I walked into Pops and saw my half sisters Betty and Veronica with their boyfriends Jughead and Archie and their friends Kevin, Moose, Cheryl, Toni, Josie, Chuck, Reggie, Sweet Pea and Fangs. I ignored them and walked towards a booth in the back. Then Veronica called me over and I slowly walked over before she said, "Just wanted you to see what it looks like to have friends."
I walked back to the corner I was in and gave a small smile to Pop. I sighed and rubbed my stomach since I'm 3 months pregnant. I saw Fred, Hiram, Hermione, Penelope, Clifford, Alice, Hal, Mayor McCoy, Sheriff Keller and FP walk inside and sit with the group. Then Polly and Jason walked inside with the twins and sat with the others. I sighed and then Pop gave me a wireless microphone before he said, "Everyone loves to hear you sing."
I said, "But what about the group?"
He shrugged and said, "Its my diner. Not theirs."
I smiled at him and then he turned it into a headset microphone. I put it on and started singing my song 'It's Alright' while the band played the music for me. I started helping the waitresses take out the food and we danced whiled taking out the food. They sung back up for me and we laughed as we danced and sung before a few Ghoulies walked inside Pops. I walked up to them and they started dancing with me since they're the ones besides Pop who's been protecting me in this town from Veronica's cruelty. Then Penny walked inside and FP asked, "What the hell are you doing here Penny?"
I backed away from Penny and put a hand on my stomach. She said, "You have a choice, Little Cooper Lodge. You come join the Ghoulies or we show you just how easily it is for miscarriages to happen."
I spit in her face and said, "I'd die before I became a Ghoulie."
She wiped the spit off her face and looked at the Ghoulies with her with her before she said, "Get her."
The Ghoulies walked towards me and I grabbed a knife and held it against the neck of the Ghoulie closest to me and said, "One more move and I kill her."
Penny said, "Kill her then. I have many more."
I looked at her and then all I saw was red before I put the knife down and checked over the Ghoulie. Then I punched Penny in the face and kneed her in the stomach several times. I broke both her wrists and then her left arm before sending a roundhouse kick to the face. She looked at me and I said, "Every single life is worth something. Everyone is somebody's child."
I went back to the Ghoulie and hugged her before she finally realized that Penny was just going to let her die. I said, "Shhhh.... it's okay. I wouldn't have done it. I wasn't going to kill you or anyone. I'm pregnant. Why would I do that to my baby?"
She sniffled and looked at me before the Ghoulies looked at me before I looked at Penny when she pulled out a gun. Penny said, "You mean your baby that's about to die?"
I looked at my stomach and then at Penny before I threw a spoon at her hitting her in a pressure point knocking her unconscious. I said, "She's just unconscious right now."
Then I sat down and the Ghoulies sat with me before they looked at each other and then sent a text before more Ghoulies walked inside Pops. Sheriff Keller arrested Penny and took her to the police station and then came back. I looked at all the Ghoulies before the girl I hugged said, "We want you to be the new leader and also we're tired of all the fighting with the Serpents. Most of them are cool."
I nodded and then I saw FP looking at me. I walked up to him and he looked at me before I said, "I want to have a meeting tomorrow night at 7. Bring 5 Serpents and I'll bring 5 Ghoulies. We can come to a truce and stop this stupid feud and work together."
He looked at me and said, "Meet me at the White Wyrm."
I said, "No. We meet here. It's common ground and also the food here is delicious. Plus I have to pee like every 5 seconds."
He looked at me and nodded before he said, "Okay."
Then we shook hands and he smiled at me. I blushed and then I walked back up to the Ghoulies. We started talking to each other and laughing.
- 2 Months Later: Singing Competition-
I walked inside Pops with and saw Veronica, Archie, Betty, Jughead, Kevin, Moose, Cheryl, Toni, Josie, Chuck, Reggie, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Jason, Polly, the twins, Fred, Hiram, Hermione, Penelope, Clifford, Alice, Hal, Mayor McCoy, Sheriff Keller and FP all sitting together. I was sitting with some Ghoulies when Veronica said, "Now last on the list is ... ugh. My talentless slut of a half sister singing some stupid song called 'Hold On'."
