27- Weak At The Knees
A few minutes later, the small boy finally left the bathtub, wrapping the towel around his waist. Using the handle for support to ensure he doesn't slip and fall; it would be embarrassing if he did. When he was younger, he slipped in the shower and dislocated his shoulder... his father was not pleased about that.
But putting his thoughts to one side, he managed to climb out, feeling his bare feet against the plush mat that was now being flooded by the water dripping off his body.
With both feet stable on the ground, Will took a shallow breath as he turned, clutching tight to his towel. He tried to look in his reflection in the mirror, but it was fogged by the steam, wiping it with his hand, barely managing to visualise his reflection; looking back at himself; oddly seeming more at life and fruitful then he usually was at home. And definitely looking a lot better than last night. His eyes gleamed in the florescent lights of the bathroom; the green shining through.
Walking up to the door he was ready to turn the handle but hesitated, not knowing if he would meet Mike's eyes on the other side, not planning on being surveillanced while changing his clothes. Mike said he would 'keep a close eye' on him but didn't know how close that was supposed to be. Pressing his ear against the door, he tried to hear anything from the other side, but upon hearing no sound, no noise, no shuffling, he decided it was safe enough to unlock the door.
Taking a shaky step out, he poked his head through the door seeing no one outside; only the same beige walls he had been crying within last night. His cheeks blushed, thinking about how Mike had held him yesterday; it was oddly therapeutic and in a weird twist, he loved the feeling; not because he liked Mike, rather because he doesn't remember the last time he was hugged. His father was never the affectionate type, actually detesting all forms of affection, stating that affection was for 'sissies' and 'women'.
The brunette swung the door open, feeling a wave of relief wash over. He raised his eyebrows seeing fresh clothes laid out for him: everything he would need, shirt, pants, socks...
Wearing the clothes laid before him, he smiled; relieved that he was able to wear such comfortable clothes; the scratchy shirt from earlier seemed to have had a weird effect on him and now his arm was just overall itchy; it was probably a rash.
Shaking his head, he pulled the hoodie over his head; the sleeves went passed his hands, so he rolled them up to his elbows allowing his arms to be exposed but also allowing his arm to be easily scratched.
Looking at himself in the mirror, he was actually looking really good and feeling even better. The comfort was unmatched to any he had felt over the past few days.
With a soft smile he wiped his hair one last time; still not completely dry, but it was warm out and would probably dry in a few seconds.
Making his way downstairs and to the kitchen table, he saw the silhouette of a man sitting there, hearing footsteps, the man stood up spinning around.
Mike watched the brunette intently, soaking in the sight before him; the brunette wearing all of his clothes, right down to the socks, his hair still damp and tousled from the shower, however the sight made the ravenette slightly weak at the knees.
"Umm thanks" Will mumbled, grateful he was given comfortable clothes to wear for once.
"Of course." Mike responded gesturing at the seat across from his own, "take a seat, El went to the shower, we'll eat and then we need to go."
"Oh..." the brunette forgot about that, he was always taught to live in the moment rather than thinking of the future and be stressed for things he wasn't so sure he could deal with. It was the same mentality his father had; if he didn't adapt, his father would have probably forced him too. Sitting down opposite the ravenette, he offered a small smile; he wasn't good at starting conversations, it was never his speciality as he always wanted others to start talking, but he tried anyway, "Thanks for the clothes."
Mike nodded, feeling a bit awkward, "No problem, anything for my favourite victim," he cooed, only being half serious.
"Jeez! Do you still have to call me that?" the brunette protested crossing his arms, "It got old three states ago!"
The tall boy chuckled, genuinely enjoying their banter, forgetting how much he loved Will's sarcastic comebacks; being a criminal, his victims were always too easy and would do beg to be let free. The small boy on the other hand, didn't beg once and could hold his own in an argument. It was like a breath of fresh air; a weird rush of adrenaline and excitement running through him,
"You should be honoured," Mike raised an eyebrow.
"We've had this same conversation before..." Will scrunched his face, "Looks like the old man is starting to go senile."
"Old man?" The tall boy gasped, pretending to be offended, "I have the body and mental age of someone in their prime,"
"If you're old just admit it!" the brunette shook his head sarcastically
"I'm not! And that's not even what I was gonna say," Mike furrowed his brows.
"You are... but carry on," Will mumbled.
"I was gonna say you should be lucky to have the privilege of being dressed by me" The tall boy proclaimed with a proud smirk.
Will pretended to consider that, rubbing his chin thoughtfully, "Hmm... yes, my very own personal costume designer!" he mocked.
"Anyone else would have been grateful to wear my clothes!" Mike tapped his hand to the table
"...These are your clothes? I'd rather be naked," the small boy huffed, rolling his eyes.
"What?" Mike stifled a laugh, "We could arrange that, I could rip off all your clothes for the neighbours to see." he suggested, hoping to attain some sort of reaction.
The brunette raised an eyebrow, knowing exactly what the ravenette was trying to do; make him embarrassed. He wouldn't let that happen, "Well If they wanna see what's under the clothes they gotta pay,"
"Pay?" Mike scrunched his face.
"Hell yeah! I'm not exposing myself for free." Will smiled, leaning both elbows on the table, "They can just subscribe to my 'Only Fans'." he lied.
