Chapter 6: A Call From A Friend
"Ok Leafy! Remember to lock the doors this time!" Flower told Leafy. She (Flower) reached for a button and pressed it, locking the bus doors. "See? Like that!" Flower said smiling. Leafy nodded. Flower pushed the button again which unlocked the bus doors. "Well, me and Purple Face are going to go now.. Your sure you don't want to follow? Yknow just in case.. The killer.." Flower asked whispering at the end part. Leafy nodded. "Well see ya later then!" Purple Face said. They both went out of the bus leaving Leafy all alone in the bus again. She went to her drawing corner of the bus. She likes to draw there alot. She took some papers and a few pencils and started drawing. Drawing was the only way for Leafy to cope with what was happening, the masked killer trying to kill her and her friends, the dead host, her missing friends.. All of it..but only for a while. She drew a picture of her and the masked killer. She looked sad in the drawing. Leafy then took a red marker and started scribbling over the killers face. It was either in anger or it was supposed to look like blood.. Probably theirs or a friend's. Leafy continued to draw for a while. But she stopped after drawing her friend, Firey. She stared at the drawing of Firey for a while. Ring Ring Ring
Leafy stopped staring at her drawing. What was that noise?.. Leafy got up and looked around trying to find where the annoying noise is coming from. She then found the source of the noise which was under one of the bus chairs. It was Fours phone! But it was all broken and cracked... Looks like the killer found it first. It was hard to see who was calling as the screen was cracked. But Leafy saw green on the profile.. Was it Two?! She tried to answer the call but the phone wouldn't answer as the phone was cracked.. The call ended and Two called again. Leafy desperately clicked on the green button which was supposed to answer the call but it wouldn't work. Leafy threw the phone to the other end of the bus in anger. Was she going to lose an opportunity to get help all because of a dumb broken phone? Leafy then heard someone talking. It was coming from Fours phone. She walked to the even more cracked and broken phone and listened. Two was speaking.. Probably message.. (Yknow those 'leave a message' things) "-Four! You aren't answering my calls again! Still upset of me buddy? Look I'm helping you big time by making a 5th season yknow! You should be at least grateful!" Twos british accent came from the broken phone sounding distorted. Leafy fell to her knees. "Anyways, hope your doing fine! X hasn't gave me an update yet about you guys and I haven't really heard anything from your contestants so.. well um hope your doing well! (I don't ship Four x Two btw) If you need anything just call! Except money.. I don't have alot of that" The message ended. Leafy continued to stare at the broken phone. There's no way another call will get through that beat-up machinary. 'I should have done something..' Leafy thought to herself. 'Why didn't I do something' 'Flower and Purple Face should have known what to do..' 'Am I that hopeless?!' 'Why didn't I do anything?' 'WHY?!' 'WHY AM I SO USELESS?!?' in pure anger Leafy kicked the phone breaking into pieces. Leafy stared at the phone which she kicked into pieces. 'There I go again.. Being a useless and dumb idiot..' Leafy opened the fold in bed and went on it. Not wanting to be awake anymore.
Time skip
"Leafy! We're home!!" Purple Face called getting on the bus. "Looks like she forgot to lock the doors..again" Flower said sighing. "Oh! Looks like she's asleep!" Purple Face whispered yelled looking at the asleep lemon leaf. "Oh, well I guess-What's That?!" Purple Face asked interrupting Flower. Purple Face looked at the remains of Fours phone which are now in pieces. "I don't know..?"Flower answered looking at the pieces." All I know is that this wasn't here before" Flower continued. "Maybe Leafy knows what this is?" Purple Face asked looking at Leafy. "Maybe" Flower answered looking at Leafy as well. Maybe
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