I walked to the front and picked up the guitar before I said, "This song is about the woman who raised me. No. It wasn't my biological mother Alice Cooper. Alice Cooper didn't even want me. It was someone else who battled with depression and this song is about them. I hope you understand this song. I was 11 when the story in the song was going on."
I started singing my song 'Hold On' and everyone looked at me shocked. I finished singing before Veronica said, "That was..."
I said, "Don't. Before you judge someone and their song, know the backstory and why they chose that song. Also you're NOT my sister. We might share the same blood, but you are NOT my family. You earn that role. The Ghoulies have and so have some of the Serpents. They're my family. Not you. Or Betty. Or Polly. Or the twins. Or Alice. Or Hiram. You prove that you're family. I never asked to be born Veronica. I'm sorry that your father cheated with Alice and that I was the result, but take it out on him. Not me. I'm done."
She looked at me shocked and said, "You're nothing and you're never going to amount to nothing."
I said, "I am somebody who is loved by people. I am loved by some Serpents and by the Ghoulies and by Pop. I am also respected. I also love myself. I will do great things because people like you will no longer effect me or how I see myself. I am beautiful. I am perfect. I am worth it. I hope you have a good life Veronica. Now please stop trying to ruin mine."
I walked back to the Ghoulies and they all hugged me and I hugged back before Pop walked over and hugged me. I hugged back and then Cheryl walked up to us before I looked at her and she said, "Good job flower."
I smiled and hugged her tightly before Pop said, "Well the judges get to pick now."
I waited and then it was between Veronica and me. A judge said, "Sing one more song each and based on the crowd's reaction to it we'll decide."
Veronica smirked at me and said, "Move aside. Let the REAL winner sing first."
I noticed there was a lot of little girls in the audience and I smiled while Veronica sung her song which of course was a sexual song. When it was my turn, I walked up and asked the little girls, "So do you girls want a Barbie song or a Moana song or a Frozen song?"
They all looked at each other and then they all squealed and yelled, "BARBIE!"
I nodded and walked up to the judges and asked, "Can my friends sing back up for me on this song?"
The judges nodded and I motioned for a couple Ghoulies and they walked up to me and rubbed my stomach smiling. I smiled back before I whispered the name of the song to the girls and they nodded. Then I whispered to my band and back up singers who smiled at me since I was getting the children involved. I started singing the song 'Raise Our Voices' and the girls started dancing with it. I giggled and Veronica glared at me. I ignored her and smiled at the kids before the song ended. Then she stood beside me and said, "That's probably a demon child."
I put a hand on my stomach and said, "It's a baby. Not a demon. A child isn't born spoiled. My child won't be spoiled. Trust me. Well it will be spoiled will love, but that's all. I'm not going to spoil them because then they will think that they are entitled to everything which they are not. You have to work for everything in life."
She glared at me and then the judges said, "The obvious winner is Maya Cooper Lodge."
Veronica yelled, "WHAT?! THIS THING?!"
I said, "Obviously give the girl who has everything the money. Not like I don't need the money because I'm pregnant or anything."
She said, "You should have kept your legs closed."
I looked at her and said, "I didn't know getting raped on the way home from the store was considered opening my legs. I'm so sorry. I'll try to remember that next time."
She looked at me shocked and then she asked, "Who..."
I said, "A Ghoulie, but I don't blame them all for that one Ghoulie's mistake. I found out a week later that he died on an exchange. Karma."
I walked out of Pop's and towards my small little trailer that I can barely afford and sighed. I sat down on the mattress on the floor and covered up with a blanket. I fell asleep slowly and held my stomach.
- Morning -
I woke up early and went to the homeless shelter and took a shower and got ready for the day. Then I went back home and I saw Veronica, Archie, Betty, Jughead, Kevin, Moose, Cheryl, Toni, Josie, Chuck, Reggie, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Jason, Polly, the twins, Fred, Hiram, Hermione, Penelope, Clifford, Alice, Hal, Mayor McCoy, Sheriff Keller and FP waiting for me outside. I ignored them and then Alice said, "Come stay with us."