Mike covered his mouth as his eyes widened, and a small blush appeared on his face, "'O-Only Fans'... You have an 'Only Fans'?"
"Why? Would you like to pay me to see what's underneath my clothes cause... we could have that arranged," Will flirted playfully, honestly finding it fun to poke fun at the ravenette who had done the same with him previously in the motel.
"N-no!" Mike retorted shaking his hands around.
"You know it's quite hot... maybe I should take off this hoodie for a second," The brunette pulled the hoodie off his body, allowing his T-shirt to slightly slide up, exposing his waist. Mike blushed, oddly finding this attractive,
"I like how the clothes feel against my skin... I wonder if everything of yours feels this good." Will purred, his gaze locked onto the ravenette that sent a jolt through him.
The tall boy's cheeks flushed a deep red, clearing his throat nervously; not knowing how to act when someone else is in charge of the situation, "Well- umm you seem to be making them look... good," he stuttered, watching Will getting up from his seat.
The brunette's lips curved into a devilish smirk before marching over to the ravenette using one arm to swivel his chair to face him. Now face to face, he leaned closer, his hot breath brushing against Mike's ear as he spoke in a low, suggestive tone, "Maybe I should give you a proper thank you..." before retracting, kneeling before the ravenette on his knees.
The tall boy's eyes widened, and his blush intensified. He was lost for a moment; what was Will going do on his knees? Was he going to give Mike a...? No, Will was innocent: he was like a little lamb. He wouldn't do that? But seeing the brunette in this position made feelings erupt inside Mike. Were they really going to go this in the kitchen? What if El walked in? Was the fear of getting caught supposed to be this exciting?
"Are you ready?" the brunette asked, looking up and making eye contact with the taller boy. The ravenette's pulse quickened, his gaze locking onto Will's as he spoke, "I- I um guess." he stuttered, his eyes fluttering close for a moment, practically feeling the electricity between them.
His breath hitched, and he was certain his heart might burst out of his chest. Just knowing the brunette was on his knees filled him with an overwhelming blush. Mike's mind raced wondering if maybe, just maybe, Will was interested in him too.
The brunette chuckled, but instead of unbuckling Mike's belt like the ravenette expected, the small boy stayed to the ground...
Fixing his shoelaces...
"Your laces were untied, consider it my way of thanking you." the brunette looked down, unable to meet Mike's eyes or he may burst out with laughter.
The ravenette's eyes widened in shock, realising what just happened; he was certain Will was going to pleasure him that now he felt a mix of disappointment and relief. He cleared his throat, trying to retain composure but failing miserably, "Oh, um thanks."
Will jumped up from the ground with a grunt, patting Mike on the head with a knowing smile etched on his features, "Now we're even."
The ravenette slinked slightly as the brunette ruffled his hair, feeling unable to retain his composure, his heart still racing from the thoughts of what he assumed the brunette was going to do. He was brought back to reality hearing the sound of footsteps approach, revealing El. Her arrival seemed almost perfectly timed, though Mike would have preferred any other moment.
Her inquisitive gaze swept over the scene, her eyes sparkling with curiosity; her eyeline shifting between the two boys who were close enough for their unspoken connection to be clear. She looked at Mike, seeing the clumsy smile and bright hue across his cheeks.
Raising an eyebrow, El smirked, "Am I interrupting something?" Her voice carried a playful tone that made the ravenette's blush only deepen.
Mike stammered, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation for the proximity, but his mind abandoned him, and his throat felt dry.
Suddenly the brunette backed away, retracting his hand and turning to El while crossing his arms over his chest with a small grin, "Just thanking Mike for the clothes,"
The doe-eyed girl's grin widened, copying the small boy's posture, thoroughly amused, "Just a thanks, huh? It looked like it was pretty serious."
The ravenette felt caught in the spotlight, his discomfort growing every second, shooting the small boy a glance to get him to say something, "Yeah, I like to be very thorough when showing gratitude... I guess it could get heated."
El's laughter bubbled, trying to hide her chuckle, "Heated? I'd definitely say that!" her attention then turning to Mike once again, still sitting on the chair; the pair looked down at him, "You look like a tomato, Mike. Are you okay?"
The tall boy responded with a feeble excuse despite the words caught in his throat, "I umm... need fresh air. Yeah, that's what I need." And before allowing the pair to respond, Mike jumped from his seat making a hasty exit, practically stumbling over his own feet in a rush to escape the situation, the pair following him with their eyes.
Upon disappearing around the corner, El turned to Will with an amused grin, "You know, I think you broke him."
The brunette passed a toothy grin, "Yeah, I think I did, but he deserved it."
"Why?" the doe-eyed girl scrunched her face
Will's eyes sprinkled with mischief, "Let's just say it's a way of settling the score." he shrugged, remembering the way he felt hopeless in the Motel and hoped Mike felt exactly how he did; he wasn't angry over that anymore, but karma needed to take place.
El nodded, not really knowing what was going on but didn't like to pry, "Ohh... okay." she chuckled.
As the laughter subsided, the doe-eyed girl turned her attention to Will, her tone taking a more serious note, "Hey Will, would you help me set the table for lunch. I asked Mike but obviously he didn't listen." she pouted playfully.
The brunette's smile softened with a nod, "Of course! Happy to help."
2152 Words
I wrote this at like 3AM :)
Stay Safe <3
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