something? Cause you could have done that yourself... but if you pay me then I gue-"
Mike panicked, realising the choice of words was poor, quickly clarifying, "No, no, no! Not kill! Just threaten him; like put a knife to his throat; say shit to him and scare him for a while."
"Okay! Quick question..." Eddie furrowed his brows, playing with his obnoxiously long hair, "Why?" he spat
Mike's gaze never left Will as they spoke, his words a mix of frustration, determination and a hint of something darker, "Listen, this is my plan. A way to make him be dependent on me and make him think I'm the only good thing in his life."
"Okay... but why?" the long-haired boy repeated, stretching his words; still not understanding the main reason behind this plan.
"Because I want him to fall for me, and this is the way to make it happen quickly." the tall boy explained.
"Oh Wheeler, For fuck's sake!" Eddie whined, "Why can't you just jerk off like a normal person." he complained placing a hand on his hip.
The ravenette clenched his jaw, torn between letting things flow naturally and the overwhelming desire from his own loneliness. "I know... but I want Will, even if it means doing something drastic."
"Okay... let's say I do threaten him, then what?" Eddie furrowed his brows.
"That's where I step in and save him; be the hero. I want him to think that if I wasn't there, he would have died, and he'll be grateful and fall in love with me." the tall boy proudly proclaimed
"That's a bit of an oversimplification, don't you think?" Eddie judged,
"Basically," Mike shrugged, "But this is only step one outta many."
"Oh this poor boy." Eddie sighed under his breath but knowing there was no way of stopping Mike when he got like this. "But you want me to essentially traumatise him? Why can't you just get a normal boyfriend?"
"Because I always get what I want!" the ravenette simply replied, not realising he was talking about the brunette in the same way one would talk about a trophy. "I'll even pay you for your help."
The long haired boy's expression shifted, his annoyance giving way to consideration and a sly smirk, "Pay me? Now you're talking."
Mike nodded, relief evident, "Yes, whatever it takes."
Eddie let out a chuckle, "Alright! I'll help." he exclaimed, holding his hand out for the slender ravenette to shake. With a smile, both boys connected hands, each aware of their respective roles.
"Go out in a few minutes, just in case Will saw." Mike instructed.
The long-haired boy said nothing, merely nodding with a sly smirk; honestly just glad that he was going to be paid for the easy work he was going to do; walking around the aisles pretending to browse before starting the plan.
Mike did the same, deciding to actually buy some snacks like he promised; his heart racing with a mix of anxiety and anticipation. Making his way to the register, he brushed shoulders with a man who had a distinctive appearance- a muscular figure with piercing blue eyes and a blonde mullet. Weird! He was attractive, really attractive, but that wouldn't distract him from the task at hand.
Standing in line, he overheard faint screaming from outside; recognising the voice to be Will. A shiver ran down his spine, yet a satisfied smile tugged at the corners of his lips. It seemed as though Eddie was carrying out the plan. Mike couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions knowing his plan was working.
When it was his turn to reach the register, the tall boy placed the items on the table, fishing his wallet out his pockets. The cashier seemingly appeared unfazed by the distant screams, ringing up the items without a care. The ravenette couldn't help but feel uneasy at the cashier's nonchalant attitude toward the commotion.
"Is it always chaotic around here?" the tall boy couldn't help but ask due to the lack of reaction,
The cashier glanced up at him, watching from the top of his glasses with a knowing smile playing on his lips, "Oh, happens a lot. Crime are too high; there's lots of screaming." the man explained through broken English; a thick Russian accent prominent on his tongue.
Mike raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued, "Really? That's unfortunate."
The cashier merely shrugged, "Just like that." was all he said, continuing to scan items and typing on the cash register. "$12.54." he added, placing the items into a paper bag.
Handing the money over, his mind felt clouded by the distant screams; now becoming muffled. He couldn't help but wonder what the brunette was feeling in this moment; was he scared? Angry? Confused? Mike's plan was in motion, and he could only hope it was having the desired effect.
All he had to do now was step in, save the day and be the hero; he could do it. He told Eddie not to hurt Will so he was sure nothing bad would happen; he was the hero and earn Will's gratitude. A smile growing on his face just thinking about the brunette showering him with affection for helping him... Maybe he played too many Super Mario games?
But upon opening the front door, his face dropped; his excitement turning to confusion. There was Eddie, talking into the phone with someone on the other side. Mike's heart sank. If Eddie was here, then who was attacking Will; he froze.
However, his concern overpowered his confusion; it could be entirely possible that the muffled screaming was merely someone who sounded like Will. He waved his hand in front of Eddie's face catching his attention.
The long-haired boy turned his attention with a mix of annoyance and surprise, then covering the phone receiver, "What?" he huffed, irritation evident.
Mike's mind raced, "Where's Will?"
"You're boy-toy?" Eddie questioned, "I thought you were keeping an eye on him? I haven't even started the plan yet; I've been talking to Steve the whole time."
The ravenette's eyes widened, his face flushing with panic; his heart pounding. If Will wasn't with Eddie, then where was he? The realisation hit like a ton of bricks- something had gone terribly wrong! So, without wasting another moment, he ran toward the sound of screaming.
---- Back where we were with Will <3 ----
The stranger's voice was low and dangerous, yet alluring that matched his physique, he was tall, with blue eyes and a messy blonde mullet, greeting with a simple "Hi."
