1: Who makes the other hot chocolate?
I feel like he'd do it only because he'd want to show off he could boil milk and not burn it!
2: Who knits the other a seasonal sweater?
Both because you two probably got bored on a snowy day and saw the supplies and thought why not!
3: Who's family hosts a bigger holiday gathering? What's the gathering like for your OTP?
I feel like it all depends on the family! It's usually a switch off from his to yours! The gathering is actually pretty fun you've gotten to meet his mother who completely adores you and his father who thinks you two are an amazing couple. And your family completely awed over him since he was the perfect gentleman, but he always is to you.
4: How would your OTP react to having a snow day?
Reggie would most likely use this as an excuse to hold you more. He'd turn down the heat, and grab one of the thinnest blankets known to demand just so you'll stay closer to his side.
5: Who offers the other one their jacket?
Him no doubt in my mind, that boy loves to see his clothes on you. Seeing you in his oversized clothes makes him so happy.
6: Who makes a snowman that looks like the other member of your OTP, or do they both do this?
You do! You take his varsity jacket and drape it over the snowmanas back to the best of your ability and call it Reggie 2.0!
7: Does your OTP ever have snowball fights?
All depends on the day! Sometimes you'd drag him outside for the purpose of pushing him in the snow plies only to pelt the poor boy with snowballs. Others it's just too cold to move a muscle so you two stay cuddled up on the couch.
8: What gifts would they get each other for the holidays?
Anything your heart desired Reggie would do anything in his power to make it appear within the day. But for him you've asked him countless times and his only response is 'I have you and you're the best gift I could ever have'' you'd still manage to get him a great gift!
9: How do they spend their winter holiday? Do they even celebrate the same holiday?
Mainly with each other's family so no one feels left out of traditions or anything. All depends on the person!
10: What sort of seasonal treats does your OTP like to eat?
Probably gingerbread men, or the usual hot coco. (I don't know about this one since I mainly eat ice cream as a winter treat 😂)
11: How do they spend New Year's Eve?
Probably at the Lodge's place since Veronica has to go all out and throw one of Riverdales biggest new year parties. Having a drink here and there, but nothing too outrageous.
12: Who initiates the New Year's kiss?
Oh him definitely anytime there's an opening to kiss you that boy is all up on it. He loves you and your kisses.
13: Who tries to get a secret gift for the other one for Valentine's Day?
You, because Reggie always go big and bold no matter the occasion. You always try to, but the boy flipping finds out every times and ruins it 😂.
14: Would your OTP take a walk
together in the snow?
Probably, to take in all the scenery because not gonna lie Riverdale in winter time is like a wonderland.
15: Which one gets more excited over the first snow of winter?
Both!!!!! Because like I said Riverdale is so beautiful when it's covered in snow and not secrets. So you both take advantage and go make terrible snow angels or the oh so famous snowman!
Happy Holidays, and or Merry Christmas everyone! I hope it amazing and you all got what you wanted!
By thollands
I saw this on tumblr and thought it was cute! All credit for these questions go to the blog below! As you can tell I'm a fan of Alex 😂
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