I looked at her and then I asked, "Why would I do that?"
She said, "I've missed so much of your life. I don't want to miss any more. Plus you're pregnant and you need all the help you can get."
I looked at Nick when he walked up and he said, "It's James and Alex. They're fighting again."
I followed Nick to the twins and I said, "Boys, Stop."
Alex said, "Or what? You'll sing us to death? Or talk us to death?"
I punched him in the face knocking him out in one punch and James said, "Woah. That was kind of hot."
Nick said, "Shut up. She's the leader. You will respect her, man."
James nodded and the Ghoulies looked at me and my stomach. Then I turned around and walked back to my trailer before I saw the group still there. I sat down on FP's lap because I have too much respect to ask him to move. Veronica asked, "What were you gonna use the money for Anyways? Probably drugs."
I said, "A warmer blanket. Maybe a bed. Go ahead and look inside my trailer and see what it looks like."
They all went inside and then they came back out. Veronica looked at me before she said, "I thought Mom and I had nothing when Daddy did what he did, but you literally have almost nothing. How can you live like this?"
I said, "I've been doing it for the past 5 years. I'm fine."
She handed me money and I took it and handed it to Nick and he looked at me before he said, "You need it for your trailer though."
I said, "But you need it for your little brother's chemo treatments more. He's more important than some trailer. A life is more important than a trailer."
He hugged me tightly and then he went to the hospital. I smiled when his little brother Adam ran up to me and said, "Nicky said you helped pay so I can have more medicine to make me feel better."
I smiled at him and said, "Yes. We got to get you in tip top shape. You're one of our best dancers and we need you back man. You have to show these old dogs how it's done."
Then he smiled and hugged me before he he ran away to play with some of his friends. I heard tires screech and then I pulled my gun out and pulled out Ghoulie jackets and handed them to everyone. Except the Serpents who were wearing their jackets. I said, "Put them on. Just for now. Don't ask questions."
They did what I asked and I walked up to where another gang was trying to mess with my boys. I said, "Let him go."
The leader said, "Oh look. They're sending some pregnant bitch out to do their bidding."
I said, "Apparently you didn't hear me."
I cocked my gun and I said, "Let him go or I blow your mother fucking brains out."
He let him go and pulled his gun out before he pointed it at me. He looked at me and then I said, "Oh sweetie, you won't shoot me."
He said, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't."
I whistled and Serpents came out with guns and I said, "Because I'm a girl who's also got Serpents on her side."
He looked past me and saw FP. I smirked and said, "You're an idiot coming here. Every gang knows the Serpents and Ghoulies are now one gang who protects Riverdale and each other."
He gulped and backed up and said, "I'm not scared of some trailer trash bitch."
I asked, "Does the names Hiram Lodge and Alice Cooper ring any bells?"
He paled and said, "Yes. They're both insane and will do anything for power. Why?"
I giggled innocently and said, "Well you see Hiram Lodge is my father and Alice Cooper is my mother. Now alone that's a lot of crazy, but I'm them mixed together. Imagine all that crazy in one person."
He backed up a little more and said, "Boys, let's go. This town is a dump anyways."
I smirked and waved innocently at him, "Bye now."
He left with his guys and then Nick said, "Damn girl. That was crazy weird how innocent you can look."
I said, "I am innocent. I haven't done anything. Plus the gun is just a bebe gun colored to look like a real gun."
He shook his head and said, "You crazy crazy girl."
I giggled and then my band walked up to me. Alex said, "We should practice."
I nodded and then I looked at the group and asked, "You wanna watch?"
They nodded and I lead them toward where the band and I practice. I Ignored the group as I practiced and then a voice said, "Look at the weak little bitch who took over MY Ghoulies."
I looked up and saw Penny holding a gun to Adam's head. I pulled out my gun and said, "Let him go. He's a kid."
She said, "I know that's not a real gun."
I shot her in the leg and she let Adam go and he ran into a house and I said, "Wanna try that again?"