A shiver ran down the brunette's spine, taking in his intimidating appearance. His heart pounding in his chest as the man bore holes into him, sending an unsettling sensation to crawl his skin; he scared him more than Mike.
As the stranger approached closer, he grabbed the small boy's wrist harshly; the pressure firm and demanding. Will winced at the pain as his muscles tensed involuntarily, panic surging within, attempting to pry the hand off of him.
"Come with me." the man's voice rumbled, low and menacing, pulling the small boy behind the store.
Throwing Will against the wall, the man placed his hands on both sides of the brunette, preventing him to escape. The small boy panicked, his mind racing.
He was acutely aware of the isolated gas station. the absence of any potential witness to whatever the man would do to him. Why did he leave the car? The small boy cursed himself, wishing he could move but his feet felt stuck.
"Let me go!" the brunette demanded; his voice quiet.
Ignoring his plea, the man's lips curled into a predatory smile, his blue eyes gleaming with an unsettling intensity, "You know, you'd be a fine fucking-toy with those lips." he said, taking a hand off the wall and brushing a finger against the small boy's bottom lip.
"I- I... Don't touch," Will's heart skipped a beat, flinching away as alarm bells rung in his head. Confusion mangled within, trying to comprehend the stranger's intention; his mind raced, looking both ways but seeing no one.
The man's smile wavered, his expression turning dark and aggressive "Don't play hard to get! You might be pretty, but I don't like brats."
"I'm not interested, please let me go." the small boy said, his voice more forceful this time, trying to duck under the man's arms.
The man's features twisted in a sudden burst of anger, his hand moving to the small boy's throat and throwing him to the ground in a violent motion. He shoved Will with a force that sent him crashing to the ground. Pain shot through his body as he hit the floor, the impact knocking the breath out of him, causing a loud yelp from the small boy.
Will struggled to move, shuffling out the way but the man loomed over him crouching down and sitting atop of the brunette stopping him from moving. Will's heart pounded in his chest, each beat a strict reminder to the terrifying situation he was in; feeling helpless and urgency.
The brunette screamed, not knowing what else to do, pushing the man off him. "MIKE! HELP!" He yelled; ironic he was calling his kidnapper to help against the one currently attacking him.
"I'm gonna have fun with you!" the blonde man added with a devilish grin, "I wonder how much your pretty little eyes would cost..." pulling out a pocketknife holding it against Will's throat
"MIKE! MIKE!" his voice echoed a piercing scream, a raw expression of fear and desperation.
Enraged by the scream, the man's features twisted into a mask of fury. He lunged, clamping a hand over Will's mouth in an attempt to stifle the sound. Will's eyes widened in terror, continuing to make sounds as the man only brought the knife closer to his neck; feeling the cold metal pressing against his warm skin.
The small boy's survival instincts kicked in, feeling a rush of adrenaline flowing through him, biting down hard on the man's finger, his fear fuelling a burst of primal strength.
The man recoiled his hand in a roar of pain, allowing Will's voice to fill the air once again, "MIKE!"
"You little shit!" the man smacked the brunette across the face, digging the knife deeper into his neck, this time managing to penetrate his skin; a few drops of blood falling from his throat, "I'm gonna make sure you feel everything I do to you!"
The pain shot through the small boy's neck, trying to move his head away; the knife was covered in blood. Will's eyes widened in a mix of panic and pain as he struggled to breathe choking on his own tears; his muffled cries for help falling on deaf ears.
But just as the situation seemed dire, salvation came from a sudden commotion behind. Before either could react, the blonde man was thrown off the small boy and a tall, slender figure appeared standing over them.
Will shuffled away from the pair, grabbing his slightly bleeding neck. Mike launched at the assailant, throwing a flurry of punches as Will's heart raced, watching the ravenette overpower the blonde man; delivering swift and powerful blows that sent him staggering backwards.
The brunette's gaze shifted to his unexpected saviour, relief flooding his senses. In that moment, Mike was a guardian; his fierce protector who had come to his rescue when he needed it the most.
Will's heart raced, not only from fear but from a strange mix of emotions; a blush tinting his cheek upon watching the ravenette confront the man; adoration and gratitude filling him. Despite the chaos and danger, a connection seemed to solidify, and Will couldn't tell where his blush started, and fear ended.
With a final decisive blow, Mike rendered the man unconscious, ensuring he would pose no further danger. As the man lay on the ground only a few inches away, the ravenette turned toward Will. The tension gripping the air dissipated, replaced by a palpable fluttery feeling.
"Are you okay?" the tall boy's eyes softened, staring deep into Will's hazel eyes. It was a simple question yet the weight it carried filled the brunette with a reassurance he hadn't expected. He felt a warmth spreading through him.
In response, Will nodded profusely, springing from the floor and running over to close the distance between them. His arms wrapped around the tall boy in a tight embrace, his heart pounding against his breathing ribcage. It was an impulsive act, a genuine expression of relief and safety resting his chin on Mike's shoulder which he was barely able to reach.
The ravenette stood stiff, caught off guard by this sudden display of affection, a deep blush painting his face... this was all he wanted, feeling his lips curl into a smile.
Though Mike's plan might have not gone as intended, his plan to protect Will and make him fall for him... worked.
2646 Words
Stay Safe <3
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