Archie Andrews x Reader - Five A.M. Sushi
You took a deep breath as you pulled up to your favorite restaurant in Riverdale, 24 Hour Sushi. Your best friends, Jeanie, Amy, Chrissy, and Zoey, stayed the night at your house to celebrate the start of another summer. However, no one slept that night. Instead, you stayed up playing crazy party games until you heard the collective growls of five adolescent stomachs.
Now, you found yourself outside 24 Hour Sushi, conveniently named for its business. There was no food at home, and everyone was in the mood for sushi. It was perfect.
The only thing that wasn't perfect was deciding who was going to go inside to get sushi. As enjoyable as it was to be able to get sushi early in the morning, the store lacked a drive-through option. Since it was so early in the morning, no one wanted to socialize. As the host of the party, your friends volun-told you to get the food. You sighed, but you knew it wasn't worth arguing.
After creating a quick note on your phone, you wrote down your friends' orders. With as much food as you were going to order, you would think you were ordering for an entire family, not five hungry teenagers!
You slowly stumbled into the store, stretching and yawning as soon as the door shut behind you. When you opened your eyes, you expected to be alone, but you were not.
"AH!" you squealed lightly as your eyes met a pair of chocolate brown eyes that seemed locked on you.
"What?" the mysterious redhead asked with a chuckle, "Do I have something on my face?"
You blushed as the embarrassment sunk in. You felt a nagging feeling overwhelm you as stared at the familiar-looking male in front of you. "S-sorry, I just wasn't expecting anyone else to be in here this early."
"I wasn't expecting anyone else either," the ginger spoke easily, "Especially not one as beautiful as yourself."
You just rolled your eyes as you felt the color in your cheeks deepen. "Wait, I've seen you around somewhere. You wouldn't happen to go to Riverdale High, would you?"
"I would, actually," he answered as he stuck his hand out to shake yours, "I'm Archie Andrews."
"The Archie Andrews?" you asked as you shook his hand. Archie was well-known around Riverdale High, but you never seemed to spot him. He was always disappearing on some adventure with his friends. But, what you did know was that he was dating the infamous Veronica Lodge!
"The one and only," he smiled, the light glinting off of his pearly white teeth, "Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?"
"I'm (Y/N) (L/N)," you introduced yourself with a smile.
"What a beautiful name," Archie mused with a smile.
"Are you sure you should be this flirty when you have a girlfriend residing at the Pembrooke?" you asked as you cocked your eyebrow at him, "I'm sure you don't want her of all people to get mad at you."
"Ugh, don't get me started," Archie sighed, "She's actually the one I'm getting sushi for. She's just so demanding all of the time. She wants me to do all of these things for her and her family, and it feels like we never have time for us to have a relationship. I did not want to get up at five in the morning on the first day of summer to serve her. I would have much rather stayed at her place and cook something there, but she just had to have the most expensive sushi here."
"I'm sorry to hear there's trouble in paradise," you sighed, although you weren't sure why you were kind of happy to hear this news, "but if I were you, I'd try to take care of it in the nicest way possible. You know who her father is."
Archie sighed as his face fell in his hands, giving it a quick rub before looking back into your eyes. "I don't know, but whatever we had when we started dating is gone. I don't know how much longer I can pretend to be her happy errand boy."
"Just be smart, Archiekins," you warned. As soon as the nickname left your mouth, a shiver ran up Archie's spine.
"I'll try my best," Archie chuckled as he seemed to return to his usual, happier self, "But, I'm curious; what brings you into the sushi store at five in the morning?"
You laughed when you thought of your four best friends huddled in your car right now. Archie stared at you questioningly with one eyebrow raised. "I had a sleepover last night with some of my friends to celebrate the start of summer. We have been up all night, and we got hungry. I didn't have any food at home, so we decided to come out for sushi. My friends are actually waiting for me in the car right now."
"What could you guys have possibly been doing all night?" Archie chuckled as he shook his head at you.
"That's a secret only us girls can know, Archiekins," you smirked as your arms crossed in front of your chest.
"That's not fair!" Archie whined as he stuck his bottom lip out in a pout.
"It most certainly is fair," you smirked as you stuck your tongue out playfully at him.
Archie opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by a new voice.
"I'm so sorry!" an employee enthused as she walked to the cash register, holding a bag of food that you assumed was Archie's, "I didn't know that anyone else was out here."
"Don't worry, I just got here," you smiled sweetly at the employee, "I was just catching up with a classmate anyway."
She quickly rung up Archie's order and handed him his bag. You quietly watched the interacting, only to see Archie rip off part of his receipt and write something on it before sticking it in his pocket. You wondered what he was doing, but you quickly forgot it when the employee asked for your order. You giggled as you pulled up the note on your phone.
"I'm so sorry, but this is going to be a lot," you sighed as you thought about your gluttonous friends.
You read through your order, but you were hyperaware of Archie's looming presence behind you the entire time. Soon, the employee was back in the kitchen, leaving you alone with Archie once again.
"How many friends did you invite to your sleepover?" Archie gaped playfully, "You ordered enough to feed a huge family!"
"There's only five of us..." you trailed off reluctantly, a huge smile tugging at your lips as you awaited his reaction.
"Oh my gosh, were you guys starved last night? How hungry could you guys be at five in the morning?" Archie asked, his eyes as wide as saucers.
"You don't know what we do at sleepovers," you smirked as you winked at him. He merely chuckled lightly as he shook his head disappointedly at you.
"Well, as much as I would love to stick around and chat more, I must return to my wonderful girlfriend," Archie remarked sarcastically with an eye roll, "but I wanted to give you something first."
"What?" you asked confusedly as he pulled something out of his pocket before shoving it in your hand.
When you looked down, you noticed it was part of his receipt. You saw a collection of numbers written in a messy scrawl. It took a second for you to realize that it was his number; Archie Andrews, the hottest bachelor at Riverdale High, who was currently dating evil incarnate's daughter, just gave you his number.
"I hope you use it some time. I would love to get to know you better," Archie smiled, "and my friends would love you. Especially my friend, Jughead; but I'm pretty sure he could still outeat you."
"Alright, Archiekins," you smiled as you stared down at the special paper, "We'll just have to see where this goes."
"Hopefully, it goes better than where I am right now," Archie sighed disgruntedly before pulling you into a hug, "Goodbye, (Y/N)."
"See you around," you smiled as you waved him goodbye. He quickly turned on his heel before strolling out of the store. No matter what you told yourself, you couldn't stop checking him out as he left.
You didn't have to wait much longer for the food. You were surprised how fast they were considering your large order, but you smiled and thanked the woman profusely. You were itching to get back to your friends and festivities now that you had no one to entertain you in the store.
After leaving a nice tip, you walked back out to your car. When you opened the door and wiggled into the driver's side, you turned to see your friends staring at you with knowing smirks. You knew you would spend many hours telling them about the interaction they watched through the open windows of the sushi shop.
You were so happy that you got the food this morning.
I got this idea from a wonderful conversation with some of my good friends at five in the morning! It is a bit more AU-ish, but I hope you guys still enjoyed it!
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