She looked at me and I said, "I'm the leader of a gang and a soon to be mom, I'm going to protect the people I love."
She glared at me and grabbed Jughead and held the gun at his head before I said, "Let him go Penny."
She asked, "Why do you care? He's a Serpent."
I cocked my gun and said, "Last chance Penny. Let him go or the next one goes in your head."
She cocked her gun and was about to pull the trigger until I pulled the trigger first and shot her in the head. Everyone looked at me shocked and I didn't care. I went and checked on Adam before I checked on Jughead. Sheriff Keller said, "You said it was a bebe gun colored to look like a real gun."
I looked at him and said, "And you also think I live in that ratty old trailer. Really?"
I lead them to my REAL trailer and walked into my house and sat in my recliner. I stayed silent and let them look around before I said, "It's not much, but it's home."
Everyone looked at me shocked and then Nick and Adam walked inside and Adam curled up beside me and said, "I'm hungry."
I nodded and then I got up before I started cooking with Nick. Then I gave the group plates and they tried a bite before Hiram said, "This stuff is amazing."
I said, "Thanks. I like to cook and experiment in the kitchen."
They nodded and then Jughead said, "I'll be your guinea pig any time you want."
I said, "Thanks."
I pulled down a cook book and showed it to him. I said, "Pick one and I'll make one tonight."
He nodded and then I said, "Fred, you and Archie are more than welcome to come over tonight too."
Fred said, "Thank you."
Veronica asked, "Should I bring anything tonight?"
I said, "Sorry Veronica. The invitation is for FP, Jughead, Fred and Archie only. Tomorrow night I might have you, Hiram and Hermione over."
She said, "Well Archie isn't coming over tonight."
Archie said, "Yes I am. These recipes are amazing."
I looked at him and said, "Thank you."
Then Jughead said, "Surprise us."
I nodded and then I said, "Alright. Be here at 7."
They nodded before they left.
- Dinner -
I ended up making fried chicken with Mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, peas, green beans and biscuits. I sat between Archie and Adam. Jughead said, "This food is amazing."
I said, "Thank you. It wasn't hard to make."
Then Archie asked, "Do you know what you're having yet?"
I said, "A little boy. Also before you ask I was thinking of the name Paul or Dean. Or maybe Johnathon."
Fred asked, "Why not Johnathon Dean?"
I said, "Perfect."
I smiled and rubbed my stomach before saying, "Johnathon Dean Smith."
FP smiled and said, "I like the name. So why don't you open your own diner?"
I asked, "With what money and staff? Most of my Ghoulies and your Serpents are in school. Or are retired. Or don't have a GED or high school diploma."
He said, "We start off small. I own the White Wyrm, so we can start by making some of these recipes there and trying them out there and seeing how the people react. They'll probably love them."
Fred said, "And I saw some finger foods, so we can talk to the mayor aka Hermione about maybe hosting an event to raise money for a playground for the younger Serpents and Ghoulies and then we try the foods out on the public out that way too."
Archie said, "I'll take some of your food to school and people will definitely be asking about it. Especially when they smell how good it is."
I looked at them and said, "Guys, thank you, but with Veronica as vengeful as she is I won't be able to do anything. Even if we share the same father."
Jughead asked, "What did she text you?"
I said, "That it's my fault her and Archie are arguing and that she hopes my bastard child or I or both of us dies during child birth."
I showed them the text message and Archie took a picture of it and said, "That is just wrong on so many different levels."
I shrugged and said, "She thinks I want you, Archie."
Archie asked, "Don't most girls have a crush on me?"
I laughed and said, "Don't get me wrong, Arch. You're handsome and all, but not my type. Plus I'm seeing somebody right now."
FP kissed me and I kissed back smiling and he kissed my cheek before he said, "We just haven't told anyone except you 5 because we're trying to see where it goes. After all she's pregnant and I'm the leader of one half of the gang and she's the other leader. She's good at not letting her emotions cloud her judgments though."
I smiled at him and said, "Until my baby is born though. Which reminds me, Nick will step in during that time as leader of the Ghoulies. It'll be for 3 months after he's born."
He nodded and then I looked at my phone to see that Veronica posted a picture of FP and me kissing on Instagram. I said, "That little bitch fucking bugged my house."
I whistled and my trained dogs that find devices that don't belong to any of my guests bring it to me. They brought me a phone and I smirked before I kissed FP, Fred, Adam, Nick, Jughead and Archie all on the cheek before posting the pics on Instagram with the caption 'Missing a couple guys, but oh well. Loved eating dinner with with my main 6 men. @JuggieJones @AndrewsArchie @FredAndrews @FPJones @NickMatthews @AdamMatthews Oh and @vlodge is right. I am dating @FPJones. Sorry ladies. #SorryNotSorry' and then then guys all liked the picture and FP kissed my cheek. I giggled.
- 4 Months Later -
I was was in the middle of eating dinner with Nick, Adam, Veronica, Archie, Betty, Jughead, Kevin, Moose, Cheryl, Toni, Josie, Chuck, Reggie, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Jason, Polly, the twins, Fred, Hiram, Hermione, Penelope, Clifford, Alice, Hal, Mayor McCoy, Sheriff Keller and FP when I felt something on my legs and I looked down and I said, "Umm... How long does it take to get to the hospital from here?"
Sheriff Keller said, "About an hour. Why?"
I said, "So if we leave now and let the girls get my stuff up, then we have a chance of me not having my baby in this house? Because my water just broke."
He looked at me and then FP said, "Let's go. Now."
- 28 Hours Later -
I was laying in bed and I looked at my son and said, "You look more like a Liam James than a Johnathon Dean."
Then I signed his name as Liam James instead and smiled softly. I kissed his forehead and then I asked for FP, Jughead, Nick and Adam in there first. Adam loves him and so did Nick. I kissed FP and he kissed the top of my head before he sat beside me on the bed and held Liam.
- 9 Months Later -
I walked into Pops with Liam on my hip and saw Nick, Adam, Veronica, Archie, Betty, Jughead, Kevin, Moose, Cheryl, Toni, Josie, Chuck, Reggie, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Jason, Polly, the twins, Fred, Hiram, Hermione, Penelope, Clifford, Alice, Hal, Mayor McCoy, Sheriff Keller and FP all sitting together. I ignored FP since he cheated on me with Alice 6 months ago and we've been broken up since. Archie and Fred has helped me raise Liam. Liam reached for Fred and said, "Papa."
Fred took him and said, "Hey buddy. I'm not Papa, but that's okay. You can call me 'Papa'."
Then Pop walked up to us and asked, "So does this mean you'll finally sing again, Maya?"
I said, "I don't know, Pop. I haven't sung since Liam was born."
Archie said, "I'll sing with you."
I looked at him and I said, "Fine. Give us 15 minutes."
Pop smiled and nodded before Archie smiled at me. I smiled back and then he said, "So what song?"
I shrugged and then Fred asked, "What's that song you two keep singing around the house when Liam and Maya spend the night?"
I looked away blushing and said, "They're the songs 'Upendi' and 'Love Will Find A Way' and it's only because Liam goes to sleep listening to us sing."
I looked at Archie and he smiled at me before he said, "Sometimes I literally have to FaceTime Maya and we have to sing to get Liam asleep."
I looked at Archie and then he said, "You've got this. You'll be great."
I nodded and looked at everyone. Then I started to get nervous and Archie kissed me to calm me down. I kissed back and then we pulled away before the band started playing the music and I started singing my song 'Swimming In Stars'. He smiled at me as he played the lead guitar for me and I saw everyone looking at me shocked. Then I started singing my song 'Run Free' and we laughed.
- 1 Weeks Later -
I woke up gasping for air again after seeing Nick shot in front of me by a police officer for reaching in the window to check on Liam and Adam. Archie held me close and I cried into his chest. He comforted me and rubbed my back.
- 3 Weeks Later -
I walked into Pops holding Adam's hand with Liam on my hip and saw Veronica, Archie, Betty, Jughead, Kevin, Moose, Cheryl, Toni, Josie, Chuck, Reggie, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Jason, Polly, the twins, Fred, Hiram, Hermione, Penelope, Clifford, Alice, Hal, Mayor McCoy, Sheriff Keller and FP all sitting together. Veronica called my name and I walked over and she asked, "Is it true what everyone is saying? Were you there when that drug dealer got himself killed?"
I said, "No. I was there when that police officer shot my brother when he was checking on my son and our little brother. Also Nick wasn't a drug dealer. He may have been in the past, but that's just it. That's the past. He loved his brother and he loved Liam. He was there for me when I found out I was pregnant and when the Serpents turned me away as soon as they found out the baby was a Ghoulies, he showed me that not all Ghoulies are like the one who raped me. The Serpents didn't even listen to me when I tried to explain that I was raped, but it was fine. I had found a new family with the Ghoulies and then Cheryl found out I was pregnant and of course she wanted to help. That's why she's considered more family than you. Before you try to start stuff, please get your information straight."
Then I lead Adam to another table and put Liam in the high chair. Hiram walked up and sat down beside me before he asked, "How are you?"
I said, "I'm fine. I have two boys I have to raise."
Then he said, "If you..."
I looked at him and said, "Don't. Don't pretend to care. Not now. Why do you think I'm not with Archie?"
- 2 Months Later -
Today is Liam's 1st birthday and there's lots of Ghoulies and a few Serpents. Then Veronica, Archie, Betty, Jughead, Kevin, Moose, Cheryl, Toni, Josie, Chuck, Reggie, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Jason, Polly, the twins, Fred, Hiram, Hermione, Penelope, Clifford, Alice, Hal, Mayor McCoy, Sheriff Keller and FP walked inside and I looked at them. Then Liam walked up to me slowly and held onto my leg. Archie asked, "He's walking now?"
I said, "Yeah."
Archie said, "Wow."
I stayed quiet and then I said, "Cheryl, you and TT can hold your godson. Don't be scared. I told you that any time you or TT wanna hold him, then you can."
Then Archie looked at me before Jughead said, "Wow you gained weight, Violet."
I said, "Yeah. That's what happens when you're an idiot and have two beers while your sons are asleep and your ex boyfriend is over that you still find hot and then you end up having unprotected sex with him while you're not on the pill."
FP looked at me and asked, "You're pregnant?"
I nodded and he said, "Wow. This is... wow."
Toni picked up Liam and held him. I just kept my eyes on Liam and then Adam walked up and said, "Mommy, I'm hungry."
I said, "Okay Baby."
I made him a plate and gave it to him. I smiled and kissed his forehead before I kissed Liam's cheek. Liam smiled at me and then a Ghoulie named Luke walked up and asked, "Can you sing something, My?"
I said, "I can't think of any songs."
The band started playing the music for my song 'Don't Tell Me' and I started singing causing them to look at me shocked. Veronica held onto Archie tightly and I shook my head. I danced around with different guests while singing and even Liam and Adam danced. I smiled and watched them.
- After The Party -
I cleaned up and Betty said, "You're pregnant. Let us handle the clean up."
I asked, "Are you sure?"
She nodded and I hugged her before I sat down beside FP with Liam and Adam on my lap. Then Hiram asked, "Who made this food?"
I said, "I did."
Hiram said, "This is amazing."
Fred said, "She's an amazing cook."
I said, "There's a lot more than just that."
I got up slowly and walked into the kitchen with Adam and Liam on each hip and grabbed all my recipe books and brought them back out and showed them to Hiram. He looked at me and I said, "I like cooking. Plus some of those are from when I was craving with this little guy and actually kept a taste for it. Like the BBQ weenies you're eating? Those are actually BBQ, chocolate and caramel weenies, but you can't taste the chocolate and caramel can you?"
He said, "Wow. These are amazing. You have a natural talent in the kitchen."
I said, "Thank you."
Then the band started playing the music for my song 'Broken And Beautiful'. I smiled and started singing. Adam and Liam started dancing to the music. I joined them while singing and everyone looked at me shocked. I giggled as we danced together.
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